Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Anatomy of A Campaign Against Drunk Driving,1983,9,2,36-52,Grunig Gender violence fan activism and public relations in sport: The case of "Footy Fans Against Sexual Assault",2008,34,2,90-98,Dimitrov Social unrest,1975,1,4,166-168, Police,1975,1,4,135-138, Fostering democracy through social media: evaluating diametrically opposed nonprofit advocacy organizations' use of Facebook Twitter and You Tube,2013,39,4,369-376,Auger Developing a multi-level organization-public dialogic communication framework to assess social media-mediated disaster communication and engagement outcomes,2020,46,4,101949,Liu Finding renewal in the midst of disaster: the case of the deepwater horizon oil spill,2021,47,1,e102001,Ulmer Apologies combined with other crisis response strategies: do the fulfillment of individuals' needs to be heard and the timing of response message affect apology appropriateness?,2021,47,1,e102002,Park The effect of relationship cultivation strategies on organizational reputation in conflict zones: the case of Yemeni private universities,2021,47,1,e102011,Al-salhi Fixing the barn door before the horse bolts: effects of pre-crisis engagement and stealing thunder in crisis communication,2021,47,1,e101930,Lee Practicing transparency in a crisis: examining the combined effects of crisis type response and message transparency on organizational perceptions,2021,47,2,e102017,Holland A process view of crisis misinformation: how public relations professionals detect manage and evaluate crisis misinformation,2021,47,2,e102040,Mehta Relationship matters: how government organization-public relationship impacts disaster recovery outcomes among multiethnic communities,2021,47,3,e102047,Liu Dignity and respect or homocommodification? Applying moral philosophy to LGBTQ public relations,2021,47,4,e102085,Place Together in crisis: a comparison of organizational and faith-holders' crisis communication,2021,47,4,e102086,Taylor Crisis and emergency risk communication: FEMA's Twitter use during the 2017 hurricane season,2021,47,4,e102094,Chen Institutional crisis assessment and mission-driven response in practice: one religious-affiliated university's response to the Catholic priest sexual abuse and cover up crisis,2021,47,5,e102111,Fortunato Impacted publics' perceptions of crisis communication decision making,2021,47,5,e102120,Butler Key issue operatives in an issue-driven network: public relations as a "pocket of strength" in campus sexual assault awareness and prevention,2021,47,5,e102114,Madden Social media advocacy and gun violence: applying the engagement model to nonprofit organizations' communication efforts,2022,48,2,e102173,Choi Immovable objects/irresistible forces: intelligences of sociopolitical decision making,2021,47,2,e102013,Heath Theorizing issue-driven public attention and expectations in audience responses to corporate sociopolitical activism: a mixed-method analysis,2023,49,4,e102353,Tsai Legitimacy issue management and gun debate,2024,50,2,e102450,Choi The combined effects of consumer-company stance congruence and consumers' pre-existing corporate attitude in corporate social advocacy,2024,50,2,e102441,Xu Creating shared value (CSV) and mutually beneficial relationships to address societal issues and develop corporate competitive advantage: A case study of Yuhan-Kimberly and an aging population,2022,48,4,,Lee Walking the tightrope: how does corporate advocacy for controversial social issues catalyze change or spark backlash?,2024,50,4,e102490,Byun