Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Interracial Homicide - A Macrostructural-Opportunity Perspective,1992,7,3,517-536,Messner Race and Population Change: A Longitudinal Look at Cleveland Neighborhoods,2002,17,1,105-136,Price-Spratlen Collective Violence as Social Control,1996,11,1,97-128,Roche Explaining Intimate Partner Violence: The Sociological Limitations of Victimization Studies,2005,20,4,613-640,Michalski Interracial Homicide: A Macrostructural-Opportunity Perspective,1992,7,3,517-536,Messner Literacy and the civilization of violence in 19th-century France,1994,9,3,371-401,Gillis Racial Segregation the Concentration of Disadvantage and Black and White Homicide Victimization,1999,14,3,465-493,Krivo The Newsworthiness and Selection Bias in News about Murder: Comparative and Relative Effects of Novelty and Race and Gender Typifications on Newspaper Coverage of Homicide,2003,18,3,357-386,Lundman The Social Sources of Homicide in Different Types of Societies,1991,6,1,51-70,Messner Married female labor force participation and suicide in Canada 1971 and 1981,1992,7,4,661-677,Trovato Sociological Research and Social Policy: The Case of Family Violence,1992,7,2,211-237,Straus Offending Substance Use and Cohabitation in Young Adulthood,2010,25,4,787-803,Giordano "I Used to Think Women Were Weak”: Orthodox masculinity gender segregation and sport,2008,23,2,257-280,Anderson Changing Lives Resistant Institutions: A New Generation Negotiates Gender Work and Family Change1,2009,24,4,735-753,Gerson Tragic Narratives in Popular Culture: Depictions of Homicide in Rap Music1,2009,24,3,611-630,Hunnicutt Social Distance and Affective Orientations1,2009,24,3,538-562,Karakayali Virginity Loss in Reel/Real Life: Using Popular Movies to Navigate Sexual Initiation1,2009,24,4,804-827,Carpenter Understanding the Alteration and Decline of a Music Scene: Observations from Rave Culture1,2009,24,2,307-336,Anderson Urban Nightlife Social Capital and the Public Life of Cities1,2009,24,4,908-917,Grazian “It Depends on How You Define Integrated”: Neighborhood Boundaries and Racial Integration in a Baltimore Neighborhood1,2009,24,4,828-853,Rich Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets,2009,24,1,202-204,Clampet‐Lundquist Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men,2009,24,4,945-948,Rapp “There Ain’t No Bond in Town Like There Used to Be”: The Destruction of Social Capital in the West Virginia Coalfields1,2009,24,3,631-657,Bell Justifying Justice: Therapeutic Law and the Victimization Defense Strategy,2000,15,4,617-646,Nolan The Normative Protection of Women from Violence,2000,15,1,91-116,Felson Beyond the Nuclear Family? Familism and Gender Ideology in Diverse Religious Communities,2007,22,1,25-50,Edgell Coalition Politics in a Postsocialist Russian City 1994–20001,2007,22,4,500-531,Buck Doing Time in Space: Line‐Joining Rules and Resultant Morphologies1,2008,23,2,207-233,Gibson Institutional Environments Sociopolitical Processes and Health Movement Organizations: The Growth of Self‐Help/Mutual‐Aid1,2008,23,1,84-115,Archibald Islam and Democracy: A Response to Amitai Etzioni,2008,23,1,183-184,Bergesen It Ought to Be a Crime: Criminalizing Human Rights Violations,2007,22,3,364-371,Blau Justiciability as field effect: when sociology meets human rights,2007,22,3,372-380,Hagan Mexican New York,2008,23,1,198-202,Levitt Response: The Purchase of Criticism,2007,22,4,612-617,Zelizer The Declining Significance of Delinquent Labels in Disadvantaged Urban Communities1,2008,23,3,575-601,Hirschfield The Rhetoric of Sociological Facts1,2007,22,3,270-299,Jasper Ties that Bind: Cultural Interpretations of Delayed Adulthood in Western Europe and Japan1,2008,23,4,645-669,Newman Trust Networks in Transnational Migration,2007,22,1,3-24,Tilly What Do We Do with Meanings?,2007,22,3,387-395,Jasper Will the Right Islam Stand Up?1,2008,23,1,174-182,Etzioni Contradictory Behavior During Genocides,2010,25,2,296-314,Campbell Micro‐Situational Antecedents of Violent Atrocity,2010,25,2,272-295,Klusemann Gang Leader for a Day: Griot for Life,2009,24,1,210-214,Young The social sources of homicide in different types of societies,1991,6,1,1991,Messner The Significance of School Climates Race of Pupils and Teachers' Attitudes for Academic Achievement,1979,2,2,30-39,Alexander Racial/ethnic composition and violence: size-of-place variations in percent black and percent Latino effects on violence rates,2013,28,4,811-841,Feldmeyer Reconsidering Durkheim's assessment of tarde: formalizing a tardian theory of imitation contagion and suicide suggestion,2014,29,3,698-719,Abrutyn Self-esteem the fear of crime and the decision to protect oneself from victimization,2014,29,3,587-606,Asencio The social costs of gender nonconformity for transgender adults: implications for discrimination and health,2015,30,3,809-831,Grollman Immigration attitudes before and after tragedy in Copenhagen: the importance of political affiliation and safety concerns,2017,32,2,321-338,Smiley Recipes for attention: policy reforms crises organizational characteristics and the newspaper coverage of the LGBT movement 1969-2009,2016,31,4,926-947,Amenta Ontological insecurity racial tension and confidence in the police in the shadow of urban unrest,2016,31,4,1063-1082,Wozniak Intersections of multiple oppressions: racism sizeism ableism and the "illimitable etceteras" in encounters with law enforcement,2017,32,2,426-433,Whitesel Neighborhood norms disadvantage and intimate partner violence perpetration,2019,34,3,594-615,Giordano Stereotyping online? Internet news social media and the racial typification of crime,2019,34,3,616-642,Intravia Transparency and unmasking issues in ethnographic crime research: methodological considerations,2019,34,2,293-312,Contreras "I will be out there every day strong!" protest policing and future activism among Ferguson and Baltimore protesters,2019,34,2,409-433,Rios Determinants of variation in state concealed carry laws 1970-2016,2019,34,2,434-457,Malone The rules of (dis)engagement: Black youth and their strategies for navigating police contact,2019,34,1,115-137,Fox‐Williams Popular hazards and policy rhetoric,2017,32,3,461-479,Best Sometimes (but not this time) a gun is just a gun: masculinity threat and guns in the United States 1999-2018,2020,35,1,5-23,Cassino Disaster relief as social action: a Weberian look at postdisaster donation behavior,2020,35,1,145-166,Wachtendorf Life after Hurricane Katrina: the Resilience in Survivors of Katrina (RISK) project,2016,31,Suppl 1,750-769,Waters The effect of female participation in the labor force on suicide: a time series analysis 1948-1980,1987,2,2,257-277,Stack Moving beyond the sound bite: complicating the relationship between negative television news framing and in-depth reporting on activism,2016,31,3,577-598,Gunby Testing a Sociological Explanation for Rising Rates of White Mortality,2016,31,3,716-719,Phillips The social structure of suicide,1991,6,3,501-524,Bearman A social disorganizational theory of suicide,2023,38,2,298-323,Abrutyn