Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Gun control in Alberta: Explaining public attitudes concerning legislative change,2002,44,4,403-423,Hartnagel Killing with Guns in the USA and Canada 1977-1983 - Further Evidence for the Effectiveness of Gun-Control,1989,31,3,245-251,Sproule The Proposed Canadian Legislation on Firearms - More Symbolism Than Prevention,1995,37,2,195-213,Gabor A Study of Perceived Drinking-Driving Behavior Changes Following Media Campaigns and Police Spot Checks in 2 Canadian Cities,1986,28,3,263-278,Kivikink Consequences of License Revocation for Drunk Driving Under the Criminal Code,1991,33,2,183-192,Lebeuf Police Enforcement Practices and Perceptions of Drinking-Driving Laws,1986,28,2,147-156,Solomon Gun Control and Rates of Firearms Violence in Canada and the United States: A Comment,1994,36,4,463-464,Lester Underpunishing offenders: towards a theory of legal tolerance,1994,36,4,407-434,Ouimet Deterrence and Homeless Male Street Youths,1998,40,1,27-60,Kennedy Violence in the Workplace in British Columbia: A Preliminary Investigation,1995,37,4,491-520,Boyd Changes in Police Charging of Young Offenders in Ontario and Saskatchewan After 1984,1998,40,2,153-164,Carrington Risk for Court Contact and Predictors of an Early Age for a First Court Contact Among a Sample of High Risk Youths: A Survival Analysis Approach,1998,40,4,421-446,Day Reflections on Findings from the Violence Against Women Survey,1995,37,3,457-484,Dobash Is the "Quality" of Youth Violence Becoming More Serious?,1998,40,2,185-200,Doob The Role of the Health Community in the Prevention of Criminal Violence,1996,38,3,317-?,Gabor Crime Displacement and Situational Prevention: Toward the Development of Some Principles,1990,32,1,41-73,Gabor Individual Violence in Canadian Penitentiaries,1985,27,,429-439,Jayewardene Researching Violence Against Women: Statistics Canada's National Survey,1995,37,3,281-304,Johnson When Police Investigate Police: A View from Complainants,1996,38,3,291-316,Landau Feminist Versus Interpersonal Power Theories of Wife Abuse Revisited,1995,37,4,567-582,Lenton Power Versus Feminist Theories of Wife Abuse,1995,37,3,305-330,Lenton Canadian Kids Who Kill,1992,34,1,15-34,Silverman Young People's Knowlege of the Young Offenders Act and the Youth Justice System,1998,40,2,127-152,Peterson-Badali The Ecology of Crime and Its Implications for Prevention: An Ontario Study,1990,32,1,155-171,Rattner Adolescent Violent Victimization and Offending: Assessing the Extent of the Link,2000,42,4,493-505,Regoeczi Women's Non-Spousal Multiple Victimization: A Test of the Routine Activities Theory,1995,37,3,363-391,Rosgers Understanding Public Views of Youth Crime and the Youth Justice System,1996,38,3,271-290,Sprott The Citizen and the Police: A Partnership in Crime Prevention,1990,32,1,125-135,Walker Lethal and Nonlethal Violence Against Wives,1995,37,3,331-361,Wilson Guns violent crime and suicide in 21 countries,2001,43,4,429-448,Killias Crime and Destiny: Patterns in Serious Offenders' Mortality Rates,2003,45,3,299-326,Tremblay Gun control and rates of firearms violence in Canada and the United States,1990,32,1,137-154,Mundt