Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author An Observation on the Mortality Rates of Transport Accidents in Korea,1968,1,1,1-8,Chu An Observation on the Incidence of Drowning Death in Korea,1968,1,1,79-86,Chu An Epidemiological Observation of Fire Accidents in Korea,1968,1,1,43-50,Chu An Epidemiological study on the Incidence of CO poisoning in Korea,1971,4,1,95-105,Kim A Survey on the Environmental Conditions of the CO Patients treated by Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,1972,5,1,9-15,Choi An epidemiological study on the accident resulting from leakage of chloride,1972,5,1,49-56,Kim An Epidemiological Study on the Accidental Mortality in Various Industries in Busan Area,1977,10,1,166-175,Chung An Epidemiological Study on the Industrial Injures of Textile Workers in Daegu Area,1981,14,1,81-88,Kang A Study on Industrial Accidents of Workers in Jeonbug Areas,1981,14,1,89-96,Hwang An epidemiological Study on Traffic Accidents,1984,17,1,75-84,Park A Study on the Incidence of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning,1985,18,1,-,Lee Health Concern Survey of Parents of School Children,1986,19,1,100-122,Kim A Cohort Study of Incidence Rate and Causes of School Accidents in a Boys' Middle School in Taegu,1987,20,2,331-340,Park A Study on the Epidemiological Characteristics of Industrial Ocular Injuries,1988,21,1,113-120,Lee Injury control: A challenge for health professionals,1988,21,1,5-9,Baker Productive years of life lost by pre-retirement deaths in Korea,1988,21,1,1-4,Baker A Study on the Physical and Mental Health Factors affecting Industrial Accidents,1989,22,3,355-357,Lee Human Health Factors and Traffic Accidents among Taxi Drivers in the Seoul Area,1989,22,3,313-322,Lee Frequency and Pattern of Traffic Accidents in Different Atmospheric Phenomena,1990,23,1,98-105,Lee A Survey on Child Battering among Elementary School Children and Related Factors in Urban and Rural Areas,1991,24,2,232-242,Park A Study on Speed and Changes of Physical Reaction due to Alcohol Intake,1992,25,2,141-147,Nam National Survey of Injury and Poisoning on a Representative Sample Population of Koreans,1994,27,3,447-464,Kim A Study on Safety Accidents that Occurred during a 5 Year period at a Welding Material Manufacturing Factory,1995,28,3,551-562,Lim A Study of the Cause-of-Death reported on Official Death Registry in a Rural Area,1996,29,2,227-238,Choi A Cohort Study of Physical Activity and All Cause Mortality in Middle-aged Men in Seoul,1998,31,4,601-614,Kim Characteristics of Traffic Accidents for the Primary School Students and Its Affecting Factors,1998,31,3,372-383,Lee Diving patterns and diving related disease of diving fishermen in Korea,1998,31,1,139-156,Sakong Validation of the International Classification of Diseases 10th Edition Based Injury Severity Scores(ICISS),1999,32,4,538-545,Jung Prevalence and associated factors of falls in the elderly community,2001,34,1,47-54,Cho Investigation of Health Hazards in the Underground Storage Facilities of Ginger Roots,2002,35,1,72-75,Lim A study for Effects of Economic Growth Rate and Unemployment Rate to Suicide Rate in Korea,2003,36,1,85-91,Lee A Study for Effects of Economic Growth Rate and Unemployment Rate to Suicide Rate in Korea,2003,,,85-91,Park National Survey of Injury and Poisoning on a Representative Sample Population of Koreans,1994,,,447-464,Kim A survey on child battering among elementary school children and related factors in urban and rural areas,1991,,,232-242,Jeon