Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Conventional Education and Controlled Drinking Education Courses with Convicted Drunken Drivers,1980,11,5,632-642,Brown Internet-based intervention for mental health and substance use problems in disaster-affected populations: a pilot feasibility study,2006,37,2,190-205,Resnick Preliminary data on an acceptance-based emotion regulation group intervention for deliberate self-harm among women with borderline personality disorder,2006,37,1,25-35,Gunderson Internalizing and Externalizing Subtypes in Female Sexual Assault Survivors: Implications for the Understanding of Complex PTSD,2007,38,1,58-71,Resick Alcohol expectancies and context-specific drinking behaviors among female college athletes,2008,39,2,162-170,Zamboanga The Relative Contribution of Abuse Severity and PTSD Severity on the Psychiatric and Social Morbidity of Battered Women in Shelters,2008,39,3,232-241,Johnson Correlates of functional impairment in treatment-seeking survivors of mass terrorism,2009,40,1,39-49,Martin The emotion reactivity scale: development evaluation and relation to self-injurious thoughts and behaviors,2008,39,2,107-116,Nock The impact of pretrauma analogue GAD and posttraumatic emotional reactivity following exposure to the September 11 terrorist attacks: a longitudinal study,2008,39,3,262-276,Smith A laboratory-based study of the relationship between childhood abuse and experiential avoidance among inner-city substance users: the role of emotional nonacceptance,2007,38,3,256-268,Lejuez Can virtual reality increase the realism of role plays used to teach college women sexual coercion and rape-resistance skills?,2009,40,4,337-345,McDonald Fear and Loathing: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Specificity of Anger in PTSD,2010,41,1,93-105,Tolin The psychological impact from hurricane Katrina: effects of displacement and trauma exposure on university students,2010,41,3,340-349,Davis Questions and reflections: the use of motivational interviewing microskills in a peer-led brief alcohol intervention for college students,2008,39,2,183-194,Neighbors Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for PTSD symptoms after a road accident: an uncontrolled case series,2007,38,1,39-48,Beck Rebound effects following deliberate thought suppression: does PTSD make a difference?,2006,37,2,170-180,Beck Group cognitive behavior therapy for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder: an initial randomized pilot study,2009,40,1,82-92,Foy Domains of Risk in the Developmental Continuity of Fire Setting,2005,36,2,185-195,McCarty Intimate Partner Violence Exposure Predicts PTSD Treatment Engagement and Outcome in Cognitive Processing Therapy,2011,42,2,236-248,Resick A proximal change experiment testing two communication exercises with intimate partner violent men,2011,42,2,336-347,Babcock Acceptability of interventions for aggressive behavior in long-term care settings: comparing ratings and hierarchical selection,2011,42,1,30-41,Baker Cognitive behavior therapy for fear of flying: sustainability of treatment gains after September 11,2006,37,1,91-97,Rothbaum Overperception of spousal criticism in dysphoria and marital discord,2008,39,3,300-312,Smith Mothers' perceptions of neighborhood violence and mother-reported monitoring of African American children: An examination of the moderating role of perceived support,2005,36,1,25-34,Forehand Behavioral couples therapy with alcoholic men and their intimate partners: The comparative effectiveness of bachelor's- and master's-level counselors,2002,33,1,123-147,Fals-Stewart Parenting and child psychosocial adjustment in single-parent African American families: Is community context important?,2002,33,3,361-375,Forehand Mood reactivity to marital conflict: The influence of marital dissatisfaction and depression,2002,33,2,299-314,Whisman Family violence: A challenge for behavior therapists,2000,31,4,685-693,Fincham General and spouse-specific anger and hostility in subtypes of maritally violent men and nonviolent men,2000,31,4,603-630,Holtzworth-Munroe Husbands' marital violence and the adjustment problems of clinic-referred children,2000,31,4,649-665,McDonald A multilevel examination of interpartner intimate partner violence and psychological aggression reporting concordance,2011,42,3,364-377,Taft Cognitive-behavior therapy for disaster-exposed youth with posttraumatic stress: Results from a multiple-baseline examination,2011,42,3,349-363,Weems Murder strikes and panic follows--Can behavior modification help?,1973,4,5,706-708,Shelton The buddy system,1975,6,4,522-524,Fo Prospective prediction of nonsuicidal self-injury: a 1-year longitudinal study in young adults,2011,42,4,751-762,Klonsky Exploring Negative Emotion in Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence: Shame Guilt and PTSD,2011,42,4,740-750,Beck Rethinking safety behaviors in insomnia: Examining the perceived utility of sleep-related safety behaviors,2011,42,4,644-654,Hood Changes in ecological momentary assessment reported affect associated with episodes of nonsuicidal self-injury,2011,42,4,579-588,Miller Scrupulosity in Islam: a comparison of highly religious Turkish and Canadian samples,2012,43,1,190-202,Inozu Adaptive disclosure: an open trial of a novel exposure-based intervention for service members with combat-related psychological stress injuries,2012,43,2,407-415,Lang Assessment of disgust sensitivity in children with an age-downward version of the disgust emotion scale,2012,43,4,876-886,Mayer Cognitive processing therapy versus supportive counseling for acute stress disorder following assault: a randomized pilot trial,2012,43,4,825-836,Nixon Emotion regulation difficulties low social support and interpersonal violence mediate the link between childhood abuse and posttraumatic stress symptoms,2013,44,1,152-161,Hobfoll Sexual assertiveness mediates the effect of social interaction anxiety on sexual victimization risk among college women,2013,44,1,125-136,White Culturally related stress hopelessness and vulnerability to depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in emerging adulthood,2013,44,1,75-87,Miranda Emotion differentiation as a protective factor against nonsuicidal self-injury in borderline personality disorder,2013,44,3,529-540,Berenson Distress tolerance and anxiety sensitivity cognitive concerns: testing the incremental contributions of affect dysregulation constructs on suicidal ideation and suicide attempt,2013,44,3,349-358,Schmidt The relationship of abuse history denial and erectile response profiles of adolescent sexual perpetrators,1992,23,1,87-97,Kaplan A comparative evaluation of a parent-training program,1982,13,5,638-650,Chamberlain The Experience and Expression of Anger in Maritally Violent and Maritally Discordant-Nonviolent Men,1998,29,2,173-191,Eckhardt Physical and Psychological Effects of Written Disclosure Among Sexual Abuse Survivors,2002,33,1,107-122,Follette The Buddy System: Effect of Community Intervention on Delinquent Offenses,1975,6,4,522-524,O'Donnell Efficacy of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Systematic Desensitization in the Treatment of Rape Trauma,1988,19,3,403-420,West Previously Abused Child Victims' Response to a Sexual Abuse Prevention Program: A Matter of Measures,1992,23,3,375-387,Peterson Family Hostility and Children's Cognitive Processes,2000,31,4,667-684,Margolin Cognitive Behavioral and Supportive Group Treatments for Partner-Violent Men,2003,34,1,77-95,Taft Co-occurrence of Partner and Parent Aggression: Research and Treatment Implications,2000,31,4,631-648,O'leary Violence in Youth: Where Do We Go From Here? Behavior Therapy's Response,1996,27,4,485-514,Ollendick Treatment Effects of Cognitive Processing Therapy on Cognitive Distortions of Female Child Sexual Abuse Survivors,2001,32,3,413-424,Chard A Comparative Outcome Study of Behavioral Group Therapy for Sexual Assault Victims,1988,19,3,385-401,Resick A Comparison of Eclectic Treatment with Webster-Stratton's Parents and Children Series in a Children's Mental Health Center: A Randomized Controlled Trial,1998,29,2,221-240,Pepler The Impact of Sexual Abuse on Children: A PTSD Formulation,1989,20,2,215-228,Wolfe Anger and Deviant Sexual Arousal,1984,15,3,287-294,Marshall Concreteness of positive negative and neutral repetitive thinking about the future,2012,43,2,300-312,McLaughlin Five indices of emotion regulation in participants with a history of nonsuicidal self-injury: A daily diary study,2014,45,1,56-66,Bresin The Driving Behavior Survey as a measure of behavioral stress responses to MVA-related PTSD,2014,45,2,263-272,Beck Integrating the interpersonal psychological theory of suicide into the depression/suicidal ideation relationship: A short-term prospective study,2014,45,2,212-221,Liu Parenting behaviors during risky driving by teens with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2014,45,2,168-176,Fabiano Protection of the right to informed consent to participate in research,1978,9,1,73-82,Stuart Teachers' self-efficacy perceived effectiveness beliefs and reported use of cognitive-behavioral approaches to bullying among pupils: effects of in-service training with the I DECIDE program,2014,45,3,328-343,Boulton The Driving Behavior Survey as a measure of behavioral stress responses to MVA-related PTSD,2014,45,3,444-453,Clapp A pilot randomized trial of an online parenting skills program for pediatric traumatic brain injury: improvements in parenting and child behavior,2014,45,4,455-468,Makoroff Behavior therapy and callous-unemotional traits: effects of a pilot study examining modified behavioral contingencies on child behavior,2014,45,5,606-618,Pelham The impact of client race on clinician detection of eating disorders,2006,37,4,319-325,Gordon A longitudinal study of experiential avoidance in emotional disorders,2014,45,6,840-850,Drost Differential predictors of transient stress versus posttraumatic stress disorder: evaluating risk following targeted mass violence,2014,45,6,791-805,Orcutt Cognitive and interpersonal vulnerability to suicidal ideation: a weakest link approach,2014,45,6,778-790,Alloy Randomized controlled trial of a family intervention for children bullied by peers,2014,45,6,760-777,Sanders Imminent danger? Probabilistic classification learning of threat-related information in obsessive-compulsive disorder,2014,45,2,157-167,Rief The Relationship between Baseline Drinking Status Peer Motivational Interviewing Microskills and Drinking Outcomes in a Brief Alcohol Intervention for Matriculating College Students: A Replication,2013,44,1,137-151,Mallett A randomized hybrid efficacy and effectiveness trial of behavioral activation for Latinos with depression,2015,46,2,177-192,Kanter Reducing sexual victimization among adolescent girls: a randomized controlled pilot trial of My Voice My Choice,2015,46,3,315-327,McDonald Assessing sexually intrusive thoughts: parsing unacceptable thoughts on the dimensional obsessive-compulsive scale,2015,46,4,544-556,Siev Negative urgency and lack of perseverance: identification of differential pathways of onset and maintenance risk in the longitudinal prediction of nonsuicidal self-injury,2015,46,4,439-448,Jordan Overgeneralized beliefs accommodation and treatment outcome in youth receiving trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for childhood trauma,2015,46,5,671-688,Ready An event-related potential investigation of fear generalization and intolerance of uncertainty,2015,46,5,661-670,Nelson Worry and discrimination of threat and safety cues: an event-related potential investigation,2015,46,5,652-660,Grant The effects of safety behavior directed towards a safety cue on perceptions of threat,2015,46,5,604-610,Engelhard The impact of instructions on generalization of conditioned fear in humans,2015,46,5,597-603,Lovibond Generalization of contextual fear in humans,2015,46,5,583-596,Mühlberger Fear generalization in humans: systematic review and implications for anxiety disorder research,2015,46,5,561-582,Vervliet Manipulating attention to nonemotional distractors influences state anxiety: a proof-of-concept study in low- and high-anxious college students,2015,46,6,834-843,Leber Nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal self-injury: a taxometric investigation,2015,46,6,824-833,Whitlock Mechanisms of change in written exposure treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder,2016,47,1,66-74,Sloan Pushed by symptoms pulled by values: promotion goals increase motivation in therapeutic tasks,2016,47,2,239-247,Katz Self-reported emotion reactivity among early-adolescent girls: evidence for convergent and discriminant validity in an urban community sample,2016,47,3,299-311,Roberts Examining the impact of suicide attempt function and perceived effectiveness in predicting re-attempt for emergency medicine patients,2016,48,1,45-55,Atkins Influence of exercise intensity for improving depressed mood in depression: a dose-response study,2016,47,4,527-537,Koltyn Web-delivered CBT reduces heavy drinking in OEF-OIF veterans in primary care with symptomatic substance use and PTSD,2017,48,2,262-276,Maisto Longitudinal associations between PTSD symptoms and dyadic conflict communication following a severe motor vehicle accident,2017,48,2,235-246,Monson An experimental investigation of co-rumination problem solving and distraction,2017,48,3,403-412,Ciesla Characterizing interpersonal difficulties among young adults who engage in nonsuicidal self-injury using a daily diary,2017,48,3,366-379,Gratz Aggression protects against the onset of major depressive episodes in individuals with bipolar spectrum disorder,2017,48,3,311-321,Alloy Comparing children's memories for negative versus positive events in the context of posttraumatic stress symptoms,2018,49,1,32-45,Brewer Prospective associations of coping styles with depression and suicide risk among psychiatric emergency patients,2018,49,2,225-236,King Does traumatic brain injury attenuate the exposure therapy process?,2018,49,4,617-630,Beidel Self-injurious thoughts and behaviors may be more common and severe among people identifying as a sexual minority,2018,49,5,768-780,Nock Computer-guided problem-solving treatment for depression PTSD and insomnia symptoms in student veterans: a pilot randomized controlled trial,2018,49,5,756-767,Taylor The influence of acetaminophen and observational conditioning on the acquired capability for suicide,2018,49,5,681-690,Joiner Associations of stress exposures and social support with long-term mental health outcomes among U.S. Iraq War Veterans,2018,49,5,653-667,Concato Evaluating the effectiveness of safety plans for military veterans: do safety plans tailored to veteran characteristics decrease suicide risk?,2018,49,6,931-938,Marx Dialectical behavior therapy is effective for the treatment of suicidal behavior: a meta-analysis,2019,50,1,60-72,Comtois An internet-based compassion-focused intervention for increased self-criticism: a randomized controlled trial,2019,50,2,430-445,Berger Testing an app-assisted treatment for suicide prevention in a randomized controlled trial: effects on suicide risk and depression,2019,50,2,421-429,Pedersen A sequential analysis of clinician skills and client change statements in a brief motivational intervention for young adult heavy drinking,2019,50,4,732-742,Barnett Negative Emotional Action Termination (NEAT): support for a cognitive mechanism underlying negative urgency in nonsuicidal self-injury,2019,50,5,924-937,Hooley Intervening on thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness to reduce suicidality among veterans: subanalyses from a randomized controlled trial,2019,50,5,886-897,Schmidt A daily diary investigation of the defective self model among college students with recent self-injury,2019,50,5,1002-1012,Wilkowski Exploring longitudinal mechanisms of irritability in children: implications for cognitive-behavioral intervention,2020,51,2,238-252,Fite Irritability and limited prosocial emotions/callous-unemotional traits in elementary-school-age children,2020,51,2,223-237,Waschbusch Do cognitive therapy skills neutralize lifetime stress to improve treatment outcomes in recurrent depression?,2020,51,5,739-752,Atluru Low parental warmth and high youth impairment: a recipe for perceived burdensomeness?,2020,51,5,789-799,Pettit Fear learning in veterans with combat-related PTSD is linked to anxiety sensitivity: evidence from self-report and pupillometry,2021,52,1,149-161,Armstrong Social problem-solving and suicidal ideation among homeless youth receiving a cognitive therapy intervention: a moderated mediation analysis,2021,52,3,552-563,Slesnick Testing the four main predictions of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of suicidal behavior in an inpatient sample admitted due to severe suicidality,2021,52,3,626-638,Juckel Examining the Three-Step Theory (3ST) of suicide in a prospective study of adult psychiatric inpatients,2021,52,3,673-685,Klonsky Self-critical and self-punishment cognitions differentiate those with and without a history of nonsuicidal self-injury: an ecological momentary assessment study,2021,52,3,686-697,Alloy Microaggressions are a form of aggression,2021,52,3,709-719,Williams Restlessness in generalized anxiety disorder: using actigraphy to measure physiological reactions to threat,2021,52,3,734-744,Ruscio Body investment as a protective factor in the relationship between acquired capability for suicide and suicide attempts,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brausch Self-reported interoceptive sensibility does not moderate the relationship between eating disorder symptoms and suicidal thoughts and behaviors,2021,52,5,1137-1144,Levinson Nonsuicidal self-injury is associated with attenuated interoceptive responses to self-critical rumination,2021,52,5,1123-1136,Benton Reconnecting to internal sensation and experiences: a pilot feasibility study of an online intervention to improve interoception and reduce suicidal ideation,2021,52,5,1145-1157,Witte Prospective and concurrent affective dynamics in self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: an examination in young adult women,2021,52,5,1158-1170,Victor Mixture modeling of nonsuicidal self-injury and binge eating: behaviors and motives,2021,52,5,1265-1276,Adams Interoceptive abnormalities and suicidality: a systematic review,2021,52,5,1035-1054,Hielscher Interoception pain tolerance and self-injurious behaviors: a multidimensional assessment,2021,52,5,1055-1066,Joiner Interoceptive awareness and suicidal ideation in a clinical eating disorder sample: the role of body trust,2021,52,5,1105-1113,Kaye Future well-being among people who attempt suicide and survive: research recommendations,2021,52,5,1213-1225,Kashdan Clarifying the relationship of dissociative experiences to suicide ideation and attempts: a multimethod examination in two samples,2021,52,5,1067-1079,Klonsky A transdiagnostic multilevel examination of interoceptive processing in individuals with a remote history of suicidal behavior,2021,52,5,1080-1092,Paulus Variability in the functions of nonsuicidal self-injury: evidence from three real-time monitoring studies,2021,52,6,1516-1528,Nock Childhood maltreatment emotional response inhibition and suicide in psychiatric inpatients,2021,52,6,1529-1542,Nugent Illicit drug use cognitive distortions and suicidal ideation among homeless youth: results from a randomized controlled trial,2022,53,1,92-104,Slesnick Engagement with personalized feedback for emotional distress among college students at elevated suicide risk,2022,53,2,365-375,King Future well-being among U.S. youth who attempted suicide and survived,2022,53,3,481-491,Kashdan Online telehealth delivery of group mental health treatment is safe feasible and increases enrollment and attendance in post-9/11 U.S. veterans,2022,53,3,469-480,Fonda Motives and consequences of alcohol use in people with social anxiety disorder: a daily diary study,2022,53,4,600-613,Kashdan Are nonfatal suicide attempts instrumental in achieving personal and interpersonal goals?,2022,53,4,725-737,Mechri Cognitive-behavioral versus supportive psychotherapy for intermittent explosive disorder: a randomized controlled trial,2022,53,6,1133-1146,Chen Support for a transdiagnostic motivational model of self-damaging behaviors: comparing the salience of motives for binge drinking disordered eating and nonsuicidal self-injury,2022,53,6,1219-1232,Ames Parent training adapted to the needs of children with callous-unemotional traits: a randomized controlled trial,2022,53,6,1265-1281,Frick Efficacy of a therapist-assisted self-help internet-based intervention targeting PTSD depression and insomnia symptoms after a disaster: a randomized controlled trial,2023,54,2,230-246,Guay Childhood trauma predicts positive expressive suppression during social affiliation in adults with anxiety and/or depression: implications for social functioning,2023,54,2,375-385,Stein Targeting perceived burdensomeness to reduce suicide risk,2023,54,4,696-707,Jobes Subjective sleep disturbances in sexual assault survivors: associations with trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olatunji The burden of not belonging: a qualitative study of the applicability of the interpersonal theory of suicide constructs of belongingness and burdensomeness to ethnocultural minoritized youth,2023,54,5,777-793,Gwadz Supporting families affected by adversity: an open feasibility trial of family life skills Triple P,2024,55,3,621-635,Sanders A randomized controlled pilot trial of primary care treatment integrating motivation and exposure treatment (PC-TIME) in veterans with PTSD and harmful alcohol use,2024,55,3,570-584,Borsari A comparison of affective-cognitive states in daily life between emerging adults with and without past-year nonsuicidal self-injury,2024,55,3,469-484,Nock Sexual assault history may moderate posttraumatic cognition and posttraumatic stress among trauma-exposed sexual minority women,2024,55,3,431-442,Dworkin The temporal dynamics of wish to live wish to die and their short-term prospective relationships with suicidal desire,2023,54,3,584-594,Cohen An Ecological Momentary Intervention Study of Emotional Responses to Smartphone-Prompted CBT Skills Practice and the Relationship to Clinical Outcomes,2022,53,2,267-280,Nock The Effect of PTSD Symptom Change on Suicidal Ideation in a Combined Military and Civilian Sample Engaged in Cognitive Processing Therapy,2021,52,3,774-784,Monson Introduction to the Special Issue on Interoception and Suicidality,2021,52,5,1031-1034,Joiner Suicidal Ideation and Eating Disorder Symptoms in Adolescents: The Role of Interoceptive Deficits,2021,52,5,1093-1104,Brausch Treatment of suicide ideators: a problem-solving approach,1990,21,4,403-411,Lerner Rethinking unacceptable thoughts: validation of an expanded version of the dimensional obsessive-compulsive scale,2024,55,4,786-800,Björgvinsson School-based intervention for adolescents with ADHD: predictors of effects on academic behavioral and social functioning,2024,55,4,680-697,Evans Paranoia and social anxiety: predicting aggressive behavior,2024,55,4,825-838,Schmidt