Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Testing factor models of the psychopathy checklist: youth version and their association with instrumental aggression,2006,87,1,74-83,Vitacco The Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (PANSI) inventory: psychometric evaluation with adolescent psychiatric inpatient samples,2002,79,3,512-530,Barrios Factor analysis of the suicide intent scale with adolescent suicide attempters,1996,67,1,90-101,Arrigan Hand Test personality variables related to automotive moving violations in female drivers,1986,50,2,208-211,Panek Validity of the Personality Assessment Inventory Aggression Scales and Violence Potential Index in Veterans With PTSD,2007,88,1,90-98,Calhoun Assessing male batterers with the Personality Assessment Inventory,2007,88,1,57-65,Wilson A Rorschach investigation of sexual homicide,1994,62,1,58-67,Meloy Rorschachs of women who commit homicide,1993,60,3,458-470,Kaser-Boyd Rorschach object relations of adolescents who committed homicide,1992,59,3,574-583,Cornell A psychotic (sexual) psychopath: "i just had a violent thought ...",1992,58,3,480-493,Meloy Toward a synthetic approach to the Rorschach: the case of a psychotic child,1992,58,3,494-505,Murray Revisiting the Rorschach of Sirhan Sirhan,1992,58,3,548-570,Meloy Psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II in low-income African American suicide attempters,2008,90,5,521-523,Brown Recovery and replication of internalizing and externalizing dimensions within the personality assessment inventory,2008,90,6,585-592,Edens Extratest validity of selected personality assessment inventory scales and indicators in an inpatient substance abuse setting,2008,90,6,574-577,Hopwood Extending the Rorschach trauma content index and aggression indexes to dream narratives of children exposed to enduring violence: An exploratory study,2008,90,6,578-584,Punamaki Factor structure of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale in Hong Kong adolescents,2008,90,2,175-184,Lam Clinical utility of the MMPI-2 Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales in therapeutic assessment: a case study,2008,90,2,110-118,Wygant Convergence of self-report scales and Rorschach indexes of psychological distress: the moderating role of self-disclosure,2008,90,1,36-43,Berant Four-facet PCL-R structure and cognitive functioning among high violent criminal offenders,2008,90,2,197-200,Weinberger Predictive validity of the MMPI-2 Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales in a batterers' intervention program,2008,90,2,129-135,Erez Empirical correlates of the MMPI-2 Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales in mental health forensic and nonclinical settings: an introduction,2008,90,2,119-121,Ben-Porath Risk factors for institutional misconduct among incarcerated women: an examination of the criterion-related validity of the Personality Assessment Inventory,2007,88,1,106-117,Edens Interventional use of the parent-child interaction assessment-II enactments: modifying an abused mother's attributions to her son,2009,91,5,397-408,Young Psychopathic and nonpsychopathic violent offenders on the Rorschach: discriminative features and comparisons with schizophrenic inpatient and university student samples,2006,86,3,291-305,Hartmann Sexual and aggressive fantasies in violent and non-violent prison inmates,1971,35,4,326-330,Beit-Hallahmi A new empirical automated MMPI interpretive program: 2-8 and 8-2 code types,1972,36,6,581-584,Sletten A new experimental approach to the relationship between color-shading and suicide attempts,1973,37,3,237-241,Colson Suicide and the Rorschach: a rueful postscript,1974,38,6,535-539,Neuringer Use of the Rorschach in predicting and understanding suicide,1974,38,5,411-419,Farberow Prediction of suicide: a replication study,1975,39,5,497-501,Farberow Some Rorschach data concerning suicide,1977,41,4,339-348,Exner Extraversion neuroticism and different aspects of self-reported aggression,1977,41,1,66-70,Edmunds Discriminating violent individuals by means of various psychological tests,1978,42,3,237-243,Jones Predicting suicide using the Rorschach Inkblot Test,1979,43,5,452-456,Kendra Hand Test indices of violent and destructive behavior for institutionalized mental retardates,1979,43,4,376-378,Panek Jo-Jo Josephine and Joanne: a study of multiple personality by means of the Rorschach Test,1979,43,3,300-313,Daniels MMPI ratings of suicide risk,1979,43,3,293-299,Clopton Indirect self-destructive behavior in patients with Buerger's disease,1979,43,1,86-96,Farberow Predicting adolescent suicidal behavior and the order of Rorschach measurement,1982,46,6,563-568,Arffa Alexithymia in violent offenders,1982,46,5,462-467,Keltikangas-Jarvinen Aggression in abused children: differential responses to the Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study,1982,46,2,139-141,Kinard The inter-domain among personality and cognition variables in people who commit murder,1983,47,5,524-530,Adams Ethnicity criminality and the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory,1983,47,4,375-379,Levi Suicidal Children's and adolescents' responses to early memories test,1983,47,3,258-264,Monahan Assessment of violence potential using measures of anger hostility and social desirability,1984,48,5,531-544,Selby Screening for disruptive behavior of institutionalized juvenile offenders,1984,48,2,159-161,Hooper Detection of conscious deception using the Child Abuse Potential Inventory lie scale,1985,49,5,541-544,Milner Convergent and discriminant validity of the Child Abuse Potential Inventory,1985,49,1,86-88,Milner The predictive validity of the Zung Index of Potential Suicide,1985,49,1,100-102,Petrie Factor structure of Calhoun's Youth Suicide Scale,1987,51,2,262-266,Anderson Relations between Hand Test variables and the psychological characteristics and behaviors of battered women,1987,51,2,220-227,Wagner Clinical utility of the MMPI in the evaluation of adolescent suicide attempters,1988,52,2,204-211,Spirito Single-sign Rorschach suicide indicators: a validity study using a depressed inpatient population,1988,52,4,658-669,Lerner WAIS-R and MMPI profiles of men who have sexually assaulted children: evidence of limited utility,1989,53,2,404-412,Hall Rorschach records of Nazi war criminals: a reanalysis using current scoring and interpretation practices,1989,53,1,85-99,Archer Initial psychological effects of sexual abuse on female children as reflected in the Hand Test,1989,53,4,761-769,Wagner Severe disturbance or trauma-induced adaptive reaction: a Rorschach child case study,1990,55,1-2,280-295,Viglione Multimethod assessment of depression in sexually abused girls,1990,55,1-2,234-248,Shapiro Differentiation of death-row murderers and life-sentence murderers by antisociality and intelligence measures,1990,54,3-4,617-627,Heilbrun Assessment of long-term psychosocial sequelae among POW survivors of the Korean Conflict,1990,54,1-2,170-180,Sutker Comprehensive system Rorschach data on Vietnam combat veterans,1990,54,1-2,160-169,Bruno The measurement of criminal dangerousness as a personality construct: further validation of a research index,1990,54,1-2,141-148,Heilbrun A factor analysis of six commonly used instruments associated with suicide using college students,1990,55,3-4,804-811,Range MMPI characteristics of drug abusers with and without histories of suicide attempts,1990,55,3-4,717-728,Craig MMPI-2 profiles of women at risk for child abuse,1991,57,2,254-263,Egeland Psychometric characteristics of the Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire in college students,1991,56,2,289-307,Reynolds The Rorschach test for predicting suicide among depressed adolescent inpatients,1992,59,2,290-303,Armstrong Barren Rorschachs: a conceptual approach,1992,59,1,176-184,Lerner Personality assessment in equivocal deaths,1992,58,2,430-431,Young Racial differences on the MCMI in an outpatient clinical sample,1992,58,1,90-95,Hamberger MMPI taxonomies of child sexual and nonsexual offenders: a cross-validation and extension,1992,58,1,127-137,Hall Selected Hand Test personality variables related to accidents in female drivers,1978,42,4,355-357,Barrett MMPI-2 profiles of battered women in transition,1993,60,1,100-111,Khan Rorschach content interpretation in post-traumatic stress disorders: a reply to Carr,1985,49,1,21-25,Kowitt The interrater reliability of Elizur's hostility systems and Holt's aggression variables: a meta-analytical review,2009,91,4,357-364,Katko Object relations in abusive partner relationships: an empirical investigation,1996,66,1,106-115,Cogan Initial validity of the logical Rorschach in the assessment of trauma,2010,92,3,222-231,Chang Predicting suicidal behavior in veterans with traumatic brain injury: the utility of the personality assessment inventory,2010,92,4,349-355,Gutierrez A borderline psychopath: "I was basically maladjusted...",1993,61,2,358-373,Meloy Photographically portrayed identities alcohol expectancies and excessive drinking,1993,60,3,522-531,Corcoran The Bender-Gestalt psychopathology scale: failure to infer validity in a school-aged sample,1993,60,3,605,Rossini A measurement model for the Type A Self-Rating Inventory,1994,62,1,102-115,Yarnold Rorschach responding in children and adolescents who have been severely burned,1994,62,2,269-279,Holaday Psychometric characteristics of the MMPI-2 Cook-Medley Hostility scale,1995,65,3,567-585,Han Personological evaluation of Clance's Imposter Phenomenon Scale in a Korean sample,1995,65,3,468-485,Chae Object relations of sexually and physically abused female children: a TAT analysis,1996,66,1,91-105,Ornduff MMPI differences among adolescent inpatients rapists sodomists and sexual abusers,1996,66,1,81-90,Myers Internal structure of the MMPI-2 Addiction Potential Scale in alcoholic and psychiatric inpatients,1996,66,1,177-193,Greene Validity of the Children's Picture-Frustration Study: a social-cognitive perspective,1993,60,2,379-389,Graybill A Rorschach study of narcissism defense and aggression in borderline narcissistic and cluster C personality disorders,1993,60,2,346-361,Handler The psychometric assessment of alcoholism in forensic groups: the MacAndrew scale and response bias,1993,60,2,252-266,Haywood Assessing normal and abnormal personality functioning: strengths and weaknesses of self-report observer and performance-based methods,2007,89,1,30-40,Ganellen A principal components analysis of Rorschach aggression and hostility variables,2010,92,6,594-598,Katko MMPI-A profiles of adolescent boys with a history of firesetting,1996,67,1,116-126,Moore The incremental validity of passive-aggressive personality symptoms rivals or exceeds that of other personality symptoms in suicidal outpatients,2002,79,1,161-170,Rudd Development and initial validation of the Self-harm Behavior Questionnaire,2001,77,3,475-490,Barrios Concurrent validity of the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory as a measure of depression in hospitalized adolescents,1999,73,1,64-79,Cornell The impact of response frequency on the Rorschach constellation indices and on their validity with diagnostic and MMPI-2 criteria,1993,60,1,153-180,Meyer Rorschach assessment of purging and nonpurging bulimics,1991,56,2,277-288,Smith An object representation approach to psychostructural change: a clinical illustration,1983,47,3,314-323,Lerner Object relations and physical abuse: a TAT analysis,1995,64,3,552-568,Ornduff Object relations of sexually abused female subjects: a TAT analysis,1994,63,2,223-238,Ornduff TAT assessment of sexually abused girls: an analysis of manifest content,1994,63,2,211-222,Ornduff MMPI indices of childhood trauma among 110 female outpatients,1994,63,1,135-147,Harris Personality characteristics of young adult offspring of substance abusers: a study highlighting methodological issues,1994,63,1,117-134,Kalichman Assessment of childhood depression anxiety and aggression: convergent and discriminant validity of self- parent- teacher- and peer-report measures,1994,62,2,364-381,Meyers Impact of rater knowledge on sexually abused and nonabused girls' scores on the Draw-A-Person: Screening Procedure for Emotional Disturbance (DAP:SPED),1997,68,3,665-677,Wagner Harter's Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents: reliability validity and evaluation of the question format,1995,65,1,100-116,Wichstrøm The MAVRIC-C and MAVRIC-P: a preliminary reliability and validity study,2006,86,3,273-290,Goodman Trauma torture and transformation in the forensic assessor,2005,84,1,25-8; discussion 33-6,Evans Predicting institutional adjustment with the Lifestyle Criminality Screening Form and the Antisocial Features and Aggression scales of the PAI,2007,88,1,99-105,Walters Exploring the hand test with medically ill children and adolescents,2005,85,1,82-91,Smith Reliability and validity of rorschach aggression variables with a sample of adjudicated adolescents,2005,85,1,33-39,Abell The analysis of count data: a gentle introduction to poisson regression and its alternatives,2009,91,2,121-136,West Symptom endorsement differences on the Children's Depression Inventory with children and adolescents on an inpatient unit,2001,76,3,396-411,Phares Defense mechanisms and self-reported violence toward partners and strangers,2004,82,3,317-320,Cogan Indirect personality assessment of the violent true believer,2004,82,2,138-146,Meloy Rorschach Aggressive Content (AgC) variable: a study of criterion validity,2002,78,2,275-287,Baity Development and preliminary validation of a Chinese version of the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire in a population of Hong Kong Chinese,2007,88,3,284-294,Maxwell Rorschach measures of aggressive drive derivatives: a college student sample,2003,80,1,41-49,Mihura Psychological assessment of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse within a naturalistic clinical sample,2003,80,2,173-184,Callahan Predicting dangerousness with two Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory psychopathy scales: the importance of egocentric and callous traits,2003,80,2,154-163,Salekin Correction and clarification for Ornduff Freedenfeld Kelsey and Critelli (1994); Freedenfeld Ornduff and Kelsey (1995); and Ornduff and Kelsey (1996),2003,81,2,179-182,Ornduff Psychopathy and the Five-factor model of personality: a replication and extension,2003,81,2,168-178,Lynam Rorschach correlates of sexual abuse: trauma content and aggression indexes,2000,75,2,212-224,Kamphuis Surviving roots of trauma: prevalence of silent signs of sex abuse in patients who recover memories of childhood sex abuse as adults,2000,74,2,311-323,Leavitt Construct validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory in a correctional sample,2000,74,2,262-281,Edens Further exploration of the Rorschach Aggressive Content (AgC) variable,2000,74,2,231-241,Hilsenroth The Rorschach and traumatic loss: can the presence of traumatic loss be detected from the Rorschach?,1990,55,3-4,781-789,Cerney Developmental changes in the response types versus aggression categories on the Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study Children's Form,1990,55,3-4,603-609,Graybill Indications of depression and distress in divorce and nondivorce children reflected by the Rorschach test,1991,57,1,120-129,Spigelman Hostility aggression and anxiety levels of divorce and nondivorce children as manifested in their responses to projective tests,1991,56,3,438-452,Spigelman Rorschach assessment of psychological functioning in sexually abused girls,1991,56,1,14-28,Shapiro Externalizing behavior through the lens of the five-factor model: a focus on agreeableness and conscientiousness,2008,90,2,158-164,Jones Development and validation of the childhood narcissism scale,2008,90,4,382-391,Bushman Rorschach aggression variables: a study of reliability and validity,1999,72,1,93-110,Hilsenroth Rorschach assessment of malevolence in sexually abused girls,1999,73,1,100-109,Ornduff Hand test AGG and AOS variables: relation with teacher rating of aggressiveness,1999,73,3,334-344,Hilsenroth Sequelae of child sexual abuse: A child and parent assessment,2006,86,2,131-141,Holigrocki Chronic self-destructiveness and self-defeating personality: similarities and differences,1995,64,2,270-278,Schill Dichotomous thinking as a sign of suicide risk on the TAT,1998,71,3,368-378,Litinsky Rorschach protocols of children and adolescents with severe burns: a follow-up study,1998,71,3,306-321,Holaday Prejudice punitiveness and personality,1972,36,3,291-296,Snortum Cognitive styles orienting responses and self-report measures of personality,1972,36,3,273-281,Loveless Body image of handicapped children,1972,36,3,248-253,Weininger Appraisal of suicidal risk among adolescents and young adults through the Rorschach test,2011,93,5,518-526,Kuhl MacAndrew versus MacAndrew: the relative efficacy of the MAC and the SAP scales for the MMPI in screening male adolescents for substance misuse,1990,55,3-4,708-716,Offord Rorschach characteristics of mothers of incest victims,1990,55,3-4,417-425,Archer Complex posttraumatic stress disorder in women from a psychometric perspective,1998,70,2,277-298,Allen Gender roles and human sexuality,1976,40,3,276-284,Clingman Dimensions of self-serving misrepresentation in forensic assessment,2001,76,1,169-179,Lanyon Psychological measures as predictors of military training performance,2003,80,1,87-98,Martinussen Universal worth: construct and scale development,2012,94,1,62-72,Rouse Validation of the Suicide Resilience Inventory-25 (SRI-25) in Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Samples,2012,94,1,53-61,Gutierrez The Relationship Between the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory and Psychopathology in a U.S. Community Sample of Male Youth,2012,94,3,232-243,Sharp Measuring Mental Toughness in Sport: A Psychometric Examination of the Psychological Performance Inventory-A and Its Predecessor,2012,94,4,393-403,Gucciardi Correlates of risky decision-making,1976,40,4,413-418,Plax Decisiveness and psychological adjustment,1976,40,4,403-412,Weissman Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) Profiles of Offenders and Their Relationship to Institutional Misconduct and Risk of Reconviction,2012,94,6,586-592,Newberry Type T personality and the Jungian classification system,1990,54,1-2,231-235,Morehouse Children's defensive responses and emotional upset following a disaster: a projective assessment,1990,54,1-2,116-127,Dollinger Another look at paradoxical severity effects in head injury with the Personality Assessment Inventory,2007,88,1,66-73,Kurtz Rorschach measures of aggression: a laboratory-based validity study,2013,95,1,38-45,Kivisto What individuals believe they can and cannot do: explorations of realistic and unrealistic control beliefs,2004,82,2,215-232,Knee A cross-cultural examination of the Aggression Questionnaire-Short Form among Egyptian and Omani adolescents,2013,95,5,539-548,Abd-El-Fattah Trait and type differences among male and female assaultive and nonassaultive offenders,1976,40,6,617-621,McCreary Guide to research on the Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration (P-F) Study 1934-1974,1976,40,6,599-606,Rosenzweig Male homosexual psychodynamics and the Rorschach test,1977,41,1,10-18,Kwawer Developmental analysis of human figure drawings in adolescence young adulthood and middle age,1977,41,1,31-38,Saarni Self-protective strategies violence and psychopathy: Theory and a case study,2013,95,6,571-584,Crittenden Nonpathological and Pathological Narcissism: Which Self-Reported Characteristics Are Most Problematic in Adolescents?,2014,96,2,212-219,Barry Development and validation of an explicit aggressive beliefs and attitudes scale,2014,96,3,327-338,Michel Rorschach comparisons of male juvenile sex offenders and nonsex offenders,1989,53,3,546-553,McCraw Development and construct validation of the Individuation Test for Emerging Adults (ITEA),2013,96,5,503-514,Socan Factorial validity of the Personality Adjective Checklist in a Dutch-speaking sample,2014,96,2,245-251,Rossi Distinguishing Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY-5) characteristics associated with violent and nonviolent juvenile delinquency,2014,96,2,158-165,Sellbom Development and standardization of instruments measuring four aspects of sex-roles in primary grade children,1977,41,2,164-169,Newman Personality correlates of the abstract response on the Holtzman Inkblot Technique,1977,41,4,349-350,Sanders The laugh of Satan: a study of a familial murderer,1978,42,1,81-91,McCully The power motive n power and fear of weakness,1978,42,1,56-62,Nell Differentiation of brain damage among low IQ subjects with three projective techniques,1978,42,1,49-55,Wagner Overriding "Doing Wrong" and "Not Doing Right": Validation of the Dispositional Self-Control Scale (DSC),2014,96,6,640-653,Sagiv The measurement of assertiveness and aggressiveness,1978,42,3,277-284,Bakker The effects of mood upon imaginal thought.t,1978,42,3,277-232,Green Black-white personality differences: another look,1978,42,3,244-252,Jones Hostility-guilt guilt over aggression and self-punishment,1980,44,1,34-40,Mosher Sibling incest aversion as an index of oedipal conflict,1981,45,1,52-58,Arndt Alcoholic MMPI types and their relationship to patient characteristics polydrug abuse and abstinence following treatment,1981,45,3,278-287,Svanum Three methods of developing MMPI taxonomies of sexual offenders,1991,56,1,2-13,Hall The Palo Alto Destructive Content Scale as a predictor of physical assaultiveness in men,1980,44,3,228-233,Rose The Nuremberg mind revisited: a quantitative approach to Nazi Rorschachs,1978,42,4,344-353,Ritzler Reaction to aggression and the Defense Mechanism Inventory,1980,44,5,484-486,Juni Assessment of children's Type A behavior: relationship with negative behavioral characteristics and children and teacher demographic characteristics,1989,53,4,770-782,Levy Validation of a projective measure of aggression-anxiety for five-year-old boys,1981,45,4,359-369,Henry Development and validation of a brief self-report measure of agitation: the Brief Agitation Measure,2011,93,6,597-604,Joiner The illusion of mental health: in the mind of which beholder?,2005,85,1,92-97,Joiner The core of loneliness: lack of pleasurable engagement--more so than painful disconnection--predicts social impairment depression onset and recovery from depressive disorders among adolescents,2002,79,3,472-491,Joiner Cross-cultural examination of the tripartite model with children: data from the Barretstown studies,2001,77,2,359-379,Laurent Differential roles of depressive and anxious symptoms and gender in defensiveness,2000,75,2,200-211,Joiner Development and factor analytic validation of the SPANAS among women in Spain: (more) cross-cultural convergence in the structure of mood,1997,68,3,600-615,Sandin Low-end specificity of childhood measures of emotional distress: differential effects for depression and anxiety,1996,67,2,258-271,Joiner Size detail and line heaviness in children's drawings as correlates of emotional distress: (more) negative evidence,1996,67,1,127-141,Barnett Validation of two Hand Test indices of aggressive behavior in an institutional setting,1989,53,1,169-172,Panek The Brief Aggression Questionnaire: structure validity reliability and generalizability,2015,97,6,638-649,Webster Measuring effortful control using the Children's Behavior Questionnaire-Very Short Form: modeling matters,2015,98,1,100-109,Ulleberg Identification with a violent and sadistic aggressor: a Rorschach study of criminal debt collectors,2015,98,2,135-145,Hartmann Validity of the Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument-2 (MAYSI-2) Scales in Juvenile Justice Settings,2010,92,4,337-348,Archer Incarcerated violent offenders' ability to avoid revealing their potential for violence on the Rorschach and the MMPI-2,2016,98,4,419-429,Hartmann What torture survivors teach assessors about being more fully human,2016,98,6,590-593,Evans The Web-Based Assessment of Suicidal and Suicide-Related Symptoms: Factors Associated With Disclosing Identifying Information to Receive Study Compensation,2016,98,6,616-625,Joiner Adolescent narcissism aggression and prosocial behavior: the relevance of socially desirable responding,2016,99,1,46-55,Barry Comparability of the Social Behavior Inventory in English and Dutch,2013,95,5,500-505,aan het Rot Psychologists should help curb the wave of U. S. gun violence,2016,98,5,447-448,Huprich Therapeutic assessment of a violent criminal offender: managing the cultural narrative of evil,2016,98,6,585-589,Chudzik Psychometric properties and normative data of the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire in a psychiatric outpatient sample,2016,99,2,219-224,Gomà-I-Freixanet Aggressive drive derivatives in the Rorschachs of maltreated children and adolescents: latent structure and clinical correlates,2016,99,6,626-636,Webster Personality Assessment Inventory scores as predictors of evaluation referrals evaluator opinions and commitment decisions in sexually violent predator cases,2017,99,5,472-480,Boccaccini Validation of the Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale in Spanish samples,2018,100,4,421-430,Sierra Psychological resolution of homicide after 10 years,1982,46,6,647-657,Arsenian Identifying potential mass shooters and suicide terrorists with warning signs of suicide perceived victimization and desires for attention or fame,2018,100,5,471-482,Lankford Mental disorders personality traits and grievance-fueled targeted violence: the evidence base and implications for research and practice,2018,100,5,459-470,Farnham The operational development and empirical testing of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18),2018,100,5,483-492,Meloy Limitations in the prediction of mass violence: cautionary tales,2018,100,5,451-458,Archer Attorneys' attitudes toward coaching forensic clients on the MMPI-2: replication and extension of attorney survey by Wetter and Corrigan (1995),2018,ePub,ePub,1-10,Spengler An investigation of differential relationships of implicit and explicit aggression: validation of an arabic version of the Conditional Reasoning Test for Aggression,2018,ePub,ePub,1-12,Gadelrab Violent attacks: what do we know? 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