Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Speeding Terrorism and Teaching to the Test,2006,121,3,1029-1061,Lazear Abortion Legalization and Child Living Circumstances: Who Is the "Marginal Child"?,1999,114,1,263-291,Gruber The impact of legalized abortion on crime,2001,116,2,379-420,Donohue Traffic safety from an economists point of view,1958,72,4,477-484,Valavanis How Much Should We Trust Differences-in-Differences Estimates?,2004,119,1,249-275,Bertrand Does Movie Violence Increase Violent Crime?,2011,124,2,677-734,Dahl The power of TV: Cable television and women's status in India,2009,124,3,1057-1094,Jensen Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law: Divorce Laws and Family Distress,2006,121,1,267-288,Stevenson Family violence and football: the effect of unexpected emotional cues on violent behavior,2011,126,1,103-143,Card Products Liability: Implications of Some Changing Property Rights,1970,84,4,611-626,McKean The effect of myopia and loss aversion on risk taking: an experimental test,1997,112,2,647-661,Schwartz Loss aversion in riskless choice: a reference dependent model,1991,106,4,1039-1061,Tversky Thinking fast and slow? Some field experiments to reduce crime and dropout in Chicago,2017,132,1,1-54,Pollack Predicting and preventing gun violence: an experimental evaluation of READI Chicago,2024,139,1,1-56,Blattman Are recessions good for your health?,2000,115,2,617-650,Ruhm Bargaining in the shadow of the law: Divorce laws and family distress,2006,121,1,267-288,Wolfers