Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Mass Fatality Management following the South Asian Tsunami Disaster: Case Studies in Thailand Indonesia and Sri Lanka,2006,3,6,e195,Morgan Suicide Rates and Antidepressant Prescribing: A Casual or Causal Relationship?,2006,3,6,e220,Baune Noncommunicable Diseases and Injuries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Time for Action,2006,3,9,,Perel Eight Americas: Investigating Mortality Disparities across Races Counties and Race-Counties in the United States,2006,3,9,,Tomijima Antidepressants and Violence: Problems at the Interface of Medicine and Law,2006,3,9,,Healy Why Medical Students Should Be Trained in Disaster Management: Our Experience of the Kashmir Earthquake,2006,3,9,,Sabri Projections of global mortality and burden of disease from 2002 to 2030,2006,3,11,e442,Mathers Fluoxetine and Suicide Rates: Author's Reply,2006,3,11,e504,Licinio Fluoxetine and suicide rates: suicide and the economy,2006,3,11,e501; author reply e504,Camargo Interrupted Time-Series Analysis of Regulations to Reduce Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) Poisoning,2007,4,4,e105,Majeed Noncommunicable diseases and injuries: action needed in South Asia too,2007,4,1,e38,Khuwaja Comparative analysis of alcohol control policies in 30 countries,2007,4,4,e151,Lowenfels Road Traffic Injury Is an Escalating Burden in Africa and Deserves Proportionate Research Efforts,2007,4,6,e170,Lagarde Does restricting pack size of paracetamol (acetaminophen) reduce suicides?,2007,4,4,e152,Gunnell The Consumption of Khat and Other Drugs in Somali Combatants: A Cross-Sectional Study,2007,4,12,e341,Neuner Improvement in survival after paraquat ingestion following introduction of a new formulation in Sri Lanka,2008,5,2,e49,Dawson The reversal of fortunes: trends in county mortality and cross-county mortality disparities in the United States,2008,5,4,e66,Murray Retail Sales of Alcohol and the Risk of Being a Victim of Assault,2008,5,5,e108,Bennetts Alcohol Sales and Risk of Serious Assault,2008,5,5,e104,Cusimano Decreased brain volume in adults with childhood lead exposure,2008,5,5,e112,Egelhoff Association of prenatal and childhood blood lead concentrations with criminal arrests in early adulthood,2008,5,5,e101,Lanphear Characterizing the Epidemiological Transition in Mexico: National and Subnational Burden of Diseases Injuries and Risk Factors,2008,5,6,e125,Hill Rape in war is common devastating and too often ignored,2009,6,1,e21, The Need for Outreach in Preventing Suicide among Young Veterans,2009,6,3,e35,Sareen Suicide after Leaving the UK Armed Forces -- A Cohort Study,2009,6,3,e26,Harrison Media Portrayals of Suicide,2009,6,3,e51, The preventable causes of death in the United States: comparative risk assessment of dietary lifestyle and metabolic risk factors,2009,6,4,e1000058,Rehm A new tool for measuring the brutality of war,2008,5,12,e249,Sondorp The dirty war index: statistical issues feasibility and interpretation,2008,5,12,e248,Taback Research in complex humanitarian emergencies: the Médecins Sans Frontières/Epicentre experience,2008,5,4,e89,Brown Neurological and behavioral consequences of childhood lead exposure,2008,5,5,e115,Bellinger The absolute risk of venous thrombosis after air travel: a cohort study of 8755 employees of international organisations,2007,4,9,e290,Middeldorp Pralidoxime in acute organophosphorus insecticide poisoning--a randomised controlled trial,2009,6,6,e1000104,Eddleston Conflict crisis and abuse in Dharavi Mumbai: experiences from six years at a centre for vulnerable women and children,2009,6,7,e1000088,Fernandez Schizophrenia and violence: systematic review and meta-analysis,2009,6,8,e1000120,Fazel Cross-national analysis of the associations among mental disorders and suicidal behavior: findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,2009,6,8,e1000123,Nock Modeling of the temporal patterns of fluoxetine prescriptions and suicide rates in the United States,2006,3,6,e190,Licinio Trends in suicidology: personality as an endophenotype for molecular genetic investigations,2006,3,5,e107,Savitz Perspectives on the efficacy of antidepressants for child and adolescent depression,2006,3,1,e9,Raz Medico-legal findings legal case progression and outcomes in South African rape cases: retrospective review,2009,6,10,e1000164,Jewkes Motor vehicle crashes in diabetic patients with tight glycemic control: a population-based case control analysis,2009,6,12,e1000192,Redelmeier Rape with extreme violence: the new pathology in South Kivu Democratic Republic of Congo,2009,6,12,e1000204,Mukengere Mukwege School playground surfacing and arm fractures in children: a cluster randomized trial comparing sand to wood chip surfaces,2009,6,12,e1000195,Macpherson Relationship between vehicle emissions laws and incidence of suicide by motor vehicle exhaust gas in Australia 2001-06: an ecological analysis,2010,7,1,e1000210,Pirkis The evolution of the epidemic of charcoal-burning suicide in Taiwan: a spatial and temporal analysis,2010,7,1,e1000212,Gunnell Combined impact of health behaviours and mortality in men and women: the EPIC-Norfolk prospective population study,2008,5,1,e12,Day How should the health community respond to violent political conflict?,2004,1,1,e14,Zwi BMI and risk of serious upper body injury following motor vehicle crashes: concordance of real-world and computer-simulated observations,2010,7,3,e1000250,Pintar Preventing road deaths--time for data,2010,7,3,e1000257, Protecting vulnerable road users from injury,2010,7,3,e1000228,Lagarde Suicide prevention for older adults in residential communities: implications for policy and practice,2010,7,5,e1000254,Conwell Secondary Prevention of Suicide,2010,7,6,e1000271,Sher Drug consumption in conflict zones in Somalia,2007,4,12,e354,Bhui Combined Impact of Lifestyle-Related Factors on Total and Cause-Specific Mortality among Chinese Women: Prospective Cohort Study,2010,7,9,ePub,Wen Structural violence and clinical medicine,2006,3,10,e449,Farmer Expectations for recovery important in the prognosis of whiplash injuries,2008,5,5,e105,Cassidy Acute human lethal toxicity of agricultural pesticides: a prospective cohort study,2010,7,10,e1000357,Eddleston An urgent need to restrict access to pesticides based on human lethality,2010,7,10,e1000358,Bhalla Prescription Medicines and the Risk of Road Traffic Crashes: A French Registry-Based Study,2010,7,11,e1000366,Salmi Road trauma in teenage male youth with childhood disruptive behavior disorders: a population based analysis,2010,7,11,e1000369,Redelmeier Self-injurious behavior in adolescents,2010,7,5,e1000240,Whitlock The latest mania: selling bipolar disorder,2006,3,4,e185,Healy Snakebite: sociocultural anthropological bias,2006,3,9,e412,Kumar Adult consequences of late adolescent alcohol consumption: a systematic review of cohort studies,2011,8,2,e1000413,McAlaney Violent deaths of Iraqi civilians 2003-2008: Analysis by perpetrator weapon time and location,2011,8,2,e1000415,Hicks Measuring the true costs of war: consensus and controversy,2011,8,2,e1000417,Muggah Nuclear weapons 60 years on: still a global public health threat,2005,2,11,e301,Macdonald Facing up to unpalatable evidence for the sake of our patients,2009,6,8,e1000112,Mullen Should health professionals screen all women for domestic violence?,2004,1,1,e4,MacMillan Plague: past present and future,2008,5,1,e3,Rahalison The dirty war index: a public health and human rights tool for examining and monitoring armed conflict outcomes,2008,5,12,e243,Hicks Interpersonal psychotherapy delivered by nonspecialists for depression and posttraumatic stress disorder among Kenyan HIV-positive women affected by gender-based violence: Randomized controlled trial,2021,18,1,e1003468,Cohen Neglect of medical evidence of torture in Guantánamo Bay: A case series,2011,8,4,e1001027,Iacopino Can Mobile Phone Data Improve Emergency Response to Natural Disasters?,2011,8,8,e1001085,Gething Improved Response to Disasters and Outbreaks by Tracking Population Movements with Mobile Phone Network Data,2011,8,8,e1001083,Garfield Alcohol consumption at midlife and successful ageing in women: A prospective cohort analysis in the nurses' health study,2011,8,9,e1001090,Rimm Prospective study of one million deaths in India: rationale design and validation results,2006,3,2,e18,Gajalakshmi Risk of violent crime in individuals with epilepsy and traumatic brain injury: a 35-year Swedish population study,2011,8,12,e1001150,Fazel Violent crime epilepsy and traumatic brain injury,2011,8,12,e1001148,Volavka Adult mortality attributable to preventable risk factors for non-communicable diseases and injuries in Japan: a comparative risk assessment,2012,9,1,e1001160,Mizoue Six-Year Follow-Up of Impact of Co-proxamol Withdrawal in England and Wales on Prescribing and Deaths: Time-Series Study,2012,9,5,e1001213,Bergen Prevalence and risk of violence and the physical mental and sexual health problems associated with human trafficking: systematic review,2012,9,5,e1001224,Zimmerman Six imprisoned health-care workers in Libya are pawns in a far larger strategic game. The repercussions are enormous,2006,3,11,e514,Garrett The long-term health consequences of child physical abuse emotional abuse and neglect: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2012,9,11,e1001349,Butchart Intimate partner femicide in South Africa in 1999 and 2009,2013,10,4,e1001412,Lombard Intimate partner violence and population mental health: why poverty and gender inequities matter,2013,10,5,e1001440,Tsai Intimate partner violence and incident depressive symptoms and suicide attempts: a systematic review of longitudinal studies,2013,10,5,e1001439,Watts Why aren't we listening yet? A Decade of Road Safety begins quietly,2013,10,6,e1001464,Koehlmoos Modern medicine is neglecting road traffic crashes,2013,10,6,e1001463,Redelmeier Associations between active travel to work and overweight hypertension and diabetes in India: a cross-sectional study,2013,10,6,e1001459,Ebrahim The health effects of motorization,2013,10,6,e1001458,Bhalla Reflections on the global burden of disease 2010 estimates,2013,10,7,e1001477,Laflamme Prevalence of consensual male-male sex and sexual violence and associations with HIV in South Africa: A population-based cross-sectional study,2013,10,6,e1001472,Sikweyiya Burden of depressive disorders by country sex age and year: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010,2013,10,11,e1001547,Vos The final push for polio eradication: Addressing the challenge of violence in Afghanistan Pakistan and Nigeria,2013,10,10,e1001529,Abimbola A comprehensive framework for human resources for health system development in fragile and post-conflict states,2011,8,12,e1001146,Zwi Global protection and the health impact of migration interception,2011,8,6,e1001038,Steel Associations between intimate partner violence and health among men who have sex with men: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,11,3,e1001609,Bacchus The effectiveness of community action in reducing risky alcohol consumption and harm: a cluster randomised controlled trial,2014,11,3,e1001617,Gilmour Regional changes in charcoal-burning suicide rates in east/southeast Asia from 1995 to 2011: a time trend analysis,2014,11,4,e1001622,Lee Optimal evidence in difficult settings: improving health interventions and decision making in disasters,2014,11,4,e1001632,Murray Intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion: global barriers to women's reproductive control,2014,11,9,e1001723,Raj (How) Can We Reduce Violence Against Women by 50% over the Next 30 Years?,2014,11,11,e1001761,Jewkes World Health Organization Guidelines for Management of Acute Stress PTSD and Bereavement: Key Challenges on the Road Ahead,2014,11,12,e1001769,Sumathipala How women were affected by the tsunami: a perspective from Oxfam,2005,2,6,e178,Macdonald After the tsunami: legal implications of mass burials of unidentified victims in Sri Lanka,2005,2,6,e185,Perera Child mortality estimation: a comparison of UN IGME and IHME estimates of levels and trends in under-five mortality rates and deaths,2012,9,8,e1001288,Alkema Mistreatment of women in childbirth: time for action on this important dimension of violence against women,2015,12,6,e1001849,Jewkes Implementation of a mental health care package for children in areas of armed conflict: a case study from Burundi Indonesia Nepal Sri Lanka and Sudan,2013,10,1,e1001371,Tol Research priorities for mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings,2011,8,9,e1001096,Van Ommeren Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and violent crime: a cohort study,2015,12,9,e1001875,Fazel Human trafficking: the shameful face of migration,2011,8,6,e1001047, 10-y risks of death and emergency re-admission in adolescents hospitalised with violent drug- or alcohol-related or self-inflicted injury: a population-based cohort study,2015,12,12,e1001931,Gilbert Risks and Benefits of Nalmefene in the Treatment of Adult Alcohol Dependence: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of Published and Unpublished Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trials,2015,12,12,e1001924,Naudet Intimate partner violence and depression symptom severity among South African women during pregnancy and postpartum: population-based prospective cohort study,2016,13,1,e1001943,Rotheram-Borus Risk of injurious fall and hip fracture up to 26 y before the diagnosis of Parkinson disease: nested case-control studies in a nationwide cohort,2016,13,2,e1001954,Nordström A novel brief therapy for patients who attempt suicide: a 24-months follow-up randomized controlled study of the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP),2016,13,3,e1001968,Michel Estimated effects of different alcohol taxation and price policies on health inequalities: a mathematical modelling study,2016,13,2,e1001963,Brennan Child homicide: a global public health concern,2016,13,4,e1002004,Osrin Gender differences in homicide of neonates infants and children under 5 y in South Africa: results from the Cross-Sectional 2009 National Child Homicide Study,2016,13,4,e1002003,Lombard Concussions and repercussions,2016,13,8,e1002104,Redelmeier Long-term outcomes associated with traumatic brain injury in childhood and adolescence: a nationwide Swedish cohort study of a wide range of medical and social outcomes,2016,13,8,e1002103,Fazel Social dancing and incidence of falls in older adults: a cluster randomised controlled trial,2016,13,8,e1002112,Simpson A holistic person-centred care model for victims of sexual violence in Democratic Republic of Congo: the Panzi Hospital One-Stop Centre Model of Care,2016,13,10,e1002156,Mukwege Clinical action against drunk driving,2017,14,2,e1002231,Detsky Subjective and objective cognitive function among older adults with a history of traumatic brain injury: A population-based cohort study,2017,14,3,e1002246,Langa Measuring personal beliefs and perceived norms about intimate partner violence: population-based survey experiment in rural Uganda,2017,14,5,e1002303,Tsai Associations between recreational and commuter cycling changes in cycling and type 2 diabetes risk: a cohort study of Danish men and women,2016,13,7,e1002076,Overvad Risk of hospitalization with neurodegenerative disease after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury in the working-age population: a retrospective cohort study using the Finnish national health registries,2017,14,7,e1002316,Jousilahti Trends in traumatic brain injury mortality in China 2006-2013: a population-based longitudinal study,2017,14,7,e1002332,Schwebel Years of life lost due to traumatic brain injury in Europe: a cross-sectional analysis of 16 countries,2017,14,7,e1002331,Maas Prescription medicine use by pedestrians and the risk of injurious road traffic crashes: a case-crossover study,2017,14,7,e1002347,Salmi Effectiveness of a brief behavioural intervention on psychological distress among women with a history of gender-based violence in urban Kenya: a randomised clinical trial,2017,14,8,e1002371,Van Ommeren Lay worker-administered behavioral treatments for psychological distress in resource-limited settings: time to move from evidence to practice?,2017,14,8,e1002372,Tsai Women's and men's reports of past-year prevalence of intimate partner violence and rape and women's risk factors for intimate partner violence: a multicountry cross-sectional study in Asia and the Pacific,2017,14,9,e1002381,Jewkes Sustained effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Healthy Activity Programme a brief psychological treatment for depression delivered by lay counsellors in primary care: 12-month follow-up of a randomised controlled trial,2017,14,9,e1002385,Vijayakumar Sustained effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Counselling for Alcohol Problems a brief psychological treatment for harmful drinking in men delivered by lay counsellors in primary care: 12-month follow-up of a randomised controlled trial,2017,14,9,e1002386,Velleman Firearm-related injury and death: a U.S. health care crisis in need of health care professionals,2017,14,10,e1002430,Drazen Quantifying underreporting of law-enforcement-related deaths in United States vital statistics and news-media-based data sources: a capture-recapture analysis,2017,14,10,e1002399,Gruskin Benefit and harm of intensive blood pressure treatment: Derivation and validation of risk models using data from the SPRINT and ACCORD trials,2017,14,10,e1002410,Basu Child sex trafficking in the United States: challenges for the healthcare provider,2017,14,11,e1002439,Greenbaum Human trafficking and exploitation: a global health concern,2017,14,11,e1002437,Kiss Labour trafficking: challenges and opportunities from an occupational health perspective,2017,14,11,e1002440,Moen What about drinking is associated with shorter life in poorer people?,2018,15,1,e1002477,Rehm Traumatic brain injury and the risk of dementia diagnosis: a nationwide cohort study,2018,15,1,e1002496,Nordström Causes of death and infant mortality rates among full-term births in the United States between 2010 and 2012: an observational study,2018,15,3,e1002531,Fink Injury and death during the ISIS occupation of Mosul and its liberation: results from a 40-cluster household survey,2018,15,5,e1002567,Lafta The San Diego 2007 wildfires and Medi-Cal emergency department presentations inpatient hospitalizations and outpatient visits: an observational study of smoke exposure periods and a bidirectional case-crossover analysis,2018,15,7,e1002601,French Heat-related mortality trends under recent climate warming in Spain: a 36-year observational study,2018,15,7,e1002617,Ballester Reducing the burden of dizziness in middle-aged and older people: a multifactorial tailored single-blind randomized controlled trial,2018,15,7,e1002620,Sturnieks Associations between sex work laws and sex workers' health: a systematic review and meta-analysis of quantitative and qualitative studies,2018,15,12,e1002680,Sherman Human trafficking and labor exploitation: toward identifying implementing and evaluating effective responses,2019,16,1,e1002740,Kiss The healthcare response to human trafficking: a need for globally harmonized ICD codes,2019,16,5,e1002799,Greenbaum Evaluation of RESPOND a patient-centred program to prevent falls in older people presenting to the emergency department with a fall: a randomised controlled trial,2019,16,5,e1002807,Cameron The Flooring for Injury Prevention (FLIP) Study of compliant flooring for the prevention of fall-related injuries in long-term care: a randomized trial,2019,16,6,e1002843,Mackey The gender-based violence and recovery centre at Coast Provincial General Hospital Mombasa Kenya: an integrated care model for survivors of sexual violence,2019,16,8,e1002886,Temmerman Variation of all-cause and cause-specific mortality with body mass index in one million Swedish parent-son pairs: an instrumental variable analysis,2019,16,8,e1002868,Tynelius Psychological social and welfare interventions for torture survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials,2019,16,9,e1002919,Williams Risk and protective factors for child development: an observational South African birth cohort,2019,16,9,e1002920,Stein Suicide prevention: putting the person at the center,2019,16,9,e1002938,Patel Maternal exposure to intimate partner violence and breastfeeding practices in 51 low-income and middle-income countries: a population-based cross-sectional study,2019,16,10,e1002921,Uthman Psychiatric morbidity and suicidal behaviour in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,16,10,e1002905,Chang Prescription opioid use and misuse among adolescents and young adults in the United States: a national survey study,2019,16,11,e1002922,Monuteaux Heavy and binge alcohol drinking and parenting status in the United States from 2006 to 2018: an analysis of nationally representative cross-sectional surveys,2019,16,11,e1002954,Keyes Social determinants of health in relation to firearm-related homicides in the United States: a nationwide multilevel cross-sectional study,2019,16,12,e1002978,Kim Mental disorders and intimate partner violence perpetrated by men towards women: a Swedish population-based longitudinal study,2019,16,12,e1002995,Fazel Opioid-related treatment interventions and outcomes among incarcerated persons: a systematic review,2019,16,12,e1003002,Fischer Associations of adverse childhood experiences with educational attainment and adolescent health and the role of family and socioeconomic factors: a prospective cohort study in the UK,2020,17,3,e1003031,Heron Drought and intimate partner violence towards women in 19 countries in sub-Saharan Africa during 2011-2018: a population-based study,2020,17,3,e1003064,Charlebois Association of suicidal behavior with exposure to suicide and suicide attempt: a systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis,2020,17,3,e1003074,Pirkis Effectiveness of the Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA) in reducing intimate partner violence and hazardous alcohol use in Zambia (VATU): a randomized controlled trial,2020,17,4,e1003056,Bolton Studying individual risk factors for self-harm in the UK Biobank: a polygenic scoring and Mendelian randomisation study,2020,17,6,e1003137,Rijsdijk Chronic pain diagnosis in refugee torture survivors: a prospective blinded diagnostic accuracy study,2020,17,6,e1003108,Mauer Temporal variations in the distribution of self-harm episodes and methods across the Australian asylum seeker population: an observational study,2020,17,8,e1003235,Borschmann Effectiveness of a culturally appropriate intervention to prevent intimate partner violence and HIV transmission among men women and couples in rural Ethiopia: findings from a cluster-randomized controlled trial,2020,17,8,e1003274,Deyessa An intimate partner violence prevention intervention for men women and couples in Ethiopia: additional findings on substance use and depressive symptoms from a cluster-randomized controlled trial,2020,17,8,e1003131,Deyessa Psychological and pharmacological interventions for posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbid mental health problems following complex traumatic events: systematic review and component network meta-analysis,2020,17,8,e1003262,McMillan Mental health problems among female sex workers in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,17,9,e1003297,Krishnaratne Predicting suicide attempt or suicide death following a visit to psychiatric specialty care: a machine learning study using Swedish national registry data,2020,17,11,e1003416,Fazel Violence prevention accelerators for children and adolescents in South Africa: a path analysis using two pooled cohorts,2020,17,11,e1003383,Sherr Factors associated with suicide risk among Chinese adults: a prospective cohort study of 0.5 million individuals,2021,18,3,e1003545,Fazel Correction: Heat-related mortality trends under recent climate warming in Spain: a 36-year observational study,2021,18,4,e1003627,Ballester Conflict violence reduction and pregnancy outcomes: a regression discontinuity design in Colombia,2021,18,7,e1003684,Buitrago Evaluation of approaches to strengthen civil registration and vital statistics systems: a systematic review and synthesis of policies in 25 countries,2019,16,9,e1002929,Ma Fat Development and validation of the Durham Risk Score for estimating suicide attempt risk: a prospective cohort analysis,2021,18,8,e1003713,Elbogen Conflict-related intentional injuries in Baghdad Iraq 2003-2014: a modeling study and proposed method for calculating burden of injury in conflict,2021,18,8,e1003673,Lafta All-cause and cause-specific mortality during and following incarceration in Brazil: a retrospective cohort study,2021,18,9,e1003789,Andrews Differences in outcomes of mandatory motorcycle helmet legislation by country income level: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,18,9,e1003795,Rosseau The relationship between psychosocial circumstances and injuries in adolescents: an analysis of 87269 individuals from 26 countries using the Global School-based Student Health Survey,2021,18,9,e1003722,Peden Gender-equitable caregiver attitudes and education and safety of adolescent girls in South Kivu DRC: a secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial,2021,18,9,e1003619,Stark Postmortem investigations and identification of multiple causes of child deaths: an analysis of findings from the Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) network,2021,18,9,e1003814,El Arifeen The EmpaTeach intervention for reducing physical violence from teachers to students in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp: a cluster-randomised controlled trial,2021,18,10,e1003808,Devries Fatal opioid overdoses during and shortly after hospital admissions in England: a case-crossover study,2021,18,10,e1003759,Farrell Impact of color-coded and warning nutrition labelling schemes: a systematic review and network meta-analysis,2021,18,10,e1003765,Song Drug-induced orthostatic hypotension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials,2021,18,11,e1003821,Petersen Grade repetition and bullying victimization in adolescents: a global cross-sectional study of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) data from 2018,2021,18,11,e1003846,Tu Assessing the relationship between agency and peer violence among adolescents aged 10 to 14 years in Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo and Blantyre Malawi: a cross-sectional study,2021,18,12,e1003552,Moreau Psychiatric comorbidity and risk of premature mortality and suicide among those with chronic respiratory diseases cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in Sweden: a nationwide matched cohort study of over 1 million patients and their unaffected siblings,2022,19,1,e1003864,Fazel Concurrent use of prescription gabapentinoids with opioids and risk for fall-related injury among older US Medicare beneficiaries with chronic noncancer pain: a population-based cohort study,2022,19,3,e1003921,Chen Prevention of violence against women and girls: a cost-effectiveness study across 6 low- and middle-income countries,2022,19,3,e1003827,Jewkes Relationship between the Bolsa Família national cash transfer programme and suicide incidence in Brazil: a quasi-experimental study,2022,19,5,e1004000,Araya The effect of a therapeutic smartphone application on suicidal ideation in young adults: findings from a randomized controlled trial in Australia,2022,19,5,e1003978,Torok Association of injury after prescription opioid initiation with risk for opioid-related adverse events among older Medicare beneficiaries in the United States: a nested case-control study,2022,19,9,e1004101,Fillingim Risk of fracture in adults with type 2 diabetes in Sweden: a national cohort study,2023,20,1,e1004172,Lorentzon Associations between β-blockers and psychiatric and behavioural outcomes: a population-based cohort study of 1.4 million individuals in Sweden,2023,20,1,e1004164,Fazel A multicomponent digital intervention to promote help-seeking for mental health problems and suicide in sexual and gender diverse young adults: a randomized controlled trial,2023,20,3,e1004197,Han Educational and employment outcomes associated with childhood traumatic brain injury in Scotland: a population-based record-linkage cohort study,2023,20,3,e1004204,Pell Major trauma presentations and patient outcomes in English hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic: an observational cohort study,2023,20,6,e1004243,Bouamra Suicide after leaving the UK Armed Forces 1996-2018: a cohort study,2023,20,8,e1004273,Rodway Modern slavery in the United Kingdom: the illegal migration act risks undermining efforts to combat exploitation,2023,20,9,e1004279,Oram Correction: Evaluation of novel computerized tomography scoring systems in human traumatic brain injury: an observational multicenter study,2023,20,11,e1004320, Mapping clinical interactions in an Australian tertiary hospital emergency department for patients presenting with risk of suicide or self-harm: network modeling from observational data,2024,21,1,e1004241,Small Suicide attempt and death by suicide among parents of young individuals with cancer: a population-based study in Denmark and Sweden,2024,21,1,e1004322,Fang Understudied and underaddressed: femicide an extreme form of violence against women and girls,2024,21,1,e1004336,Reis Femicide intimate partner femicide and non-intimate partner femicide in South Africa: an analysis of 3 national surveys 1999-2017,2024,21,1,e1004330,Lombard Health system assessment for access to care after injury in low- or middle-income countries: a mixed methods study from Northern Malawi,2024,21,1,e1004344,Rickard Comparison of new psychiatric diagnoses among Finnish children and adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A nationwide register-based study,2023,20,2,e1004072,Sourander Global regional and national burden of heatwave-related mortality from 1990 to 2019: a three-stage modelling study,2024,21,5,e1004364,Bell Digital solutions to promote adolescent mental health: Opportunities and challenges for research and practice,2022,19,5,e1004008,Bantjes Association of childhood obesity with risk of early all-cause and cause-specific mortality: A Swedish prospective cohort study,2020,17,3,e1003078,Marcus Childhood factors associated with suicidal ideation among South African youth: A 28-year longitudinal study of the Birth to Twenty Plus cohort,2022,19,3,e1003946,Richter Adverse childhood experiences adult depression and suicidal ideation in rural Uganda: A cross-sectional population-based study,2021,18,5,e1003642,Tsai Educational and health outcomes of schoolchildren in local authority care in Scotland: A retrospective record linkage study,2021,18,11,e1003832,Pell Association of macro-level determinants with adolescent overweight and suicidal ideation with planning: A cross-sectional study of 21 Latin American and Caribbean Countries,2020,17,12,e1003443,Wilks Mortality and major disease risk among migrants of the 1991-2001 Balkan wars to Sweden: A register-based cohort study,2020,17,12,e1003392,Lichtenstein Time trends and prescribing patterns of opioid drugs in UK primary care patients with non-cancer pain: A retrospective cohort study,2020,17,10,e1003270,Dixon New formulation of paraquat: a step forward but in the wrong direction,2008,5,2,e58,Bateman Immediate risk for cardiovascular events and suicide following a prostate cancer diagnosis: prospective cohort study,2009,6,12,e1000197,Mucci