Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Medical and chemical expertise in English trials for criminal poisoning 1750-1914,2006,50,3,373-390,Watson Thomas Wakley and the medical coronership--occupational death and the judicial process,1986,30,2,191-202,Cawthon Legislation and accident prevention: a historical review,1966,10,4,400-404,Kipling The treatment of wounds through the ages,1958,2,3,163-174,Cope Short Article "Villages ... Reek of Ether Vapours": Ether Drinking in Silesia before 1939,2010,54,3,387-396,Zandberg Diagnosing homicidal mania: forensic psychiatry and the purposeless murder,2010,54,4,433-456,Eigen Doctors and their transport 1750-1914,2001,45,2,185-206,Loudon Accidents among medieval children as seen from the miracles of six English saints and martyrs,1991,35,2,145-163,Gordon The dilated pupil and head trauma 1517-1867,1972,16,2,194-199,Flamm Self-control Selfishness and Mutilation: How 'Medical' is Self-Injury Anyway?,2011,55,3,375-382,Chaney A "pennurth of arsenic for rat poison": the Arsenic Act 1851 and the prevention of secret poisoning,1992,36,1,53-69,Bartrip Infanticide: the worth of an infant under law,1978,22,1,1-24,Damme Mold poisoning: an unrecognized English health problem 1550-1800,1981,25,1,73-84,Matossian A 'singular calamity',1973,17,2,204-207,Van Zwanenberg Road traffic injuries: social change and development,2013,57,1,108-138,Borowy Samuel Johnson's alcohol problem,1967,11,2,141-149,Madden Bruised witness: bernard spilsbury and the performance of early twentieth-century english forensic pathology,2011,55,1,41-60,Burney Failing to professionalise struggling to specialise: The rise and fall of health promotion as a putative specialism in England 1980-2000,2013,57,3,377-396,Duncan Travelling knowledge and forensic medicine: Infanticide body and mind in the Netherlands 1811-1911,2013,57,3,359-376,Ruberg The history of the chemical detection of poisons,1981,25,2,202-203,Campbell Tarantism,1979,23,4,404-425,Russell Healthcare and warfare. Medical space mission and apartheid in twentieth century Northern Namibia,2014,58,3,422-446,Nord Arsenic at St Andrews 1943,1983,27,2,184-185,Wright 'Shell shock' Revisited: An Examination of the Case Records of the National Hospital in London,2014,58,4,519-545,Jones Bolshevik disease and Stalinist terror: on the historical casuistry of artificial pneumothorax,2015,59,1,32-43,Polianski The regulation of english midwives in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries,1964,8,,235-244,Forbes 'Electroshock therapy' in the Third Reich,2017,61,1,66-88,Rzesnitzek Tom Crook and Mike Esbester (eds) Governing Risks in Modern Britain: Danger Safety and Accidents c.1800-2000 (London: Palgrave Macmillan 2016) pp. xiv+315 £63.00 hardback ISBN: 978-1-137-46744-7,2018,62,1,137-139,Ewen The place of post-traumatic amnesia in the assessment of blunt head trauma: the epistemic professional and material factors shaping British neurology circa 1920-40,2018,62,4,449-467,Ross Madness suicide and the Victorian asylum: attempted self-murder in the age of non-restraint,2002,46,2,175-196,Wright Medical fears of the malingering soldier: 'phony cronies' and the Repat in 1960s Australia,2023,67,2,172-191,Karageorgos