Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Continuing Search for Solutions to the Drinking Driver Tragedy and the Problem of Social Host Liability,1988,82,2,403-442,Conaway Mob Violence Group Defamation and Civil-Rights,1959,54,5,616-628,No Author(s) Listed When is police violence justified?,2008,102,3,1119-1187,Harmon Rehabilitating the Juvenile Court System: Limiting Juvenile Transfers to Adult Court,1996,90,3,1254-1282,Cintron Dispatches from the trenches of America's great gun trust wars,2014,108,2,743-765,Tritt OCRs bind: administrative rulemaking and campus sexual assault protections,2017,112,3,453-486,Caldwell Reimagining public safety,2022,117,3,685-730,Hasbrouck Second Amendment equilibria,2021,116,1,239-273,Miller Second Amendment sanctuaries,2020,115,2,437-502,Fields Originalism after Dobbs Bruen and Kennedy: the role of history and tradition,2023,118,2,433-494,Barnett