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Characteristics of Portuguese population,2004,17,2,123-128,Amarante Depression and suicidal ideation in elderly institutionalized and non-institutionalized in Portugal,2012,25,6,350-358,Almeida Exercise and airway injury in athletes,2013,26,1,56-60,Couto The integration of health promotion and injuries prevention on the physical exercise dynamics,2013,26,1,3-4,Ribeiro Suicide in the elderly: crucial not to forget!,2013,26,1,1-2,Sampaio Alcohol consumption in the schooled youth: an old question revisited,2013,26,2,133-138,Marques Esophageal perforation in children: a review of one pediatric surgery institution's experience (16 years),2013,26,2,102-106,Vieira Erratum in The dentist's role in the child abuse: Diagnosis and report. 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