Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Putting severity of punishment back in the deterrence package,2001,29,4,588-610,Mendes Legislating Safety - A Look at the Effects of Michigans 1983 Anti-Drunk Driving Statute,1990,18,4,871-885,Thompson The Behavioral Impact of Drinking and Driving Laws,2008,36,4,545-569,Bertelli Policy Knowledge Policy Formulation and Change: Revisiting a Foundational Question,2009,37,1,141-162,James Widespread Policy Disruption: Terrorism Public Risks and Homeland Security,2009,37,2,171-194,May Tinkering Toward a National Identification System: An Experiment on Policy Attitudes,2009,37,2,233-255,Bali Slanted Newspaper Coverage of Immigration: The Importance of Economics and Geography,2009,37,2,257-273,Branton Assessing Measures Designed to Protect the Homeland,2010,38,1,1-21,Mueller Contemplating the Role of Precision and Range in Homeland Security Policy Analysis: A Response to Mueller,2010,38,1,23-39,Eller Response,2010,38,1,41-46,Mueller The Impact of Police Officer Diversity on Police‐Caused Homicides,2003,31,2,147-162,Smith The Effect of Intensive Bail Supervision on Repeat Domestic Violence Offenders,2003,31,2,187-207,Lasley Rooflessness in London,2000,28,2,365-381,Dowding Human Rights Violations Corruption and the Policy of Repression,2008,36,1,1-18,Bohara United States–Mexico: The Convergence of Public Policy Views in the Post‐9/11 World,2010,38,4,745-775,Valeriano Deterrence Theory and the Implementation of Speed Limits in the American States,2011,39,2,329-346,Nicholson‐Crotty Policy Change and Learning in Response to Extreme Flood Events in Hungary: An Advocacy Coalition Approach,2011,39,3,485-511,Albright Policy Narratives and Policy Processes,2011,39,3,535-561,Jones The geography of need: spatial distribution of barriers to employment in metropolitan detroit,2003,31,3,293-307,Tolman Constructing policy narratives in 140 characters or less: the case of gun policy organizations,2016,44,4,373-395,Merry Explaining gun deaths: gun control mental illness and policymaking in the American states,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Angels versus devils: the portrayal of characters in the gun policy debate,2019,47,4,882-904,Merry Tracking the coverage of public policy in mass media,2019,47,2,471-491,Soroka Explaining gun deaths: gun control mental illness and policymaking in the American states,2020,48,1,235-256,Smith Moral panics and punctuated equilibrium in public policy: an analysis of the criminal justice policy agenda in Britain,2020,48,1,207-234,Farrall Protest and state policy agendas: marches and gun policy after Parkland,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sato Post-loss power building: the feedback effects of policy loss on group identity and collective action,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lacombe What was the problem in Parkland? Using social media to measure the effectiveness of issue frames,2022,50,1,266-289,Wilkerson Advocacy strategies in state preemption: the case of energy fuel bans,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Struthers How does a focusing event shape public opinion? Natural experimental evidence from the Orlando mass shooting,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu