Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Snakes spiders guns and syringes: How specific are evolutionary constraints on the detection of threatening stimuli?,2006,59,8,1484-1504,Blanchette Multimodal Discrimination Learning in Humans: Evidence for Configural Theory,2007,60,11,1477-1495,Redhead Facilitation and Inhibition Caused by the Orienting of Attention in Propositional Reasoning Tasks,2007,60,11,1496-1523,Cherubini Two Modes of Sensorimotor Integration in Intention-Based and Stimulus-Based Actions,2007,60,11,1540-1554,Herwig Distractor Repetitions Retrieve Previous Responses to Targets,2007,60,10,1367-1377,Frings Task-Relevance Modulates the Effects of Peripheral Distractors,2007,60,9,1216-1226,Lichtenstein-Vidne Seeing While Moving: Measuring the Online Influence of Action on Perception,2007,60,8,1063-1071,Prinz Two Meanings of "If"? Individual Differences in the Interpretation of Conditionals,2007,60,6,790-819,Fischer Mechanisms of the Associated Nontargets Effect: Processes Influenced by Statistical Learning in a Simple Visual Environment,2007,60,6,837-859,Miller On the Basis of Belief in Causal and Diagnostic Conditionals,2007,60,5,635-643,Bennett Age-Related Increase in Top-Down Activation of Visual Features,2007,60,5,644-651,Madden Two Dissociable Aspects of Feeling-of-Knowing: Knowing That You Know and Knowing That You Do Not Know,2007,60,5,672-680,Liu Decision by sampling: The role of the decision environment in risky choice,2009,,,1-22,Stewart When motor attention improves selective attention: The dissociating role of saliency,2010,63,7,1387-1397,Ellis Kinetic potential influences visual and remote haptic perception of affordances for standing on an inclined surface,2008,61,12,1813-1826,Malek Fear selectively modulates visual mental imagery and visual perception,2010,63,5,833-839,Kosslyn Perceptual cues in nonverbal vocal expressions of emotion,2010,63,11,2251-2272,Calder Terrorists brought down the plane! --No actually it was a technical fault: Processing corrections of emotive information,2011,64,2,283-310,Ecker Previous attentional set can induce an attentional blink with task-irrelevant initial targets,2007,60,12,1603-1609,Crundall Spatial exploration patterns determine navigation efficiency: trade-off between memory demands and distance travelled,2007,60,12,1594-1602,Redhead Impaired goal-directed behavioural control in human impulsivity,2012,65,2,305-316,Hogarth Do complex models increase prediction of complex behaviours? Predicting driving ability in people with brain disorders,2011,64,9,1714-1725,Jones Sequence learning at optimal stimulus-response mapping: evidence from a serial reaction time task,2008,61,2,203-209,Kliegl Why do the effects of delaying reinforcement in animals and delaying feedback in humans differ? A working-memory analysis,2008,61,2,194-202,Lieberman Action planning in sequential skills: relations to music performance,2008,61,2,275-291,Koch Response-level probability effects on reaction time: Now you see them now you don't,2011,65,5,865-886,Miller Colour and spatial cueing in low-prevalence visual search,2012,65,7,1327-1344,Kunar When far becomes near: Shared environments activate action simulation,2012,65,7,1241-1249,Griffiths On avoiding framing effects in experienced decision makers,2013,66,4,829-842,Garcia-Retamero Between-task competition for intentions and actions,2013,66,8,1504-1516,Yeung Do people really say it is "likely" when they believe it is only "possible"? Effect of politeness on risk communication,2013,66,7,1268-1275,Juanchich Express: when the response does not match the threat: the relationship between threat assessment and behavioral response in ambiguous lethal force decision-making,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pettijohn Using humour as an extrinsic source of emotion regulation in young and older adults,2014,67,10,1895-1909,Didierjean Strategic offloading of delayed intentions into the external environment,2014,68,5,971-992,Gilbert The self: Your own worst enemy? A test of the self-invoking trigger hypothesis,2015,68,9,1910-1919,Wulf Avoid violence rioting and outrage; approach celebration delight and strength: using large text corpora to compute valence arousal and the basic emotions,2015,68,8,1599-1622,Westbury The influence of environmental context in interpersonal observation-execution,2016,ePub,ePub,1-9,Welsh The role of memory in distinguishing risky decisions from experience and description,2016,70,10,2048-2059,Spetch Perceived time slows during fleeting fun or fear,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards The price of information: increased inspection costs reduce the confirmation bias in visual search,2018,71,4,832-849,Pratt Don't get misdirected! Differences in overt and covert attentional inhibition between children and adults,2018,71,3,688-694,Kuhn Impression or expression? The influence of self-monitoring on the social modulation of motor contagion,2018,71,4,850-858,Bennett Does it look safe? An eye tracking study into the visual aspects of fear of crime,2019,72,3,599-615,Hermens Metacognitive judgements of perceptual-motor steering performance,2018,71,10,2223-2234,Wilkie On the reliability of the foreign language effect on risk-taking,2019,72,1,29-40,Hayakawa Task-order representations in dual tasks: separate or integrated with component task sets?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huestegge Taking apart what brings us together: the role of action prediction perspective-taking and theory of mind in joint action,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sacheli EXPRESS: Judging accidental harm: reasoning style modulates the weight of intention and harm severity,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trémolière EXPRESS: queues crowds and angry mobs: face identification under distraction in a virtual airport,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bindemann Unraveling the dynamics of response force: investigating motor restraint and motor cancellation through go/no-go and stop-signal tasks,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu EXPRESS: The effect of anxiety and its interplay with social cues when perceiving aggressive behaviours,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garrido