Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Social withdrawal and aloneliness in adolescence: examining the implications of too much and not enough solitude,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bowker Gun laws and youth gun carrying: results from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System 2005-2017,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boxer More than risk? Longitudinal changes in friendship support with serious adolescent offenders,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Woolard Longitudinal inter-relations between school cultural socialization and school engagement among urban early adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Political legitimacy and approval of political protest and violence among children and adolescents,1975,4,2,109-125,Funderburk Incidence of depression in early adolescence: A preliminary study,1975,4,4,301-307,Beck Effects of class race sex and educational status on patterns of aggression of lower-class youth,1976,5,1,59-71,Luchterhand Training aggressive adolescents in prosocial behavior,1978,7,1,73-92,Goldstein Depression and suicidal behavior among delinquent females,1981,10,2,159-167,Gibbs The self-image of physically abused adolescents,1982,11,2,71-76,Hjorth Aggression deviance and personality adaptation as antecedents and consequences of alienation and involvement in high school,1982,11,3,261-279,Kulka Depression and suicidal ideation in early adolescents,1982,11,5,403-407,Jacobs The role of the high school professional in identifying and managing adolescent suicidal behavior,1983,12,2,163-173,Klein Predicting violent behavior in psychiatrically hospitalized boys,1984,13,3,225-238,Garrison Parental role in teenage driving,1985,14,2,73-84,Williams Self-concept of adolescent sexual abuse victims,1985,14,5,401-410,Orr Sex differences in the causes of adolescent suicide ideation,1985,14,5,423-434,Murphy Drinking adolescents on the roads,1986,15,2,173-188,DiBlasio Overview of early detection and treatment strategies for suicidal behavior in young people,1988,17,1,1-23,Blumenthal Aggression and delinquency: Family and environmental factors,1988,17,3,233-246,Arthur The onset of suicidal ideation in childhood and adolescence,1989,18,2,175-190,Walker Peer knowledge of and reactions to adolescent suicide,1988,18,5,427-437,Richards A measure of risk taking for young adolescents: reliability and validity assessments,1990,19,6,559-569,Alexander Heavy metal music and reckless behavior among adolescents,1991,20,6,573-592,Arnett A model of parental involvement in adolescent drinking and driving,1992,21,1,35-51,Beck Attachment individuation and risk of suicide in late adolescence,1992,21,3,357-373,de Jong Social psychological factors involved in adolescents' efforts to prevent their friends from driving while intoxicated,1993,22,2,147-169,Jaccard Rural adolescents' perceived personal risks for suicide,1993,22,2,211-217,Greening Evaluating aggression: School students' responses to television portrayals of institutionalized violence,1995,24,1,95-115,Tulloch A survey of parent attitudes and practices regarding underage drinking,1995,24,3,315-334,Beck Recklessness depression and reasons for living in predicting suicidality in college students,1995,24,6,723-729,Range Risk factors related to suicidal behavior among male and female adolescents,1996,25,2,149-160,Vannatta Predicting adolescent risk behavior using a personalized cost-benefit analysis,1996,25,3,343-359,Moore Urban youth as witnesses to violence: Beginning assessment and treatment efforts,1996,25,3,361-377,Weist Assessing the reliability and validity of student self-reports of campus violence,1997,26,2,187-202,Furlong Evaluation of Theft Lying and Fighting in Adolescence ,1997,26,4,467-483,Keltikangas-Jarvinen Adolescent Gender Differences in Suicide-Related Behaviors,1997,26,5,559-568,Vannatta Depression Suicidal Ideation and Substance Use Among Continuation High School Students,1998,27,3,275-299,Chou Risky Drinking and Driving/Riding Decisions: The Role of Previous Experience,1998,27,4,493-511,Jacobs Suicidal Behavior Among Homeless and Runaway Adolescents,1998,27,6,753-771,Yoder Reexamining Adolescent Suicidal Ideation: A Developmental Perspective Applied to a Diverse Population,1999,28,1,121-138,Fishman Heavy Metal Music and Adolescent Suicidal Risk,2001,30,3,321-332,Lacourse School-Related Stress Experience as a Risk Factor for Bullying Behavior,2001,30,5,561-575,Natvig Suicide Attempts and Self-Image Among Turkish Adolescents,2001,30,5,641-651,Cetin Coping Alone: Examining the Prospects of Adolescent Victims of Child Abuse Placed in Foster Care,2002,31,1,57-66,Browne A Study of the Frequency of Self-Mutilation in a Community Sample of Adolescents,2002,31,1,67-77,Ross Relationship of the Family Environment to Children's Involvement in Bully/Victim Problems at School,2002,31,6,419-428,Van Oost Verbal and Physical Abuse Toward Mothers: The Role of Family Configuration Environment and Coping Strategies,2003,32,3,215-222,Tremblay The Nature and Predictors of Sexual Victimization and Offending Among Adolescents,2003,32,6,465-477,Maxwell Psychological Distress Following Suicidality Among Gay Lesbian and Bisexual Youths: Role of Social Relationships,2005,34,2,149-161,Hunter Normative Beliefs and Relational Aggression: An Investigation of the Cognitive Bases of Adolescent Aggressive Behavior,2005,34,3,229-243,Werner Nonsuicidal Self-Harm Among Community Adolescents: Understanding the "Whats" and "Whys" of Self-Harm,2005,34,5,447-457,Laye-Gindhu The Analysis of Extracurricular Activities and Their Relationship to Youth Violence,2005,34,5,483-492,Linville Adolescent Risk: The Co-Occurrence of Illness Suicidality and Substance Use,2005,34,6,547-557,Husler Vulnerability to Friends' Suicide Influence: The Moderating Effects of Gender and Adolescent Depression,2006,35,3,454-464,Liu The association between interparental conflict and youth anxiety: a three-level meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Predictors of Receiving Counseling in a National Sample of Youth: the Relative Influence of Symptoms Victimization Exposure Parent-Child Conflict and Delinquency,2007,36,7,861-876,Finkelhor Parent Relationships Emotion Regulation Psychosocial Maturity and College Student Alcohol Use Problems,2007,36,7,912-926,Forthun Longitudinal Effects of a Universal Family-Focused Intervention on Growth Patterns of Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms and Polysubstance Use: Gender Comparisons,2007,36,6,725-740,Trudeau Psychosocial Factors Contributing to Adolescent Suicidal Ideation,2007,36,6,775-786,Hui Associations Among Empathy Social Competence and Reactive/Proactive Aggression Subtypes,2007,36,6,787-798,Espelage Compounded Risk: The Implications for Delinquency of Coming From a Poor Family That Lives in a Poor Community,2007,36,5,593-605,Hay The Tangled Web: Delinquency Deception and Parental Attachment,2007,36,5,607-622,Warr The Role of Peer Contacts in the Relationship Between Parental Knowledge and Adolescents' Externalizing Behaviors: A Latent Growth Curve Modeling Approach,2007,36,5,623-634,Dekovic Violent Victimization Aggression and Parent-Adolescent Relations: Quality Parenting As a Buffer for Violently Victimized Youth,2007,36,5,635-647,Cookston The Relative Importance of Mothers' and Youths' Neighborhood Perceptions for Youth Alcohol Use and Delinquency,2007,36,5,649-659,Miller Differential Parental Treatment Sibling Relationships and Delinquency in Adolescence,2007,36,5,661-671,Scholte Parenting and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Moroccan Immigrant Youth in the Netherlands,2007,36,5,685-695,Stevens Athletic Involvement and Adolescent Delinquency,2007,36,5,711-723,Miller The Ethnicity of Adolescent Research,2007,36,4,375-389,Levesque Parenting Behaviors Association With Deviant Peers and Delinquency in African American Adolescents: A Mediated-Moderation Model,2007,36,4,517-527,Bowman Parental Cultural Affiliation and Youth Mental Health Service Use,2007,36,4,529-542,McCabe A Rationale and Method for Examining Reasons for Linkages Among Adolescent Risk Behaviors,2007,36,3,279-289,Busseri Two Sides of the Same Coin? The Relations Between Prosocial and Physically Aggressive Behaviors,2007,36,3,337-349,McGinley The Influence of Pubertal Timing on Alcohol Use and Heavy Drinking Trajectories,2007,36,2,153-167,Ge Effects of Student Participation and Teacher Support on Victimization in Israeli Schools: An Examination of Gender Culture and School Type,2007,36,2,225-240,Benbenishty The Personal Fable and Risk-Taking in Early Adolescence,2007,36,1,71-76,Alberts Psychopathological Development Across Adolescence,2007,36,1,101-110,Rutter Do Academic and Social Goals Predict Planned Alcohol Use Among College-Bound High School Graduates?,2006,35,6,913-923,Maggs First-Year College Student Affect and Alcohol Use: Paradoxical Within- and Between-Person Associations,2006,35,6,925-937,Maggs Measuring Alcohol Expectancies in Youth,2006,35,6,939-948,Miller Epistemic Reasoning and Adolescent Egocentrism: Relations to Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Problem Youth,2006,35,6,999-1014,Beaudoin The Impact of Timing of Exposure to Violence on Violent Behavior in a High Poverty Sample of Inner City African American Youth,2006,35,5,681-692,Spano High School Drinker Typologies Predict Alcohol Involvement and Psychosocial Adjustment During Acclimation to College,2006,35,5,741-754,Hussong Impulsivity in Juvenile Delinquency: Differences Among Early-Onset Late-Onset and Non-Offenders,2006,35,4,519-529,Houghton The significance of reciprocal and unilateral friendships for peer victimization in adolescence,2009,38,1,89-100,Scholte Individual characteristics and the multiple contexts of adolescent bullying: an ecological perspective,2009,38,1,101-121,Post School engagement among urban adolescents of color: does perception of social support and neighborhood safety really matter?,2009,38,1,63-74,Daly A school-level analysis of adolescent extracurricular activity delinquency and depression: the importance of situational context,2009,38,1,51-62,Guest Adolescents' mental health outcomes according to different types of exposure to ongoing terror attacks,2009,38,6,850-862,Ponjaert-Kristoffersen Adolescents' experiences of sexual assault by peers: prevalence and nature of victimization occurring within and outside of school,2009,38,8,1072-1083,Young Family transitions and later delinquency and drug use,2009,38,3,466-480,Lizotte Cross-gender violence perpetration and victimization among early adolescents and associations with attitudes toward dating conflict,2009,38,3,429-439,Windle The role of violent media preference in cumulative developmental risk for violence and general aggression,2009,38,3,417-428,O'Brien The impact of neighborhood disadvantage and exposure to violence on self-report of antisocial behavior among girls in the juvenile justice system,2009,38,3,401-416,Chauhan A prospective examination of the path from child abuse and neglect to illicit drug use in middle adulthood: the potential mediating role of four risk factors,2009,38,3,340-354,Widom Living in partner-violent families: developmental links to antisocial behavior and relationship violence,2009,38,3,323-339,Smith Understanding the relationship between onset age and subsequent offending during adolescence,2009,38,3,301-311,Brame Childhood and adolescent predictors of late onset criminal careers,2009,38,3,287-300,Farrington Exposure to violence in adolescence and precocious role exits,2009,38,3,269-286,Piquero LGB and questioning students in schools: the moderating effects of homophobic bullying and school climate on negative outcomes,2009,38,7,989-1000,Espelage Relationships between discretionary time activities emotional experiences delinquency and depressive symptoms among urban African American adolescents,2009,38,4,587-601,Richards "It must be me": ethnic diversity and attributions for peer victimization in middle school,2009,38,4,487-499,Juvonen Understanding the association between maltreatment history and adolescent risk behavior by examining popularity motivations and peer group control,2009,38,9,1253-1263,Wolfe Parental Suicidality as a Risk Factor for Delinquency Among Hispanic Youth,2010,39,3,315-325,Canino Seek Help from Teachers or Fight Back? Student Perceptions of Teachers' Actions during Conflicts and Responses to Peer Victimization,2010,39,6,658-669,Hinshaw Adolescent Risk Behavior Subgroups: An Empirical Assessment,2010,39,5,541-562,Sullivan Preventing Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Adolescents: The Signs of Self-Injury Program,2010,39,3,306-314,Muehlenkamp The Role of Cognitive Distortion in the Relationship Between Abuse Assault and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury,2010,39,3,281-290,Esposito-Smythers The Moderating Effects of Parenting Styles on African-American and Caucasian Children's Suicidal Behaviors,2010,39,4,357-369,Greening A Multiple Mediational Test of the Relationship Between Childhood Maltreatment and Non-suicidal Self-Injury,2010,39,4,335-342,Noll Parental Incarceration and Multiple Risk Experiences: Effects on Family Dynamics and Children's Delinquency,2010,39,12,1471-1484,Aaron Invited Commentary: Understanding Brain Mechanisms of Pain Processing in Adolescents' Non-Suicidal Self-Injury,2010,39,4,327-334,Pao Characteristics and Co-occurrence of Adolescent Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Behaviours in Pediatric Emergency Crisis Services,2010,39,3,259-269,Muehlenkamp The Influence of Romantic Attachment and Intimate Partner Violence on Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Young Adults,2010,39,5,474-483,Cloutier Perceived Dimensions of Parenting and Non-suicidal Self-injury in Young Adults,2010,39,5,484-494,Martin Discrimination and Mexican-Origin Adolescents' Adjustment: The Moderating Roles of Adolescents' Mothers' and Fathers' Cultural Orientations and Values,2011,40,2,125-139,Roosa An Examination of Prepartying and Drinking Game Playing During High School and Their Impact on Alcohol-Related Risk Upon Entrance into College,2010,39,9,999-1011,LaBrie The Relative Influence of Different Domains of Social Connectedness on Self-Directed Violence in Adolescence,2010,39,5,460-473,Crosby Differences in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicide Attempts in Adolescents,2010,39,3,233-242,Gutierrez One-Year Follow-Up of Suicidal Adolescents: Parental History of Mental Health Problems and Time to Post-Hospitalization Attempt,2010,39,3,219-232,King Effects of Alcohol on Trajectories of Physical Aggression Among Urban Youth: An Application of Latent Trajectory Modeling,2010,39,9,1012-1026,Komro The Impact of Multiple Types of Child Maltreatment on Subsequent Risk Behaviors Among Women During the Transition from Adolescence to Young Adulthood,2010,39,5,528-540,Hahm The Longitudinal Consistency of Mother-Child Reporting Discrepancies of Parental Monitoring and Their Ability to Predict Child Delinquent Behaviors Two Years Later,2010,39,12,1417-1430,Kliewer Special Issue Introduction: The Place of Self-Harm in Adolescent Development,2010,39,3,217-218,Levesque 'Bad' Boys and 'Sad' Girls? Examining Internalizing and Externalizing Effects on Parasuicides Among Youth,2010,39,5,495-503,Roberts More than a just a game: video game and internet use during emerging adulthood,2010,39,2,103-113,Carroll Bullying Victimization and Adolescent Self-Harm: Testing Hypotheses from General Strain Theory,2010,39,5,446-459,Hay Bullying and victimization among adolescents: the role of ethnicity and ethnic composition of school class,2010,39,1,1-11,Scholte How Much Detail Needs to be Elucidated in Self-Harm Research?,2010,39,5,504-513,Jones Violent Victimization and Perpetration During Adolescence: Developmental Stage Dependent Ecological Models,2010,39,9,1053-1066,Needham Youth engagement and suicide risk: testing a mediated model in a Canadian community sample,2010,39,3,243-258,Busseri "I Got Your Back": Friends' Understandings Regarding College Student Spring Break Behavior,2011,40,1,108-120,Maggs Parents' Self-efficacy Beliefs and Their Children's Psychosocial Adaptation During Adolescence,2011,40,3,320-331,Caprara Influences of Neighborhood Context Individual History and Parenting Behavior on Recidivism Among Juvenile Offenders,2010,39,9,1067-1079,Harris Contextual Stress and Health Risk Behaviors Among African American Adolescents,2011,40,2,158-173,Ialongo Exposure to community violence and adolescents' internalizing behaviors among African American and Asian American adolescents,2010,39,4,403-413,Chen Suicidal ideation and distress among immigrant adolescents: the role of acculturation life stress and social support,2010,39,4,370-379,Cho Exposure to Community Violence and Protective and Risky Contexts Among Low Income Urban African American Adolescents: A Prospective Study,2011,40,2,174-186,Richards Is Sensation Seeking a Stable Trait or Does it Change Over Time?,2011,40,1,48-58,Graber Sexual Orientation Parental Support and Health During the Transition to Young Adulthood,2010,39,10,1189-1198,Needham Bullying and depressive symptomatology among low-income African-American youth,2010,39,6,634-645,Fitzpatrick The structure of male adolescent peer networks and risk for intimate partner violence perpetration: findings from a national sample,2010,39,6,620-633,Casey Involvement in internet aggression during early adolescence,2010,39,6,607-619,Rock Intentional Self Regulation in Middle Adolescence: The Emerging Role of Loss-based Selection in Positive Youth Development,2010,39,7,764-782,von Eye The Roles of Mothers' Neighborhood Perceptions and Specific Monitoring Strategies in Youths' Problem Behavior,2011,40,3,347-360,Grube Social Support and Low-Income Urban Mothers: Longitudinal Associations with Adolescent Delinquency,2010,39,9,1097-1108,Roche The Effects of Pathological Gaming on Aggressive Behavior,2011,40,1,38-47,Peter When Biased Language Use is Associated With Bullying and Dominance Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Prejudice,2010,39,10,1123-1133,Poteat Exploring gender-specific trends in underage drinking across adolescent age groups and measures of drinking: is girls' drinking catching up with boys'?,2010,39,8,911-926,Zhong Clueless or powerful? Identifying subtypes of bullies in adolescence,2010,39,9,1041-1052,Scholte Running Away From Home: A Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Risk Factors and Young Adult Outcomes,2011,40,5,507-518,Ellickson Restrictive Emotionality Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among High School Students,2011,40,6,656-665,Gould Traditional and Cyber Aggressors and Victims: A Comparison of Psychosocial Characteristics,2011,40,4,392-404,Graber Sleep in Mexican-American Adolescents: Social Ecological and Well-Being Correlates,2011,40,6,666-679,Kim Social Connections Trajectories of Hopelessness and Serious Violence in Impoverished Urban Youth,2011,40,3,278-295,Sieving Mutual Best Friendship Involvement Best Friends' Rejection Sensitivity and Psychological Maladaptation,2011,40,5,545-555,Bowker Patterns of Aggressive Behavior and Peer Victimization from Childhood to Early Adolescence: A Latent Class Analysis,2011,40,6,644-655,Jenson The Longitudinal Relationships Between Rural Adolescents' Prosocial Behaviors and Young Adult Substance Use,2011,40,9,1192-1202,Carlo Staying Cool Across the First Year of Middle School,2011,40,7,776-785,Bellmore Parent-Child Relations and Offending During Young Adulthood,2011,40,7,786-799,Giordano Sleep and Delinquency: Does the Amount of Sleep Matter?,2011,40,7,916-930,Anderson A Dyadic Approach to Understanding the Relationship of Maternal Knowledge of Youths' Activities to Youths' Problem Behavior Among Rural Adolescents,2011,40,9,1178-1191,Feinberg The Role of Religiosity in the Relationship Between Parents Peers and Adolescent Risky Sexual Behavior,2011,40,3,296-309,Simons Risky Lifestyle as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Deviant Peer Affiliation and Dating Violence Victimization Among Adolescent Girls,2011,40,7,814-824,Tremblay Adolescent Sexual Activity and the Development of Delinquent Behavior: The Role of Relationship Context,2011,40,7,825-838,Harden Other-Sex Friendships in Late Adolescence: Risky Associations for Substance Use and Sexual Debut?,2011,40,7,875-888,Cillessen The Role of Peer Stress and Pubertal Timing on Symptoms of Psychopathology During Early Adolescence,2011,40,10,1371-1382,Graber Video Games and Youth Violence: A Prospective Analysis in Adolescents,2011,40,4,377-391,Ferguson Pathways to Sexual Risk Taking Among Female Adolescent Detainees,2011,40,8,945-957,Gillmore Examining the Influence of Family Environments on Youth Violence: A Comparison of Mexican Puerto Rican Cuban Non-Latino Black and Non-Latino White Adolescents,2011,40,8,1039-1051,Caldwell Who is Likely to Help and Hurt? Profiles of African American Adolescents with Prosocial and Aggressive Behavior,2011,40,8,1012-1024,Belgrave The Developmental Pathway from Pubertal Timing to Delinquency and Sexual Activity from Early to Late Adolescence,2011,40,10,1343-1356,Susman Adolescents' suicidal thinking and reluctance to consult general medical practitioners,2010,39,4,343-356,Deane Posttraumatic stress as a mediator of the relationship between trauma and mental health problems among juvenile delinquents,2009,38,9,1214-1225,Kerig Emotional distress among LGBT youth: the influence of perceived discrimination based on sexual orientation,2009,38,7,1001-1014,Azrael Dimensions of Adolescent Psychopathology and Relationships to Suicide Risk Indicators,2011,40,8,958-971,Verona Longitudinal Associations of Alcohol Involvement with Subjective Well-Being in Adolescence and Prediction to Alcohol Problems in Early Adulthood,2011,40,9,1215-1224,Mason Social Anxiety and Aggression in Early Adolescents: Examining the Moderating Roles of Empathic Concern and Perspective Taking,2011,40,11,1534-1543,Loukas The Role of Deliberative Decision Making Parenting and Friends in Adolescent Risk Behaviors,2011,40,12,1607-1622,Crockett Specifying Type and Location of Peer Victimization in a National Sample of Children and Youth,2011,40,8,1052-1067,Finkelhor Gender Differences in the Longitudinal Impact of Exposure to Violence on Mental Health in Urban Youth,2011,40,12,1674-1690,Milan Efficacy of an Intervention to Reduce the Use of Media Violence and Aggression: An Experimental Evaluation with Adolescents in Germany,2012,41,2,105-120,Krahé The daily social and emotional worlds of adolescents who are psychologically maltreated by their romantic partners,2008,37,3,310-323,Zimmer-Gembeck Friendship and adjustment: a focus on mixed-grade friendships,2010,39,11,1318-1329,Bowker Early adolescents' social standing in peer groups: behavioral correlates of stability and change,2009,38,8,1084-1095,Lansford It's a Two-Way Street: The Bidirectional Relationship Between Parenting and Delinquency,2012,41,2,121-145,Gault-Sherman Delinquent Behavior of Dutch Rural Adolescents,2011,40,9,1132-1146,Weenink The Effect of Pubertal and Psychosocial Timing on Adolescents' Alcohol Use: What Role Does Alcohol-Specific Parenting Play?,2011,40,10,1302-1314,Knibbe Daily identity dynamics in adolescence shaping identity in emerging adulthood: an 11-year longitudinal study on continuity in development,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Branje The Influence of Individual and Partner Characteristics on the Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence in Young Adult Relationships,2007,37,3,284-296,Herrera How Much Does School Matter? An Examination of Adolescent Dating Violence Perpetration,2007,37,3,266-283,Schnurr Defining a Moment in History: Parent Communication with Adolescents About September 11 2001,2011,40,12,1691-1704,Syvertsen Middle School Aggression and Subsequent Intimate Partner Physical Violence,2011,35,5,693-703,Wilson-Simmons Dating violence and sexual harassment across the bully-victim continuum among middle and high school students,2007,36,6,799-811,Espelage School Disengagement as a Predictor of Dropout Delinquency and Problem Substance Use During Adolescence and Early Adulthood,2012,41,2,156-166,Henry Is Educational Achievement a Turning Point for Incarcerated Delinquents Across Race and Sex?,2012,41,2,202-216,Piquero Early Adolescent Peer Ecologies in Rural Communities: Bullying in Schools That Do and Do not Have a Transition During the Middle Grades,2011,40,9,1106-1117,Farmer Acculturative Stress Perceived Discrimination and Vulnerability to Suicide Attempts Among Emerging Adults,2011,40,11,1465-1476,Miranda Inductive Discipline Parental Expression of Disappointed Expectations and Moral Identity in Adolescence,2012,41,8,973-983,Gibbs Predictors of Asian American Adolescents' Suicide Attempts: A Latent Class Regression Analysis,2011,40,11,1453-1464,Wong Parent-Child Acculturation Discrepancy Perceived Parental Knowledge Peer Deviance and Adolescent Delinquency in Chinese Immigrant Families,2012,41,7,907-919,Chen Social Networks of Homeless Youth in Emerging Adulthood,2011,41,5,561-571,Golinelli Moderating Effects of Aggression on the Associations Between Social Withdrawal Subtypes and Peer Difficulties During Early Adolescence,2012,41,8,995-1007,Bowker Weight-Based Victimization Among Adolescents in the School Setting: Emotional Reactions and Coping Behaviors,2012,41,1,27-40,Puhl Protective Predictors of Alcohol Use Trajectories Among Canadian Aboriginal Youth,2012,41,2,229-243,Rawana Gender-related Risk and Protective Factors for Depressive Symptoms and Disordered Eating in Adolescence: A 4-year Longitudinal Study,2011,41,5,607-622,Senra The Role of Empowerment in Youth Development: A Study of Sociopolitical Control as Mediator of Ecological Systems' Influence on Developmental Outcomes,2011,41,5,623-635,Peterson Associations Between Fifth Graders' Gender Atypical Problem Behavior and Peer Relationships: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study,2012,41,8,1022-1034,Kochenderfer-Ladd Beyond Participation: The Association Between School Extracurricular Activities and Involvement in Violence Across Generations of Immigration,2011,41,3,362-378,Peterson Too Much of a Good Thing? How Breadth of Extracurricular Participation Relates to School-Related Affect and Academic Outcomes During Adolescence,2012,41,3,379-389,Graham Associations Between Violent Video Gaming Empathic Concern and Prosocial Behavior Toward Strangers Friends and Family Members,2012,41,5,636-649,Coyne Investigating Friendship Quality: An Exploration of Self-Control and Social Control Theories' Friendship Hypotheses,2012,41,11,1526-1540,Krohn The Stress Response and Adolescents' Adjustment: The Impact of Child Maltreatment,2012,41,8,1067-1077,Mayes The Effect of Corporal Punishment and Verbal Abuse on Delinquency: Mediating Mechanisms,2012,41,8,1095-1110,Simons Parent and Peer Pathways to Adolescent Delinquency: Variations by Ethnicity and Neighborhood Context,2012,41,8,1078-1094,Russell Religiosity Profiles of American Youth in Relation to Substance Use Violence and Delinquency,2012,41,12,1560-1575,Vaughn Associations Between Suicidal High School Students' Help-Seeking and Their Attitudes and Perceptions of Social Environment,2012,41,10,1312-1324,Tu Developmental Alcohol-Specific Parenting Profiles in Adolescence and their Relationships with Adolescents' Alcohol Use,2012,41,11,1502-1511,van den Eijnden Stressors in Multiple Life-Domains and the Risk for Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors Among African Americans During Emerging Adulthood,2012,41,12,1600-1612,Zimmerman Social Competence in Late Elementary School: Relationships to Parenting and Neighborhood Context,2012,41,12,1613-1627,Elliott Longitudinal associations of electronic aggression and victimization with social standing during adolescence,2013,42,6,891-904,Kelly Dyadic variability in mother-adolescent interactions: developmental trajectories and associations with psychosocial functioning,2013,42,1,96-108,Meeus The mediating roles of stress and maladaptive behaviors on self-harm and suicide attempts among runaway and homeless youth,2013,42,7,1015-1027,Stein Music taste groups and problem behavior,2007,36,3,313-324,Vollebergh The role of peer group aggression in predicting adolescent dating violence and relationship quality,2013,42,4,487-499,Ellis Goal setting and self-efficacy among delinquent at-risk and not at-risk adolescents,2013,42,3,431-443,Haynes Not worth the fuss after all? Cross-sectional and prospective data on violent video game influences on aggression visuospatial cognition and mathematics ability in a sample of youth,2013,42,1,109-122,Ferguson Gender-specific relationships between depressive symptoms marijuana use parental communication and risky sexual behavior in adolescence,2013,42,8,1194-1209,Mermelstein Predicting homophobic behavior among heterosexual youth: domain general and sexual orientation-specific factors at the individual and contextual level,2013,42,3,351-362,Digiovanni A longitudinal path analysis of peer victimization threat appraisals to the self and aggression anxiety and depression among urban African American adolescents,2013,42,2,178-189,Kliewer Individual and family predictors of the perpetration of dating violence and victimization in late adolescence,2013,42,4,536-550,Bierman Associations of neighborhood and family factors with trajectories of physical and social aggression during adolescence,2013,42,6,861-877,Foshee The association between forms of aggression leadership and social status among urban youth,2013,42,2,263-274,Leff Examining associations between race urbanicity and patterns of bullying involvement,2013,42,2,206-219,Bradshaw The role of the school environment in relational aggression and victimization,2013,42,2,235-249,Gorman-Smith Strategies to address weight-based victimization: youths' preferred support interventions from classmates teachers and parents,2013,42,3,315-327,Puhl The longitudinal relationship between peer violence and popularity and delinquency in adolescent boys: examining effects by family functioning,2013,42,11,1651-1660,Tolan Individual and contextual factors associated with patterns of aggression and peer victimization during middle school,2013,42,2,285-302,Farrell Substance Use as a Longitudinal Predictor of the Perpetration of Teen Dating Violence,2013,42,4,596-606,Stuart Is cyberbullying worse than traditional bullying? Examining the differential roles of medium publicity and anonymity for the perceived severity of bullying,2013,42,5,739-750,Perren Bullies gangs drugs and school: understanding the overlap and the role of ethnicity and urbanicity,2013,42,2,220-234,Bradshaw Sexual dating aggression across grades 8 through 12: timing and predictors of onset,2013,42,4,581-595,Foshee Correlates and outcomes associated with aggression and victimization among elementary-school children in a low-income urban context,2013,42,2,190-205,Cillessen Family relationships and adolescent well-being: are families equally protective for same-sex attracted youth?,2013,42,3,376-393,Pearson Predictors of latent trajectory classes of physical dating violence victimization,2013,42,4,566-580,Foshee A comparison of adolescents engaging in self-injurious behaviors with and without suicidal intent: self-reported experiences of adverse life events and trauma symptoms,2013,42,8,1257-1272,Lundh Does adolescent bullying distinguish between male offending trajectories in late middle age?,2013,42,3,444-453,Farrington Attributes that differentiate children who sip alcohol from abstinent peers,2013,42,11,1687-1695,Ennett Trajectories of physical dating violence from middle to high school: Association with relationship quality and acceptability of aggression,2013,42,4,551-565,Orpinas The perpetration of intimate partner violence among LGBTQ college youth: the role of minority stress,2013,42,11,1721-1731,Edwards Mapping developmental precursors of cyber-aggression: trajectories of risk predict perpetration and victimization,2013,42,5,651-661,Modecki Daily school peer victimization experiences among Mexican-American adolescents: associations with psychosocial physical and school adjustment,2013,42,12,1775-1788,Fuligni Neighborhood family and individual influences on school physical victimization,2013,42,10,1596-1610,Brooks-Gunn Parental knowledge and youth risky behavior: a person oriented approach,2013,42,11,1732-1744,Greenberg Gender differences in the effects of parental underestimation of youths' secondary exposure to community violence,2013,42,10,1512-1527,Zimmerman Psychological symptoms linking exposure to community violence and academic functioning in African American adolescents,2013,42,2,250-262,Lambert Physical aggression spreading of rumors and social prominence in early adolescence: reciprocal effects supporting gender similarities?,2013,42,12,1801-1810,Juvonen Social Influences on Cyberbullying Behaviors Among Middle and High School Students,2013,42,5,711-722,Patchin Sexual minority-related victimization as a mediator of mental health disparities in sexual minority youth: a longitudinal analysis,2013,42,3,394-402,Friedman The association between cyber victimization and subsequent cyber aggression: the moderating effect of peer rejection,2013,42,5,662-674,Li An adolescent victimization immigrant paradox? School-based routines lifestyles and victimization across immigration generations,2013,42,11,1759-1773,Peguero Longitudinal disparities of hazardous drinking between sexual minority and heterosexual individuals from adolescence to young adulthood,2014,43,1,30-39,Friedman Adolescent neglect juvenile delinquency and the risk of recidivism,2013,42,3,454-465,Courtney Adolescent caffeine consumption and self-reported violence and conduct disorder,2013,42,7,1053-1062,Sigfusdottir The interplay between interpersonal stress and psychological intimate partner violence over time for young at-risk couples,2013,42,4,619-632,Kim A longitudinal study of the reciprocal effects of alcohol use and interpersonal violence among Australian young people,2013,42,12,1811-1823,Toumbourou The impact of collective efficacy on risks for adolescents' perpetration of dating violence,2013,42,4,518-535,Schnurr Cyber bullying and physical bullying in adolescent suicide: the role of violent behavior and substance use,2013,42,5,675-684,Brausch The peer context and the development of the perpetration of adolescent dating violence,2013,42,4,471-486,Foshee Individual and contextual predictors of cyberbullying: the influence of children's provictim attitudes and teachers' ability to intervene,2013,42,5,698-710,Salmivalli Non-suicidal self-injury and depressive symptoms during middle adolescence: a longitudinal analysis,2013,42,8,1234-1242,Tilton-Weaver Beyond correlates: a review of risk and protective factors for adolescent dating violence perpetration,2013,42,4,633-649,Rothman Dating violence bullying and sexual harassment: longitudinal profiles and transitions over time,2013,42,4,607-618,Gibbs Age and the explanation of crime revisited,2013,42,6,921-938,Steinberg The rate of cyber dating abuse among teens and how it relates to other forms of teen dating violence,2013,42,7,1063-1077,Zweig The role of exposure to self-injury among peers in predicting later self-injury,2013,42,10,1543-1556,Hasking Understanding adolescent and family influences on intimate partner psychological violence during emerging adulthood and adulthood,2013,42,4,500-517,Lohman Does one size fit all? Ethnic differences in parenting behaviors and motivations for adolescent engagement in cyberbullying,2013,42,5,723-738,Shapka The role of social networks in physical and relational aggression among young adolescents,2013,42,7,1078-1089,Espelage Cyber bullying and internalizing difficulties: above and beyond the impact of traditional forms of bullying,2013,42,5,685-697,Hymel Erratum to: Mapping developmental precursors of cyber-aggression: trajectories of risk predict perpetration and victimization,2013,42,9,1493,Modecki Adolescents' social status goals: relationships to social status insecurity aggression and prosocial behavior,2014,43,1,146-160,Li Toward a conceptual model of motive and self-control in cyber-aggression: rage revenge reward and recreation,2013,42,5,751-771,Runions Bidirectional influences between dimensions of coparenting and adolescent adjustment,2014,43,2,257-269,McHale Demolishing the competition: the longitudinal link between competitive video games competitive gambling and aggression,2013,42,7,1090-1104,Willoughby Peer influences on moral disengagement in late childhood and early adolescence,2014,43,2,193-207,Gini Emotion regulation difficulties youth-adult relationships and suicide attempts among high school students in underserved communities,2013,42,6,807-820,Gould The potential role of meaning in life in the relationship between bullying victimization and suicidal ideation,2014,43,2,221-232,Chen Physiologic responses to racial rejection images among young adults from African-American backgrounds,2009,38,2,164-174,Kiang Social exclusion: the interplay of group goals and individual characteristics,2014,43,8,1281-1294,Killen Are family meals as good for youth as we think they are? 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The changing economic status of the young,1973,2,2,125-132,Kalachek The belief systems of protesting college students,1973,2,2,103-123,Blumenthal Like father like son: Imprisonment of fathers and the psychological adjustment of sons,1973,2,4,303-312,Moerk Protecting children from their families and themselves: State laws and the constitution,1972,1,1,91-111,Burt The "impulsivity index": Its application to juvenile delinquency,1972,1,2,179-196,Marohn The covariates of parent and youth reporting differences on youth secondary exposure to community violence,2014,43,9,1576-1593,Zimmerman Exposure to violence predicting cortisol response during adolescence and early adulthood: Understanding moderating factors,2014,43,7,1066-1079,Miller Extracurricular activity availability and participation and substance use among American Indian adolescents,2014,43,3,454-469,Jones Family obligation values and family assistance behaviors: protective and risk factors for Mexican-American adolescents' substance use,2014,43,2,270-283,Fuligni Psychological distress and student engagement as mediators of the relationship between peer victimization and achievement in middle school youth,2014,43,1,40-52,Gesten Beyond the deficit model: bullying and trajectories of character virtues in adolescence,2014,43,6,991-1003,Lerner From the school yard to the squad car: school discipline truancy and arrest,2014,43,7,1110-1122,Cauffman Cross-gender social normative effects for violence in middle school: Do girls carry a social multiplier effect for at-risk boys?,2014,43,9,1465-1485,Perry Profiles of problematic behaviors across adolescence: Covariations with indicators of positive youth development,2014,43,6,971-990,Lerner Risk behaviors and negative health outcomes for adolescents with late bedtimes,2014,44,2,478-488,Harvey Resilience and vulnerability in adolescents: genetic influences on differential response to risk for delinquency,2014,43,7,1080-1095,Sullivan Social Norms in the Development of Adolescent Substance Use: A Longitudinal Analysis of the International Youth Development Study,2014,43,9,1486-1497,Eisenberg Spanking and Children's Externalizing Behavior Across the First Decade of Life: Evidence for Transactional Processes,2014,44,3,658-669,Brooks-Gunn Non-suicidal self-injury and firesetting: shared and unique correlates among school-based adolescents,2014,44,4,964-978,Hasking Sex differences in the developmental trajectories of impulse control and sensation-seeking from early adolescence to early adulthood,2014,44,1,1-17,Steinberg Peer influence and context: the interdependence of friendship groups schoolmates and network density in predicting substance use,2014,43,9,1436-1452,Sullivan Effectiveness of a theoretically-based judgment and decision making intervention for adolescents,2014,44,5,1024-1038,Flynn A social network approach to the interplay between adolescents' bullying and likeability over time,2014,43,9,1409-1420,Veenstra The mystique of first intercourse among college youth: the role of partners contraceptive practices and psychological reactions,1992,21,1,97-117,Davidson A biopsychosocial model of body image concerns and disordered eating in early adolescent girls,2014,43,5,814-823,McLean Processes linking parents' and adolescents' religiousness and adolescent substance use: monitoring and self-control,2014,43,5,745-756,McCullough Relational victimization loneliness and depressive symptoms: indirect associations via self and peer reports of rejection sensitivity,2014,43,4,568-582,Zimmer-Gembeck The impact of media-related cognitions on children's substance use outcomes in the context of parental and peer substance use,2014,43,5,717-728,Kupersmidt Empathy and involvement in bullying in children and adolescents: a systematic review,2014,44,3,637-657,Cillessen The impact of sleep duration on adolescent development: a genetically informed analysis of identical twin pairs,2014,44,2,489-506,Barnes Relationships between familial HIV/AIDS and symptoms of anxiety and depression: the mediating effect of bullying victimization in a prospective sample of South African children and adolescents,2014,44,4,847-859,Cluver A prospective study of the potential moderating role of social support in preventing marginalization among individuals exposed to bullying and abuse in junior high school,2014,43,10,1642-1657,Wentzel-Larsen Cyber aggression within adolescents' romantic relationships: linkages to parental and partner attachment,2014,44,1,37-47,Wright Mexican american adolescents' sleep patterns: contextual correlates and implications for health and adjustment in young adulthood,2014,44,2,346-361,Umaña-Taylor Multi-method assessments of sleep over the transition to college and the associations with depression and anxiety symptoms,2014,44,2,389-404,Doane The effects of age gender hopelessness and exposure to violence on sleep disorder symptoms and daytime sleepiness among adolescents in impoverished neighborhoods,2014,44,2,518-542,Bolland Adolescent civic engagement and adult outcomes: an examination among urban racial minorities,2014,43,11,1829-1843,Ou Developmental trajectories and predictors of externalizing behavior: a comparison of girls and boys,2014,43,5,775-789,Kröner-Herwig Longitudinal relations between adolescent and parental behaviors parental knowledge and internalizing behaviors among urban adolescents,2014,44,4,819-832,Sullivan The Effects of Ethnic/Racial Discrimination and Sleep Quality on Depressive Symptoms and Self-Esteem Trajectories Among Diverse Adolescents,2014,44,2,419-430,Yip Trajectories of substance use among young American Indian adolescents: patterns and predictors,2014,43,3,437-453,Asdigian Values and depressive symptoms in American Indian youth of the Northern Plains: examining the potential moderating roles of outcome expectancies and perceived community values,2014,43,3,426-436,Mousseau Parent-child discrepancies in reports of parental monitoring and their relationship to adolescent alcohol-related behaviors,2014,44,9,1688-1701,Barnett Invited commentary: Promotion and prevention in youth development: two sides of the same coin?,2014,43,6,1004-1007,Brooks-Gunn On the 4-H study of positive youth development,2014,43,6,1008-1011,Hamilton A test of the vulnerability-stress model with brooding and reflection to explain depressive symptoms in adolescence,2014,44,4,860-869,Padilla Paredes Divergence between adolescent and parental perceptions of conflict in relationship to adolescent empathy development,2014,44,1,48-61,van Lier Subjective social status immigrant generation and cannabis and alcohol use among adolescents,2014,43,7,1163-1175,Mann Prosocial behavior as a protective factor for children's peer victimization,2014,43,7,1052-1065,Griese Rumination and overgeneral autobiographical memory in adolescents: an integration of cognitive vulnerabilities to depression,2014,44,4,806-818,Alloy Integrating Beck's cognitive model and the response style theory in an adolescent sample,2014,44,1,195-210,Pössel Concurrent and prospective analyses of peer television and social media influences on body dissatisfaction eating disorder symptoms and life satisfaction in adolescent girls,2014,43,1,1-14,Ferguson At-risk depressive symptoms and alcohol use trajectories in adolescence: a person-centred analysis of co-occurrence,2014,44,4,793-805,Willoughby Compliance with parents' rules: between-person and within-person predictions,2014,43,2,245-256,Laird The age-IPV curve: changes in the perpetration of intimate partner violence during adolescence and young adulthood,2014,44,3,708-726,Giordano Short-term prospective effects of homophobic victimization on the mental health of heterosexual adolescents,2014,43,8,1240-1251,Poteat Why and when is ethnic harassment a risk for immigrant adolescents' school adjustment? Understanding the processes and conditions,2014,43,8,1252-1265,Stattin Effects of perceived support from mothers fathers and teachers on depressive symptoms during the transition to middle school,2014,43,4,655-670,Chen Attachment security to mothers and fathers and the developmental trajectories of depressive symptoms in adolescence: which parent for which trajectory?,2014,43,4,641-654,Duchesne Concurrent trajectories of change in adolescent and maternal depressive symptoms in the TORDIA study,2014,43,4,612-628,Esposito-Smythers Mediating effects of parent-child relationships and body image in the prediction of internalizing symptoms in urban youth,2014,43,4,554-567,Grant The development of adolescents' internalizing behavior: longitudinal effects of maternal sensitivity and child inhibition,2014,43,4,528-540,van Ijzendoorn Do academically-engaged adolescents experience social sanctions from the peer group?,2013,42,9,1319-1330,Kelly Examining multiracial youth in context: ethnic identity development and mental health outcomes,2014,43,10,1688-1699,Fisher Predictors of sexual coercion and alcohol use among female juvenile offenders,2014,44,1,114-126,Yeater Does age of onset of risk behaviors mediate the relationship between child abuse and neglect and outcomes in middle adulthood?,2014,44,3,670-682,Widom Peer influences on internalizing and externalizing problems among adolescents: a longitudinal social network analysis,2014,44,4,887-897,van Geel A systematic review of online youth mental health promotion and prevention interventions,2014,44,1,90-113,Barry Developmental trajectories of prejudice and tolerance toward immigrants from early to late adolescence,2014,43,10,1658-1671,Kerr Corporal punishment: normative data and sociological and psychological correlates in a community college population,1982,11,2,77-87,Bryan Linking community parenting and depressive symptom trajectories: testing resilience models of adolescent agency based on race/ethnicity and gender,2014,43,9,1563-1575,Merten Friendship networks and achievement goals: an examination of selection and influence processes and variations by gender,2014,43,9,1453-1464,Shin Trait rumination depression and executive functions in early adolescence,2014,44,1,18-36,Alloy A longitudinal study of somatic complaints in urban adolescents: the role of internalizing psychopathology and somatic anxiety,2014,43,5,834-845,Ruchkin The role of goal representations cultural identity and dispositional optimism in the depressive experiences of American Indian youth from a Northern Plains tribe,2014,43,3,329-342,Scott Experiences of racism racial/ethnic attitudes motivated fairness and mental health outcomes among primary and secondary school students,2014,43,10,1672-1687,Priest Weight-related teasing in the school environment: associations with psychosocial health and weight control practices among adolescent boys and girls,2014,43,10,1770-1780,Eisenberg Comparison of 12-year-old children with prenatal exposure to cocaine and non-exposed controls on caregiver ratings of executive function,2014,43,1,53-69,Minnes Best friends' discussions of social dilemmas,2014,43,2,233-244,Malti Peer rejection affiliation with deviant peers delinquency and risky sexual behavior,2014,43,10,1742-1751,Dodge Unhealthy sleep practices conduct problems and daytime functioning during adolescence,2014,44,2,431-446,Lin Ecological context concentrated disadvantage and youth reoffending: identifying the social mechanisms in a sample of serious adolescent offenders,2014,43,10,1781-1799,Chassin Moral identity and adolescent prosocial and antisocial behaviors: interactions with moral disengagement and self-regulation,2014,44,8,1542-1554,Hardy Trajectories of depressive symptoms from adolescence to young adulthood: the role of self-esteem and body-related predictors,2014,43,4,597-611,Rawana The development of moral emotions and decision-making from adolescence to early adulthood: a 6-year longitudinal study,2014,43,4,583-596,Malti Parallel mediation effects by sleep on the parental warmth-problem behavior links: evidence from national probability samples of Georgian and Swiss adolescents,2014,44,2,331-345,Vazsonyi Self-rated pubertal development depressive symptoms and delinquency: measurement issues and moderation by gender and maltreatment,2008,37,6,736-746,Negriff Sleepless in Fairfax: the difference one more hour of sleep can make for teen hopelessness suicidal ideation and substance use,2014,44,2,362-378,Vorona Peer status and aggression as predictors of dating popularity in adolescence,2014,44,3,683-695,Mayeux Links between sibling experiences and romantic competence from adolescence through young adulthood,2014,44,11,2054-2066,McHale Biological stress regulation in female adolescents: a key role for confiding,2014,44,5,1066-1077,Sbarra Stressful life events and the perpetration of adolescent dating abuse,2014,44,3,696-707,Foshee Adolescents' electronic media use at night sleep disturbance and depressive symptoms in the smartphone age,2014,44,2,405-418,Brand Compliance from kindergarten to college: A speculative research note,1972,1,3,233-249,Tapp Involving youth in program decision-making: how common and what might it do for youth?,2014,43,11,1844-1860,Cortina Exposure to violence social cognitive processing and sleep problems in urban adolescents,2014,44,2,507-517,Kliewer Bicultural stress identity formation and alcohol expectancies and misuse in Hispanic adolescents: a developmental approach,2014,43,12,2054-2068,Baezconde-Garbanati Sleep Problems Across Development: A Pathway to Adolescent Risk Taking Through Working Memory,2014,44,2,447-464,Cauffman Direct and indirect effects of neighborhood characteristics on the perpetration of dating violence across adolescence,2014,44,3,727-744,Foshee Longitudinal relationships between individual and class norms supporting dating violence and perpetration of dating violence,2014,44,3,745-760,Farrell Factors that influence trajectories of delinquency throughout adolescence,2014,45,1,156-171,Simons Exploring associations between exposure to sexy online self-presentations and adolescents' sexual attitudes and behavior,2014,44,5,1078-1091,Peter Developmental differences in early adolescent aggression: a gene × environment × intervention analysis,2014,44,3,581-597,Feinberg Emotional and physiological desensitization to real-life and movie violence,2014,44,5,1092-1108,Mrug Are adolescents' mutually hostile interactions at home reproduced in other everyday life contexts?,2014,44,3,598-615,Stattin Family obligation values as a protective and vulnerability factor among low-income adolescent girls,2014,44,6,1183-1193,Milan Divergent School Trajectories in Early Adolescence in the United States and China: An Examination of Underlying Mechanisms,2014,44,11,2095-2109,Qu Parent-adolescent conflict as sequences of reciprocal negative emotion: links with conflict resolution and adolescents' behavior problems,2014,44,8,1607-1622,Gershoff Befriending risky peers: factors driving adolescents' selection of friends with similar marijuana use,2014,44,10,1914-1928,Tucker Predicting Children's Depressive Symptoms from Community and Individual Risk Factors,2008,37,7,830-846,Truss Marijuana use from middle to high school: co-occurring problem behaviors teacher-rated academic skills and sixth-grade predictors,2014,44,10,1929-1940,Orpinas Stress and Resource Pathways Connecting Early Socioeconomic Adversity to Young Adults' Physical Health Risk,2014,44,5,1109-1124,Kwon Prospective relationships between sleep problems and substance use internalizing and externalizing problems,2014,44,2,379-388,van der Vorst The role of the residential neighborhood in linking youths' family poverty trajectory to decreased feelings of safety at school,2014,44,6,1194-1207,Barnett Organized activities during high school and adjustment one year post high school: identifying social mediators,2014,44,8,1638-1651,Poulin Intergroup contact is related to evaluations of interracial peer exclusion in African American students,2014,44,6,1226-1240,Killen Effects of after-school programs with at-risk youth on attendance and externalizing behaviors: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,44,3,616-636,Vaughn Family functioning and high risk adolescents' aggressive behavior: examining effects by ethnicity,2014,45,1,145-155,Tolan Coping skills help explain how future-oriented adolescents accrue greater well-being over time,2014,44,11,2028-2041,Milfont Digital game playing and direct and indirect aggression in early adolescence: the roles of age social intelligence and parent-child communication,2007,36,3,325-336,Rimpelä Discrepancies in Perceptions of Close Relationships of Young Adolescents: A Risk for Psychopathology?,2014,44,4,910-921,Meeus Maternal care maltreatment and callous-unemotional traits among urban male juvenile offenders,2013,42,2,165-177,Kimonis Change in parent- and child-reported internalizing and externalizing behaviors among substance abusing runaways: the effects of family and individual treatments,2013,42,7,980-993,Slesnick The reasons behind early adolescents' responses to peer victimization,2013,42,2,275-284,Bellmore The Physiological Expression of Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods for Youth,2013,42,6,792-806,Zimmerman The protective effects of parental monitoring and internet restriction on adolescents' risk of online harassment,2014,44,5,1039-1047,Romer Not just black and white: peer victimization and the intersectionality of school diversity and race,2014,44,6,1241-1250,Fisher Daily diary reports of social connection objective sleep and the cortisol awakening response during adolescents' first year of college,2014,44,2,298-316,Doane Advancing a biopsychosocial and contextual model of sleep in adolescence: a review and introduction to the special issue,2015,44,2,239-270,Langberg Prospective effects of family cohesion on alcohol-related problems in adolescence: similarities and differences by race/ethnicity,2015,44,10,1941-1953,Russell The social values of aggressive-prosocial youth,2015,44,12,2245-2256,McDonald Can brief alcohol interventions for youth also address concurrent illicit drug use? Results from a meta-analysis,2015,44,5,1011-1023,Lipsey Locus of control orientation: parents peers and place,2015,44,9,1803-1818,Ahlin Friendships fighting prejudice: a longitudinal perspective on adolescents' cross-group friendships with immigrants,2015,44,6,1318-1331,Brenick Individual psychological factors and complex interpersonal conditions that predict LGBT-affirming behavior,2015,44,8,1494-1507,Poteat The highs that bind: school context social status and marijuana use,2015,44,5,1153-1164,Carson An investigation of short-term longitudinal associations between social anxiety and victimization and perpetration of traditional bullying and cyberbullying,2015,45,2,328-339,Vandebosch Clarifying the associations between age at menarche and adolescent emotional and behavioral problems,2015,44,4,922-939,D'Onofrio Deficits in emotional clarity and vulnerability to peer victimization and internalizing symptoms among early adolescents,2015,45,1,183-194,Alloy Heterosexual romantic involvement and depressive symptoms in black adolescent girls: effects of menarche and perceived social support,2015,44,4,940-951,Jackson Adolescent disclosure of information about peers: the mediating role of perceptions of parents' right to know,2015,44,5,1048-1065,Brown Externalizing symptoms moderate associations among interpersonal skills parenting and depressive symptoms in adolescents seeking mental health treatment,2015,44,4,952-963,Wilson Autonomic dysfunction: a possible pathophysiological pathway underlying the association between sleep and obesity in children at-risk for obesity,2014,44,2,285-297,Jarrin The impact of future expectations on adolescent sexual risk behavior,2013,44,1,170-183,Kershaw Visible school security measures and student academic performance attendance and postsecondary aspirations,2015,45,1,195-210,Tanner-Smith The effects of Moms and Teens for Safe Dates: a dating abuse prevention program for adolescents exposed to domestic violence,2015,44,5,995-1010,Moracco Risk and protective factors for sexual and dating violence victimization: a longitudinal prospective study of Latino and African American adolescents,2015,44,6,1288-1300,Hokoda Gender role attitudes and male adolescent dating violence perpetration: normative beliefs as moderators,2015,45,2,350-360,Foshee Peer victimization and DRD4 genotype influence problem behaviors in young children,2015,44,8,1478-1493,DiLalla Sibling relationships and adolescent adjustment: longitudinal associations in two-parent African American families,2015,44,11,2042-2053,McHale The role of self-control and early adolescents' friendships in the development of externalizing behavior: the SNARE study,2015,45,9,1800-1811,Moffitt Patterns of time use among low-income urban minority adolescents and associations with academic outcomes and problem behaviors,2015,44,6,1208-1225,Aber Sexual (minority) trajectories mental health and alcohol use: a longitudinal study of youth as they transition to adulthood,2015,44,8,1508-1527,Pasley Longitudinal reciprocal relationships between discrimination and ethnic affect or depressive symptoms among Chinese American adolescents,2015,44,11,2110-2121,Kim Why and how to promote adolescents' prosocial behaviors: direct mediated and moderated effects of the CEPIDEA school-based program,2015,44,12,2211-2229,Caprara Understanding the link between pubertal timing in girls and the development of depressive symptoms: the role of sexual harassment,2015,45,2,316-327,Stattin Predicting depressive symptoms and weight from adolescence to adulthood: stressors and the role of protective factors,2015,44,11,2122-2140,Carter The expression of genetic risk for aggressive and non-aggressive antisocial behavior is moderated by peer group norms,2015,44,7,1379-1395,Boivin Aggressive and prosocial? Examining latent profiles of behavior social status machiavellianism and empathy,2015,44,12,2230-2244,Berger Religiousness and levels of hazardous alcohol use: a latent profile analysis,2015,44,10,1968-1983,Zamboanga The developmental relationship between depressive symptoms in adolescence and harmful drinking in emerging adulthood: the role of peers and parents,2015,44,9,1752-1766,Heron Different slopes for different folks: genetic influences on growth in delinquent peer association and delinquency during adolescence,2015,44,7,1413-1427,Beaver Child welfare and the transition to adulthood: investigating placement status and subsequent arrests,2015,45,1,172-182,Perron Externalizing problem behavior in adolescence: dopaminergic genes in interaction with peer acceptance and rejection,2015,44,7,1441-1456,Van den Noortgate Stability and change in adjustment profiles among Chinese American adolescents: the role of parenting,2015,44,9,1735-1751,Kim Gender differences in the effect of depressive symptoms on prospective alcohol expectancies coping motives and alcohol outcomes in the first year of college,2015,44,10,1884-1897,Barnett Does playing sports video games predict increased involvement in real-life sports over several years among older adolescents and emerging adults?,2015,45,2,391-401,Willoughby Bystander action in situations of dating and sexual aggression: a mixed methodological study of high school youth,2015,44,12,2321-2336,Edwards Chronic generalized harassment during college: influences on alcohol and drug use,2015,44,10,1898-1913,Liu Structure matters: the role of clique hierarchy in the relationship between adolescent social status and aggression and prosociality,2015,44,12,2257-2274,Vollebergh Emotional health of lesbian gay bisexual and questioning bullies: does it differ from straight bullies?,2015,45,1,105-116,Eisenberg Pathways to youth empowerment and community connectedness: a study of youth-adult partnership in Malaysian after-school co-curricular programs,2015,45,8,1638-1651,Zeldin With or without you? Contextualizing the impact of romantic relationship breakup on crime among serious adolescent offenders,2015,45,1,54-72,Piquero Understanding the association between school climate and future orientation,2015,45,8,1575-1586,Bradshaw Understanding how mindful parenting may be linked to mother-adolescent communication,2015,44,9,1663-1673,Greenberg Parental knowledge is a contextual amplifier of associations of pubertal maturation and substance use,2015,44,9,1720-1734,Jackson From family violence to dating violence: testing a dual pathway model,2015,44,9,1819-1835,Windle Why can't i be more like my brother? The role and correlates of sibling social comparison orientation,2015,44,11,2067-2078,Padilla-Walker Delay discounting mediates parent-adolescent relationship quality and risky sexual behavior for low self-control adolescents,2015,44,9,1674-1687,Kahn Adolescent body image distortion: a consideration of immigrant generational status immigrant concentration sex and body dissatisfaction,2015,44,11,2154-2171,Jack Parental Involvement Across Middle and High School: Exploring Contributions of Individual and Neighborhood Characteristics,2015,44,9,1702-1719,Bhargava The Role of Immigrant Concentration Within and Beyond Residential Neighborhoods in Adolescent Alcohol Use,2015,45,1,17-34,Krivo Prosocial bystander behavior in bullying dynamics: assessing the impact of social capital,2015,44,12,2289-2307,Smokowski Model minority stereotyping perceived discrimination and adjustment among adolescents from Asian American backgrounds,2015,45,7,1366-1379,Witkow Developmental trajectories of youth character: a five-wave longitudinal study of cub scouts and non-scout boys,2015,44,12,2359-2373,Lerner How do my friends matter? Examining Latino adolescents' friendships school belonging and academic achievement,2015,45,6,1110-1125,Simpkins Ethnic discrimination acculturative stress and family conflict as predictors of depressive symptoms and cigarette smoking among Latina/o youth: the mediating role of perceived stress,2015,44,10,1984-1997,Unger Differential susceptibility: the genetic moderation of peer pressure on alcohol use,2015,44,10,1841-1853,Feinberg Bully victimization: selection and influence within adolescent friendship networks and cliques,2015,45,1,132-144,Cillessen Moral disengagement anticipated social outcomes and adolescents' alcohol use: parallel latent growth curve analyses,2015,44,10,1854-1870,Bussey Nice guys and gals finish last? Not in early adolescence when empathic accepted and popular peers are desirable,2015,44,12,2275-2288,Bellmore Victim reports of bystander reactions to in-person and online peer harassment: a national survey of adolescents,2015,44,12,2308-2320,Jones Religious identity religious participation and psychological well-being in Asian American adolescents,2015,45,3,532-546,Kiang Behavioral correlates of prioritizing popularity in adolescence,2015,45,12,2444-2454,Cillessen Loneliness and attitudes toward aloneness in adolescence: a person-centered approach,2015,45,3,547-567,Van den Noortgate Racial socialization racial identity and academic attitudes among African American adolescents: examining the moderating influence of parent-adolescent communication,2015,45,6,1141-1155,McLoyd The influence of conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits on academic development among youth,2015,45,6,1245-1260,Aber Procedural justice in family conflict resolution and deviant peer group involvement among adolescents: The mediating influence of peer conflict,2008,37,6,674-684,Brank Bi-directional effects of peer relationships and adolescent substance use: a longitudinal study,2015,45,8,1652-1663,McDonough Incarceration in the household: academic outcomes of adolescents with an incarcerated household member,2012,41,11,1455-1471,Loper Disentangling the role of psychopathic traits and externalizing behaviour in predicting conduct problems from childhood to adolescence,2012,41,11,1397-1408,Lopez-Romero Juveniles at risk: a plea for preventive justice (editorial),2012,41,12,1702-1704,Progar Who are truant youth? Examining distinctive profiles of truant youth using latent profile analysis,2012,41,12,1671-1684,Vaughn Parent-adolescent relationship quality as a moderator for the influences of parents' religiousness on adolescents' religiousness and adjustment,2012,41,12,1576-1587,McCullough The relationship of impulsivity-inattention and verbal ability to overt and covert antisocial behaviors in children,2012,41,8,984-994,Snyder Adolescents with learning disabilities: socioemotional and behavioral functioning and attachment relationships with fathers mothers and teachers,2012,41,10,1294-1311,Al-Yagon A longitudinal evaluation of the Positive Action program in a low-income racially diverse rural county: effects on self-esteem school hassles aggression and internalizing symptoms,2015,44,12,2337-2358,Guo Relational aggression victimization and self-concept: testing pathways from middle childhood to adolescence,2015,45,2,376-390,Ostrov The relationship between immigrant school composition classmate support and involvement in physical fighting and bullying among adolescent immigrants and non-immigrants in 11 countries,2015,45,1,1-16,Molcho Up in smoke: neighborhood contexts of marijuana use from adolescence through young adulthood,2015,45,1,35-53,Warner Youth's perceptions of parental support and parental knowledge as moderators of the association between youth-probation officer relationship and probation non-compliance,2015,46,7,1452-1471,Vidal Perceived peer delinquency and externalizing behavior among rural youth: the role of descriptive norms and internalizing symptoms,2015,45,3,520-531,Smokowski Perspective taking explains gender differences in late adolescents' attitudes toward disadvantaged groups,2015,45,7,1283-1293,Graber Online self-presentation on facebook and self development during the college transition,2015,45,2,402-416,Yang The temporal association between traditional and cyber dating abuse among adolescents,2015,45,2,340-349,Stuart Sex differences in sources of resilience and vulnerability to risk for delinquency,2015,45,4,730-745,Newsome Peer influence peer status and prosocial behavior: an experimental investigation of peer socialization of adolescents' intentions to volunteer,2015,44,12,2197-2210,Prinstein Romantic relationship experiences from late adolescence to young adulthood: the role of older siblings in Mexican-origin families,2015,45,5,900-915,Umaña-Taylor The longitudinal associations between discrimination depressive symptoms and prosocial behaviors in U.S. latino/a recent immigrant adolescents,2015,45,3,457-470,Zamboanga Sports participation and juvenile delinquency: a meta-analytic review,2015,45,4,655-671,Van Vugt Loneliness stress and social support in young adulthood: does the source of support matter?,2015,45,3,568-580,Goldstein Direct aggression and generalized anxiety in adolescence: heterogeneity in development and intra-individual change,2015,45,2,361-375,Meeus Relationship quality buffers association between co-rumination and depressive symptoms among first year college students,2015,45,3,484-493,Telzer Victimization and biological stress responses in urban adolescents: emotion regulation as a moderator,2015,45,9,1812-1823,Kliewer Basic psychological need satisfaction emotion dysregulation and non-suicidal self-injury engagement in young adults: an application of self-determination theory,2015,45,3,612-623,Heath The health impact of upward mobility: does socioeconomic attainment make youth more vulnerable to stressful circumstances?,2015,45,2,271-285,Lee Maternal emotion regulation and adolescent behaviors: the mediating role of family functioning and parenting,2015,45,11,2321-2335,Ghazarian The effectiveness of an intervention to promote awareness and reduce online risk behavior in early adolescence,2015,45,2,286-300,Bogaerts Maltreatment child welfare and recidivism in a sample of deep-end crossover youth,2015,45,4,625-654,Piquero The impact of asynchronous pubertal development on depressive symptoms in adolescence and emerging adulthood among females,2015,45,3,494-504,Hammen Non-residential father-child involvement interparental conflict and mental health of children following divorce: a person-focused approach,2015,45,3,581-593,Tein Trivariate modeling of interparental conflict and adolescent emotional security: an examination of mother-father-child dynamics,2015,45,11,2336-2352,Cummings Dual trajectories of gang affiliation and delinquent peer association during adolescence: an examination of long-term offending outcomes,2016,45,4,746-762,Krohn Family resources as protective factors for low-income youth exposed to community violence,2016,45,7,1309-1322,Cornelius Disparities in depressive symptoms between heterosexual and lesbian gay and bisexual youth in a Dutch cohort: the TRAILS Study,2016,45,3,440-456,Veenstra Inequality in black and white high school students' perceptions of school support: an examination of race in context,2016,45,6,1176-1191,Bradshaw Shared risk factors for the perpetration of physical dating violence bullying and sexual harassment among adolescents exposed to domestic violence,2016,45,4,672-686,Moracco Race ethnicity and adolescent violent victimization,2016,45,7,1497-1511,Tillyer Skin conductance level reactivity moderates the association between parental psychological control and relational aggression in emerging adulthood,2016,45,4,687-700,Abaied Effectiveness of parent-child mediation in improving family functioning and reducing adolescent problem behavior: results from a pilot randomized controlled trial,2016,46,3,505-515,Tucker Wanting to see people like me? Racial and gender diversity in popular adolescent television,2016,45,7,1426-1437,Bleakley Authoritative school climate and high school student risk behavior: a cross-sectional multi-level analysis of student self-reports,2016,45,11,2246-2259,Cornell Promoting youth agency through dimensions of gay-straight alliance involvement and conditions that maximize associations,2016,45,7,1438-1451,Poteat Etiological influences on perceptions of parenting: a longitudinal multi-informant twin study,2016,45,12,2387-2405,Eley Self-control assessments and implications for predicting adolescent offending,2016,45,4,701-712,Steinberg How mental health interviews conducted alone in the presence of an adult a child or both affects adolescents' reporting of psychological symptoms and risky behaviors,2016,46,2,417-428,Medina-Mora Perceived discrimination peer influence and sexual behaviors in Mexican American preadolescents,2016,45,5,928-944,Hamilton The relationship between family functioning and adolescent depressive symptoms: the role of emotional clarity,2016,45,3,505-519,Alloy Depressed mood during early to middle adolescence: a bi-national longitudinal study of the unique impact of family conflict,2016,45,8,1604-1613,Patton Romantic relationship patterns from adolescence to emerging adulthood: associations with family and peer experiences in early adolescence,2016,45,5,945-958,Poulin Perceived ethnic discrimination by teachers and ethnic minority students' academic futility: can parents prepare their youth for better or for worse?,2016,45,6,1075-1089,Eccles Loneliness and ethnic composition of the school class: a nationally random sample of adolescents,2016,45,7,1350-1365,Holstein Chronic and acute relational risk factors for dating aggression in adolescence and young adulthood,2016,45,4,763-776,Furman The promotive and protective effects of family factors in the context of peer and community risks for aggression,2016,45,4,793-811,Farrell Promotive and corrosive factors in African American students' math beliefs and achievement,2016,45,6,1208-1225,Malanchuk Interaction of biological stress recovery and cognitive vulnerability for depression in adolescence,2016,46,1,91-103,Alloy Targeted victimization: exploring linear and curvilinear associations between social network prestige and victimization,2016,45,9,1772-1785,Updegraff A preliminary application of social cognitive theory to nonsuicidal self-injury,2016,45,8,1560-1574,Hasking Dimensions of peer sexual harassment victimization and depressive symptoms in adolescence: a longitudinal cross-lagged study in a Swedish sample,2016,45,5,858-873,Gadin Parenting profiles and adolescent dating relationship abuse: attitudes and experiences,2016,45,5,959-972,Mumford From Violence in the Home to Physical Dating Violence Victimization: The Mediating Role of Psychological Distress in a Prospective Study of Female Adolescents,2016,45,4,777-792,Cascardi The geography of normative climates: an application to adolescent substance use,2016,45,8,1587-1603,Warner Monoamine oxidase a (MAOA) and catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) gene polymorphisms interact with maternal parenting in association with adolescent reactive aggression but not proactive aggression: evidence of differential susceptibility,2016,45,4,812-829,Zhang Family structure maternal dating and sexual debut: extending the conceptualization of instability,2016,45,5,1003-1019,de Coster Participation in organized activities protects against adolescents' risky substance use even beyond development in conscientiousness,2016,45,11,2292-2306,Barber Evaluating the psychological concomitants of other-sex crush experiences during early adolescence,2016,45,5,846-857,Bowker Gender differences in the factors explaining risky behavior online,2016,45,5,973-985,Mesch Parents peers perceived risk of harm and the neighborhood: contextualizing key influences on adolescent substance use,2016,46,1,228-247,Zimmerman Transactional links between teacher-student relationships and adolescent rule-breaking behavior and behavioral school engagement: moderating role of a dopaminergic genetic profile score,2016,45,6,1226-1244,Van den Noortgate Social risk factors of black and white adolescents' substance use: the differential role of siblings and best friends,2016,45,7,1482-1496,Rowan Keeping quiet just wouldn't be right: children's and adolescents' evaluations of challenges to peer relational and physical aggression,2016,45,9,1824-1835,Killen Adolescents' loneliness and depression associated with friendship experiences and well-being: a person-centered approach,2016,46,2,429-441,Bijttebier Gender moderation of the intergenerational transmission and stability of depressive symptoms from early adolescence to early adulthood,2016,46,1,248-260,Mason Sailing uncharted waters: adolescent personality development and social relationship experiences during a year abroad,2016,45,11,2307-2320,Neyer Status differences in target-specific prosocial behavior and aggression,2016,45,9,1836-1848,Closson Adolescent loneliness and social skills: agreement and discrepancies between self- meta- and peer-evaluations,2016,45,12,2406-2416,Verhagen Paternal monitoring: the relationship between online and in-person solicitation and youth outcomes,2016,46,2,288-299,Hessel Does mindset intervention predict students' daily experience in classrooms? A comparison of seventh and ninth graders' trajectories,2016,46,3,582-602,Schmidt Long-term effects of the family check-up in public secondary school on diagnosed major depressive disorder in adulthood,2016,46,3,570-581,Dishion Partner violence during adolescence and young adulthood: individual and relationship level risk factors,2016,45,9,1849-1861,Furman Developmental growth trajectories of self-esteem in adolescence: associations with child neglect and drug use and abuse in young adulthood,2016,46,1,151-164,Zeichner Advancing understanding of acculturation for adolescents of Asian immigrants: person-oriented analysis of acculturation strategy among Korean American youth,2016,45,7,1380-1395,Hahm Exposure to violence in the community predicts friendships with academically disengaged peers during middle adolescence,2016,45,9,1786-1799,Kelly The dark side of internet use: two longitudinal studies of excessive internet use depressive symptoms school burnout and engagement among Finnish early and late adolescents,2016,46,2,343-357,Salmela-Aro The impact of African American parents' racial discrimination experiences and perceived neighborhood cohesion on their racial socialization practices,2016,45,7,1338-1349,Lambert The role of sleep in the relationship between victimization and externalizing problems in adolescents,2016,45,9,1744-1754,Kliewer The mobility of youth in the justice system: implications for recidivism,2016,46,7,1371-1393,Baglivio Supportive romantic relationships as predictors of resilience against early adolescent maternal negativity,2016,46,2,454-465,Allen The protective role of friendship quality on the wellbeing of adolescents victimized by peers,2016,45,9,1877-1888,Berger Promoting a positive middle school transition: a randomized-controlled treatment study examining self-concept and self-esteem,2016,46,3,558-569,Jimerson Discrepancies between perceptions of the parent-adolescent relationship and early adolescent depressive symptoms: an illustration of polynomial regression analysis,2016,45,10,2049-2063,Branje Caregiver and adolescent discrepancies in perceptions of violence and their associations with early adolescent aggression,2016,45,10,2125-2137,Cheng Evaluation of yoga for preventing adolescent substance use risk factors in a middle school setting: a preliminary group-randomized controlled trial,2016,46,3,603-632,Butzer Parent-adolescent conflict in African American families,2016,45,10,2080-2093,McHale For better or worse: friendship choices and peer victimization among ethnically diverse youth in the first year of middle school,2016,45,9,1862-1876,Graham Longitudinal associations between parental monitoring discrepancy and delinquency: an application of the latent congruency model,2016,45,12,2369-2386,Vazsonyi Money lending practices and adolescent dating relationship abuse: results from a national sample,2016,45,9,1902-1916,Mumford Parent-youth differences in familism values from adolescence into young adulthood: developmental course and links with parent-youth conflict,2016,45,12,2417-2430,Umaña-Taylor Warm and supportive parenting can discourage offspring's civic engagement in the transition to adulthood,2016,45,11,2197-2217,Salmela-Aro Adverse childhood experiences and suicide attempts: the mediating influence of personality development and problem behaviors,2016,45,8,1527-1545,Piquero Agreement in youth-parent perceptions of parenting behaviors: a case for testing measurement invariance in reporter discrepancy research,2016,45,10,2094-2107,Weems Congruence and incongruence in adolescents' and parents' perceptions of the family: using response surface analysis to examine links with adolescents' psychological adjustment,2016,45,10,2022-2035,Chen The association between callous-unemotional traits externalizing problems and gender in predicting cognitive and affective morality judgments in adolescence,2016,45,9,1917-1930,Meesters Indirect effects of attributional style for positive events on depressive symptoms through self-esteem during early adolescence,2016,46,4,701-708,Rueger Youth's initiations of civic and political discussions in class: do youth's perceptions of teachers' behaviors matter and why?,2016,45,11,2233-2245,Stattin Risk and outcomes: are adolescents charged with sex offenses different from other adolescent offenders?,2016,46,7,1394-1423,Mulvey A variable-centered and person-centered evaluation of emotion regulation and distress tolerance: links to emotional and behavioral concerns,2016,46,1,136-150,Flory Traditional masculinity during the middle school transition: associations with depressive symptoms and academic engagement,2016,46,4,709-724,Martin The mediating effects of emotion regulation and dyadic coping on the relationship between romantic attachment and non-suicidal self-injury,2016,46,2,277-287,Lafontaine Peer cybervictimization among adolescents and the associated internalizing and externalizing problems: a meta-analysis,2016,45,9,1727-1743,Gardella Perceived discrimination and Mexican-origin young adults' sleep duration and variability: the moderating role of cultural orientations,2016,46,8,1851-1861,Umaña-Taylor Family financial stress and adolescent sexual risk-taking: the role of self-regulation,2016,46,1,45-62,Dyer Considering friends within the context of peers in school for the development of ethnic/racial identity,2016,46,2,300-316,Yip The role of online communication in long-term cyberbullying involvement among girls and boys,2016,45,9,1931-1945,Festl Cortisol stress response variability in early adolescence: attachment affect and sex,2016,46,1,104-120,Susman Sexual orientation discordance and young adult mental health,2016,46,5,943-954,Needham Comparing different sequential mediational interpretations of Beck's cognitive model of depression in adolescents,2016,46,4,725-743,Pössel Cross-cultural perspectives on parent-adolescent discrepancies: existing findings and future directions,2016,45,10,2185-2196,Rescorla A non-bipartite propensity score analysis of the effects of teacher-student relationships on adolescent problem and prosocial behavior,2016,46,8,1661-1687,Obsuth Commentary: Theoretical and methodological dimensions of convergence and divergence of adolescent and parent reports about youth development and family structure and function-a relational developmental systems perspective,2016,45,10,2178-2184,Lerner Effectiveness of positive youth development interventions: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,2016,46,3,483-504,Power The kids are all right? Income inequality and civic engagement among our nation's youth,2016,45,11,2218-2232,Godfrey The effects of childhood and adolescent adversity on substance use disorders and poor health in early adulthood,2016,46,1,15-27,Craske When do adolescents accept or defy to maternal prohibitions? The role of social domain and communication style,2016,46,5,1022-1037,Soenens Substantiated Childhood Maltreatment and Intimate Partner Violence Victimization in Young Adulthood: A Birth Cohort Study,2016,46,1,165-179,Kisely Body dissatisfaction in early adolescence: the coactive roles of cognitive and sociocultural factors,2016,46,6,1246-1261,Saunders The impact of degree of exposure to violent video games family background and other factors on youth violence,2016,46,2,388-400,Ferguson Social exclusion among peers: the role of immigrant status and classroom immigrant density,2016,46,6,1275-1288,Plenty Age and gender differences in the associations of self-compassion and emotional well-being in a large adolescent sample,2016,46,4,840-853,Bluth Racial/ethnic disproportionality in psychiatric diagnoses and treatment in a sample of serious juvenile offenders,2016,46,7,1424-1451,Piquero Prevalence and correlates of the perpetration of cyber dating abuse among early adolescents,2016,46,2,358-375,Markham Racial/ethnic differences in perceptions of school climate and its association with student engagement and peer aggression,2016,46,6,1289-1303,Cornell Reciprocal relationships between teacher ratings of internalizing and externalizing behaviors in adolescents with different levels of cognitive abilities,2016,46,4,801-825,Morin Individual in context: the role of impulse control on the association between the home school and neighborhood developmental contexts and adolescent delinquency,2016,46,7,1488-1502,Steinberg Longitudinal relations between beliefs supporting aggression anger regulation and dating aggression among early adolescents,2016,46,5,982-994,Sullivan Childhood adversity and early initiation of alcohol use in two representative samples of Puerto Rican youth,2016,46,1,28-44,Duarte Understanding the influence of mental health diagnosis and gender on placement decisions for justice-involved youth,2016,46,7,1562-1581,Schmidt Longitudinal relationships between bullying and moral disengagement among adolescents,2016,46,6,1304-1317,Swearer Consequences of violent victimization for Native American youth in early adulthood,2016,46,6,1333-1350,Pratt A three-step latent class analysis to identify how different patterns of teen dating violence and psychosocial factors influence mental health,2016,46,4,854-866,Weston Emotion regulation strategies in depressive and anxiety symptoms in youth: a meta-analytic review,2016,46,2,261-276,Tuschen-Caffier Gender and the interplay of source of support and peer social rejection on internalizing among Mexican American youth,2016,46,4,787-800,Tein Correlates of childhood vs. Adolescence internalizing symptomatology from infancy to young adulthood,2016,46,1,197-212,Cauffman Individual and day-to-day differences in active coping predict diurnal cortisol patterns among early adolescent girls,2016,46,1,121-135,Doane A person-centered analysis of risk factors that compromise wellbeing in emerging adulthood,2016,46,4,867-883,Barker Assessing the impact of homophobic name calling on early adolescent mental health: a longitudinal social network analysis of competing peer influence effects,2016,46,5,955-969,Hanish Associations between cultural stressors cultural values and Latina/o college students' mental health,2016,46,1,63-77,McDonald Parental knowledge of adolescents' online content and contact risks,2016,46,2,401-416,Ponnet Cognitive abilities social adaptation and externalizing behavior problems in childhood and adolescence: specific cascade effects across development,2016,46,8,1688-1701,Bornstein The role of perceived stress and self-efficacy in young people's life satisfaction: a longitudinal study,2016,46,1,78-90,Burger Dimensions of peer influences and their relationship to adolescents' aggression other problem behaviors and prosocial behavior,2016,46,6,1351-1369,Farrell Pathways from childhood adversity to problem behaviors in young adulthood: the mediating role of adolescents' future expectations,2016,46,1,1-14,Jaffee When mothers and fathers are seen as disproportionately valuing achievements: implications for adjustment among upper middle class youth,2016,46,5,1057-1075,Luthar Examining the protective effect of ethnic identity on drug attitudes and use among a diverse youth population,2016,46,8,1702-1715,Zapolski Media as a "super peer": how adolescents interpret media messages predicts their perception of alcohol and tobacco use norms,2016,46,2,376-387,Kupersmidt Individual popularity peer group popularity composition and adolescents' alcohol consumption,2016,46,8,1716-1726,Cillessen Antecedents of suicide among youth aged 11-15: a multistate mixed methods analysis,2016,46,7,1598-1610,Holland Method variance in adolescents' mothers' and observers' reports of peer management: nuisance or information?,2016,46,5,1038-1056,Valentiner Neuroticism and conscientiousness as moderators of the relation between social withdrawal and internalizing problems in adolescence,2016,46,4,772-786,Rubin Gender differences in anxiety trajectories from middle to late adolescence,2016,46,4,826-839,Ohannessian Personal identity development in Hispanic immigrant adolescents: links with positive psychosocial functioning depressive symptoms and externalizing problems,2016,46,4,898-913,Romero The prospective associations between self-efficacy and depressive symptoms from early to middle adolescence: a cross-lagged model,2016,46,4,744-756,Lichtwarck-Aschoff A high school-based evaluation of TakeCARE a video bystander program to prevent adolescent relationship violence,2016,46,3,633-643,McDonald Patterns of dating violence victimization and perpetration among Latino youth,2016,46,8,1727-1742,Foshee Erratum to: Personal identity development in Hispanic immigrant adolescents: links with positive psychosocial functioning depressive symptoms and externalizing problems,2016,46,4,914-915,Romero On the development of harmony turbulence and independence in parent-adolescent relationships: a five-wave longitudinal study,2017,46,8,1772-1788,Meeus Low and increasing trajectories of perpetration of physical dating violence: 7-year associations with suicidal ideation weapons and substance use,2017,46,5,970-981,Orpinas Disproportionality and disparities among sexual minority youth in custody,2017,46,7,1547-1561,Meyer The role of adolescent friendship group integration and cohesion in weapon-related violent crime as a young adult,2017,46,8,1643-1660,Mundt Romantic attachment conflict resolution styles and teen dating violence victimization,2017,46,9,1905-1917,Krahé Adolescents' conflict management styles with mothers: longitudinal associations with parenting and reactance,2018,47,2,260-274,Branje Music preferences friendship and externalizing behavior in early adolescence: a SIENA examination of the Music Marker Theory using the SNARE Study,2017,46,8,1839-1850,Ter Bogt Emotional awareness in depressive and anxiety symptoms in youth: a meta-analytic review,2017,46,4,687-700,Samson Social capital and bystander behavior in bullying: internalizing problems as a barrier to prosocial intervention,2017,46,4,757-771,Jenkins Comprehensive sexuality education as a longitudinal predictor of LGBTQ name-calling and perceived willingness to intervene in school,2017,46,5,931-942,van Aken Continuity and change from adolescence to emerging adulthood: adolescence-limited vs. Life-course-persistent profound ego development arrests,2008,37,10,1178-1192,Allen Purpose and character development in early adolescence,2017,46,6,1200-1215,Malin Perceptions of parent-child attachment relationships and friendship qualities: predictors of romantic relationship involvement and quality in adolescence,2017,46,5,1009-1021,Kochendorfer Investigating adolescents' critical consciousness development through a character framework,2017,46,6,1162-1178,Seider The potential protective role of peer relationships on school engagement in at-risk adolescents,2017,46,11,2255-2272,Villodas Neighborhood moderation of sensation seeking effects on adolescent substance use initiation,2017,46,9,1953-1967,Chassin Video gaming and children's psychosocial wellbeing: a longitudinal study,2017,46,4,884-897,Granic Reciprocal associations between delinquent behavior and social network position during middle school,2017,46,9,1918-1932,Hanish Wisdom gained? Assessing relationships between adversity personality and well-being among a late adolescent sample,2017,46,6,1179-1199,Jayawickreme Who wants to play? Sport motivation trajectories sport participation and the development of depressive symptoms,2017,46,9,1982-1998,Wang Everything's gonna be alright! The longitudinal interplay among social support peer victimization and depressive symptoms,2017,46,9,1999-2014,Perren Toward a research agenda: building character strengths in school settings,2017,46,6,1238-1239,Sokatch Parent-adolescent discrepancies regarding adolescents' peer-related loneliness: associations with adolescent adjustment,2017,46,5,1104-1116,Bijttebier Being poorer than the rest of the neighborhood: relative deprivation and problem behavior of youth,2017,46,9,1891-1904,Meeus Aspirations expectations and delinquency: the moderating effect of impulse control,2017,46,7,1503-1514,Steinberg Gender identity disparities in bathroom safety and wellbeing among high school students,2017,46,5,917-930,Kulick A jury of their peers: a meta-analysis of the effects of teen court on criminal recidivism,2017,46,7,1472-1487,Wong Transition to a new country: acculturative and developmental predictors for changes in self-efficacy among adolescent immigrants,2017,46,10,2143-2156,Titzmann Adolescent agentic orientations: contemporaneous family influence parental biography and intergenerational development,2017,46,10,2215-2229,Johnson Longitudinal predictors of intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization in latino emerging adults,2018,47,3,560-574,Amaro Children's and adolescents' expectations about challenging unfair group norms,2017,46,10,2241-2253,Killen Cyberbullying victimization and adolescent mental health: evidence of differential effects by sex and mental health problem type,2018,47,3,661-672,Georgiades Continued bullying victimization in adolescents: maladaptive schemas as a mediational mechanism,2018,47,3,650-660,Calvete Individual differences in adolescents' emotional reactivity across relationship contexts,2018,47,2,290-305,Cook Preadolescents' emotional and prosocial responses to negative TV news: investigating the beneficial effects of constructive reporting and peer discussion,2017,46,9,2060-2072,Kleemans Epidemiology of suicide attempts among youth transitioning to adulthood,2018,47,4,807-817,Thompson Effect of victimization on impulse control and binge drinking among serious juvenile offenders from adolescence to young adulthood,2017,46,7,1515-1532,Roberts The longitudinal association of relationship quality and reoffending among first-time juvenile offenders and their mothers,2017,46,7,1533-1546,Cauffman Childhood neglect internalizing symptoms and adolescent substance use: does the neighborhood context matter?,2017,46,7,1582-1597,Caughy Unstructured socializing with peers and delinquent behavior: a genetically informed analysis,2017,46,9,1968-1981,Barnes Developmental change in loneliness and attitudes toward aloneness in adolescence,2018,47,1,148-161,Bijttebier Neighborhood effects of intergroup contact on change in youth intergroup bias,2018,47,1,77-87,Cummings Self- and peer-identified victims in late childhood: differences in perceptions of the school ecology,2017,46,11,2273-2288,Farmer Family first? The costs and benefits of family centrality for adolescents with high-conflict families,2018,47,2,245-259,Fuligni Physiological self-regulation buffers the relationship between impulsivity and externalizing behaviors among nonclinical adolescents,2018,47,4,829-841,Mezulis The moderating role of spirituality in the association between stress and substance use among adolescents: differences by gender,2018,47,4,818-828,Bradshaw Examining the contemporaneous short-term and long-term effects of secondary exposure to violence on adolescent substance use,2017,46,9,1933-1952,Zimmerman Unpacking the relationships between impulsivity neighborhood disadvantage and adolescent violence: an application of a neighborhood-based group decomposition,2018,47,4,859-871,Vogel Associations between trauma type timing and accumulation on current coping behaviors in adolescents: results from a large population-based sample,2018,47,4,842-858,Dunn Gender differences in resistance to schooling: the role of dynamic peer-influence and selection processes,2017,46,12,2421-2445,Jonsson Patterns of bullying and sexual harassment: connections with parents and teachers as direct protective factors,2017,46,11,2289-2304,Borowsky The developmental unfolding of sibling influences on alcohol use over time,2018,47,2,349-368,Iacono Are associations between "sexist" video games and decreased empathy toward women robust? A reanalysis of Gabbiadini et al. 2016,2017,46,12,2446-2459,Ferguson A cross-national comparison of risk factors for teen dating violence in Mexico and the United States,2018,47,3,547-559,Bradshaw Is the Scoutreach Initiative of Boy Scouts of America linked to character development among socioeconomically racially and ethnically diverse youth?: initial explorations,2017,46,10,2230-2240,Lerner Youth's causal beliefs about success: socioeconomic differences and prediction of early career development,2017,46,10,2169-2180,Heckhausen Patterns of change in adolescent dating victimization and aggression during middle school,2018,47,3,501-514,Farrell Associations between social support from family friends and teachers and depressive symptoms in adolescents,2018,47,2,398-412,Sawyer Friendship dynamics of adolescent aggression prosocial behavior and social status: the moderating role of gender,2017,46,11,2305-2320,Shin And what about siblings? A longitudinal analysis of sibling effects on youth's intergroup attitudes,2018,47,2,383-397,Noack Appreciating complexity in adolescent self-harm risk factors: psychological profiling in a longitudinal community sample,2018,47,5,916-931,Jones Mental health and educational experiences among Black youth: a latent class analysis,2017,46,11,2321-2340,Joe An online drug abuse prevention program for adolescent girls: posttest and 1-year outcomes,2018,47,3,490-500,Schwinn Understanding students' transition to high school: demographic variation and the role of supportive relationships,2017,46,10,2129-2142,Benner Self-esteem in early adolescence as predictor of depressive symptoms in late adolescence and early adulthood: the mediating role of motivational and social factors,2018,47,5,932-946,Oldehinkel Etiology of teen dating violence among adolescent children of alcoholics,2018,47,3,515-533,Leonard Friendship attachment style moderates the effect of adolescent exposure to violence on emerging adult depression and anxiety trajectories,2018,47,1,177-193,Zimmerman Neighborhood family and peer factors associated with early adolescent smoking and alcohol use,2018,47,2,369-382,Kosterman Grand Theft Auto is a "sandbox" game but there are weapons criminals and prostitutes in the sandbox: response to Ferguson and Donnellan (2017),2017,46,12,2460-2466,Bushman Gender norm salience across middle schools: contextual variations in associations between gender typicality and socioemotional distress,2018,47,5,947-960,Juvonen Associations between prosocial and problem behavior from early to late adolescence,2018,47,5,961-975,Coyne A moderator model of alcohol use and dating aggression among young adults,2018,47,3,534-546,Furman The role of sensation seeking and R-rated movie watching in early substance use initiation,2018,47,5,991-1006,Barnett The relationship between parents' intimate partner victimization and youths' adolescent relationship abuse,2018,47,2,321-333,Mumford The cost of being cool: how adolescent pseudomature behavior maps onto adult adjustment,2018,47,5,1007-1021,Berg Is integration always most adaptive? The role of cultural identity in academic achievement and in psychological adaptation of immigrant students in Germany,2018,47,1,16-37,Schotte Interpersonal relationships as protective and risk factors for psychopathy: a follow-up study in adolescent offenders,2018,47,5,1022-1036,Aronen Hit robbed and put down (but not bullied): underreporting of bullying by minority and male students,2018,47,3,619-635,Kao Poor kids? Economic resources and adverse peer relations in a nationally representative sample of Swedish adolescents,2018,47,1,88-104,Hjalmarsson The contribution of organized youth sport to antisocial and prosocial behavior in adolescent athletes,2007,36,3,255-264,Schuengel Longitudinal associations between gender and ethnic-racial identity felt pressure from family and peers and self-esteem among African American and Latino/a youth,2018,47,1,207-221,Updegraff Co-brooding and co-reflection as differential predictors of depressive symptoms and friendship quality in adolescents: investigating the moderating role of gender,2018,47,5,1037-1051,Bijttebier Gender differences associated with playing high school varsity soccer,1987,16,4,379-400,Borman The happiest kids on earth. Gender equality and adolescent life satisfaction in Europe and North America,2018,47,5,1073-1085,Looze Teacher support peer acceptance and engagement in the classroom: a three-wave longitudinal study in late childhood,2018,47,6,1139-1150,Verschueren The influence of peers during adolescence: does homophobic name calling by peers change gender identity?,2018,47,3,636-649,Hanish Age patterns in risk taking across the world,2018,47,5,1052-1072,Steinberg Can parenting microprotections buffer against adolescents' experiences of racial discrimination?,2018,47,1,38-50,James Challenging conventions of bullying thresholds: exploring differences between low and high levels of bully-only victim-only and bully-victim roles,2018,47,3,586-600,Sterzing Disentangling the relations between social identity and prosocial and antisocial behavior in competitive youth sport,2018,47,5,1113-1127,Cote The association between sexist games and diminished empathy remains tenuous: lessons from Gabbiadini et al. (2017) and Gabbiadini et al. (2016) regarding sensationalism and accuracy in media research,2017,46,12,2467-2474,Ferguson Longitudinal links between identity consolidation and psychosocial problems in adolescence: using bi-factor latent change and cross-lagged effect models,2018,47,4,717-730,Schwartz Discrimination and sleep difficulties during adolescence: the mediating roles of loneliness and perceived stress,2018,47,1,135-147,Fuligni Developmental pathways from parental socioeconomic status to adolescent substance use: alternative and complementary reinforcement,2018,47,2,334-348,Lee Correction to: Dimensions of peer influences and their relationship to adolescents' aggression other problem behaviors and prosocial behavior,2018,47,1,243,Farrell Neighborhood or school? Influences on alcohol consumption and heavy episodic drinking among urban adolescents,2018,47,10,2073-2087,von Soest Prosocial behavior in adolescence: gender differences in development and links with empathy,2018,47,5,1086-1099,Koot I and us: a longitudinal study on the interplay of personal and social identity in adolescence,2018,47,4,689-702,Crocetti The co-evolution of bullying perpetration homophobic teasing and a school friendship network,2018,47,3,601-618,Espelage A developmental perspective on reentry: understanding the causes and consequences of family conflict and peer delinquency during adolescence and emerging adulthood,2018,47,2,275-289,Boman Adolescents' engagement in ethnic harassment: prejudiced beliefs in social networks and classroom ethnic diversity,2018,47,6,1151-1163,Stattin Adolescents' daily romantic experiences and negative mood: a dyadic intensive longitudinal study,2018,47,7,1517-1530,Updegraff The development of future orientation is associated with faster decline in hopelessness during adolescence,2018,47,10,2129-2142,Alloy A two decade examination of historical race/ethnicity disparities in academic achievement by poverty status,2018,47,6,1164-1177,Gershoff How does school experience relate to adolescent identity formation over time? Cross-lagged associations between school engagement school burnout and identity processing styles,2018,47,4,760-774,Erentaitė Intergenerational continuity in depression: the importance of time-varying effects maternal co-morbid health risk behaviors and child's gender,2018,47,10,2143-2168,Henry Pacifists and revenge-seekers in response to unambiguous peer provocation,2018,47,9,1907-1925,Asher BodiMojo: efficacy of a mobile-based intervention in improving body image and self-compassion among adolescents,2018,47,7,1363-1372,Franko Latent class analysis of intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization among Latino emerging adults,2018,47,3,575-585,Lee Reflections on six decades of research on adolescent behavior and development,2018,47,3,473-476,Jessor Social costs for wannabes: moderating effects of popularity and gender on the links between popularity goals and negative peer experiences,2018,47,9,1894-1906,Murray-Close Long-term risks and possible benefits associated with late adolescent romantic relationship quality,2018,47,7,1531-1544,Allen Positive developmental changes after transition to high school: is retrospective growth correlated with measured changes in current status of personal growth?,2018,47,6,1192-1207,Taku How is civic engagement related to personal identity and social identity in late adolescents and emerging adults? A person-oriented approach,2018,47,4,731-748,Lannegrand-Willems The rise and fall of depressive symptoms and academic stress in two samples of university students,2018,47,6,1252-1266,Galambos Organized activity involvement among urban youth: understanding family- and neighborhood- level characteristics as predictors of involvement,2018,47,8,1697-1711,Bohnert A cross-cultural perspective on the relationships between emotional separation parental trust and identity in adolescents,2018,47,4,749-759,Zukauskienė Psychosocial adjustment throughout university: a longitudinal investigation of the roles of sleep quality and emotion dysregulation,2018,47,6,1267-1278,Willoughby Trajectories of identity formation modes and their personality context in adolescence,2018,47,4,775-792,Topolewska-Siedzik Profiles of adolescents' perceptions of democratic classroom climate and students' influence: the effect of school and community contexts,2018,47,6,1279-1298,Torney-Purta Longitudinal examination of the bullying-sexual violence pathway across early to late adolescence: implicating homophobic name-calling,2018,47,9,1880-1893,Basile Adolescent sleep barriers: profiles within a diverse sample of urban youth,2018,47,10,2169-2180,Ozer Is inspiring group members an effective predictor of social dominance in early adolescence? Direct and moderated effects of behavioral strategies social skills and gender on resource control and popularity,2018,47,9,1813-1829,Vermande Buffer or brake? The role of sexuality-specific parenting in adolescents' sexualized media consumption and sexual development,2018,47,7,1427-1439,Overbeek How do adolescents learn cyber-victimization coping skills? An examination of parent and peer coping socialization,2018,47,9,1866-1879,Dubow School security measures and longitudinal trends in adolescents' experiences of victimization,2018,47,6,1221-1237,Boman The intersection of emotional and sociocognitive competencies with civic engagement in middle childhood and adolescence,2018,47,8,1663-1683,Wray-Lake Using a modified theory of planned behavior to examine adolescents' workplace safety and health knowledge perceptions and behavioral intention: a structural equation modeling approach,2018,47,8,1595-1610,Bernard Modification of housing mobility experimental effects on delinquency and educational problems: middle adolescence as a sensitive period,2018,47,10,2009-2026,Krohn Different kinds of lonely: dimensions of isolation and substance use in adolescence,2018,47,8,1755-1770,Feinberg A prospective longitudinal examination of the influence of childhood home and school contexts on psychopathic characteristics in adolescence,2018,47,10,2041-2059,Brown Defending victims of bullying in early adolescence: a multilevel analysis,2018,47,9,1926-1937,Graham Fear of negative evaluation and weight/shape concerns among adolescents: the moderating effects of gender and weight status,2018,47,7,1398-1408,Griffiths High school context heterosexual scripts and young women's sexual development,2018,47,7,1469-1485,Pearson Safe schools? Transgender youth's school experiences and perceptions of school climate,2018,47,8,1731-1742,Russell Parents' social comparisons of siblings and youth problem behavior: a moderated mediation model,2018,47,10,2088-2099,Jensen Do parent-adolescent discrepancies predict deviant peer affiliation and subsequent substance use?,2018,47,12,2596-2607,Kliewer Longitudinal associations between sibling relational aggression and adolescent adjustment,2018,47,10,2100-2113,Updegraff When do good things lift you up? Dampening enhancing and uplifts in relation to depressive and anhedonic symptoms in early adolescence,2018,47,8,1712-1730,Bijttebier Distress intolerance mediates the relationship between child maltreatment and nonsuicidal self-injury among Chinese adolescents: a three-wave longitudinal study,2018,47,10,2220-2230,You How to attain a popularity goal? Examining the mediation effects of popularity determinants and behaviors,2018,47,9,1842-1852,Li Longitudinal change in high-cost prosocial behaviors of defending and including during the transition to adulthood,2018,47,9,1853-1865,Padilla-Walker More than just keeping busy: the protective effects of organized activity participation on violence and substance use among urban youth,2018,47,10,2231-2242,Zimmerman Patterns of spiritual connectedness during adolescence: links to coping and adjustment in low-income urban youth,2018,47,12,2608-2624,Kliewer Adolescents' self-perception of morality competence and sociability and their interplay with quality of family friend and school relationships: a three-wave longitudinal study,2018,47,8,1743-1754,Branje Effects of indirect exposure to homicide events on children's mental health: evidence from urban settings in Colombia,2018,47,10,2060-2072,Molano The temporal dynamics of neighborhood disadvantage in childhood and subsequent problem behavior in adolescence,2018,47,8,1611-1628,Kleinepier Experiencing and learning about emotions: a longitudinal analysis of youth program participants,2018,47,8,1684-1696,Raffaelli Critical hopefulness among urban high school students,2018,47,8,1649-1662,Peterson The effects of neighborhood context on exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACE) among adolescents involved in the juvenile justice system: latent classes and contextual effects,2018,47,11,2279-2300,Baglivio Trajectories of social and emotional competencies according to cyberbullying roles: a longitudinal multilevel analysis,2018,47,9,1952-1965,Coelho Development of friendship and task values in a new school: friend selection for the arts and physical education but socialization for academic subjects,2018,47,9,1966-1977,Eccles Consequences of involvement in distinct patterns of adolescent peer and dating violence,2018,47,11,2371-2383,Ennett Reciprocal relationships between trajectories of depressive symptoms and screen media use during adolescence,2018,47,11,2453-2467,Rosenberg The influences of family and place on rural adolescents' educational aspirations and post-secondary enrollment,2018,47,12,2554-2568,Agger The associations between substance use sexual behavior deviant behaviors and adolescents' engagement in sexting: does relationship context matter?,2018,47,11,2353-2370,Ponnet Applying social cognitive theory to explore relational aggression across early adolescence: a within- and between-person analysis,2018,47,11,2401-2413,Espelage Self-esteem and national identification in times of Islamophopia: a study among Islamic school children in the Netherlands,2018,47,12,2521-2534,Thijs Depressive symptomology as a moderator of friend selection and influence on substance use involvement: estimates from grades 6 to 12 in six longitudinal school-based social networks,2018,47,11,2337-2352,Ennett Do anti-bullying laws reduce in-school victimization fear-based absenteeism and suicidality for lesbian gay bisexual and questioning youth?,2018,47,11,2301-2319,Seelman Parent-child conflict during elementary school as a longitudinal predictor of sense of purpose in emerging adulthood,2019,48,1,145-153,Andrews Stability and change of bullying roles in the traditional and virtual contexts: a three-wave longitudinal study in Chinese early adolescents,2018,47,11,2384-2400,Zhou Cultural stress emotional well-being and health risk behaviors among recent immigrant Latinx families: the moderating role of perceived neighborhood characteristics,2019,48,1,114-131,Schwartz Neighborhood context family cultural values and Latinx youth externalizing problems,2018,47,11,2440-2452,Polo "They think that I should defend": effects of peer and teacher injunctive norms on defending victimized classmates in early adolescents,2018,47,11,2424-2439,Strohmeier Structural home environment effects on developmental trajectories of self-control and adolescent risk taking,2019,48,1,43-55,Deater-Deckard A culturally sensitive approach to the relationships between identity formation and religious beliefs in youth,2019,48,4,668-679,Crocetti The influence of economic pressure on emerging adult binge drinking: testing the family stress model over time,2018,47,11,2481-2495,Neppl Depression anxiety and peer victimization: bidirectional relationships and associated outcomes transitioning from childhood to adolescence,2019,48,4,692-702,Fitzpatrick Developmental change in adolescent delinquency: modeling time-varying effects of a preventative intervention and GABRA2 halpotype linked to alcohol use,2019,48,1,71-85,Feinberg The catechol-o-methyltransferase and dopamine transporter genes moderated the impact of peer relationships on adolescent depressive symptoms: a gene-gene-environment study,2018,47,11,2468-2480,Zhang Youth's conflict resolution strategies in their dating relationships,2019,48,2,256-268,Glowacz Social withdrawal and social surrogacy in emerging adulthood,2019,48,4,717-730,Closson Friends and education: identity patterns across domains and associations with emotion dysregulation and identity disturbance,2019,48,4,703-716,Zimmer-Gembeck Identity structure and processes in adolescence: examining the directionality of between- and within-person associations,2019,48,5,891-907,Claes The effects of bystander programs on the prevention of sexual assault across the college years: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,48,2,212-227,Kettrey The association between parental rearing dimensions and adolescent psychopathology: a cross-cultural study,2019,48,3,469-483,Seiffge-Krenke Talking together thinking alone: relations among co-rumination peer relationships and rumination,2019,48,4,731-743,Cole The consequences of adolescent delinquent behavior for adult employment outcomes,2019,48,1,17-29,Carter It gets better: attenuated associations between latent classes of peer victimization and longitudinal psychosocial outcomes in four low-resource countries,2019,48,2,372-385,Bradshaw Factor structure and criterion validity of the five Cs model of positive youth development in a multi-university sample of college students,2019,48,3,537-553,Kofler Predicting substance use and deviant behavior from prosociality and sociability in adolescents,2019,48,4,744-752,Li Shame and non-suicidal self-injury: conceptualization and preliminary test of a novel developmental model among emerging adults,2019,48,4,753-770,Hasking School and family factors predicting adolescent cognition regarding bystander intervention in response to bullying and victim retaliation,2019,48,3,581-596,Mulvey Risky interactions: relational and developmental moderators of substance use and dating aggression,2019,48,1,102-113,Furman Testing a model of universal prevention effects on adolescent relationships and marijuana use as pathways to young adult outcomes,2019,48,3,444-458,Mason Are developmental assets protective against suicidal behavior? Differential associations by sexual orientation,2019,48,4,788-801,Syvertsen The causal relationship between childhood adversity and developmental trajectories of delinquency: a consideration of genetic and environmental confounds,2019,48,2,199-211,Connolly Young adult unemployment and later depression and anxiety: does childhood neighborhood matter?,2019,48,1,30-42,Kosterman Parenting strategies and adolescents' cyberbullying behaviors: evidence from a preregistered study of parent-child dyads,2019,48,2,399-409,Przybylski Contextual socioeconomic disadvantage and adolescent suicide attempts: a multilevel investigation,2019,48,4,802-814,Yıldız Sleep quantity and problems as mediators of the eveningness-adjustment link during childhood and adolescence,2019,48,3,620-634,Vazsonyi Internalizing symptoms and externalizing problems: risk factors for or consequences of cyber victimization?,2019,48,3,567-580,Mishna It's lonely at the top: adolescent students' peer-perceived popularity and self-perceived social contentment,2019,48,2,341-358,Ryan Parental social support and sources of knowledge interact to predict children's externalizing behavior over time,2019,48,3,484-494,Jackson Correction to: Examining the interdependence of parent-adolescent acculturation gaps on acculturation-based conflict: using the actor-partner interdependence model,2019,48,3,648-649,Miller Youth adversities amplify the association between adult stressors and chronic inflammation in a domain specific manner: nuancing the early life sensitivity model,2019,48,1,1-16,Beach Adolescent risk behavior: differentiating reasoned and reactive risk-taking,2019,48,2,243-255,Maslowsky Peer victimization mood symptoms and alcohol use: examining effects among diverse high school youth,2019,48,5,924-934,Hensel Identifying critical points of trajectories of depressive symptoms from childhood to young adulthood,2019,48,4,815-827,Heron Developmental trajectories of conduct problems and cumulative risk from early childhood to adolescence,2019,48,2,181-198,Schoon Adolescents' social norms across family peer and school settings: linking social norm profiles to adolescent risky health behaviors,2019,48,5,935-948,Wang Child effects on lability in parental warmth and hostility: moderation by parents' internalizing problems,2019,48,5,963-978,Fosco Peer acceptance and sexual behaviors from adolescence to young adulthood,2019,48,5,996-1008,Feinberg Online sexual experiences predict subsequent sexual health and victimization outcomes among female adolescents: a latent class analysis,2019,48,5,837-849,Noll Developing morality competence and sociability in adolescence: a longitudinal study of gender differences,2019,48,5,1009-1021,Meeus Impact of a secondary school depression prevention curriculum on adolescent social-emotional skills: evaluation of the resilient families program,2019,48,6,1100-1115,Toumbourou The role of stressful parenting and mineralocorticoid receptor haplotypes on social development during adolescence and young adulthood,2019,48,6,1082-1099,Branje Linking parent-child and peer relationship quality to empathy in adolescence: a multilevel meta-analysis,2019,48,6,1033-1055,de Wied Correction to: Age patterns in risk taking across the world,2019,48,4,835-836,Steinberg Attachment to peers and school: longitudinal moderators of the relation between caregiver psychological distress and adolescent hopelessness,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hooper Emerging adulthood and prospective depression: a simultaneous test of cumulative risk theories,2019,48,7,1353-1364,Ballespí Social ties cut both ways: self-harm and adolescent peer networks,2019,48,8,1506-1518,Feinberg Reciprocal effects of alcohol use and violence perpetration among early adolescents in Mexico: a gendered analysis,2019,48,8,1519-1531,Jager Stressful experiences emotion dysregulation and nonsuicidal self-injury among university students,2019,48,7,1379-1389,Willoughby Long-term associations between substance use-related media exposure descriptive norms and alcohol use from adolescence to young adulthood,2019,48,7,1311-1326,D'Amico Understanding the buffering effects of protective factors on the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and teen dating violence perpetration,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Basile Longitudinal associations of binge drinking with interpersonal violence among adolescents,2019,48,7,1342-1352,Edwards Patterns of romantic pathways among 23 year olds and their adolescent antecedents,2019,48,7,1390-1402,Tuval-Mashiach Profiles of future orientation among assault-injured adolescents: correlates and concurrent outcomes,2019,48,8,1555-1566,Cheng Psychosocial maturation race and desistance from crime,2019,48,7,1403-1417,Piquero Change and consistency of self-esteem in early and middle adolescence in the context of school transition,2019,48,8,1605-1618,Topolewska-Siedzik Coping and culture: the protective effects of shift-&-persist and ethnic-racial identity on depressive symptoms in Latinx youth,2019,48,8,1592-1604,Gonzalez Coping and stress reactivity as moderators of maternal depressive symptoms and youth's internalizing and externalizing symptoms,2019,48,8,1580-1591,Compas Relations among perceptions of neighborhood cohesion and control and parental monitoring across adolescence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shaw Boys are affected by their parents more than girls are: parents' utility value socialization in science,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Links between teachers' liking of students peer inclusion and students' academic achievement: a two-wave longitudinal study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gasser Parent-adolescent communication and adolescent delinquency: unraveling within-family processes from between-family differences,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Skoog Maternal depressive symptoms and adolescent health risk problems: the role of school engagement,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henry The family context and adolescent dating violence: a latent class analysis of family relationships and parenting behaviors,2019,48,7,1418-1432,Sullivan Prosocial peers as risk protective and promotive factors for the prevention of delinquency and drug use,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walters Longitudinal associations between ethnic/racial identity and discrimination among Asian and Latinx adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yip Social media use subgroups differentially predict psychosocial well-being during early adolescence,2019,48,8,1469-1493,Vannucci Aggressive video games are not a risk factor for future aggression in youth: a longitudinal study,2019,48,8,1439-1451,Ferguson Moral disengagement of pure bullies and bully/victims: shared and distinct mechanisms,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cross Adolescent decision-making: the value of perceived behavioral control in predicting engagement in suicide prevention behaviors,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karver Trajectories of suicide ideation and attempts from early adolescence to mid-adulthood: associations with race/ethnicity,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bartlett Genetic and environmental influences on adolescent emotional inertia in daily life,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zheng Evaluating the short-term impact of Media Aware Parent a web-based program for parents with the goal of adolescent sexual health promotion,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scull Daily associations between emotions and aggressive and depressive symptoms in adolescence: the mediating and moderating role of emotion dysregulation,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lansford Prospective bidirectional associations between attachment and depressive symptoms from middle childhood to adolescence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wichstrøm Risk factors for school absenteeism and dropout: a meta-analytic review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,van der Put A longitudinal study of the mediating role of romantic attachment in the relation between child maltreatment and psychological adaptation in emerging adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Godbout Secular trends in adolescent depressive symptoms: growing disparities between advantaged and disadvantaged schools,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coley Parental motivational perseverance predicts adolescents' depressive symptoms: an intergenerational analysis with actor-partner interdependence model,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ishikawa Trajectories of suicidal ideation from middle childhood to early adolescence: risk and protective factors,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huebner A systematic review and meta-analysis of school-based stress anxiety and depression prevention programs for adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Feiss Correction to: Understanding the buffering effects of protective factors on the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and teen dating violence perpetration,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Basile The effects of parental warmth on adolescent delinquency in the United States and South Korea: a cross-cultural perspective,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cui Dual system youth and their pathways: a comparison of incidence characteristics and system experiences using linked administrative data,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Herz Peer acceptance and nonsuicidal self-injury among Chinese adolescents: a longitudinal moderated mediation model,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,You Family functioning and adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems: disentangling between- and within-family associations,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keijsers The prospective impact of family functioning and parenting practices on court-involved youth's substance use and delinquent behavior,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown The role of prosocial and aggressive popularity norm combinations in prosocial and aggressive friendship processes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vollebergh Social and emotional adjustment across aggressor/victim subgroups: are aggressive-victims distinct?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kliewer Exploring how family and neighborhood stressors influence genetic risk for adolescent conduct problems and alcohol use,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karriker-Jaffe Comparisons of types of exposure to violence within and across contexts in predicting the perpetration of dating aggression,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Windle Benefits of extracurricular participation in early adolescence: associations with peer belonging and mental health,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schonert-Reichl Friendship network dynamics of aggressive and rule-breaking antisocial behaviors in adolescence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kornienko Defend stand by or join in? The relative influence of moral identity moral judgment and social self-efficacy on adolescents' bystander behaviors in bullying situations,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gibbs School climate & sexual and gender minority adolescent mental health,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coulter Reactions of boys and girls to sexual abuse and to sexual encounters with peers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Felson Do conduct problem pathways differ for Black and minority ethnic children in the UK? An examination of trajectories from early childhood to adolescence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gutman The interplay of adolescents' aggression and victimization with friendship and antipathy networks within an educational prosocial intervention,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veenstra Investigating the association between posttraumatic risky behavior and offending in adolescents involved in the juvenile justice system,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kerig Peer problems and low self-esteem mediate the suspicious and non-suspicious schizotypy-reactive aggression relationship in children and adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raine Racial/ethnic discrimination and suicidal ideation in emerging adults: the role of traumatic stress and depressive symptoms varies by gender not race/ethnicity,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeglic Ethnic socialization family cohesion and ethnic identity development over time among Latinx adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rivas-Drake Trajectories of dating violence victimization and perpetration among rural adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thompson Mindful parenting is associated with adolescents' difficulties in emotion regulation through adolescents' psychological inflexibility and self-compassion,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moreira Sexual and gender minority youth alcohol use: within-group differences in associations with internalized stigma and victimization,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Poteat LGBTQ youth-serving community-based organizations: who participates and what difference does it make?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Russell Depressive symptoms amplify emotional reactivity to daily perceptions of peer rejection in adolescence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Engels Cross-ethnic friendships intergroup attitudes intragroup social costs and depressive symptoms among Asian-American and Latino-American youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schwartz Trajectories of discrimination across the college years: associations with academic psychological and physical adjustment outcomes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Del Toro Parenting effortful control and adolescents' externalizing problem behavior: moderation by dopaminergic genes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Leeuwen Do parenting practices and child disclosure predict parental knowledge? A meta-analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown School cohesion perception discrepancy and student delinquency,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vogel Norms and attitudes about being an active bystander: support for telling adults about seeing knives or guns at school among Greater London youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perkins The relationship between the use of social networking sites and sexually explicit material the internalization of appearance ideals and body self-surveillance: results from a longitudinal study of male adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stulhofer Neighborhood profiles and associations with coping behaviors among low-income youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Furr-Holden Being friends with or rejected by classmates: aggression toward same- and cross-ethnic peers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veenstra Is the peer presence effect on heightened adolescent risky decision-making only present in males?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dubas National identity development and friendship network dynamics among immigrant and non-immigrant youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Umaña-Taylor Relational victimization and internalizing problems: moderation of popularity and mediation of popularity status insecurity,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Parental phubbing and adolescents' depressive symptoms: self-esteem and perceived social support as moderators,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gao Quality is critical for meaningful synthesis of afterschool program effects: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chow A longitudinal examination of the relation between lie-telling secrecy parent-child relationship quality and depressive symptoms in late-childhood and adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Evans How age and disclosures of sponsored influencer videos affect adolescents' knowledge of persuasion and persuasion,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Reijmersdal Risk markers for physical teen dating violence victimization in the United States: a meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Toews Developmental changes in emotion regulation during adolescence: associations with socioeconomic risk and family emotional context,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim-Spoon Sexual risk behaviors during adolescence: associations with childhood and adolescent BMI,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Waldron Poly-strengths and peer violence perpetration: what strengths can add to risk factor analyses,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Bidirectional relations between witnessing violence victimization life events and physical aggression among adolescents in urban schools,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Farrell Evidence that different types of peer victimization have equivalent associations with transdiagnostic psychopathology in adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rapee The role of academic achievement in the relationship between school ethos and adolescent distress and aggression: a study of ninth grade students in the segregated school landscape of Stockholm,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Modin Can schools reduce adolescent psychological stress? A multilevel meta-analysis of the effectiveness of school-based intervention programs,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Westenberg Associations between ethnic minority status and popularity in adolescence: the role of ethnic classroom composition and aggression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harakeh Explaining health disparities between heterosexual and LGB adolescents by integrating the minority stress and psychological mediation frameworks: findings from the TRAILS Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veenstra Childhood adversities as determinants of cardiovascular disease risk and perceived illness burden in adulthood: comparing retrospective and prospective self-report measures in a longitudinal sample of African Americans,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simons Youth with co-occurring delinquency and depressive symptoms: do they have better or worse delinquent outcomes?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Feinberg Who are popular liked and admired? Longitudinal associations between three social status and academic-social behavior,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shin Cross-cultural examination of links between parent-adolescent communication and adolescent psychological problems in 12 cultural groups,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steinberg A longitudinal examination of the role of self-control in the relation between corporal punishment exposure and adolescent aggression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ribeaud Child maltreatment and resilience: the promotive and protective role of future orientation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kogan Bias-based bullying and school adjustment among sexual and gender minority adolescents: the role of gay-straight alliances,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Puhl Externalizing behavior problems in offspring of teen mothers: a meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boden The role of social support in the association between childhood adversity and adolescent self-injury and suicide: findings from a statewide sample of high school students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMorris Non-specific versus targeted approaches to youth mentoring: a follow-up meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rhodes Correction to: Bias-based bullying and school adjustment among sexual and gender minority adolescents: the role of gay-straight alliances,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Puhl Developmental changes in associations between depressive symptoms and peer relationships: a four-year follow-up of Chinese adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Aggressive-depressive trajectories in childhood and their associations with drinking behaviors and problems in adolescence and emerging adulthood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buu Differential correlates of positive and negative risk taking in adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steinberg Adolescents' first choice for help: distinguishing characteristics of youth who select a friend a parent or no one,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sears A multilevel analysis of the importance of school climate for the trajectories of students' self-concept and self-esteem throughout the middle school transition,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bear How is mindfulness linked to negative and positive affect? Rumination as an explanatory process in a prospective longitudinal study of adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Galla Correction to: The role of perceived inter-ethnic classroom climate in adolescents' engagement in ethnic victimization: for whom does it work?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ozdemir Discrimination skin color satisfaction and adjustment among Latinx American youth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kiang Prospective associations between popularity victimization and aggression in early adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schwartz Parent-adolescent communication influences on anxious and depressive symptoms in early adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pittman School discrimination and changes in Latinx adolescents' internalizing and externalizing symptoms,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huebner Physical fighting and leisure activities among Norwegian adolescents-investigating co-occurring changes from 2015 to 2018,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,von Soest Correction to: parental phubbing and adolescents' depressive symptoms: self-esteem and perceived social support as moderators,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gao Mother and father prescription opioid misuse alcohol use disorder and parent knowledge in pathways to adolescent alcohol use,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chassin Revealing the transactional associations among teacher-child relationships peer rejection and peer victimization in early adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verschueren Victimization by friends and victimization by other peers: common risk factors or mutual influence?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boivin Discrimination the model minority stereotype and peer relationships across the high school years,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Witkow Developmental changes in secrecy during middle adolescence: links with alcohol use and perceived controlling parenting,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zimmermann Classroom status hierarchy moderates the association between social dominance goals and bullying behavior in middle childhood and early adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salmivalli Trends over time in adolescent emotional wellbeing in the Netherlands 2005-2017: links with perceived schoolwork pressure parent-adolescent communication and bullying victimization,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vonk Homophobic bullying in positive and negative school climates: the moderating role of gender sexuality alliances,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Russell Internalizing and externalizing behavior problems and student engagement in elementary and secondary school students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Archambault Emotion regulation as a risk factor for suicide ideation among adolescents and young adults: the mediating role of belongingness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hides Parent-child relationships and sexual minority youth: implications for adult alcohol abuse,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Russell Long-term neighborhood effects on adolescent outcomes: mediated through adverse childhood experiences and parenting stress,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Goth music and depressive symptoms among adolescents: a longitudinal study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ter Bogt Effortful control and community violence exposure as predictors of developmental trajectories of self-serving cognitive distortions in adolescence: a growth mixture modeling approach,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bacchini Longitudinal relations between bullying perpetration sexual harassment homophobic taunting and dating violence: evidence of heterotypic continuity,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vaillancourt Sleep problems and drinking frequency among urban multiracial and monoracial adolescents: role of discrimination experiences and negative mood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Park Bidirectional associations between popularity popularity goal and aggression alcohol use and prosocial behaviors in adolescence: a 3-year prospective longitudinal study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cillessen Pubertal synchrony and depressive symptoms: differences by race and sex,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alloy Peer-related factors as moderators between overt and social victimization and adjustment outcomes in early adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Xie Loneliness social anxiety symptoms and depressive symptoms in adolescence: longitudinal distinctiveness and correlated change,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bijttebier Sex-based differences in criminal victimization of adolescents: a meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holtfreter The role of classmates' modeling and reinforcement in adolescents' perceived classroom peer context,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dekovic Risk and protective factors for prospective changes in adolescent mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rapee Gender-specific patterns of teen dating violence in heterosexual relationships and their associations with attachment insecurities and emotion dysregulation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hébert Patterns of romantic relationship experiences and psychosocial adjustment from adolescence to young adulthood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neyer Country-level structural stigma school-based and adulthood victimization and life satisfaction among sexual minority adults: a life course approach,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bränström Sexual minority stress mental health symptoms and suicidality among LGBTQ youth accessing crisis services,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rhoades "I felt like a hero:" adolescents' understanding of resolution-promoting and vengeful actions on behalf of their peers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frey Adolescent risk of dating violence and electronic dating abuse: a latent class analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kernsmith Coping with discrimination from peers and adults: implications for adolescents' school belonging,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Umaña-Taylor Bullying and victimization trajectories in the first years of secondary education: implications for status and affection,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veenstra The development of post-traumatic stress symptoms among adolescents who experience cyber and traditional victimization over time,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mishna Suicide risk in emerging adulthood: associations with screen time over 10 years,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coyne Developmental cascades from aggression to internalizing problems via peer and teacher relationships from early to middle adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Obsuth Patterns of adolescents' appraisals of responses to problem situations: associations with aggression victimization and contextual factors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Farrell Peer victimization exposure and subsequent substance use in early adolescence: the role of sleep problems,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lepore Co-rumination and depressive symptoms in adolescence: prospective associations and the mediating role of brooding rumination,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bijttebier Co-developmental trajectories of specific anxiety symptoms from middle childhood to early adolescence: associations with psychological well-being and academic achievement,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huebner Understanding youth perceptions of neighborhood disorder: the role of conduct problems,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin-Storey Who is exposed to harmful online content? The role of risk and protective factors among Czech Finnish and Spanish adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Subrahmanyam Adjustment correlates of social media engagement among early adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Xie Attachment and the development of depressive symptoms in adolescence: the role of regulating positive and negative affect,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bijttebier An evaluation of dual systems theories of adolescent delinquency in a normative longitudinal cohort study of youth,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ribeaud The role of aggressive peer norms in elementary school children's perceptions of classroom peer climate and school adjustment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cillessen Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between peer television co-viewing and media internalization in adolescent girls and boys,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rodgers The co-development of friends' delinquency with adolescents' delinquency and short-term mindsets: the moderating role of co-offending,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ribeaud Stereotype threat in high school classrooms: how it links to teacher mindset climate mathematics anxiety and achievement,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seo Empathy as a mediator of the relationship between authoritative parenting and delinquent behavior in adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mrug Intersections of racial discrimination and LGB victimization for mental health: a prospective study of sexual minority youth of color,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Russell Teacher support moderates associations among sexual orientation identity outness victimization and academic performance among LGBQ+youth,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Poteat Differentiating pathways between ethnic-racial identity and critical consciousness,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kiang Examining social status profiles with gender school attended SES academic achievement and wellbeing in urban China,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McLellan Impacts of parental burnout on Chinese youth's mental health: the role of parents' autonomy support and emotion regulation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Qu Exclusionary school discipline and delinquent outcomes: a meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gerlinger Risk and protective factors for adolescent relationship abuse across different sexual and gender identities,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ybarra Associations between adolescents' social leisure activities and the onset of mental disorders in young adulthood,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hakko The impact of childhood bullying trajectories on young adulthood antisocial trajectories,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vaillancourt Bullying victimization and sexual wellbeing in sexually active heterosexual cisgender and sexual/gender minority adolescents: the mediating role of emotion regulation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dion Correction to: Goth music and depressive symptoms among adolescents: a longitudinal study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ter Bogt Examining adolescent family experiences as risks for young adulthood intimate partner violence in two longitudinal samples,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simons Longitudinal associations between internalizing symptoms dispositional mindfulness rumination and impulsivity in adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orue Adolescents' judgment of homophobic name-calling: the role of peer/friend context and emotional response,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Horn A within-individual examination of the predictors of gun carrying during adolescence and young adulthood among young men,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steinberg What happens after school? Linking Latino adolescents' activities and exposure to community violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ceballo Peer victimization and mental health problems: racial-ethnic differences in the buffering role of academic performance,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bradshaw Bullying perpetration moral disengagement and need for popularity: examining reciprocal associations in adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ortega-Ruiz Affective benefits of parental engagement with adolescent positive daily life experiences,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hankin Bystanders to prevent peer sexual violence: understanding patterns of prosocial behavior over time from early to later adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Banyard Why do immigrant and Swedish adolescents engage in ethnic victimization? Common and distinct underlying factors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giles Reciprocal links between teacher-student relationships and peer victimization: a three-wave longitudinal study in early adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verschueren Antecedents and consequences of discrepant perceptions of racial socialization between parents and adolescents within Mexican-origin families,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Sibling bullying: a prospective longitudinal study of associations with positive and negative mental health during adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wolke Longitudinal associations between prosociality and depressive symptoms in Chinese children: the mediating role of peer preference,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Perceptions of legal authorities in a longitudinal study of adjudicated youth,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holtfreter Confirming profiles of comorbid psychological symptoms in urban youth: exploring gender differences and trait mindfulness,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mendelson "Wild years": rock music problem behaviors and mental well-being in adolescence and young adulthood,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hale Electronic teen dating violence curves by age,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zimmerman Family and peer relationships in a residential youth sample: exploring unique non-linear and interactive associations with depressive symptoms and suicide risk,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Diamond Longitudinal associations between depressive symptoms and quality of romantic relationships in late adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meeus Longitudinal links of individual and collective morality with adolescents' peer aggression,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bussey In the aftermath of school victimization: links between authoritative school climate and adolescents' perceptions of the negative effects of bullying victimization,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cooc Ethnic-racial socialization ethnic-racial identity and depressive symptoms in Korean adolescents in the United States and China,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choi Schools subcultural values and the risk of youth violence: the influence of the code of the street among students in three U.S. cities,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hughes Mental health of refugee and non-refugee migrant young people in European secondary education: the role of family separation daily material stress and perceived discrimination in resettlement,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Derluyn Identifying specific emotion regulation deficits that associate with nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide ideation in adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brausch Exposure to social media racial discrimination and mental health among adolescents of color,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fisher Age-varying associations between child maltreatment depressive symptoms and frequent heavy episodic drinking,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hung Identity development and social-emotional disorders during adolescence and emerging adulthood: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schmidt Fair teachers fair police? Assessing the pathways between perceptions of teacher and police authority in childhood and adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Obsuth Adolescents' frequency of alcohol use and problems from alcohol abuse: integrating dating partners with parent and peer influences,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giordano Sexual minority status bullying exposure emotion regulation difficulties and delinquency among court-involved adolescent girls,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Houck Trajectory classes of relational and physical bullying victimization: links with peer and teacher-student relationships and social-emotional outcomes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verschueren Adolescents' perception of their sexual self relational capacities attitudes towards sexual pleasure and sexual practices: a descriptive analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin Service activism and friendships in high school: a longitudinal social network analysis of peer influence and critical beliefs,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wegemer Dual-factor mental health from childhood to early adolescence and associated factors: a latent transition analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Qualter Understanding for which students and classes a socio-ecological aggression prevention program works best: testing individual student and class level moderators,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Strohmeier Longitudinal associations between parental support and parental knowledge on behavioral and emotional problems in adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kulis Neighborhoods schools and adolescent violence: ecological relative deprivation disadvantage saturation or cumulative disadvantage?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swisher The effect of neighborhood-level resources on children's physical development: trajectories of body mass index and pubertal development and the influence of child biological sex,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klein Profiles of anxious and depressive symptoms among adolescent boys and girls: associations with coping strategies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dupéré Power in aggressor-victim relationships: exploring social physical gender- and ethnicity-based power,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Updegraff Multidimensional impulsive personality traits mediate the effect of parent substance use disorder on adolescent alcohol and cannabis use,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chassin Adolescent social media use: pitfalls and promises in relation to cybervictimization friend support and depressive symptoms,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston Longitudinal patterns in adolescent intentions to seek help for dating violence: a latent transition analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sianko Indirect associations between middle-childhood externalizing behaviors and adolescent substance use through late-childhood exposure to violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilson Trajectories of symptom change in school-based prevention programs for adolescent girls with subclinical depression,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lichtwarck-Aschoff Does early adolescent arrest alter the developmental course of offending into young adulthood?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bersani Complex outness patterns among sexual minority youth: a latent class analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mallory Youth-specific sexual and gender minority state-level policies: implications for pronoun name and bathroom/locker room use among gender minority youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Watson The role of perceived gay-straight alliance social support in the longitudinal association between homophobic cyberbullying and LGBTQIA adolescents' depressive and anxiety symptoms,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gámez-Guadix Adolescent mental health in relation to anti-racism critical action,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heberle Arts and cultural engagement reportedly antisocial or criminalized behaviors and potential mediators in two longitudinal cohorts of adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paul Discrepant parent-adolescent reports of parenting practices: associations with adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tanner-Smith Intention to stop bullying following a condemning empathy-raising or combined message from a teacher - do students' empathy and callous-unemotional traits matter?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salmivalli Parenting behaviors and family conflict as predictors of adolescent sleep and bedtime media use,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Khurana Meaning in life moderates relations between personality and temperament and nonsuicidal self-injury in hospitalized adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conner Prosocial behavior and aggression in the daily school lives of early adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maciejewski Peer victimization internalizing problems and the buffering role of friendship quality: disaggregating between- and within-person associations,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meeus Self-harm and aggression in Chinese early adolescents: their co-occurrence and the role of bullying victimization,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Youth's experiences of the devaluing of their contributions due to their ethnicity and gender,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fuligni Emotional reactivity and inhibitory control in nonsuicidal self-injury adolescence: divergence between positive and negative emotions,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Attributions about peer victimization in US and Korean adolescents and associations with internalizing problems,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McDonald Cumulative neighborhood risk and subsequent internalizing behavior among Asian American adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kosterman Correction to: A two-way street? Reciprocal associations between parental warmth and hostility with substance use among justice-involved adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Craig Explore with me: peer observation decreases risk-taking but increases exploration tendencies across adolescence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kray Anger rumination in early adolescence: risk factor or outcome of depressive symptoms? A prospective study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giovazolias Developmental relations between bullying victimization and suicidal ideation in middle adolescence and emerging adulthood: do internalizing problems and substance use mediate their links?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hepp A person-centered approach to adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury: predictors and correlates in a community sample,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kökönyei Parent-child communication social norms and the development of cyber aggression in early adolescence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schulz Who does cohesion benefit? Race gender and peer networks associated with adolescent depressive symptoms,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Copeland Longitudinal associations between social relationships and alcohol use from adolescence into young adulthood: the role of religiousness,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim-Spoon Daily identity processes and emotions in young adulthood: a five-day daily-diary method,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luyckx Distrust moderates the effect of deviant peer affiliation on increased externalizing in adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baskin-Sommers Profiles and transitions of cyberbullying perpetration and victimization from childhood to early adolescence: multi-contextual risk and protective factors,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huebner Intergenerational transmission of peer aggression,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kretschmer Drug use homophily in adolescent offenders' close friendship groups,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steinberg Parent-child discrepancy in educational aspirations and depressive symptoms in early adolescence: a longitudinal study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jiang Differences in aggression and alcohol use among youth with varying levels of victimization and popularity status,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cillessen "I feel you!": the role of empathic competences in reducing ethnic prejudice among adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crocetti The distinct roles of biological and perceived pubertal timing in delinquency and depressive symptoms from adolescence to adulthood,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mrug Parental phubbing self-esteem and suicidal ideation among Chinese adolescents: a longitudinal mediational analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Risk-taking behavior among male adolescents: the role of observer presence and individual self-control,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tian Within-individual changes in impulsivity and sensation seeking from childhood to early adulthood and educational attainment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schwartz Early childhood predictors of teen dating violence involvement at age 17,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ribeaud Cyber-victimization and suicidal ideation in adolescents: a longitudinal moderated mediation model,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescence: the role of pre-existing vulnerabilities and COVID-19-related stress,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Menesini Perceived teacher discrimination and depressive feelings in adolescents: the role of national regional and heritage identities in Flemish schools,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thijs Adolescent mental health and family economic hardships: the roles of adverse childhood experiences and family conflict,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garcia Teachers can make a difference in bullying: effects of teacher interventions on students' adoption of bully victim bully-victim or defender roles across time,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Strohmeier The roles of clique status hierarchy and aggression norms in victimized adolescents' aggressive behavior,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Disrupting the link between corporal punishment exposure and adolescent aggression: the role of teacher-child relationships,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ribeaud Taking the good with the bad? Social media and online racial discrimination influences on psychological and academic functioning in Black and Hispanic youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thomas School-based mental health interventions targeting depression or anxiety: a meta-analysis of rigorous randomized controlled trials for school-aged children and adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Link between peer victimization in college and cortisol secretion: roles of genetic vulnerabilities and social support,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boivin Parent- and child-driven daily family stress processes between daily stress parental warmth and adolescent adjustment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zheng A longitudinal network analysis of the interactions of risk and protective factors for suicidal potential in early adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kwok Mother-adolescent perceived parenting profiles and Mexican-origin adolescents' academic performance,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Examining the prospective bidirectional associations between subjective and objective attractiveness and adolescent internalizing symptoms and life satisfaction,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rapee Psychological and physical abuse and cortisol response to stress: the moderating role of psychosocial resources,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lin Bullying and cyberbullying perpetration and victimization: prospective within-person associations,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ortega-Ruiz Consequences of victimization on perceived friend support during adolescence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Siennick Prospective and contemporaneous relations of self-esteem and depressed affect in the context of parent-child closeness during adolescence: a random-intercept cross-lagged panel model,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cole Adolescents' expectations for types of victim retaliation following direct bullying,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mulvey Parent-child discrepancies in perceived parental emotion socialization: associations with children's internalizing and externalizing problems in Chinese families,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Contextualizing adverse childhood experiences: the intersections of individual and community adversity,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Warner Adverse experiences in late adolescence and young adulthood disadvantages,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Associations of school diversity with students' race-based victimization and school connectedness: a combined influence of student and teacher racial/ethnic diversity and socioeconomic diversity,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sharkey Continuity and stability of child and adolescent depressive symptoms in South Korea: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee The association between perceived discriminatory climate in school and student performance in math and reading: a cross-national analysis using PISA 2018,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Agirdag Correction: Czech adolescents' face-to-face meetings with people from the internet: the role of adolescents' motives and expectations,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mesch Czech adolescents' face-to-face meetings with people from the internet: the role of adolescents' motives and expectations,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mesch Early adverse childhood experiences and positive functioning during adolescence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Contextual influence of school-level gender role attitudes and sexual prejudice on allyship bullying and internalized homonegativity,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan The bridge between cybervictimization and suicidal ideation among adolescents: a vicious cycle of hopelessness,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang When too much help is of no help: mothers' and fathers' perceived overprotective behavior and (mal)adaptive functioning in adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keijsers Growing up in the great recession: the effects of three dimensions of economic well-being on child behavioral difficulties from ages 3 to 17,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chzhen Association between school contexts and the development of subjective well-being during adolescence: a context-sensitive longitudinal study of life satisfaction and school satisfaction,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Becker Joint developmental trajectories of likability and popularity: associations with social behavior among Chinese adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li A person-centered investigation into the co-development of perceived stress and internalizing symptoms among post-secondary students,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ewing Cyber-victimization and mental health concerns among middle school students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garthe Interventions with digital tools for mental health promotion among 11-18 year olds: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gasteiger-Klicpera Who is most at risk for developing physical aggression after playing violent video games? An individual differences perspective from early adolescence to emerging adulthood,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coyne Coercive parenting and juvenile delinquency in China: assessing gender differences in the moderating effect of empathic concern,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Autonomy-relatedness patterns and their association with academic and psychological adjustment among Chinese adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fang Bidirectional associations between friend overprotection and psychosocial adjustment during adolescence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bowker Unraveling the bidirectional associations between parental knowledge and children's externalizing behavior,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Denissen The differential impact of parenting on adolescent externalizing behaviors in the context of maternal stress,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jacobson Effects of the prevention program "HateLess. together against hatred" on adolescents' empathy self-efficacy and countering hate speech,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gámez-Guadix Using observational dyadic methods in youth mentoring research: preliminary evidence of the role of actors' and partners' self-disclosure in predicting relationship quality,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Overall Not next to you: peer rejection sociodemographic characteristics and the moderating effects of classroom composition,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Plenty Correction: Identity formation body image and body-related symptoms: developmental trajectories and associations throughout adolescence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Claes Correction: Attachment to peers and school: longitudinal moderators of the relation between caregiver psychological distress and adolescent hopelessness,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hooper The power dynamics of friendship: between- and within- person associations among friend dominance self-esteem and adolescent internalizing symptoms,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schacter Stability and change in adolescents' sense of agency: contributions of sex multiple risk pandemic stress and attachment to parents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schoon Youth suicide and self-harm: latent class profiles of adversity and the moderating roles of perceived support and sense of safety,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bunting Social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic impacts the link between child abuse and adolescent internalizing problems,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trucco Interpersonal- and community-level risk factors for adolescent obesity: an examination of sexual identity school violence and school climate in a large sample of urban adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Russell Evaluating mentors in violence prevention: a longitudinal multilevel assessment of outcome changes,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elliott Profiles and transitions of non-suicidal self-injury and depressive symptoms among adolescent boys and girls: predictive role of bullying victimization,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang The enhancing role of emotion regulation in the links between early positive memories and self-harm and suicidal ideation in adolescence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carvalho Adolescents' comfort in disclosing to caregivers predicts suicidal thoughts and behaviors directly and indirectly through difficulties in emotion regulation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lengua Cultural stress profiles: describing different typologies of migration related and cultural stressors among Hispanic or Latino youth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schwartz Gendered differences in experiences of bullying and mental health among transgender and cisgender youth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luopa Life stress and cyberbullying: examining the mediating roles of expressive suppression and online disinhibition,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li The effect of parents and peers on the neural correlates of risk taking and antisocial behavior during adolescence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rudolph Positive and negative leadership in late childhood: similarities in individual but differences in interpersonal characteristics,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veenstra Longitudinal associations between peer victimization and positive and negative social risk taking in adolescence and young adulthood,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steinberg The longitudinal features of depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic among Chinese college students: a network perspective,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhao Correction: Emotion regulation difficulties and relationship satisfaction in adolescent couples: the role of conflict resolution strategies,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ha Perceived neighborhood safety and depressive symptoms: the role of perceived neighborhood cohesion and perceived control,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lambert A longitudinal mediation analysis of the interrelations among exclusionary immigration policy ethnic identity and self-esteem of Latinx early adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Santos Personal identity somatic symptoms and symptom-related thoughts feelings and behaviors in adolescence: examining between- and within-person associations and the role of depressive symptoms,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Claes Profiles transitions and resilience factors of suicide risk in early Chinese adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peng Bullying victimization and comorbid patterns of PTSD and depressive symptoms in adolescents: random intercept latent transition analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhou Perceived parental support and psychological control DNA methylation and loneliness: longitudinal associations across early adolescence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van den Noortgate Sexting among Australian adolescents: risk and protective factors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Toumbourou The perils of not being attractive or athletic: pathways to adolescent adjustment difficulties through escalating unpopularity,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Laursen Adolescent-mother agreements and discrepancies in reports of helicopter parenting: associations with perceived conflict and support,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Developmental pathway from childhood abuse to adolescent peer victimization: the role of rejection sensitivity and aggression,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Can an universal school-based social emotional learning program reduce adolescents' social withdrawal and social anxiety?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sousa Risk and protective factors associated with self-cutting behavior among adolescents at first contact with the juvenile court,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kemp Are parents the key? How parental suicide stigma and suicide literacy affect help-seeking attitudes and intentions for their child,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Batterham The effect of relative pubertal maturation and perceived popularity on symptoms of depression and social anxiety in adolescent boys and girls,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krabbendam "Help me control my impulses!" Adolescent impulsivity and its negative individual family peer and community explanatory factors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carvalho Are discrepancies between father and adolescent perceptions of harsh parenting and conflict associated with adolescent mental health symptoms?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tein Profiles and transitions of loneliness and depressive symptoms among migrant children: predictive role of bullying victimization,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Interpersonal stress and late adolescent depressive symptoms: moderation by perceptual sensitivity to facial expression of anger,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cao The joint impact of trait competitiveness and competitive climate on depressive symptoms and anxiety among adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Associations among parental phubbing self-esteem and adolescents' proactive and reactive aggression: a three-year longitudinal study in China,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Youth perceived social support and symptom distress: a random-intercept cross-lagged panel model,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verhagen The boomerang effect of suppression of emotional expression: relationship power affectivity and adolescent and youth male-to-female dating violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Landa Black adolescent self-perceptions: the roles of ethnic identity and stress exposure,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMahon TikToks lead to higher knowledge and perceived severity of sexual violence among adolescent men,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moracco Social anxiety and bullying victimization in children and early adolescents: the role of developmental period and immigrant status,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Camodeca Endorsement of masculine-typed behaviors decreases during middle adolescence: the contextualizing role of peer experiences for adolescents living in the United States,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nielson Maternal childhood maltreatment and adolescent internalizing problems: the mediating role of maternal depressive symptoms and offspring childhood maltreatment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Protective factors for antisocial behavior in youth: what is the meta-analytic evidence?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,van der Put Longitudinal relations among parental substance use disorder and adolescent drinking behavior: the role of temperament negative urgency and maternal parenting,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chassin Correction: A few close friends? Adolescent friendships' effect on internalizing symptoms is serially mediated by desire for more friends and social goal orientation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krabbendam Longitudinal associations between interpersonal distrust and social aggression during college: disentangling the within-person process from stable between-person differences,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dong The role of self-esteem in protecting against cyber-victimization and gaming disorder symptoms among adolescents: a temporal dynamics analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Griffiths School connectedness and mental health among Black adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nepomnyaschy Identity matters for well-being: the longitudinal associations between identity processes and well-being in adolescents with different cultural backgrounds,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luyckx Patterns and transitions of nonsuicidal self-injury outcome expectancies and their associations with nonsuicidal self-injury among adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,You Trajectories of goth music preferences in adolescence and psychological adjustment in adulthood,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Poulin Unveiling adolescent suicidality: holistic analysis of protective and risk factors using multiple machine learning algorithms,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Qin Emotion regulation predicts depressive symptoms in adolescents: a prospective study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kökönyei The association between emotion recognition and internalizing problems in children and adolescents: a three-level meta-analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang What fosters school connectedness? The roles of classroom interactions and parental support,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patterson Skin-deep resilience and early adolescence: neighborhood disadvantage executive functioning and pubertal development in minority youth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Different ways to defend victims of bullying: defending profiles and their associations with adolescents' victimization experiences and depressive symptoms,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhou Sexual minority youth reporting SOGIE-based harassment to adults at school: the roles of experienced harassment outness safety and adult support at school,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eaton The association between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) bullying victimization and internalizing and externalizing problems among early adolescents: examining cumulative and interactive associations,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jackson Interparental conflict and early adolescent depressive symptoms: parent-child triangulation as the mediator and grandparent support as the moderator,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yang Social anxiety and peer victimization and aggression: examining reciprocal trait-state effects among early adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gong Relationship between personality traits and subjective well-being in emerging adulthood: moderating role of independent and interdependent self-construal,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tanaka Adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidality: a latent class analysis and associations with clinical characteristics in an at-risk cohort,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hoogendijk Longitudinal associations between reactive and proactive aggression and depression in early adolescence: between- and within-person effects,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Parent-adolescent congruence and discrepancy in perceived parental emotion socialization to anger and sadness: using response surface analysis to examine the links with adolescent depressive symptoms,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhou Trajectories of loneliness during adolescence predict subsequent symptoms of depression and positive wellbeing,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rosenberg The longitudinal effect of peer-nominated popularity on defending behaviors in Chinese adolescents: the moderating role of manipulative traits desired popularity and gender,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yang Students' school and psychological adjustment in classrooms with positive and negative leaders,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veenstra Parent-child discrepancies in perceived parental control and their associations with children's prosocial behaviors in early adolescence within Chinese families,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang A latent transition analysis of aggression victimization patterns during the transition from primary to middle school,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Religion and suicide in Black emerging adults: examining pathways through hope and meaning in life,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goodwill Trends in bullying victimization and social unsafety for sexually and gender diverse students,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fish Traditional and race-based bullying in racial-minority majority and racially diverse schools,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yu A daily diary study of the relation between stress and nonsuicidal self-injury and the moderating role of emotion dysregulation in emerging adulthood,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldstein Social media posts from friends during late adolescence as predictors of young adult physical health,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allen Quantifying the importance of non-suicidal self-injury characteristics in predicting different clinical outcomes: using random forest model,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Standard deviation vs. Gini coefficient: effects of different indicators of classroom status hierarchy on bullying behavior,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garandeau Beyond the laws: parental monitoring perceived acceptability of underage drinking and alcohol use among Belgian youth,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Véronneau Gender sexuality alliances and school safety: who benefits most and do additive school-led practices strengthen the link?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Looze Teachers' implementation of the Identity Project is associated with increases in U.S. high school students' ethnic-racial identity exploration,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Umaña-Taylor Bullying victims' perceived social support and psychological health and prosocial behavior: a latent profile analysis,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huang Why so lonely? 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