Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Representations of handguns by young adults in the US and UK,2002,12,4,256-270,Cooke Oppression and empowerment: Perceptions of violence among urban youth,2007,17,2,147-158,Rowe The role of women's self-injury support-groups: A grounded theory,2007,17,1,35-52,Corcoran How can we help when she won't tell us what's wrong? Professionals working with South Asian women who have experienced sexual abuse,2006,16,3,171-188,Majumdar Football hooliganism: comparing self-awareness and social identity theory explanations,2007,17,3,169-186,Van Hiel Globalised violence community psychology and the bombing and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq,2005,15,5,414-423,Duckett Community policing,2005,15,3,153-155,Williamson Why 'Soft' policing is hard: On the curious development of reassurance policing how it became neighbourhood policing and what this signifies about the politics of police reform,2005,15,3,156-169,Innes Policing a complex community: Political influence on policing and its impact on local and central accountability,2005,15,3,170-187,Fletcher What citizens think about the police: Assessing actual and wished-for frequency of police activities in one's neighbourhood,2005,15,3,188-202,Voeten Young offenders schools and the neighbourhood: A new approach to data-analysis for community policing,2005,15,3,203-228,Williamson From 'community' to 'neighbourhood' policing: Police community support officers and the 'Police extended family' in London,2005,15,3,241-254,Johnston Ethnic hierarchies ethnic prejudice and social dominance orientation,2005,15,2,83-94,Ekehammar Clerical child sex abuse: The response of the Roman Catholic Church,2004,14,6,490-494,Dunne Dangerous sports and recreational drug-use: Rationalizing and contextualizing risk,2004,14,4,215-232,Griffiths Mad or bad? A critique of proposals for managing dangerously disordered people,2004,14,2,104-114,Morgan World report on violence and health,2004,14,1,44-45,Conway Effects of gender and sexuality on judgements of victim blame and rape myth acceptance in a depicted male rape,2003,13,5,391-398,Davies Changes in professional conceptions of suicide prevention among psychologists: using a conceptual model,2002,12,2,108-123,Upanne Policing sexual assault,2002,12,2,143-145,Robertson Pragmatic post-structuralism (I): Participant observation and discourse in evaluating violence intervention,2001,11,4,263-275,Morgan Pragmatic post-structuralism (II): An outcomes evaluation of a stopping violence programme,2001,11,4,277-289,Morgan The Urban-Environment and Child Pedestrian and Bicycle Injuries - Interaction of Ecological and Personality-Characteristics,1992,2,4,281-289,Bagley Explanations about crime and psychological distress in ethnic minority and white victims of crime: A qualitative exploration,1997,7,5,361-375,Carson The neighbourhood youth inventory: Development and validation,1999,9,5,355-368,Chipuer Bullying at work: A psychoanalytic perspective,1997,7,3,219-225,Crawford Suicide in rural communities,1994,4,3,145-155,Sheehy Violence in the community - A study of violence and aggression in homelessness and mental health day services,1997,7,5,377-387,Gilders Descriptive analysis of bullying in male and female adult prisoners,1996,6,1,35-47,Archer Police Officers Definitions of Rape - A Prototype Study,1991,1,3,223-244,Krahé Police Intervention in Riots - the Role of Accountability and Group Norms - A Field Experiment,1991,1,4,249-267,Rabbie Police Intervention in Riots - A Reply,1992,2,1,73-75,Rabbie Self-reported attitude towards speeding and its possible consequences in five different road contexts,1997,7,2,153-165,Stradling Fear of Victimization in Mexico,1993,3,1,41-51,Lira Debating Drunk Driving - the Construction of Causal Explanations in Television Discussion Programs,1992,2,2,131-145,Livingstone Perceived Threat and Control As Moderators of Peace Activism: Implications for Mobilizing the Public in the Pursuit of Disarmament,1992,2,4,269-280,Mckenziemohr Counselling to end violence against women,1999,9,4,317-318,Morran Physical punishment and the parenting cycle: A survey of Northern Irish parents,1999,9,1,61-71,Murphy-Cowan Visible minority applicant concerns and assessment of occupational role in the era of community-based policing,1999,9,5,339-353,Perrott Bullying among Scottish young offenders: Inmates' self-reported attitudes and behaviour,1997,7,3,209-218,Power A summary review of literature relating to workplace bullying,1997,7,3,181-191,Hoel The incidence of workplace bullying,1997,7,3,199-208,Rayner Aggression of Police Officers As A Function of Temperature - An Experiment with the Fire Arms Training System,1994,4,5,365-370,Vrij Adult bullying: Perpetrators and victims,1998,8,3,239-240,Whitelaw Police Intervention in Riots - the Role of Accountability and Group Norms - A Field Experiment,1991,1,4,269-273,Williamson Domestic Violence Against Women: Understanding Social Processes and Women's Experiences,2009,19,2,95-110,Bostock Protection manipulation or interference with relationships? Discourse analysis of New Zealand lawyers' talk about supervised access and partner violence,2008,18,5,458-473,Pond From parent education to collective action: ‘Childrearing with love’ in post‐war Guatemala,2009,19,3,198-211,McMillan Social experience and school bullying,2009,19,1,17-32,Bacchini A group‐randomized evaluation of a theatre‐based sexual abuse prevention programme for primary school children in Germany,2009,19,4,321-329,Krahé A qualitative study on the development of workplace bullying: Towards a three way model,2009,19,1,1-16,Baillien Essentialism and attribution of monstrosity in racist discourse: Right‐wing internet postings about Africans and Jews,2009,19,6,411-425,Holtz ‘Alcohol is my friend’: Young middle class women discuss their relationship with alcohol,2009,19,6,492-505,Rúdólfsdóttir Women's human rights violations: Cameroonian students' perceptions,2009,19,2,111-124,Kassea Adolescent well‐being and supporting contexts: A comparison of adolescents in Ireland and Florida,2009,19,4,299-320,McGrath Pragmatic post‐structuralism (I): participant observation and discourse in evaluating violence intervention,2001,11,4,263-275,Morgan Towards understanding domestic violence: reflections on research and the ‘domestic violence and minoritization’ project,2004,14,1,33-43,Chantler Is domestic violence a gender issue? Views from a British city,2004,14,4,266-283,Nicolson Identifying violence among women patients attending family practices: the role of research in community change,2004,14,4,250-265,Romito Making sense of male rape: constructions of gender sexuality and experience of rape victims,2004,14,2,85-103,Anderson ‘How can we help when she won't tell us what's wrong?’ Professionals working with South Asian women who have experienced sexual abuse,2006,16,3,171-188,Reavey Domestic violence and mental health in a Dutch community sample: The adverse role of loneliness,2010,20,5,419-425,Winkel Group‐based evaluations for pupil‐on‐teacher violence: The impact of teacher intervention strategy,2010,20,5,377-389,Lawrence ‘Came hell and high water’: the intersection of Hurricane Katrina the news media race and poverty,2007,17,6,415-429,Perkins ‘Not in my name’? The Italians and the war in Iraq,2007,17,3,229-236,Roccato “If a girl doesn't say ‘no’…”: young men rape and claims of ‘insufficient knowledge’,2008,18,3,168-193,O'Byrne Are practitioners incorporating a strengths‐focused approach when working with multi‐problem poor families?,2007,17,1,53-66,Sousa Bullying in school and adolescent sense of empowerment: an analysis of relationships with parents friends and teachers,2008,18,3,211-232,Nation Community psychology and injustice in the criminal justice system,2008,18,5,518-526,Duckett Conditions for dialogue and illuminating inequality in multicultural societies,2008,18,4,375-381,Chryssides Dual pathways to engage in ‘Silent Marches’ against violence: moral outrage moral cleansing and modes of identification,2008,18,3,153-167,Lodewijkx Heavy Metal identity and the social negotiation of a community of practice,2007,17,6,430-445,Snell Homeless mothers: is there a relationship between coping strategies mental health and goal achievement?,2007,17,2,85-102,Tischler Human rights and applied psychology,2007,17,3,218-228,Kinderman Investigating the relationship between past contraceptive behaviour self‐efficacy and anticipated shame and guilt in sexual contexts among Norwegian adolescents,2007,17,1,19-34,Træen Mediated communities: considerations for applied social psychology,2007,17,6,411-414,Hodgetts Moral panic neutralization project: a media‐based intervention,2007,17,6,490-506,Van Den Eynde Oppression and empowerment: perceptions of violence among urban youth,2007,17,2,147-158,Rowe Philosophical dialogues as paths to a more ‘positive psychology’,2008,18,1,17-38,Triliva Political exile and the construction of identity: A life stories approach,2008,18,4,333-348,Cornejo Renewal and resistance: moko in contemporary New Zealand,2007,17,6,477-489,Nikora The role of women's self‐injury support‐groups: a grounded theory,2007,17,1,35-52,Corcoran Is there space for time in social psychology publications? A content analysis across five journals,2009,19,3,165-181,Elcheroth The relationships between contact status and prejudice: An integrated threat theory analysis of Hindu-Muslim relations in India,2009,19,2,83-94,Hewstone Violence against women: is psychology part of the problem or the solution? A content analysis of psychological research from 1990 through 1999,2002,12,6,410-421,Salazar Cyberbullying among adolescent bystanders: role of the communication medium form of violence and empathy,2013,23,1,37-51,Barlińska Self-transcendence and self-oriented perspective as mediators between video game playing and aggressive behaviour in teenagers,2013,23,1,68-80,Clemente Coping with cyberbullying: differences between victims bully-victims and children not involved in bullying,2013,23,1,7-24,Dehue Bullies and Delinquents: Personal Characteristics and Parental Styles,2000,10,1,17-31,Baldry The influence of psychosocial and environmental factors on children's independent mobility and relationship to peer frequentation,2001,11,6,435-450,Prezza Cross-case methodology: bringing rigour to community and systems change research and evaluation,2012,22,5,428-438,Chavis "In our country it's just poor people who ride a bike': place displacement and cycling in Australia,2015,25,4,296-309,Karnilowicz Preventing intimate partner violence: towards a framework for supporting effective community mobilisation,2017,27,3,196-211,Mannell Identity representations religion and apologizing for past wrongdoings: Muslim discourse about Indonesia's 1965-66 massacres of communists,2019,,,,Holtz When cross-ethnic friendships can be bad for out-group attitudes: the importance of friendship quality,2019,29,2,81-89,Cernat Sober social networks: the role of online support groups in recovery from alcohol addiction,2019,29,2,121-132,Best How Palestinian students invoke the category "human" to challenge negative treatment and media representations,2019,29,2,133-145,Goodman How racism discourse can mobilize right-wing populism: the construction of identity and alliance in reactions to UKIP's Brexit "Breaking Point" campaign,2018,28,6,385-405,Twali Does stigma always have negative consequences?,2018,28,6,495-507,Singh Sugar daddies and blessers: a contextual study of transactional sexual interactions among young girls and older men,2018,28,5,306-317,Hoss Communal coping and rumination in the aftermath of Chile earthquake: multiple mediation analysis of the relationship between subjective severity and posttraumatic growth,2018,28,4,191-199,García Suicide attempts and stressful life events among homeless people in Madrid (Spain),2018,28,4,200-212,Vázquez "It's ok if it's hidden": the discursive construction of everyday racism for refugees and asylum seekers in Wales,2018,28,3,111-122,Parker Psychological distress and resilience as risk and protective factors of psychoactive substance use among Chinese nonengaged youth,2018,28,2,49-64,Lau Emergent social identities in a flood: implications for community psychosocial resilience,2018,28,1,3-14,Williams School climate and ethnic-racial identity in school: a longitudinal examination of reciprocal associations,2018,28,1,29-41,Camacho Streets of resilience: exploring the role of educational outreach projects with street connected young people in Guatemala City,2019,29,3,238-253,Oldfield Community psychology digital technology and loss: remembrance activities of young adults who have experienced the death of a close friend,2019,29,4,257-272,Stein Influence of social stigma on subjective well-being of persons with albinism in Ghana,2019,29,4,323-335,Affram The social-psychological bases of far-right support in Europe and the United States,2019,29,5,385-401,Pettigrew "I'm a police officer not a social worker or mental health nurse": online discourses of exclusion and resistance regarding mental health-related police work,2019,29,5,429-442,Lane The massacre mentality and school rampage shootings in the United States: separating culture from psychopathology,2020,30,1,3-13,Whaley Victims' emotional distress and preventive measures usage: influence of crime severity risk perception and fear,2020,30,1,14-30,Chadee Cognitive complexity of social images revealed by Jewish Israeli adolescents relating to drawings of Jews and Arabs,2020,30,3,278-292,Shechner Domestic violence during COVID-19 pandemic: the case for Indian women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Singh Stressful life events and suicidal behaviour in countries with different development levels: Nicaragua El Salvador Chile and Spain,2010,20,4,288-298,Vázquez The moderating effect of within-group similarity on change in a strengths-based programme for incarcerated young men,2015,25,2,95-109,Viola Age variations in the suicide rates and self‐reported subjective well‐being of married and never married persons,1995,5,1,21-39,Mastekaasa Lesbian Youth Support Information Service (LYSIS): Developing a distance support agency for young lesbians,1996,6,5,355-364,Bridget When trauma is stigmatized: Disidentification and dissociation in people affected by adverse childhood experiences,2023,33,5,1225-1240,Muldoon