Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Traumatic bilateral testicular dislocation,1993,47,1,71-72,Horvath Polytrauma is more severe after a free fall from a height than after a motor vehicle accident,2003,128,8,526-529,Riou Injection in the hand of foreign bodies under very high pressure,1976,30,11-12,867-869,Meyrueis Pediatric multiple trauma in daily practice: the surgeon confronting pediatric multiple trauma,1988,42,4,286-296,Bonnard Terrorism and surgery,1988,42,7,505-511,Pailler Cardiac wounds. Experience from 10 years of war. Apropos of 32 cases treated surgically,1989,43,2,117-120,Jebara Limb trauma during parachuting,1990,44,7,493-498,Becker Testicular injury in severe burns,1963,17,,1215-1228,Heuls Gunshot wounds of the buttocks (apropos of 47 personal observations,1960,14,,207-216,Piganiol 2 cases of traumatic rupture of the left diaphragm,1970,24,15,923-927,Sommelet Traumatic rupture of the right hemidiaphragm after thoraco-abdominal contusion (7 cases),1969,23,3,211-217,Couraud Traffic accident victims,1967,21,21,1335-1342,Cady Traumatic rupture of the pancreas,1971,25,5,311-322,Lacquet Statistical studies on hand accidents,1978,32,9,521-525,Tubiana The fracture syndrome,1962,16,,1785-1794,Baciu Intracardiac penetration of a brassiere steel in the course of thoracoabdominal bullet transfixing,1967,21,9,516-520,Mourgue-Molines Arterial lesions occurring in the course of trauma of the extremities,1966,20,23,1375-1381,Sommelet Post-traumatic fat embolism. The diagnostic problems of "incomplete clinical forms",1968,22,23,1413-1419,Joyeux Gunshot injuries of the ureter,1996,50,2,146-158,Brunet Severe pancreaticoduodenal trauma: review of a series of 30 patients,1999,53,4,267-272,Jurczak Diagnostic and therapeutic observations drawn from the surgical experiences of 108 traumatic ruptures of the descending thoracic aorta,1998,52,8,813-820,Verdant Increased association of cardiac and thoracic vascular lesions after closed trauma of the thorax,1995,49,9,854-857,PrĂȘtre Closed traumas of the thorax. Assessment of two years activity at the Dakar Trauma Center,1995,49,3,241-244,Pouye Percy at the battle of Eylau,2000,125,8,787-794,Bouchet Blunt injuries of the pancreas in children,2001,126,10,992-995,Blanchard Isolated gastric stenosis after ingestion of caustics,1969,23,7,385-392,Sava A new case of "spontaneous" rupture of the testis,1970,24,3,235-236,Testart Caustic burns of the esophagus in children: experience at the National Hospital and University Center of Cotonou,1999,53,3,222-225,Agossou-Voyeme Penetrating gunshot wounds of the heart,1972,26,23,1241-1244,Nguyen-Quang-Huan Complications of fractures of the upper end of the femur in the 1st 3 months according to statistics on 350 cases,1972,26,23,1199-1207,Bonvallet Arthrography of the ankle: exploration of recent injuries of the tibiotarsal joint,1972,26,23,1217-1224,Dossa Hepatic trauma: pediatric features,1998,52,10,1022-1027,Moog Chest injuries in children. Apropos of 93 cases,1991,45,7,549-559,Debeugny Children's leg fractures (author's transl),1980,34,6,443-448,Pouliquen Fractures of the femoral shaft in children (author's transl),1981,35,1,51-57,Lefort Stress ulcer in patients with head injuries,1973,27,12,1240-1244,Sibilly Major crush of the extremities (author's transl),1975,29,2,119-125,Julliard The hand of "pelote" players. A model of traumatic pathology (author's transl),1975,29,5,499-507,Laporte Epiphyseal atrophy following supracondylian fractures of the humerus in children,1973,27,11,1211-1215,Laburthe-Tolra 343 injuries of fingers and hands treated in U.O.D,1973,27,5,535-539,Schneider Crush injuries of the hand. Therapeutic attitudes (author's transl),1977,31,2,101-106,Vivier Traumatic rupture of the diaphragm in road accidents. (Burst diaphragm and thoraco-abdominal contusions). Report of 19 cases (author's transl),1977,31,11,929-937,Rives On deep burns of the hands,1977,31,12,1103-1106,Bloem Acute digestive ulcerations due to stress in children. Apropos of 36 cases,1974,28,1,21-33,Pellerin Injuries of the epiphyses in child (author's transl),1980,34,5,370-375,Seringe Paint gun injuries of the hand. Seven cases (author's transl),1978,32,9,575-577,Magalon Astonishing history of an abdominal wound by cold steel,1987,41,1,51,Herve Penetrating injuries of the upper urinary tract: experience of the Lebanon war,1988,42,7,456-462,Chaiban Cerebral trauma in boxing,1989,43,9,703-706,Perez [Apropos of a penetrating wound of the common bile duct caused by a knife],1998,52,2,e205,Alamowitch