Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Activities in the health sector in the prevention of traffic accidents,1980,88,5,423-431,Albornoz The pedestrian and the drunk driver in Puerto Rico (1970),1972,78,4,334-345,Kaye The cost of medical care for persons bitten by dogs in Ciudad Juárez Mexico,1983,95,4,327-332,Rodríguez Torres Mortality from violent causes in the Americas,1993,114,4,302-316,Yunes Society violence and health,1994,117,5,i,Guerra de Macedo epidemiological surveillance of homicides and suicides. a report on the cali workshop,1996,120,4,316-324, Epidemiology of traffic accidents in Costa Rica,1991,110,6,471-479,Robles Alcohol and the risk of injuries in 3 emergency services in Acapulco Mexico,1991,111,3,231-239,Borges National disaster assistance plan and its application in the Mexico-United States border area,1969,67,3,187-194,Garduño López Rate of suicides among physicians in the United States,1969,66,5,483-484, Suicide in Santiago de Chile,1967,63,3,212-222,Lemkau Importance of Chagas' disease in traffic accidents,1972,73,6,528-530,Marques Traffic education,1974,77,1,31-39,Silva Martínez Assessment of epidemiologic risk and evaluation of risk disasters,1977,83,2,119-129,Velimirovic Disasters and public health,1980,88,6,471-480,Lechat Suicides and self-inflicted wounds in Rio Grande do Sul Brazil,1980,88,5,413-422,Scliar Individual reactions to natural disasters,1985,98,2,171-180,Cohen Health status of urban passenger transportation conductors in Mexico City,1991,111,4,324-332,Tovalin Ahumada Psychiatric disorders among victims of disasters in Ecuador,1992,113,1,28-34,Pai Childhood accidents in South Western Nigeria,1970,69,1,8-20,Sinnette Education in the prevention of traffic accidents,1974,77,4,320-326,Cursino Ferrari Alcohol and traffic accidents,1973,75,5,406-411,Chafetz Epidemiology of traffic accidents,1973,75,1,53-64,Román y Carrillo Alcohol and its effects on man,1972,73,2,155-162,Kaye Prevention of traffic accidents,1972,72,1,1-18,Adriasola Occupational mental health,1976,80,2,123-134,Naveillan Traffic accidents in America,1989,106,5,462-464,Menchaca Montano Occupational health and job-related risks,1985,98,1,20-33,Badía Montalvo Home accidents in children under 5 years of age in Trujillo Peru,1984,97,5,414-422,Minchola de Pérez Perforating wounds of the eyeball caused by automobile accidents,1983,95,6,547-555,Kara José Toxicologic aspect of environmental contamination caused by accidents,1983,95,4,352-360,de Fernícola Occupational health. A health priority area for workers,1982,93,6,506-521,Mendes Development and current aspects of occupational health in Brazil,1993,115,3,202-214,Dias Dieldrin poisoning in humans,1957,43,6,534-539,Hayes Study on the 1st cases of dieldrin poisoning and the application of xenodiagnosis to humans,1957,43,6,504-511,Blazquez New cases of chronic occupational poisoning by dieldrin,1957,43,2,121-129,Blazquez Prevention of accidents in childhood,1959,46,1,11-31,Goddard Child and adolescent abuse: an international perspective,1996,121,2,123-137,Barreto Phebo Physical punishment in children: endemic or epidemic?,1996,120,3,229-239,Levav Contemporary topics in maternal-child health care,1986,100,4,387-399,Antrobus Central American project of local action to prevent violence against women,1995,118,5,462-467, Consumption of dependency-producing substances in Colombia,1989,107,6,485-494,Torres de Galvis Effect of environmental changes on health,1972,72,4,286-315,Chambers Antirabies treatment of persons bitten by animals,1976,81,1,57-65,Vermouth Patterns of consumption of alcoholic beverages in a rural community of Antioquia Colombia,1977,83,2,148-162,Rojas Mackenzie Medicosurgical service in traffic accidents,1974,76,3,248-254,López Vidal Urban rabies: the problem of lesions caused by dog bites,1982,92,4,310-327,Szyfres Mental health problems after a disaster situation,1978,85,1,1-15,Ahearn Sociocultural variables related to the use of alcohol among adolescents at secondary schools in Puerto Rico,1978,85,3,220-231,Moscoso Transmissible diseases and epidemiologic surveillance during natural disasters,1980,89,4,353-369,de Ville de Goyet Drug use among students in Cali Colombia,1989,106,1,22-31,Ramírez El morir humano ha cambiado,1990,108,5/6,465-472,Llano Escobar Tendencias actuales de la bioetica en el Canada,1990,108,5/6,524-530,Dickens