Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Firearm availability and female homicide victimization rates among 25 populous high-income countries,2002,57,2,100-104,Shinoda-Tagawa Personal awareness of domestic violence: implications for health care providers,2003,58,1,4-9,Taylor Female intimate partner homicide: a population-based study,2003,58,1,20-25,Moracco CDC's family and intimate violence prevention team: basing programs on science,1996,51,3,83-86,Saltzman The effect of 15 weeks of exercise on balance leg strength and reduction in falls in 40 women aged 65 to 89 years,2004,59,4,255-261,Ballard Batterers' use of guns to threaten intimate partners,2005,60,1,62-68,Miller Gang and multiple rapes during military service: health consequences and health care,2005,60,1,33-41,Doebbeling Immigration policies increase south Asian immigrant women's vulnerability to intimate partner violence,2005,60,1,26-32,McCleary-Sills Reporting elder abuse: a medical legal and ethical overview,2004,59,4,248-254,Wei Impact of partner abuse on women's reproductive lives,2005,60,1,42-45,Hathaway Sex differences in principal farm operators' tractor driving safety beliefs and behaviors,2000,55,2,93-95,Cole Violence: causes and consequences,1994,49,2,34,McGoldrick A behavioral approach to irrational anxiety and insomnia. (Decreasing prescription suicides),1972,27,8,416-419,Maultsby Suicide in children and adolescents,1973,28,12,643 passim,Bakwin Depression in the young,1973,28,10,542-546,Renshaw A philosophical perspective on child abuse,1979,34,5,193-202,Audi Childhood sexual abuse: a recent review of the literature,1981,36,7,232-234,Price SOS: signals of child abuse,1982,37,8,204-206,Fontana Self-defense,1983,38,5,125 135,Helfman The seduction theory controversy,1984,39,5,168-9 172,Herman Masochism and violence,1986,41,5,153-155,Shainess Sexual abuse of children: a "silent" shame no more,1986,41,3,66-67,McGoldrick Wife-beating: everyday mayhem and murder,1986,41,2,35,McGoldrick Adolescent suicide: the tragic end of childhood,1985,40,4,99-100,McGoldrick The attack in Central Park,1989,44,4,103,McGoldrick Domestic violence: physicians a link to prevention,1990,45,6,231,Guinan Incest: the unknowable trauma,1990,45,1,23-26,Bernstein Physicians and the treatment of domestic violence,1992,47,6,239-240,Uzych The psychological impact of the Bay Area earthquake on health professionals,1992,47,1,21-24,Kaltreider Role of the medical profession in traffic accident prevention,1959,14,,792-795,Brody Strychnine poisoning,1959,14,,698-699,Ennis Treating the delinquent,1960,15,,858-862,Schmideberg The need to improve driver licensing standards,1960,15,,871-873,Hennessee Love shouldn't hurt: strategies for health care providers to address adolescent dating violence,1999,54,3,144-148,Northridge Intimate partner violence and job instability,2004,59,1,32-35,Zink Antecedents of euthanasia and suicide among older women,2003,58,1,44-48,Cohen Keeping battered women safe during welfare reform: new challenges,2002,57,1,32-35,Raphael Creating a new framework for promoting the health of African-American female adolescents: beyond risk taking,1999,54,3,126-128,Roberts Responding to the needs of low-income and homeless women who are survivors of family violence,1998,53,2,57-64,Melnick Prevalence of domestic violence in the United States,1996,51,3,77-82,Olson Homicide against women in the workplace,1996,51,3,118-9 122,Jenkins A dream for the future of public health,1993,48,6,189-190,Guinan War crimes of the 90s: rape as a strategy,1993,48,2,59 61,Guinan Parallel lives deaths questions,1993,48,2,34,McGoldrick Rape report challenged,1993,48,4,98-99,Molnar More on Bosnian rapes,1994,49,1,2,Marusic Woman abuse and pediatrics: expanding the web of detection,1996,51,3,96-100,Barkan The emergency department as a violence prevention center,1996,51,3,92-5 117,Haywood Domestic violence: changing theory changing practice,1996,51,3,87-91 100,Warshaw Synergy: violence prevention intervention and women's health,1996,51,3,75-76,Flitcraft Guidelines for doctors on identifying and helping their patients who batter,1996,51,3,123-126,Adams Health workers: potential allies in the battle against woman abuse in developing countries,1996,51,3,120-122,Heise Alcohol drugs and domestic violence: confronting barriers to changing practice and policy,1996,51,3,115-117,Rubinstein Abuse histories among newly incarcerated women in a New York City jail,1996,51,3,111-4 117,Richie Depression in battered women,1996,51,3,106-110,Campbell Domestic violence: legal issues for health care practitioners and institutions,1996,51,3,101-105,Hyman Political rape as persecution: a legal perspective,1997,52,4,188-90 198,Kelly Female circumcision/female genital mutilation in the United States: legislation and its implications for health providers,1997,52,4,179-80 187,Key Prophylaxis provided to sexual assault victims seen at US emergency departments,2002,57,4,204-207,Rovi A public health approach to the needs of children affected by terrorism,2002,57,2,117-8 121,Baker A survey of residents' attitudes and practices in screening for managing and documenting domestic violence,2004,59,1,48-53,Varjavand Domestic violence and partner notification: implications for treatment and counseling of women with HIV,1995,50,3-4,87-93,Zimmerman Elder mistreatment: its relevance to older women,1997,52,3,142-6 158,Hudson Assessment of clinical partner violence screening tools,2001,56,1,19-23,Coker Intimate partner violence against South Asian women in greater Boston,2002,57,2,111-114,Raj Abuse during pregnancy and stress because of abuse during pregnancy and birthweight,2002,57,4,208-214,Strobino Issue on maternal mortality,2002,57,4,179,Nicolaidis Women's perspectives on intimate partner violence services: the hope in Pandora's box,2003,58,3,185-190,Moracco Coding abuse,2000,55,4,243,Songer Sexual harassment: unsettled topography,1992,47,1,4,McGoldrick Reproductive violence screening in primary care: perspectives and experiences of patients and battered women,1999,54,2,85-90,Carlson Physician use of diagnostic codes for child and adult abuse,1999,54,4,211-214,Rovi Sex drugs and syringe exchange in New York City: women's experiences,1995,50,3-4,109-114,Paone Inner-city adolescents' awareness of emergency contraception,1998,53,5 Suppl 2,258-261,Vaughan Sex work and health: a question of safety in the workplace,1998,53,2,77-82,Alexander Organizing a rape crisis program in a general hospital,1975,30,12,486-490,Bassuk Substance abuse and mental illness: unaddressed public health issues for women,2001,56,1,27-28,Baker Women in agriculture: risk and injury experiences on family farms,2001,56,1,15-18,Carruth Emotional sequelae of disasters: a primary care physician's guide,1999,54,2,60-64,Myers Suicide among women: a critical review,2004,59,2,125-134,Caine Medical management of the rape victim,1977,32,4,141-144,Seltzer Women and anger: conflicts with aggression in contemporary women,1978,33,5,215-219,Bernardez-Bonesatti Sports hazards,1980,35,3,62,Ferrer Setting up a rape treatment center,1980,35,6,145-148,Binder Psychiatric interventions in the emergency room,1978,33,9,374-391,Nichols Fetus not a child,1989,44,4,102 104,Gabe Perspectives on a case of multiple incestuous relationships,1986,41,2,45-49,Humphries Students aid battered women,1988,43,2,44 58,Stern Product liability reform,1988,43,2,36 60,McGoldrick End-of-life issues for very elderly women: incurable and terminal illness,1997,52,3,147-151,Ahronheim Eating disorders: practical interventions,2004,59,2,113-124,Hsu