Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Psychological stress reactions of women in Sweden who have been assaulted: Acute response and four-month follow-up,2006,54,6,312-319,Renck American Housewives: Safety Engineers,1958,6,1,20-21,Chapman Junior nursing students' experiences of vertical violence during clinical rotations,2009,57,4,226-231,Thomas Ethical conduct in intimate partner violence research: challenges and strategies,2009,57,4,210-216,Campbell The ABC of winter driving,1970,18,11,55-56,Carrel Community action and child abuse,1969,17,3,44-46,Miller Child abuse: a program for intervention,1977,25,9,575-577,Hurwitz Safety and the community nursing experience,1971,19,8,527-531,Fitzpatrick Violence as a nursing priority: policy implications. AAN Expert Panel on Violence,1993,41,2,83-92, Refusing unsafe work assignments,1987,35,6,302,Northrop Vision programs in large industries,1953,1,12,698-699,Taylor Preventing home accidents,1953,1,12,693-694,Genschmer A home accident survey,1953,1,3,149-150,Wetzel Eye injuries in a chemical plant,1955,3,8,447-449,Crawford Preventable accidents in preschool children,1956,4,10,552-555,Rogers Accident prevention for older people,1956,4,6,332-334,Cameron The home accident prevention nursing consultant,1956,4,2,100-102,Davis Eye safety in schools,1957,5,9,522-524,Cunningham Poison control centers,1957,5,1,29-31,Press The nurse's role in preventing suicide,1958,6,7,377-378,Rykken Nurses have much to do about poison control,1958,6,2,93-95,Williams American housewives; safety engineers,1958,6,1,20-21,Chapman Integrating accident prevention in total patient care,1963,11,,600-603,Westaby The Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center,1965,13,11,61, Automobile transportation study,1964,12,,49-51,Chacon Vision and aging,1964,12,,61-63,Hevey A hospital fire safety program,1964,12,,36-37,Shufreider The nurse in suicide prevention,1967,14,3,55-57,Wallace Victim blaming in nursing,1993,41,6,268-273,Bowman Violence as a nursing priority: policy implications,1994,42,1,45,Lathrop Nurses' intentions to respond to bioterrorism and other infectious disease emergencies,2010,58,1,10-16,Grimes There is no evidence that military nurses participated in torture and abuse of detainees,2010,58,1,6-7,Murray Nurses' possible participation in the torture and abuse of prisoners at Guantanamo,2010,58,1,5-6,Mason American Academy of Nursing policy on torture,2010,58,1,5,Thomas Commentary: Military medical support for detainee operations,2009,57,5,292-293,Schoomaker The roles of nurses on interprofessional teams to combat elder mistreatment,2005,53,5,253-259,Baker The school nurse and accident prevention,1958,6,2,108-111,Catchings Mandatory reporting of intimate partner violence by health care professionals: a policy review,1998,46,6,279-283,Campbell Student perspectives on faculty incivility in nursing education: an application of the concept of rankism,2008,56,3,99,White Nurses need to join efforts to ban landmines,1998,46,6,292-293,Morgan Student narratives of faculty incivility,2011,60,3,121-126.e1,Lasiter Seven who were raped,1974,22,4,245-247,Donadio Vietnamese evacuee camp: a learning environment,1975,23,9,562-565,Tsuda Commentary on: Gun control gun rights and the role of nurses and the profession,2013,61,2,61-62,Smith Screening and counseling for violence against women in primary care settings,2013,61,3,187-191,Sharps Reducing firearm violence,2013,61,3,184,Laughon Youth bullying: A review of the science and call to action,2013,61,5,337-345,Vessey Commentary on: Vessey J.A. diFazio R.L. & Strout T.D. (2013). Youth bullying: A review of the science and a call to action. Nursing Outlook 61 337-345,2014,62,2,77,Aladegbemi Undocumentedness and public policy: the impact on communities individuals and families along the Arizona/Sonora border,2015,63,1,77-85,McEwen Impact of deployment on military families with young children: a systematic review,2015,63,6,656-679,Alhusen Friends Helping Friends: a nonrandomized control trial of a peer-based response to dating violence,2015,63,4,496-503,Amar Modeling the intergenerational impact of partner abuse on maternal and child function at 24 months post outreach: Implications for practice and policy,2015,64,2,156-169,Symes Nurse bullying: a review and a proposed solution,2015,64,3,208-214,Castronovo Evaluation of brief treatment of symptoms of psychological trauma among veterans residing in a homeless shelter by use of Accelerated Resolution Therapy,2016,64,5,411-423,D'Aoust Workplace violence against women nurses working in two public sector hospitals of Lahore Pakistan,2017,65,4,420-427,Jafree The incongruity of workplace bullying victimization and inclusive excellence,2017,65,5,588-596,Kennison Workplace violence against emergency nurses in Taiwan: a phenomenographic study,2017,65,4,428-435,Chen Health promotion research in active duty army soldiers: the road to a fit and ready force,2017,65,5S,S6-S16,McCarthy Making the hard decisions: ethical care decisions in wartime nursing practice,2017,65,5S,S92-S99,Goodman The impact of symptom burden on the health status of service members with extremity trauma,2017,65,5S,S61-S70,Bingham Quality of life of burn survivors treated in the military burn center,2017,65,5S,S81-S89,Yoder The use of cannabis in response to the opioid crisis: a review of the literature,2018,66,1,56-65,Gilson The experience of being a psychiatric nurse in South Africa: a qualitative systematic review,2018,66,3,293-310,Palacios-Ceña Predictors of nurses' experience of verbal abuse by nurse colleagues,2018,66,2,190-203,Keller Review and application of the National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine bullying or cyberbullying recommendations for screening and lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth,2018,66,4,372-378,Gillespie Examining 'sticky' storytelling and moral claims as the essence of workplace bullying,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dzurec A public health crisis: recommendations to reduce gun violence in America,2018,66,3,219-220,Cox American Academy of Nursing on policy position statement: disaster preparedness for older adults,2019,67,1,118-121,Gray-Miceli Role of student nurse in the prehospital medical teams responding to the scene of a terrorist attack in France,2019,67,4,441-449,Adnet Response to "Policy brief on the nursing response to human trafficking",2019,67,3,212,Lugo Workplace violence against nurses job satisfaction burnout and patient safety in Chinese hospitals,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Relationships among demands at work aggression and verbal abuse among registered nurses in South Korea,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chang Public knowledge attitudes and intention to act violently with regard to violence directed at health care staff,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Itzhaki Gender differences in the relationship between prescription opioid misuse and depressive symptoms and suicidality among US high school students,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pontes A grounded theory of creating space for open safety communication between hospitalized patients and nurses,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams The additional burden PTSD imposes on functioning and depression in veterans with traumatic brain injury,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Winter Childhood trauma differentially impacts depression and stress associations with reintegration challenges among post- 9/11 U.S. Veterans,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McGlinchey COVID-19 effects on women's home and work life family violence and mental health from the women's health expert panel of the American Academy of Nursing,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Woods Additive interactions between sex and forced sexual intercourse victimization on depressive symptoms and suicidality: Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2001-2017,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pontes Firearm violence: a call for action by nurse scientists,2022,70,5,772-774,Rawl Understanding the mediated relationship between moral distress depression and suicide risk in undergraduate nursing students,2023,71,3,e101966,Hanlon American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel Consensus Statement on leveraging equity in policy to improve recognition and treatment of mental health substance use disorders and nurse suicide,2023,71,3,e101970,Davidson Nurses and nursing students as second victims: a scoping review,2023,71,4,e101992,McKenna Factors affecting intent to perpetrate violence against nurses: Theory of Planned Behavior approach,2024,72,2,e102136,Amit Aharon Policy brief on climate change and mental health/well-being,2020,68,4,517-522,Liu Do no harm: A call to action by nurses to dismantle structural violence against LGBTQ+ youth,2024,72,5,e102201,Sebastian Theory of health promotion for sexual and gender minority populations with cancer,2024,72,5,e102237,Franco-Rocha