Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Demystifying fire alarm maintenance,2006,60,7,41-43,Wilcox Guarding against natural disaster,2008,62,10,61-64,Lam How to develop a hospital fire safety program,1992,46,7,5-7,Dowdell Fire alarm system without alarm,1993,47,6,2-3,Angst Fire safety evaluation system for Canadian hospitals Phase I report,1992,46,7,7-10,Bartlett New developments in hospital fire safety,1992,46,5,8-9,Sugunendran Fire safety in health care premises,1990,44,5,2-4,Luscombe Safety on construction sites--employers and designers are now liable,1994,48,3,21-22,Birkby Prevention focus as inspector calls rise,2010,64,8,63-65,Barker Avoiding workplace violence incidents,2004,58,4,47-49,Rubens 'Adrenaline' mollifies earthquake's impact,2010,64,10,35-39,Bavis Healthcare fire safety: FIRECODE,1995,49,2,7-8 10,Charters Fire risk assessments of hospitals,1995,49,2,4-5,Stollard Hospital fire safety,1995,49,2,14-15,Bartlett Review of fire safety,1995,49,6,5-7,Charters Voice evacuation--putting the accent on safety,1994,48,6,5-6,Bartlett Prevention is better than cure,1994,48,6,11,Swann Thermal imaging for electrical distribution systems,1997,51,3,11-2 14,Pearson Concern remains over violence,2007,61,6,37-39, Hospital fire doors under scrutiny,1995,49,2,3,Rowan Safety standards and the Medical Devices Regulations 1994,1995,49,4,18-19,Robertson Future flexibility with fire safety built in,2011,65,6,31-33,Courson Fire extinguishers,1998,52,1,20,Roylance The vital data that fire tests fail to provide,1998,52,5,10-14,Towler Appeal for legislation on greater safety,2011,65,9,71-4 76-8 80,Baillie Engineering ethics under close scrutiny,2003,57,2,49-54,Uff Meeting new fire safety needs,2006,60,2,33-35,Charters North American approach to smoke management,1999,53,2,6-12,Klote An introduction to automatic smoke blinds,1999,53,2,14-15,Cooper Tests show residential fire sprinklers will save lives,1999,53,4,24, Tackling violence and aggression in A & E,2012,66,3,52-58,Baillie On alert for violence,2002,56,3,35,Bolton Getting fire risk assessment right,2012,66,6,40-42,Charters Passive fire protection--a vital safety role,2012,66,6,37-39,MacInnes Ensuring continuity in hot water delivery,2005,59,4,49-50,Pegden Some thoughts on historical accidents,1998,52,6,14-15,Bond Ensuring that fire doors are fit for purpose,2015,69,3,27-30,Ashdown Good fire strategies are no accident,2015,69,6,56-58,Beech Reducing the risk managing safety,2016,70,2,37-41,Aldridge Anti-ligature design reduces patient risk,2005,59,10,58-59,Laidlaw Solutions