Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Alarmist decisions with divergent risk information,1997,107,445,1657-1670,Viscusi Gender and Say: a Model of Household Behaviour with Endogenously Determined Balance of Power,2006,116,511,558-580,Basu Underground Gun Markets,2007,117,524,F588-F618,Cook Culture conflict and cooperation: Irish dairying before the Great War,2007,117,523,1357-1379,O'Rourke Discrete polarisation with an application to the determinants of genocides,2008,118,533,1835-1865,Montalvo Inequality and the instability of polity and policy,2008,118,531,1285-1314,Dutt Social composition social conflict and economic development,2008,118,530,1145-1170,Strulik Dry Laws and Homicides: Evidence from the São Paulo Metropolitan Area,2010,120,543,157-182,Biderman Population Size and Civil Conflict Risk: Is there a Causal Link?,2010,120,544,535-550,Brückner Firearm background checks and suicide,2013,123,573,1085-1099,Lang Interpretations of utility and their implications for the valuation of health,2008,118,525,215-234,Kahneman Weather shocks sweet potatoes and peasant revolts in historical China,2014,124,575,92-118,Jia Parents television and cultural change,2014,124,579,1040-1065,Hauk Does childhood predict adult life satisfaction? Evidence from British cohort surveys,2014,124,580,F688-F719,Johnston Drought and civil war In Sub-Saharan Africa,2014,124,575,201-244,Couttenier Votes and violence: evidence from a field experiment in Nigeria,2014,124,574,F327-F355,Collier Crime deterrence: evidence from the London 2011 riots,2014,124,576,480-506,Bell Preventing crime through selective incapacitation,2013,123,567,262-284,Vollaard Identification of peer effects with missing peer data: evidence from Project STAR,2013,123,569,574-605,Sojourner Everybody needs good neighbours? Evidence from students' outcomes in England,2013,123,571,831-874,Gibbons Debt and depression: causal links and social norm effects,2012,122,563,1094-1114,Gathergood Enterprise recovery following natural disasters,2012,122,559,64-91,McKenzie Gender differences in risk behaviour: does nurture matter?,2012,122,558,F56-F78,Booth Policy analysis with incredible certitude,2011,121,554,F261-F289,Manski Caste and punishment: the legacy of caste culture in norm enforcement,2011,121,556,F449-F475,Fehr Is legal pot crippling Mexican drug trafficking organisations? The effect of medical marijuana laws on US crime,2017,129,617,375-407,Gavrilova Looking down the barrel of a loaded gun: the effect of mandatory handgun purchase delays on homicide and suicide,2018,128,616,3117-3140,Edwards Is the well-being of children converging in the European Union?,1999,109,459,692-714,Stewart The Effect of Concealed-Carry and Handgun Restrictions on Gun-Related Deaths: Evidence from the Sullivan Act of 1911,2022,132,646,2118-2140,Depew