Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The bizarre effort to eliminate underage drinking in the United States: A harm reduction approach to youthful drinking,2007,15,3,227-229,Peele Alcohol consumption and discounting,2008,16,6,572,Rossow Application of the PTSD-alcohol expectancy questionnaire (P-AEQ) to sexually assaulted college women,2008,16,6,585,Vik Beliefs attitudes and male-to-male barroom aggression: development of a theoretical predictive model,2007,15,6,575,Wells Buying ayahuasca and other entheogens online: a word of caution,2008,16,1,1,Dalgarno Light transgression and heavy sociability: alcohol in young adult Finns' narratives of a night out,2007,15,4,365,Törrönen Paradoxical effects of alcohol intake in a convivial social setting on attitudes to violence,2008,16,5,503,Egan Personality mating effort and alcohol-related violence expectancies,2008,16,4,369,Egan Substance use early initiation among violent and nonviolent antisocial adolescents,2007,15,6,561,Bernard Prevalence and correlates of self-harm among a sample of repeat DUI offenders,2020,28,3,231-239,Nelson Combining alcohol and energy drinks: an examination of psychosocial constructs and alcohol outcomes among college students using a longitudinal design,2014,22,2,91-97,Turrisi Long waves of consumption or a unique social generation? Exploring recent declines in youth drinking,2020,28,3,183-193,Livingston The moderating role of substance abusers' personal attributes in predicting relapse and partner persuasiveness,2006,14,5,493-509,Cropley Thizzin'-Ecstasy use contexts and emergent social meanings,2011,19,6,528-541,Battle Alcohol gender and partner aggression: a general population study of British adults,2004,12,4,385-401,Graham The nature and extent of illegal drug and alcohol-related litter in Scottish social housing community: A photographic investigation,2010,18,1,71-83,Forsyth Perfectionism and alcohol use outcomes in college students: the moderating role of alcohol protective behavioral strategies,2020,28,5,379-386,Madson Drinking Patterns Gender and Health II: Predictors of Preventive Service Use,2010,18,2,143-159,Green Collegiate natural drinking groups: Characteristics structure and processes,2011,19,4,312-322,Lange Drinking Patterns Gender and Health I: Attitudes and Health Practices,2010,18,2,122-142,Green A behavioral economic supplement to brief motivational interventions for college drinking,2012,20,6,456-465,Barnett "We have to put the fire out first before we start rebuilding the house": practitioners' experiences of supporting women with histories of substance use interpersonal abuse and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder,2020,28,4,289-297,Gilchrist Children's experience of physical harms and exposure to family violence from others' drinking in nine societies,2020,28,4,354-364,Greenfield Why is adolescent drinking declining? A systematic review and narrative synthesis,2020,28,4,275-288,Livingston Childhood adversity and behavioural addictions: the mediating role of emotion dysregulation and depression in an adult community sample,2020,28,2,116-123,Lim The role of sex executive functioning and perceptions of safety on urban adolescent substance use,2020,28,2,144-151,Mennis Do coaches make a difference off the field? The examination of athletic coach influence on early college student drinking,2012,20,1,64-71,Borsari Alcohol in the life narratives of women: commonalities and differences by sexual orientation,2014,22,3,186-194,Drabble Binge drug use among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting,2014,22,6,535-540,Kerr Gender and social pressure to change drinking behavior: results from the National Alcohol Surveys from 1984-2010,2014,22,6,481-489,Greenfield Protective behavioral strategies social norms and alcohol-related outcomes,2014,22,4,279-285,Murphy Drinking buddies: who are they and when do they matter?,2014,22,1,57-67,Lau-Barraco Correlates of heroin and methamphetamine use among homeless male ex-jail and prison offenders,2014,22,6,463-473,Nyamathi A comparative study of the influence of collective efficacy on substance use among adolescent students in Philadelphia Toronto and Montreal,2012,20,1,11-20,Adlaf Brands matter: major findings from the Alcohol Brand Research Among Underage Drinkers (ABRAND) project,2016,24,1,32-39,Jernigan The reliability of naturalistic observations of social physical and economic environments of bars,2016,24,4,330-340,Mair Nonmedical use of prescription drugs in emerging adulthood: differentiating sex from gender,2016,24,5,389-397,Peralta Alcohol-related Facebook activity predicts alcohol use patterns in college students,2016,24,5,398-405,Marczinski Identifying patterns of situational antecedents to heavy drinking among college students,2016,24,6,431-440,Lau-Barraco Reducing sexual risk behaviors: secondary analyses from a randomized controlled trial of a brief web-based alcohol intervention for underage heavy episodic drinking college women,2017,25,4,302-309,Gilmore The special grief following drug related deaths (editorial),2020,28,5,415-424,Dyregrov Fitting in and feeling fine: conformity and coping motives differentially mediate the relationship between social anxiety and drinking problems for men and women,2015,23,3,231-237,Buckner Using video conferencing to deliver a brief motivational intervention for alcohol and sex risk to emergency department patients: a proof-of-concept pilot study,2017,25,4,318-325,Operario Mediational pathways among trait impulsivity heroin-use consequences and current mood state,2018,26,5,421-429,Greenwald Feasibility and acceptability of a motivational intervention combined with text messaging for alcohol and sex risk reduction with emergency department patients: a pilot trial,2019,27,2,85-94,Operario Testing daily associations between impulsivity affect and alcohol outcomes: a pilot study,2019,27,3,242-248,Lau-Barraco Speeding: a review of self-reported effects of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS),2020,28,1,82-90,Green A burning problem: cannabis lessons learned from Colorado,2018,26,1,3-10,Conner Cannabis use and social identity,2001,9,2,133-150,Hammersley Understanding the developmental relationship between drug use and crime: are drug users the best people to ask?,2001,9,2,151-164,Best Aggression among young adults in the social context of the bar,2001,9,3,193-219,Wells The challenges of street research on drug use violence and aids risk,2001,9,4,365-402,Singer Overdose deaths: sentinal events for drug policy,2001,9,5,403-406,Drucker Circumstances and users' perceptions of heroin overdose at the time of the event and at one-week follow-up in Sydney Australia: implications for prevention,2001,9,5,407-423,Zador Fatal overdose trends in major US cities: 1990-1997,2001,9,5,425-436,Drucker The context management and prevention of heroin overdose in Victoria Australia: the promise of a diverse approach,2001,9,5,437-458,Dietze Community action in drug policy: the key to pragmatic measures?: heroin overdose as impulse for a community prevention program in Switzerland,2001,9,5,471-479,Renschler Overdose among heroin users: evaluation of an intervention in South Australia,2001,9,5,481-501,Darke Pavlovian conditioning and drug overdose: when tolerance fails,2001,9,5,503-513,Siegel Cultural values and substance use in a multiethnic sample of California adolescents,2002,10,3,257-279,Unger Accidental fatalities among heroin users in South Australia 1994-1997: toxicological findings and circumstances of death,2002,10,4,335-346,Darke Alcohol advertising exposure and adolescent alcohol use: a comparison of exposure measures,2003,11,3,177-193,Dent Association between aspects of drinking pattern and experience of alcohol-related problems,2003,11,3,195-205,Duffy Queen Victoria's cannabis use: or how history does and does not get used in drug policy making,2003,11,4,213-215,Berridge Prediction of abstinence from heroin addiction by childhood trauma dissociation and extent of psychosocial treatment,2003,11,5,339-348,Somer Schools students and heavy drinking: a multilevel analysis,2003,11,6,427-439,Adlaf Cannabis effects and dependency concerns in long-term frequent users: a missing piece of the public health puzzle,2003,11,6,441-458,Hathaway The relation of coping strategies to alcohol consumption and alcohol-related consequences in a college sample,2004,12,2,103-114,Britton Predicting suicide ideation for substance users: the role of self-esteem abstinence and attendance at 12-step meetings,2004,12,3,231-240,Wilke Youth help-seeking expectancies and their relation to help-seeking behaviours for substance use problems,2004,12,3,241-260,Ballon Measuring exposure to cannabis use and other substance use in remote Aboriginal populations in Northern Australia: evaluation of a 'community epidemiology' approach using proxy respondents,2004,12,3,261-274,Gray Responsible disinhibition: alcohol men and violence to women,2004,12,4,357-371,Galvani The complexity of drinking: interactions between the cognitive and behavioural determinants of alcohol consumption,2004,12,5,469-488,Hasking Young people dance and the sub-cultural consumption of drugs,2004,12,6,507-523,Moore Mixed messages: contributions to adolescent drinking and driving,2005,13,5,411-426,Nygaard Alcohol and violent and non-violent acquisitive offending,2005,13,5,439-443,Cusens Risky business: Gender drug dealing and risk,2005,13,6,545-554,Hutton Mood and impulsivity of recreational Ecstasy users in the week following a "rave",2005,13,1,43-52,Lyvers Profiles of alcohol- and marijuana-impaired adolescent drivers,2005,13,2,145-154,Thombs Applying cognitive policy analysis to the drug issue: harm reduction and the reversal of the deviantization of drug users in Britain 1985-1997,2005,13,3,231-243,Hudebine Reducing the risks of drug use: the case for set and setting,2005,13,3,259-265,Dalgarno Reduced drinking with age: is it normal?,2005,13,3,267-280,Gilhooly Multicultural contexts and alcohol and drug use as symbolic behaviour,2005,13,4,321-331,Room "I am not a drug abuser I am a drug user": a discourse analysis of 44 drug users' construction of identity,2005,13,4,333-346,Rødner Controlled drinking harm reduction and their roles in the response to alcohol-related problems,2006,14,1,7-18,Heather A day at the cricket: the breath alcohol consequences of a type of very English binge drinking,2006,14,2,133-137,Wright Patterns of cannabis use and positive and negative experiences of use amongst university students,2006,14,2,189-205,Hammersley The Alcohol-related Aggression Questionnaire,2006,14,3,323-343,Cusens An examination of the normalisation of cannabis use among 9th grade school students in Sweden and Switzerland,2007,15,6,601-616,Sznitman Differences between injectors and non-injectors and a high prevalence of benzodiazepines among drug related deaths in Scotland 2003,2007,15,6,651-662,Hickman Effects of alcohol and alcohol expectancy on perceptions of opposite-sex facial attractiveness in university students,2008,16,4,359-368,Heather What is alcohol abuse? Changes in Norwegians' perceptions of drinking practices since the 1960s,2008,16,1,85-94,Nordlund Women's intoxication as 'dual licentiousness': an exploration of gendered images of drinking and intoxication in Sweden,2008,16,1,95-106,Bogren Hunger and the perception of the scent of petrol: a potential neurobiological basis for increased risk of petrol inhalation abuse,2009,17,5,518-524,Snyder Public opinion and community-based prevention of alcohol-related harms,2009,17,4,360-371,Raitasalo Drawing the line on risky use of cannabis: assessing problematic use with the ASSIST,2009,17,3,322-332,Davis Dimensionality of drinking consequences - cross-cultural comparability and stability over time,2009,17,1,2-16,Gmel Alcohol-aggression outcome expectancies and their responsiveness to event recall,2009,17,1,54-63,McMurran The contribution of imprisonment and release to fatal overdose among a cohort of Norwegian drug abusers,2010,18,1,51-58,Amundsen A systematic review of school-based marijuana and alcohol prevention programs targeting adolescents aged 10-15,2010,18,1,84-96,Lemstra Over 1200 drugs-related deaths and 190000 opiate-user-years of follow-up: relative risks by sex and age group,2010,18,2,194-207,Bird Case studies in cannabis vaporization,2010,18,3,243-249,Earleywine Violence victimization help-seeking and one- and eight-year outcomes of individuals with alcohol use disorders,2011,19,1,22-31,Schneider Toxicology of Scotland's drugs-related deaths in 2000-2007: presence of heroin methadone diazepam and alcohol by sex age-group and era,2011,19,2,170-178,Bird Drinking in the presence of underage children: attitudes and behaviour,2011,19,5,394-401,Makela Modeling the Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index (RAPI): a comparison of statistical methods,2011,19,6,510-518,Thompson The role of positive consequences of alcohol in the relation between sensation seeking and drinking,2012,20,6,504-510,Murphy Prevalence and correlates of traumatic brain injury amongst heroin users,2012,20,6,522-528,Torok Is cannabis use normalized celebrated or neutralized? Analysing talk as action,2012,20,5,372-381,Sandberg Constructions of masculinity in alcohol advertising: implications for the prevention of domestic violence,2012,20,5,389-401,Towns A Canadian perspective on cannabis normalization among adults,2012,20,4,271-283,Marsh The association between moral disengagement psychological distress resistive self-regulatory efficacy and alcohol and cannabis use among adolescents in Sydney Australia,2012,20,3,261-269,Teesson A quantitative exploration of risk factors associated with drug-related deaths involving heroin alcohol or methadone in the West of Scotland,2012,20,2,153-161,Best "Three sheets to the wind": substance use in teen-centered film from 1980 to 2007,2012,20,1,30-41,Callister A 'standard joint'? The role of quantity in predicting cannabis-related problems,2012,20,1,82-92,Lucas Young peoples' perspective on the portrayal of alcohol and drinking on television: findings of a focus group study,2013,21,2,91-99,Atkinson Vulnerability to alcohol use disorders following early sexual abuse: the role of effortful control,2013,21,2,160-180,Klanecky Alcohol tobacco and other drug references in lyrics of popular music from 1959 to 2009,2013,21,3,207-215,West Sorry everyone but it didn't work (p = 0.06),2013,21,4,348-355,Ross Does substance abuse affect outcomes for trauma-focused treatment of combat-related PTSD?,2013,21,5,357-364,McDowell Demographic factors associated with alcohol use among young men in rural areas of Sarawak,2013,21,5,391-401,Hasking What is alcohol abuse? Attitudes to drinking in seven European countries,2013,21,5,402-409,Nordlund Who is smoking pot for fun and who is not? An overview of instruments to screen for cannabis-related problems in general population surveys,2013,21,5,410-428,Annaheim Cannabis as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs: a dispensary-based survey of substitution effect in Canadian medical cannabis patients,2013,21,5,435-442,Reiman Legitimacy through scaremongering: the discursive role of alcohol in online discussions of cannabis use and policy,2013,21,6,469-478,Månsson Perceived public stigma and stigmatization in explaining lifetime illicit drug use among emerging adults,2013,21,6,516-525,Halkitis Does it matter if drugs are legal? Legalising decreases the influence of beliefs in a moral order in consumption among adolescents,2019,27,6,472-481,Trujillo Inside the black box of traditional treatment programs: clearing the air on the original literary teachings of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA),2019,27,5,412-419,Williams The etymology and early history of 'addiction',2019,27,5,437-449,Rosenthal A 30-year follow-up of substance misusers in Sweden - differences in predictors of mortality between women and men,2019,27,4,328-336,Bergmark Suicidal ideation and attempts among patients with lifetime physical and/or sexual abuse in treatment for substance use disorders,2019,27,3,204-209,Fernandez-Montalvo Evaluation of the Peninsula Alcohol and Violence Programme (PAVP) with violent offenders,2019,27,2,122-129,Hogarth Attachment anxiety and avoidance emotion dysregulation interpersonal difficulties and alcohol problems in emerging adulthood,2019,27,2,130-138,Goldstein The pitfalls of prevalence estimation: the case of regular and dependent methamphetamine use in Australia,2018,26,6,439-446,Jenkinson 'All suffering together': student drinkers' experiences of alcohol hangover,2018,26,6,533-540,Griffin Challenging the brain disease model of addiction: European launch of the addiction theory network,2018,26,4,249-255,Best When and how does normative feedback reduce intentions to drink irresponsibly? An experimental investigation,2018,26,4,256-266,Abraham What is inside the "black box"? Therapeutic community residents' perspectives on each treatment phase,2018,26,4,294-305,Janeiro Bartenders as street-level bureaucrats: theorizing server practices in the nighttime economy,2018,26,3,230-237,Tutenges Correction to: Loose TT et al. Time perspective and alcohol-use indicators in France and the United Kingdom: results across adolescents university students and treatment outpatients,2018,26,3,i, In the absence of hard data is soft data better than no data at all?,2018,26,2,159-162,Dalgarno Do sensation seeking and aggression traits moderate the association between peer influence and alcohol outcomes among young Swiss men?,2018,26,1,52-62,Bertholet 'Alcohol short-circuits important part of the brain': Swedish newspaper representations of biomedical alcohol research,2017,25,3,177-187,Bogren The Dualistic Model of Passion applied to recreational marijuana consumption,2017,25,3,188-194,Davis An exploration of alcohol advertising on social networking sites: an analysis of content interactions and young people's perspectives,2017,25,2,91-102,Atkinson Key stakeholder perspectives of drink restrictions in Newcastle Australia,2017,25,2,163-167,Warren Reciprocal associations between shyness self-esteem loneliness depression and Internet addiction in Chinese adolescents,2021,29,2,98-110,Tian Alcohol and cannabis motives: differences in daily motive endorsement on alcohol cannabis and alcohol/cannabis co-use days in a cannabis-using sample,2021,29,2,111-116,Blow Looking back and moving forward: the evolution and potential opportunities for the future of alcohol outlet density measurement,2021,29,2,117-128,Jernigan Sounds of silence. the "special grief" of drug-death bereaved parents: a qualitative study,2021,29,2,155-165,Dyregrov Association between gambling and self-harm: a scoping review,2021,29,3,183-195,Nelson Perceptions of public health consequences of marijuana legalization,2021,29,3,255-262,Resko Labor relations and the overdose crisis in the United States,2021,29,4,271-278,Ikeler Sex differences in the effects of physical and sexual abuse on the odds of past 30-day opioid misuse among Florida justice-involved children,2021,29,6,479-489,Johnson Patterns of same-day alcohol and cannabis use in adolescents and young adults with risky alcohol use,2022,30,2,89-95,Blow Will others approve? Effects of an injunctive norms intervention on intentions to use protective behavioral strategies during drinking games,2022,30,2,149-154,Zamboanga The association between concussions and vaping among a nationally representative sample of U.S. adolescents,2023,31,4,288-295,Boccio Social support attachment and drug misuse in suicidal African American women,2015,23,2,170-176,Kaslow Gambling-Related completed suicides: a scoping review,2022,30,6,391-402,Brodeur Typology of substance use in a nationally representative sample of French adolescents,2022,30,1,66-78,Beck Prevalence and correlates of self-harm in a Southern California driving under the influence treatment setting,2023,31,3,201-208,Barker