Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Using personal digital assistants (PDAs) for the collection of safety belt use data in the field,2006,38,1,158-164,Vivoda Modeling visual attention,2006,38,1,123-133,Kyllingsbaek On the use of microwave radar devices in chronobiology studies: an application with Periplaneta americana,2005,37,3,522-527,Pasquali A portable version of the go/no-go association task (GNAT),2005,37,3,506-512,Bassett The Walter Reed palm-held psychomotor vigilance test,2005,37,1,111-118,Johnson Using self-reported data to assess the validity of driving simulation data,2006,38,2,314-324,D'Ambrosio Detecting eye movements in dynamic environments,2006,38,4,667-682,Reimer The driver vigilance telemetric control system (DVTCS): Investigating sensitivity to experimentally induced sleep loss and fatigue,2008,40,4,1016-1025,Lamond ATC-lab (Advanced): An air traffic control simulator with realism and control,2009,41,1,118-127,Neal Performance in normal subjects on a novel battery of driving-related sensory-motor and cognitive tests,2009,41,2,284-294,Jones The utility of the AusEd driving simulator in the clinical assessment of driver fatigue,2007,39,3,673-681,Grunstein Random Walker Test: a computerized alternative to the Road-Map Test,2009,41,4,1242-1253,Ohno Identifying rating and remembering environmental sound events,2007,39,3,561-569,Comeaux An integrated device to evaluate a driver's functional state,2009,41,3,882-888,Dittmar Signal evaluation environment: a new method for the design of peripheral in-vehicle warning signals,2011,43,2,537-547,Vollrath Cooperation versus competition in a mass emergency evacuation: a new laboratory simulation and a new theoretical model,2009,41,3,957-970,Drury Why do you play? The development of the motives for online gaming questionnaire (MOGQ),2011,43,3,814-825,Demetrovics The delayed trigger voice key: an improved analogue voice key for psycholinguistic research,2005,37,1,139-147,Tyler Humanness beliefs about behavior: An index and comparative human-nonhuman behavior judgments,2013,45,2,372-382,Haslam Parsing eye-tracking data of variable quality to provide accurate fixation duration estimates in infants and adults,2013,45,1,229-250,Smith A letter visual-similarity matrix for Latin-based alphabets,2013,45,2,431-439,Simpson A methodological note on evaluating performance in a sustained-attention-to-response task,2013,45,2,355-363,Cheyne The influence of calibration method and eye physiology on eyetracking data quality,2013,45,1,272-288,Nyström Three-level meta-analysis of dependent effect sizes,2013,45,2,576-594,Sánchez-Meca A visual object stimulus database with standardized similarity information,2013,45,2,344-354,Montaldi Methods for comparing scanpaths and saliency maps: strengths and weaknesses,2013,45,1,251-266,Baccino Dynamic visuomotor synchronization: Quantification of predictive timing,2013,45,1,289-300,Ghajar Motion-induced blindness measured objectively,2013,45,1,267-271,Bressan Automated classification and scoring of smooth pursuit eye movements in the presence of fixations and saccades,2013,45,1,203-215,Komogortsev A standard for test reliability in group research,2013,45,1,16-24,Ellis Seriousness checks are useful to improve data validity in online research,2013,45,2,527-535,Aust SOS! An algorithm and software for the stochastic optimization of stimuli,2012,44,3,675-705,Plaut The (mis)reporting of statistical results in psychology journals,2011,43,3,666-678,Wicherts The viability of crowdsourcing for survey research,2011,43,3,800-813,Wiebe Sometimes often and always: Exploring the vague meanings of frequency expressions,2012,44,1,144-157,Krems The Slip Induction Task: Creating a window into cognitive control failures,2012,44,2,558-574,Smilek Missing data imputation and corrected statistics for large-scale behavioral databases,2011,43,2,310-330,Courrieu The Cambridge Car Memory Test: A task matched in format to the Cambridge Face Memory Test with norms reliability sex differences dissociations from face memory and expertise effects,2012,44,2,587-605,Dennett Assessing the evidence for response time mixture distributions,2012,44,3,706-724,Dixon Implicit causality bias in English: a corpus of 300 verbs,2011,43,1,124-135,Ferstl Systematic influence of gaze position on pupil size measurement: analysis and correction,2011,43,4,1171-1181,Hawelka Showing that the race model inequality is not violated,2012,44,1,248-255,Gondan Design data and theory regarding a digital hand inclinometer: a portable device for studying slant perception,2011,43,2,363-371,Durgin Numerical predictions for serial parallel and coactive logical rule-based models of categorization response time,2012,44,4,1148-1156,Little Conducting behavioral research on Amazon's Mechanical Turk,2012,44,1,1-23,Mason Mantra: an open method for object and movement tracking,2011,43,4,1182-1193,Theeuwes Development of a repeated measures affective change blindness task,2011,43,3,826-833,Albery Operations analysis of behavioral observation procedures: a taxonomy for modeling in an expert training system,2011,43,3,616-634,Eckerman Mining twitter: A source for psychological wisdom of the crowds,2011,43,3,635-642,Reips Validity and reliability of a radio positioning system for tracking athletes in indoor and outdoor team sports,2012,44,4,1108-1114,Davids TripleR: An R package for social relations analyses based on round-robin designs,2012,44,2,455-470,Back Measuring the meter: on the constancy of lightness scales seen against different backgrounds,2011,43,1,215-223,Zavagno Mode-of-disparities error correction of eye-tracking data,2011,43,3,834-842,Zhang A database of whole-body action videos for the study of action emotion and untrustworthiness,2014,46,4,1042-1051,Keefe Alternatives to switch-cost scoring in the task-switching paradigm: Their reliability and increased validity,2013,46,3,702-721,Hughes The many-facet Rasch model in the analysis of the go/no-go association task,2010,42,4,944-956,Vianello Nonnaïveté among Amazon Mechanical Turk workers: consequences and solutions for behavioral researchers,2014,46,1,112-130,Chandler PC-PVT: a platform for psychomotor vigilance task testing analysis and prediction,2014,46,1,140-147,Wesensten Affective norms of 875 Spanish words for five discrete emotional categories and two emotional dimensions,2015,48,1,272-284,Hinojosa Is sadness blue? The problem of using figurative language for emotions on psychological tests,2016,49,2,443-456,Barchard 3-minute smartphone-based and tablet-based psychomotor vigilance tests for the assessment of reduced alertness due to sleep deprivation,2016,49,3,1020-1029,Van Dongen Moved by words: Affective ratings for a set of 2266 Spanish words in five discrete emotion categories,2016,49,3,1082-1094,Ferré Measuring sequences of keystrokes with jsPsych: reliability of response times and interkeystroke intervals,2016,49,3,1163-1176,Pinet Statistical analyses of the resilience function,2016,49,4,1261-1277,Little Automated vision occlusion-timing instrument for perception-action research,2018,50,1,228-235,Müller Value-based decision-making battery: a Bayesian adaptive approach to assess impulsive and risky behavior,2018,50,1,236-249,Smolka Manipulating perceptual parameters in a continuous performance task,2018,50,1,380-391,Demeyere Normative ratings for perceptual and motor attributes of 750 object concepts in Spanish,2018,50,4,1632-1644,Díez-Álamo Assessment of an augmented reality apparatus for the study of visually guided walking and obstacle crossing,2019,51,2,523-531,Diaz A tutorial on Bayes factor design analysis using an informed prior,2019,51,3,1042-1058,Wagenmakers Bayes factor in one-sample tests of means with a sensitivity analysis: a discussion of separate prior distributions,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang How to model the neurocognitive dynamics of decision making: a methodological primer with ACT-R,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pachur Human and machine validation of 14 databases of dynamic facial expressions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krumhuber Percentile rank pooling: a simple nonparametric method for comparing group reaction time distributions with few trials,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller The validity of the pupillographic sleepiness test at shorter task durations,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson MATTER in emotion research: Spanish standardization of an affective image set,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,García-León The Grievance Dictionary: understanding threatening language use,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gill LOCO: the 88-million-word language of conspiracy corpus,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miani The Multiple Object Avoidance (MOA) task measures attention for action: evidence from driving and sport,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crundall Do you know the Wooly Bully? Testing era-based knowledge to verify participant age online,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Robinson Characterizing the role of impulsivity in costly reactive aggression using a novel paradigm,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Inzlicht Effectiveness of a time to fixate for fitness to drive evaluation in neurological patients,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sodnik It is not real until it feels real: testing a new method for simulation of eyewitness experience with virtual reality technology and equipment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Piotrowski Long-form recording of infant body position in the home using wearable inertial sensors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Franchak Road hazard stimuli: annotated naturalistic road videos for studying hazard detection and scene perception,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wolfe The effectiveness of warning statements in reducing careless responding in crowdsourced online surveys,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Opwis The Phishing Email Suspicion Test (PEST) a lab-based task for evaluating the cognitive mechanisms of phishing detection,2021,53,3,1342-1352,Ebner