Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: interaction of atropine glycopyrrhonium and alcohol,1973,6,2,107-112,Linnoila Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving,1978,13,5,345-350,Linnoila Cardiovascular drugs and the risk of suicide: a nested case-control study,2007,63,6,591-596,Callréus Effects of desloratadine diphenhydramine and placebo on driving performance and psychomotor performance measurements,2004,60,5,307-313,Ramaekers Testing for benzodiazepine inebriation--relationship between benzodiazepine concentration and simple clinical tests for impairment in a sample of drugged drivers,2003,59,8-9,593-601,Skurtveit Driving under light and dark conditions: Effects of alcohol and diazepam in young and older subjects,2000,56,6-7,453-458,Mattila Placing obsolete hypnotics on prescription and the admission rate for acute poisoning with these drugs,1990,39,5,519-520,Verstraete Acrivastine terfenadine and diphenhydramine effects on driving performance as a function of dose and time after dosing,1994,47,3,261-266,Ramaekers Effects of loratadine and cetirizine on actual driving and psychometric test performance and EEG during driving,1992,42,4,363-369,Ramaekers Medication errors made by health care professionals. 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