Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Firearms theft in New Zealand -- lessons for crime and injury prevention,1998,31,1,85-95,Alpers Finding Solutions to Drink-Driving - the Lessons of Research,1982,15,3,170-182,Engelberg Penalties and the Drink-Driver - A Study of 1000 Offenders,1981,14,4,225-241,Homel Sentencing Persons Convicted of Drunk-Driving Offences: Evaluation of Provisions Preventing the Use of Motor Vehicles and An Alternative Sentence,1979,12,3,139-144,Lovegrove Problems Facing Drunk-Driving Counter Measures,1977,10,1,53-59,Robinson Modifiable determinants of youth violence in Australia and the United States: A longitudinal study,2009,42,3,289-309,Herrenkohl If At First You Don't Succeed...Keep Trying: Strategies to Enhance Coalition/School Partnerships to Implement School-Based Prevention Programming,2009,42,3,387-405,Hawkins Female Perpetrated Homicide in Victoria Between 1985 and 1995,2003,36,2,152-172,Kirkwood Female Violent Offenders: Moral Panics or More Serious Offenders?,2008,41,1,9-35,Kruttschnitt Zero Tolerance Naming and Shaming: Is There a Case for it with Crimes of the Powerful?,2002,35,3,269-288,Braithwaite “Newsmaking” Criminology or “Infotainment”1 Criminology?,2004,37,2,253-275,Buckingham Estimating the Magnitude of Rape and Sexual Assault Against American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Women,2010,43,2,199-222,Lanier Indigenous Violence,2010,43,2,197-198,Weatherburn The War on Sex Offenders: Community Notification in Perspective,2001,34,3,256-276,Hinds Between the Devil and the Deep-Blue Sea: Conceptualising Victims' Experiences of Policing in Domestic Violence in the Singaporean Context,2006,39,1,90-108,Ganapathy Hate and Bias Crime: Criminologically Congruent Law? A Review of Barbara Perry's Hate and Bias Crime: A Reader,2004,37,1,144-154,Gadd Configuring Consent: Emerging Technologies Unauthorized Sexual Images and Sexual Assault,2010,43,1,76-90,Powell Understanding Women's Pathways to Jail: Analysing the Lives of Incarcerated Women,2008,41,1,84-108,Dugan Theories of Indigenous Violence: A Preliminary Empirical Assessment,2008,41,2,216-235,Weatherburn Who are the Respondents of Domestic Violence Protection Orders?,2000,33,1,77-90,Stewart Battered Women Charged With Homicide: Advancing the Interests of Indigenous Women,2008,41,1,138-161,Tolmie Indigenous Sentencing Courts and Partner Violence: Perspectives of Court Practitioners and Elders on Gender Power Imbalances During the Sentencing Hearing,2010,43,2,263-281,Marchetti Maori and Criminal Offending: A Critical Appraisal,2010,43,2,282-300,Marie The Poverty of a Gender Neutral Criminology: Introduction to the Special Issue on Current Approaches to Understanding Female Offending,2008,41,1,1-8,Mazerolle Temporal Situational and Interactional Features of Women's Violent Conflicts,2008,41,1,36-62,Mullins The Uncertain Promise of Risk,2004,37,3,323-343,O'Malley Postmodern Criminology and its Feminist Discontents,2000,33,2,221-236,Howe Violence Spatiality and Other Rurals,2003,36,3,293-319,Hogg Rape Prostitution and Consent,2007,40,2,127-142,Sullivan “Shadow Boxing with an Imaginary Enemy”: A Rejoinder,2002,35,2,159-164,Weatherburn Law and Order Blues,2002,35,2,127-144,Weatherburn Shadow Boxing with an Imaginary Enemy — A Response to “Law and Order Blues”,2002,35,2,145-158,Indermaur Concurrent Drug and Alcohol Dependency and Mental Health Problems Among Incarcerated Women,2006,39,2,190-217,Johnson Women Victims of Assault: Age Differences in Victim-Aggressor Relationship and Location,2003,36,2,192-210,Homel Changes in Scholarly Influence in Major International Criminology Journals,2007,40,3,335-358,Farrington Presumptive Arrest in Partner Assault: Use of Discretion and Problems of Compliance in the New Zealand Police,2010,43,1,51-75,Newbold Bureaucracy Contracts and Networks: The Unholy Trinity and the Police,2005,38,2,192-205,Fleming Developmental Links between Cruelty to Animals and Human Violence,2002,35,3,363-382,Dadds Aboriginal Violence and State Response: Histories Policies and Legacies in Queensland 1860–1940,2010,43,2,238-262,Finnane Intimate partner violence against aboriginal men in Canada,2010,43,2,223-237,Brownridge Why women stay: A theoretical examination of rational choice and moral reasoning in the context of intimate partner violence,2012,45,2,179-193,Meyer Boys and road rage: driving-related violence and aggression in Western Australia,2005,38,3,361-380,Indermaur Provocation in New South Wales: The need for abolition,2012,45,2,194-213,Fitz-Gibbon Deterrence defiance and deviance: an investigation into a group of recidivist drink drivers' self-reported offending behaviours,2006,39,1,1-19,Liossis A consideration of the merits of specialised homicide offences and defences for battered women,2012,45,3,367-382,Douglas Battered women charged with homicide in Australia Canada and New Zealand: How do they fare?,2012,45,3,383-399,Tolmie Cascades of violence and a global criminology of place,2012,45,3,299-315,Braithwaite Divergent directions in reforming legal responses to lethal violence,2012,45,3,318-336,Stubbs Homicide law reform and gender: Configuring violence,2012,45,3,351-366,Morgan Intimacy homicide and punishment: Examining court outcomes over three decades,2012,45,3,400-422,Dawson Partial reform of partial defences: Developments in England and Wales,2012,45,3,337-350,Wells Social and cultural meanings of legal responses to homicide among men: Masculine honour sexual advances and accidents,2012,45,3,423-437,Tomsen The role of legal coercion in the treatment of offenders with alcohol and heroin problems,1997,30,2,103-120,Hall Social implications of driver disqualification: reality and road traffic laws,1975,8,2,169-175,Robinson Fostering cooperation with the police: How do ethnic minorities in Australia respond to procedural justice-based policing?,2011,44,2,235-257,Cherney Youth sex offending recidivism and restorative justice: comparing court and conference cases,2013,46,2,241-267,Broadhurst Regional variation in sentencing: The incarceration of aggravated drink drivers in the New Zealand District Courts,2013,46,3,422-447,Durrant Crime criminal justice and criminology for a smaller planet: Some notes on the 21st century,2001,34,3,213-220,Zimring Targeting Intervention Strategies to Reduce Juvenile Recidivism,1995,28,1,55-72,Coumarelos Gangs in New Zealand Prisons,1992,25,3,255-277,Meek Lethal Violence as a Form of Masculine Conflict Resolution,1995,28,1,93-115,Polk Theoretical Note: Gun Control and Homicide,1995,28,1,116-120,Weatherburn Prosecutors' perceptions of the utility of 'relationship' evidence in sexual abuse trials,2014,47,1,44-58,Powell Public trust in the police in Taiwan: a test of instrumental and expressive models,2014,47,1,123-140,Sun The pros and cons of prohibiting drugs,2014,47,2,176-189,Weatherburn A cultural constraints theory of police corruption: understanding the persistence of police corruption in contemporary Indonesia,2015,49,3,437-454,Buttle An analysis of supervision skills in youth probation,2012,45,2,255-273,Trotter Beyond the 'sext': technology-facilitated sexual violence and harassment against adult women,2015,48,1,104-118,Powell Evaluation of Operation RESET: an initiative for addressing child sexual abuse in Aboriginal communities,2015,48,1,82-103,Powell Populism and criminal justice policy: an Australian case study of non-punitive responses to alcohol-related violence,2015,48,1,24-52,Quilter Does the birth of a first child reduce the father's offending?,2015,48,1,3-23,Farrington Habitual criminal legislation in New Zealand: three years of three-strikes,2015,48,2,277-292,Oleson Optimising the length of random breath tests: results from the Queensland Community Engagement Trial,2015,48,2,256-276,Mazerolle No place to run no place to hide: socio-organizational processes and patterns of inmate victimization,2015,48,2,175-199,Paes-Machado Within-individual versus between-individual predictors of antisocial behaviour: a longitudinal study of young people in Victoria Australia,2015,48,3,429-445,Herrenkohl Administrative data linkage as a tool for developmental and life-course criminology: the Queensland Linkage Project,2015,48,3,409-428,Broidy From evidence to policy: findings from the Christchurch Health and Development Study,2015,48,3,386-408,Boden CREATE-ing capacity to take developmental crime prevention to scale: a community-based approach within a national framework,2015,48,3,367-385,Homel The impact of snares on the continuity of adolescent-onset antisocial behaviour: a test of Moffitt's developmental taxonomy,2015,48,3,345-366,Dean What we know and what we need to know about developmental and life-course theories,2015,48,3,336-344,Piquero Prospective longitudinal research on the development of offending,2015,48,3,314-335,Farrington The comparative context of collective efficacy: understanding neighbourhood disorganisation and willingness to intervene in Seattle and Brisbane,2015,48,4,513-542,Fay-Ramirez Taking the problem seriously? Sentencing Indigenous and non-Indigenous domestic violence offenders,2015,48,4,463-482,Jeffries Problems of the educator,1969,2,4,238-243,Moylan Alternatives to imprisonment: 3,1969,2,4,227-231,Daunton-Fear Alternatives to imprisonment: 2,1969,2,4,223-226,Biles Alternatives to imprisonment: 1,1969,2,4,217-222,Drinkwater The immigrant and crime,1969,2,4,198-205,Drapkin R v Coutts: heard in the Supreme Court (Winneke C. J.) at Bendigo Victoria June 1967. Unreported,1969,2,3,175-176, Preventive detention and the habitual offender,1969,2,3,158-168,Chappell Punishment and the control of human behaviour,1969,2,3,149-157,Chopra Deterrence: the problematic postulate,1969,2,3,132-148,Hawkins Some aspects of pack rape in Sydney,1969,2,2,105-119,Woods The pharmacology of cannabis,1969,2,2,83-86,Bentley Delinquency and heroin addiction in britain,1969,2,2,69-82,James A defence of insanity and the extra Y chromosome: R v Hannell,1969,2,1,29-37,Sutherland A murderer with 47XYY and an additional autosomal abnormality,1969,2,1,20-28,Wiener XYY chromosomes and crime,1969,2,1,5-19,Fox Community-taught maturation programme for psychopaths,1968,1,4,239-242,Craft The dilemma of the child and the law,1968,1,4,212-224,Clunies-Ross Changes in attitude towards the treatment of juvenile offenders in Great Britain 1823-1908,1968,1,4,201-211,Lord Sentencing a juvenile for manslaughter,1968,1,3,147-156,Roulston The comparative efficiency of differing techniques of prediction scaling,1968,1,2,109-112,Ward Deterrent aspect of capital punishment and its effect on conviction rates: the Queensland experience,1968,1,2,100-108,Wilson Alcoholism and crime,1968,1,2,70-99,Bartholomew Test performance and imprisonment,1968,1,1,46-58,Biles Whipping as a penal sanction: its consideration in a recent case,1968,1,1,10-25, Critical criminology and its discontents: a response to Travers' critique of criminal justice evaluation,2005,38,3,416-420,Weatherburn Unlikely friends? Oprah Winfrey and restorative justice,2005,38,3,381-399,Richards Policing the rural crisis,2005,38,3,340-360,Hogg Assessing recidivism risk among young offenders,2005,38,3,324-339,Putnins Forgiveness shaming shame and bullying,2005,38,3,298-323,Braithwaite 'Boozers and bouncers': masculine conflict disengagement and the contemporary governance of drinking-related violence and disorder,2005,38,3,283-297,Tomsen Police reform as foreign policy,2005,38,2,206-215,Bayley Reforming police: opportunities drivers and challenges,2005,38,2,167-180,Stenning Disaggregating the relationship between drug misuse and crime,2005,38,1,102-121,Bennett Escalation and deceleration of offending behaviours from adolescence to early adulthood,2005,38,1,59-76,Fagan Evaluation research and criminal justice: beyond a political critique,2005,38,1,39-58,Travers Justice in the risk society,2005,38,1,25-38,Shearing Why don't the police stop crime?,2005,38,1,4-24,Dixon Procedural safeguards for young offenders: views of legal professionals and adolescents,2004,37,3,401-417,Hicks Beyond representation: cultural understandings of the September 11 attacks,2004,37,3,380-400,McMillan The production of sovereignty and the rise of transversal policing: people-smuggling and federal policing,2004,37,3,362-379,Pickering Gang rape in Sydney: crime the media politics race and sentencing,2004,37,3,344-361,Warner Moral panics crime rates and harsh punishment in China,2004,37,Suppl,67-89,Bakken Juvenile protection and delinquency prevention policies in China,2004,37,Suppl,52-66,Wong Patterns of juvenile offending in Shanghai and Brisbane,2004,37,Suppl,32-51,Homel Risk and protective factors related to offending: results from a Chinese cohort study,2004,37,Suppl,13-31,Taylor "Newsmaking criminology" or "infotainment" criminology? A decontextualised fragmented and misconstrued critique,2004,37,2,286-295,Jeffries A reply to Buckingham's "'Newsmaking' criminology or 'infotainment' criminology?" Inaccuracy distortion and feminist doctrine,2004,37,2,276-285,Newbold Watched over or over-watched? Open street CCTV in Australia,2004,37,2,211-230,Sutton Is communalism dead? Reflections on the present and future practice of crime prevention: Part two,2004,37,2,192-210,Carson Comment on "Oakeshott and the New Crime Prevention",2004,37,1,141-143,Grabosky A structural analysis of social disorganisation and crime in rural communities in Australia,2004,37,1,114-140,Donnermeyer Stakeholder perspectives on police complaints and discipline: towards a civilian control model,2004,37,1,85-113,Prenzler Expanding the model of human nature underlying self-control theory: implications for the constructs of self-control and opportunity,2004,37,1,65-84,Wiebe Blood on the walls: self-mutilation in prisons,2004,37,1,49-64,Groves Is communalism dead? Reflections on the present and future practice of crime prevention: Part one,2004,37,1,1-21,Carson On terrorism and its (re)sources: a review essay,2003,36,3,354-367,Lentini Ethnicity and criminal convictions: results of a 21-year longitudinal study,2003,36,3,354-367,Swain-Campbell Oakeshott and the new crime prevention,2003,36,3,338-353,Knepper Antisocial behaviour among young Australians while under the influence of illicit drugs,2003,36,2,211-222,Makkai Carjacking -- insights from Aouth africa to a new crime problem,2003,36,2,173-191,Davis Family-based prevention of offending: a meta-analysis,2003,36,2,127-151,Farrington Post-prison mortality: unnatural death among people released from Victorian prisons between january 1990 and december 1999,2003,36,1,94-108,Graham Prohibition and cannabis use in Australia: a survey of 18- to 29-year-olds,2003,36,1,77-93,Weatherburn Mandatory compensation orders for crime victims and the rhetoric of restorative justice,2003,36,1,60-76,Warner Confrontational and revenge homicides among men in England and Wales,2003,36,1,34-59,Brookman Problematic licensed premises for assault in inner Sydney newcastle and wollongong,2003,36,1,18-33,Briscoe The electronic ball and chain? The operation and impact of home detention with electronic monitoring in New Zealand,2003,36,1,1-17,Gibbs The abusive society: a review essay,2002,35,3,383-402,Pratt The process of attrition in child sexual assault cases: a case flow analysis of criminal investigations and prosecutions,2002,35,3,347-362,O'Toole Parent-child dynamics in community conferences -- some questions for reintegrative shaming practice and restorative justice,2002,35,3,330-346,Prichard Punishment welfare and gender ordering in Queensland 1920-1940,2002,35,3,308-329,Wimshurst Counterproductive juvenile justice,2002,35,2,230-237,McCord The impossible case of Japan,2002,35,2,203-229,Leonardsen The meanings of graffiti and municipal administration,2002,35,2,165-186,Halsey Longitudinal rates of self-reported delinquency of at-risk and not at-risk Western Australian high school students,2002,35,1,99-113,Houghton Preaching to the choir: a comparison of the use of integrated data sets in criminology journals in Australia England and the United States,2002,35,1,79-98,Donnermeyer A further assessment of "circle theory" for geographic psychological profiling,2002,35,1,43-62,Kocsis Reducing complaints against police and preventing misconduct: a diagnostic study using hot spot analysis,2002,35,1,27-42,Homel Lethal violence crime and state formation in Cambodia,2002,35,1,1-26,Broadhurst Changes in the juvenile crime incidence rate by gender in New South Wales Australia 1991/2 to 1996/7,2001,34,3,302-309,Chen Deaths in private and public prisons in australia: a comparative analysis,2001,34,3,293-301,Dalton Self-harm in Western Australian prisons: differences between prisoners who have self-harmed and those who have not,2001,34,3,277-292,Dear Deborah's Law: the effects of naming and shaming on sex offenders in australia,2001,34,3,235-255,Lincoln Crime control in the 21st century,2001,34,3,221-234,Grabosky Drug use intoxication and offence type in two groups of alleged offenders in Perth: a pilot study,2001,34,1,91-104,Loxley Middle Eastern appearances: "ethnic gangs" moral panic and media framing,2001,34,1,67-90,Poynting Non-fatal self-harm in Western Australian prisons: who where when and why,2001,34,1,47-66,Dear Beyond 'What works?' A 25-year jubilee retrospective of Robert Martinsons famous article,2001,34,1,38-46,Sarre Evaluating the effectiveness of Australia's confiscation laws,2000,33,3,239-265,Fox Conceptualising community policing crime prevention and criminology: a Singapore perspective,2000,33,3,266-286,Ganapathy Violent crime in Australia: patterns and politics,2000,33,3,287-299,Indermaur Does parole work? A post-release comparison of reconviction rates for paroled and non-paroled prisoners,2000,33,3,300-317,Ellis New configurations of justice and services for the vulnerable: panacea or panegyric?,2000,33,3,318-340,Carney Preventing sexual violence?,2000,33,3,341-361,Carmody Serious firearm offending in New Zealand -- issues for gun controls and public safety,2000,33,1,64-76,Walters Part of living in the late twentieth century: notions of risk and fear in relation to crime,2000,33,1,21-36,Lupton The commercialisation of university-based criminological research in australia,2000,33,1,1-20,Israel Transgressions: towards an affirmative postmodernist criminology,2000,33,2,202-220,Milovanovic Civilization and punishment,2000,33,2,183-201,Pratt Criminologies of catastrophe? Understanding criminal justice on the edge of the new millennium,2000,33,2,153-167,O'Malley Criminology difference and justice: issues for critical criminology,2000,33,2,168-182,Hudson Economic adversity and criminal behaviour: rethinking youth unemployment and crime,1999,32,3,284-302,Polk Moral tales: representations of child abuse in the quality and tabloid media,1999,32,3,262-283,Wilczynski Self-reported drink driving and deterrence,1999,32,3,247-261,Baum The fear of crime and self-governance: towards a genealogy,1999,32,3,227-246,Lee "This is how we did it": one Canadian First Nation community's efforts to achieve Aboriginal justice,1999,32,2,168-181,Palys Aboriginal criminology and the postmodern condition: from anomie to anomaly,1999,32,2,209-221,Tyler Canadian Aboriginal women and their 'criminality': the cycle of violence in the context of difference,1999,32,2,197-208,Jackson Risk and resilience: crime and violence prevention in Aboriginal communities,1999,32,2,182-196,Homel Some reflections on new criminal justice policies in Canada: restorative justice alternative measures and conditional sentences,1999,32,2,139-152,Prairie Criminology genocide and the forced removal of Indigenous children from their families,1999,32,2,124-138,Cunneen Prisons are the problem: a re-examination of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal deaths in custody,1999,32,2,108-123,Harding An evaluation of the Queensland Security Providers Act: implications for national regulation of the protective security industry,1999,32,1,79-94,Prenzler The criminal use of firearms in New Zealand,1999,32,1,61-78,Newbold A reply to the NSW Royal Commission inquiry into paedophilia: victim report studies and child sex offender profiles -- a bad match?,1999,32,1,42-60,Cossins Delinquency control and juvenile justice in China,1999,32,1,27-41,Wong Dangerous places and the unpredictable stranger: constructions of fear of crime,1999,32,1,1-15,Lupton The prevalence in New Zealand of violence against women by their current male partners,1998,31,3,267-286,Morris Testing the reliability of observational measures of reintegrative shaming at community accountability conferences and at court,1998,31,3,230-241,Harris Inter-racial offending models: a response to reidpath and diamond,1998,31,2,196-203,Morgan The progress of 500 referrals from the child protection response system to the criminal court,1998,31,2,182-195,Hood Crime rurality and community,1998,31,2,160-181,Carrington Homophobic and HIV-related abuse and discrimination experienced by gay and homosexually active men in an Australian national sample,1998,31,2,141-159,Ver Concession and containment: the establishment of women in the Queensland police 1931-1965,1998,31,2,119-140,Premier Models of inter-racial offending: an evaluation,1998,31,1,27-37,Reidpath Sentencing the multiple offender: towards detailed sentencing statistics for armed robbers,1998,31,1,3-26,Lovegrove Governing private security in New Zealand,2016,49,2,159-178,Bradley Public trust in the Chinese police: the impact of ethnicity class and Hukou,2016,49,2,179-197,Sun Tackling 'drug-related' crime: are there merits in diverting drug-misusing defendants to treatment? Findings from an Australian case study,2016,49,2,198-220,Ritter Lawyers' experiences with fitness to plead to summary offences,2016,49,2,221-239,O'Carroll Modern diversion or colonial hangover? The history and development of suspended sentences in South Australia,2016,49,2,240-257,Smith Organized crime and illegal gambling: How do illegal gambling enterprises respond to the challenges posed by their illegality in China?,2016,49,2,258-280,Wang Rethinking women's post-release reintegration and 'success',2016,49,2,281-299,Segrave Durkheim's theory of anomie and crime: a clarification and elaboration,2016,49,3,311-331,DiCristina Unemployment business cycles and crime specialization: Canadian provinces 1981-2009,2016,49,3,332-350,Andresen Responding to the needs of children of parents arrested in Victoria Australia. the role of the adult criminal justice system,2016,49,3,351-369,Naylor Victimization among high school students in Thailand,2016,49,3,370-388,Sherer Does the threat of longer prison terms reduce the incidence of assault?,2016,49,3,389-404,Menéndez Offender case management: reducing the rate of reoffending by Māori,2016,49,3,405-421,Sullivan Beyond the legal barriers: institutional gatekeeping and real jury research,2016,49,3,422-436,Horan Patterns of intimate partner violence victimization among Australia and New Zealand female university students: an initial examination of child maltreatment and self-reported depressive symptoms across profiles,2017,50,4,582-601,Breckenridge Free-text comments as a tool for developing the self-report method: parents' responses to a survey on violence against children,2018,51,1,58-75,Ellonen Policing intimate partner violence in Victoria (Australia): examining police attitudes and the potential of specialisation,2018,51,1,99-116,Fitz-Gibbon Young and unaffected by road policing strategies: using deterrence theory to explain provisional drivers' (non)compliance,2017,50,1,23-38,Watson International students' fear of crime: an Australian case study,2017,50,1,77-99,Xiong Using environmental criminology theories to compare 'youth misuse of fire' across age groups in New South Wales,2017,50,1,100-122,Ferguson Predictors of delinquency among adolescents and young adults: a new psychosocial control perspective,2017,50,2,155-175,Mak Just about everybody doing the business? Explaining 'cash-for-crash' insurance fraud in the United Kingdom,2017,50,2,176-194,Brooks 'Staff can't be the ones that play judge and jury': young adults' suggestions for preventing unwanted sexual attention in pubs and clubs,2017,50,2,213-233,Fileborn Lost in the detail: prosecutors' perceptions of the utility of video recorded police interviews as rape complainant evidence,2017,50,2,252-268,Powell BZP-'Party pills' populism and prohibition: exploring global debates in a New Zealand context,2017,50,2,282-306,Hutton Countering the Australian 'ndrangheta: the criminalisation of mafia behaviour in Australia between national and comparative criminal law,2017,50,3,321-340,Sergi Management bullying and the work outcomes of Australian paramilitary,2017,50,3,341-359,Brunetto Body-worn video: a systematic review of literature,2017,50,3,379-396,Cubitt Testing for cultural measurement equivalence in research on domestic and international tertiary students' fear of crime,2017,50,3,397-418,Xiong Privatising public prisons: penality law and practice,2017,50,4,473-492,Liebling Upholding whose right? Discretionary police powers to punish collective 'pre-victimisation' and the dilution of individual rights,2017,50,4,493-509,Farmer Public assessments of the police and policing in Hong Kong,2017,50,4,510-528,Lee Over-represented and misunderstood: Pacific young people and juvenile justice in NSW,2017,50,4,529-547,Liddell An exploration of Thai public perceptions of defenses in cases of women who kill their domestically violent spouses,2017,50,4,602-622,Ho Policing immigrants: using a randomized control trial of procedural justice policing to promote trust and cooperation,2018,51,1,3-22,Mazerolle Cultures of gendered violence: an integrative review of measures of attitudinal support for violence against women,2018,51,1,40-57,Powell The effectiveness of Australia's drug courts,2018,51,1,76-98,Kornhauser Chinese culture and its influence on female prisoner behavior in the prisoner-guard relationship,2018,51,1,117-134,Chui The impact of the Canterbury Earthquakes on the temporal and spatial patterning of crime in Christchurch New Zealand,2018,51,1,135-156,Breetzke Predicting perceptions of crime: community residents' recognition and classification of local crime problems,2018,51,2,183-203,Mazerolle Social exclusion in families affected by paternal imprisonment,2018,51,2,221-238,Dennison Crime prevention and reduction programs: how does knowing about community initiatives moderate attitudes towards criminal victimisation?,2018,51,2,239-257,Hart From an emic perspective: exploring consent in forced marriage law,2018,51,2,258-274,Sowey Creating a youth violence data system for Boston Massachusetts,2009,42,3,406-421,Azrael Leaving violent men: a study of women's experiences of separation in Victoria Australia,2018,51,3,339-354,Tyson Surrounded by violence: how do individual perceptions and community context shape views about violence?,2018,51,3,355-371,Mazerolle The recidivism of homicide offenders in Western Australia,2018,51,3,395-411,Broadhurst Effect of Indigenous status on sentence outcomes for serious assault offences,2018,51,3,434-453,Weatherburn The homosexual advance defence in Australia: an examination of sentencing practices and provocation law reform,2018,51,4,576-592,Fitz-Gibbon Understanding and responding to family violence risks to children: evidence-based risk assessment for children and the importance of gender,2019,52,1,23-40,McCulloch "Racialized masculinities": a gendered response to marginalization among Malay boys in Singapore,2019,52,1,94-110,Ganapathy Adolescent violence towards parents--prevalence and characteristics using Australian police data,2019,52,2,231-249,Day Institutional anomie and justification of morally dubious behavior and violence cross-nationally: a multilevel examination,2019,52,2,250-271,Zito Perceptions of "others" risk and counter terrorism-related informal social control,2019,52,3,315-333,Fay Power and agency: characterisations of the female victim of family violence,2019,52,3,348-367,Kent Adverse childhood experiences in a South Australian sample of young people in detention,2019,52,3,411-431,Delfabbro The social-psychological process of fearing crime: developing and testing a new momentary model of victimisation worry,2019,52,4,462-482,Bond "This isn't your father's police force": digital evidence in sexual assault investigations,2019,52,4,499-515,Spencer Pride and prejudice: exploring how identity processes shape public attitudes towards Australian counter-terrorism measures,2019,52,4,558-577,Williamson Police officers' implicit theories of youth offending,2020,53,1,8-24,Richards Newsmaking criminology in Australia and New Zealand: results from a mixed methods study of criminologists' media engagement,2020,53,1,84-101,Wood How do sporting organisations conceptualise and operationalise the prevention of violence against women?,2020,53,1,121-136,Hamilton Police decision-making with young offenders: examining barriers to the use of diversion options,2020,53,1,137-154,MacLean Sexual harassment and violence at Australian music festivals: reporting practices and experiences of festival attendees,2020,53,2,194-212,Tomsen Why internet users' perceptions of viewing child exploitation material matter for prevention policies,2020,53,2,174-193,Prichard The transitional space of public inquiries: the case of the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse,2020,53,2,213-230,Salter Functional and dysfunctional fear of crime in inner Sydney: findings from the quantitative component of a mixed-methods study,2020,53,3,311-332,Jackson General and specific perceptions of procedural justice: factors associated with perceptions of police and court responses to domestic and family violence,2020,53,3,333-351,Meyer Children's contact with police as a victim person of interest and witness in New South Wales Australia,2020,53,3,387-410,Dean Themes in sentencing young adults charged with serious violent crime involving alcohol and other drugs,2020,53,3,411-432,Teesson Youth crime as a 'way of life'? 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