Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Democracy came too early: a tentative explanation for the problem of American homicide,2006,111,1,104-114,Spierenbug The Rifle in the American Revolution,1924,29,2,293-299,Wright The Psychohistorical Origins of the Nazi Youth Cohort,1971,76,5,1457-1502,Loewenberg Convergence or divergence? Recent historical writings on the Rape of Nanjing,1999,104,3,842-865,Yang Getting Away with Murder,2006,111,1,95-103,Dale Suicide in late colonial Africa: the evidence of inquests from Nyasaland,2010,115,2,385-404,Vaughan Politics and patricide in Freud's interpretation of dreams,1973,78,,328-347,Schorske Homicide: explaining America's exceptionalism,2006,111,1,76-94,Monkkonen Remembering and dismemberment: crippled children wounded soldiers and the great war in Great Britain,1994,99,4,1167-1202,Koven Sleep we have lost: pre-industrial slumber in the British Isles,2001,106,2,343-386,Ekirch The road from isolation: The campaign of the American Committee for Non-Participation in Japanese Aggression 1938-1941,1969,74,3,1114,Friedman The League of Nations' rescue of Armenian genocide survivors and the making of modern humanitarianism 1920-1927,2010,115,5,1315-1339,Watenpaugh "Gouge and bite pull hair and scratch": the social significance of fighting in the southern backcountry,1985,90,1,18-43,Gorn Disability history: why we need another "other",2003,108,3,763-793,Kudlick Arming and disarming: a history of gun control in Canada,2014,119,3,881-882,Merkel Deodands in Colonial Virginia and Maryland,1932,37,4,712-717,Karraker