Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Traffic accidents: characterization of the victims by the revised trauma score in the pre-hospital period,2002,36,4,394-401,de Sousa Nature and severity of injuries in traffic accident victims,1999,33,2,157-164,Koizumi Health family professionals' practices toward women in sexual violence situations,2007,41,4,605-612,de Oliveira Hospitalization from the traffic victims' and their family caregivers' points of view,2008,42,3,539-546,Sousa Filho Considerations on domestic violence gender and the activities of family health teams,2008,42,3,591-595,da Fonseca Violence against women: Visibility of the problem according to the health team,2008,42,3,467-473,Nakano Forfeiting the denunciation of the aggressor: Reports of female victims of domestic violence,2008,42,4,744-751,Jong Assistance to women victims of sexual violence: a nursing care protocol,2008,42,2,377-382,Higa Woman abuse: contributions and shortcomings of the information system,2009,43,2,453-458,da Fonseca Profile of the violence committed against women assisted at Pousada de Maria lodging,2010,44,1,126-133,Labronici Importance of toys in the development of young children,1967,1,1,89-98,Velloso The meaning of sexual abuse in the manifestation of corporeity: a phenomenological study,2010,44,2,401-406,Correa Clinical and prehospital survival indicators in blunt trauma: a multivariate analysis,2010,44,2,352-359,de Sousa Evaluation of the severity of head injuries using anatomical and physiological indices,1996,30,1,116-137,Koizumi Relationship between trauma severity and analgesia standards used in traffic accident victims,2009,43,2,328-334,Calil Prehospital teamwork life support service for traffic accident victims,2009,43,2,320-327,Pereira Mental disorders during pregnancy childbirth and puerperium in the region of Ribeiro Preto-SP Brazil,1998,32,4,314-324,Luis Work and health conditions of sugar cane workers in Brazil,2010,44,4,978-983,Rocha Nursing staff and occupational accidents in a central supply unit,1997,31,2,344-346,Silva Psychological violence in nurses' professional practice,2011,45,1,26-32,Labronici Care of women victims of spouse violence from the Heidegger's perspective of the technology world,2001,35,3,230-234,Corrêa Sexuality reproductive health and violence against the African Brazilian women: aspects of interest for nursing care,2004,38,4,448-457,da Cruz Spouse violence: experiences expressed in male narratives,2003,37,2,81-88,Diniz The meaning of sexual abuse in the manifestation of corporeity: a phenomenological study,2010,44,2,397-402,Labronici Giving up reporting the aggressor: reports of female victims of domestic violence,2008,42,4,739-746,Jong Considerations on domestic violence gender and the activities of family health teams,2008,42,3,580-584,Godoy Serpa da Fonseca Profile of the elderly trauma victims assisted at an Emergency Unit,2011,45,3,659-664,Lima Preventing school violence: An evaluation of an intervention program,2011,45,3,581-588,Mendes Adolescents' attitudes and behaviors regarding the consumption of alcohol,2011,45,5,1063-1069,Silva The nursing team and occupational accidents with potentially contaminated material in the era of HIV,1998,32,3,262-272,da Silva An epidemiological survey on motorcycle accident victims assisted at a Reference Trauma Center of Sergipe,2011,45,6,1359-1363,Vieira The role of the New Trauma and Injury Severity Score (NTRISS) for survival prediction,2011,45,6,1353-1358,Domingues The development of sexuality in children in a risk situation,2011,45,6,1315-1322,Ribeiro Head injury victims and their return to work after 6 months to 1 year,1999,33,3,313-322,Koizumi Assessing the risk of falls for the elderly in Basic Health Units,2012,46,2,320-327,Pinho Risk of falls in the elderly: an integrative review based on the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association,2012,46,5,1227-1236,Santos Risk for injuries among motorcyclists involved in traffic incidents,2012,46,5,1133-1140,Sousa Elements of comprehensiveness in the professional health practices provided to rural women victims of violence,2012,46,5,1088-1095,Lopes Elderly victims of trauma: analysis of the risk factors,2012,46,6,1400-1405,Rodrigues Factors associated with the death of motorcyclists in traffic accidents,2012,46,6,1379-1386,Sousa Possibilities for addressing child abuse in systematized nursing consultations,2013,47,2,320-327,Egry The evaluative limits and possibilities in the family health strategy for gender-based violence,2013,47,2,304-311,Guedes The translation and cultural adaptation of the Management of Aggression and Violence Attitude Scale - MAVAS - for nurses in Brazil,2013,47,4,899-906,Soares Health risk behavior pattern among students from Cartagena Colombia: prevalence and associated variables,2013,47,4,830-835,Cogollo Effective coverage to manage domestic violence against women in Mexican municipalities: Limits of metrics,2013,47,4,781-787,Hidalgo-Solorzano Women working at university restaurants: Life and work conditions and gender-based violence,2013,47,5,1016-1024,da Fonseca Social use of alcohol among adolescent offenders: a fundamental approach toward human needs,2014,48,1,133-140,Dandrea Prevalence and factors associated with incidents related to medication in surgical patients,2014,48,1,41-47,Paranagua Translation and cultural adaptation of the Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire for burn victims in Brazil,2014,48,1,25-33,Rossi Injuries resulted from breastfeeding: a new approach to a known problem,2014,48,2,346-356,Cervellini Improvement courses about violence prevention: the impact on health sector professionals,2014,48,2,315-320,Pereira Social representations of violence against rural women: unveiling senses in multiple views,2014,48,2,214-222,Lopes Intimate partner violence against pregnant women: study about the repercussions on the obstetric and neonatal results,2014,48,2,206-212,Rodrigues Risk factors for falls in hospitalized adult patients: an integrative review,2014,48,3,540-554,Severo The representations of adolescents about gynecological consultation,2014,48,3,438-445,Gomes Bibliography review about children's accidents,1999,33,2,107-112,Souza The view of teachers on bullying and implications for nursing,2014,48,4,723-730,Silva Measuring trauma severity using the 1998 and 2005 revisions of the Abbreviated Injury Scale,2014,48,4,641-648,Lopes Social support from the perspective of adolescent victims of domestic violence,2014,48,4,610-617,Ferriani The biopsychosocial characteristics and forms of caring for 0- to 12-month-old infants perceived by the mothers attending a mother-child service in the city of Rio de Janeiro,1989,23,2,39-49,Oliveira Violence against adolescents: an analysis based on the categories gender and generation,2014,48,,102-108,da Fonseca Women survivors of intimate partner violence: the difficult transition to independence,2014,48,,7-15,Leitão Trauma in the elderly caused by traffic accident: integrative review,2015,49,1,162-172,Rodrigues Social representation of domestic violence against women among nursing technicians and community agents,2015,49,1,22-29,Gomes The Brazilian policy for reduction of accidents and violence aligns with international perspectives?,2014,48,,197-203,Egry Approach and treatment of suicidal behavior in the clinical practice of different groups of health professionals in Spain: results of the project EUREGENAS,2014,48,,139-147,Muñoz Cumulative vulnerability: a case study on intrafamilial violence drug addiction and adolescent pregnancy,2014,48,,53-58,Miura Violence as a research object and intervention in the health field: an analysis from the production of the Research Group on Gender Health and Nursingi,2014,48,,31-38,da Fonseca Scientific production on workplace bullying/harassment in dissertations and theses in the Brazilian scenario,2015,49,2,267-276,Costa Terms of international classification for nursing practice in motor and physical rehabilitation,2015,49,2,209-215,Chianca The (un)receptive experiences of female rape victims who seek healthcare services,2015,49,2,193-200,Gomes Violence burnout and minor psychiatric disorders in hospital work,2015,49,3,457-464,Marziale Accidental intoxication of the infant-juvenile population in households: profiles of emergency care,2015,49,3,372-379,Brito Map of homicides by firearms: profile of the victims and the assaults,2015,49,5,748-755,Costa Performance of Trauma and Injury Severity Score(TRISS) adjustments: an integrative review,2015,49,spe,138-146,Domingues Pattern of nursing interventions performed on trauma victims according to the Nursing Activities Score,2015,49,spe,29-35,Sousa Preventing violence by intimate partners in adolescence: an integrative review,2016,50,1,134-143,Egry Depression and suicide risk among nursing professionals: an integrative review,2015,49,6,1023-1031,Albuquerque Intimate partner violence against pregnant women: the environment according to Levine's nursing theory,2015,49,6,882-889,Teixeira Analyzing the concept of disruptive behavior in healthcare work: an integrative review,2016,50,4,695-704,Oliveira Indicators of health and safety among institutionalized older adults,2016,50,4,602-609,Borges Professionals and interfamily violence against children and adolescents: in between legal and conceptual precepts,2016,50,5,779-784,Lacharité Fall and its association with the frailty syndrome in the elderly: systematic review with meta-analysis,2016,50,6,1005-1013,Rodrigues Intimate partner violence among speaking immigrant adult Portuguese women in Canada,2016,50,6,905-912,Guruge Health care for women in situations of violence: discoordination of network professionals,2017,51,,e03207,Vieira Fear of falling in older adults living at home: associated factors,2017,51,,e03215,Vitorino Causes of removal from professional duty due to accident of work in a 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