Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Ammunition Fires: Shooting Away Misconceptions,1984,137,11,14-19,Aldrich Safety: Razor Ribbon A Hidden Hazard,1984,137,11,10-10,Anderson The LAFD Task Force Concept Works for Haz-Mat Incidents,1986,139,12,42-45,Bennett Fire Investigation Not Arson Investigation: A Definite and Noteworthy Distinction,1985,138,11,15-15,Bissett Some Comments and Suggestions Concerning Apparatus Emergency Warning Lights,1986,139,8,11-11,Bolly An Overview: Grain Dust Explosions,1983,136,5,22,Bowen The Backdraft - A New Look at an Old Danger,1986,139,10,50-53,Bowen Armory Fire,1983,136,5,55-56,Bradish Delayed Alarms - A Focus for Public Fire Educators,1984,137,10,53-54,Brannigan Flame Spread Can be Accelerated by Interior Finishes,1985,138,4,36-37,Brannigan Know Your Roof,1986,139,9,44-51,Brannigan Drug-Testing,1986,139,12,6-6,Brennan Propane Gas Leak in Vehicle Results in Flash Fire,1983,136,5,67-68,Burns Ventilation: the Overlooked Basic,1983,136,8,8-8,Carlson How Are Decisions Made,1986,139,12,8-8,Carlson A Prepared Approach to Hazardous Material Incidents,1983,136,12,55-57,Cashman The Newark Texaco Explosion: How It Could Have Been Prevented,1983,136,6,28,Caufield Your Safety -- Is It Legislated?,1984,137,11,8-9,Caulfield Horror in A Haunted Castle -- the Tragedy the Investigation,1984,137,8,36-38,Comer Earthquake Preparations,1985,138,4,48-48,Condon The Benefit of Multiple Anchors Depends on the Angles of Descent,1986,139,12,12-12,Cooper Carelessness Caused 10 Million Dollar New Jersey Fire,1985,138,4,40-42,Corbett Earth-Sheltered Housing: Fire Protection Considerations,1983,136,8,72-73,Crosley Keeping firefighters warm in winter should also be a concern,1986,139,6,18-18,Day Ammunition Fires: Uncertainties and Additional Considerations,1985,138,2,15-15,Delay Forestry Fire Forces Focus on Air Attacks,1984,137,12,52-54,Elias The Problems with Converted Dwellings,1984,137,2,14-15,Featherstone Ammonium Nitrate,1986,139,9,25-28,Fire Statewide Smoke Detector Blitz,1984,137,9,72,Garrison Fire-Prevention and Education -- A New Direction,1986,139,6,12-12,Gay Rescue vs Recovery,1986,139,4,21,Hendrick Clandestine Drug Labs,1986,139,8,16,Howard Handling Marine Incidents by Planning,1984,137,2,10-10,Isman Fire and Life Safety in Air-Supported Domes,1985,138,5,66-69,Ivison Apparatus Accidents - Focus on Intersection Safety,1986,139,12,10-11,Jones A Helpful Hint to Combat Brush Fires,1986,139,10,16-16,Jovenitti Major Pesticide Fire Tests Resources of Small Town Emergency Units,1983,136,12,14-16,Kearns A Manufacturers Defect or Murder: the Forensic Team Approach to a Product Liability Lawsuit,1986,139,1,31,King Fire: A Terrorist's Weapon -- An Analysis of the MOVE Confrontation as a Terrorist Attack,1986,139,10,26,King PTSD Should be Recognized by All,1986,139,4,16-16,Laffey A Suggested Means to Account for Personnel,1986,139,7,10-10,Leeson Garages: Potential Haz-Mat Incidents,1983,136,12,8-8,Mcfadden Hazardous Materials in the Home,1984,137,2,8-8,Mcfadden Garden Apartments: Old Worry New Package,1986,139,3,8-8,Mcfadden Ignited Gasoline Vapors Snake Through Sewer System,1983,136,6,58-59,Mcgary Shopping Malls Demand A Pre-Incident Action Plan,1983,136,10,18-21,Mcgary Hazardline - A Rapid Response to Requests for Hazardous Materials Information,1983,136,12,52-54,Mcgary Agriculture Rescue Management,1986,139,8,9-10,Meston Safety -- A Matter of Supervision Attitude and Training,1986,139,6,18-18,Orourke Emergency Service Leaders Should Take Full Charge of Emergency Incidents,1985,138,11,15-15,Patchell Smoke Detector Survey,1983,136,9,42-44,Porter Church Groups May Bolster the Fire Prevention Message,1986,139,4,16-16,Prentice Preventing Live Burn Accidents,1985,138,5,10-10,Reardon Sprinklers for Mobile Homes,1983,136,1,12-12,Riviere Building Codes Dont Always Stand Up to Fire,1986,139,4,16-16,Robertson Building Construction Aids in Fire Control,1984,137,11,54-56,Rose Invisible Flame: Fire in a Liquid-Hydrogen Tanker,1983,136,6,22,Routley Increase Fire Safety in Hotel Motel Guest Rooms,1985,138,12,40-43,Rule Disaster Plannings Key - Cooperation,1986,139,4,27-30,Schroeder Recognizing and Identifying Burn Patterns,1984,137,6,24-26,Stickevers Reporting Suspected Child Abuse,1986,139,9,20-23,Switzer An Effective Braking System for Your Apparatus,1986,139,6,27-29,Trindal Ammunition Fires: Uncertainties and Additional Considerations,1985,138,2,15-15,Ulrich Life Safety Decals Are Not Always Current,1985,138,4,13-13,West High-Rise Hose Pack Innovations,1986,139,11,10-11,Widing Lack of Sprinklers Leads to Mall Destruction,1984,137,2,17-19,Williams Handling  Flammable Liquid Leak and Spill,1986,139,3,10,Wood Hydrogen cyanide in fire smoke: An unrecognized threat to the American firefighter,2006,159,8,4-8,Walsh Operating in Modern Subdivisions: Single-Family Dwellings,2006,159,7,49-52,Dempsey Size-Up at Commercial Building Fires,2006,159,10,20-22,DeMarse Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,2006,159,12,85-88,Antonellis Establishing a RIT From the Ground Up,2006,159,12,28-31,Milen Farm Machinery Incidents Present Unique Problems,2006,159,9,109-112,Joe Fire Prevention Bureau,2006,159,7,113-116,Hilton In the Cover of Darkness: Arsonist Strikes,2006,159,8,59-68,Luckett Incident Commander's Guide to Preserving Evidence,2006,159,8,73-78,Codding Critical incident stress management,2004,157,12,22-30,Stewart Responding to jumper incidents,1996,149,5,72-75,Langone Setting up a chaplaincy program,2006,159,12,89-90,Stauffer Preparing for the unexpected: Suicide attempt sparks gas-fueled fire,2007,160,5,89-94,Bigrigg "Suicide in progress": Response strategies,2007,160,9,105-114,Collins Responding to a suicide bombing incident,2007,160,9 Suppl,4-12,Vernon