Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Review and coment: Betrayers of the Truth - Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science - BroadW WadeN,1991,28,5,81-84,Wright Ten essential observations on guns in America,1995,32,3,63-68,Wright 10 Essential Observations on Guns in America,1995,32,3,63-68,Wright Science Passion and Polemics,1989,26,4,21-23,Wright Taking a bite out of crime,1985,22,3,56-64,O'Keefe Sobering up on the streets: homeless men in Alcoholics Anonymous,2010,47,4,333-336,Wright Never pick a fight with an ugly person they've got nothing to lose,2009,46,4,347-349,Wright Kids guns and killing fields,1993,30,1,84-89,Sheley Government regulation of research,1980,18,1,23-31,Seiler Economic and ideological corruptions of the regulatory state,2014,51,3,262-267,English Human rights against human rights: sexism in human rights discourse for Sakineh Mohammadi,2016,53,6,614-618,Shahghasemi Combat veterans on civilian gun rights,2016,53,4,398-407,Bowen From suicide and strain to mass murder,2016,53,4,408-413,Blum Suicide and the city,1980,17,2,74-82,Lane Seeking the peace: anti-gun violence cadres concepts and connections in Pittsburgh,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Neo-Biafra separatist agitations state repression and insecurity in south-east Nigeria,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nwangwu The moral economy of the Agatu "massacre": reterritorializing farmer-herder relations,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nwankwo The torah as a suicide pact,2005,43,1,29-36,Mittleman Euthanasia and assisted suicide today,2006,43,4,59-67,Marker Tariq Ramadan and the Quest for a Moderate Islam,2011,48,1,58-69,Carle Sentencing: Hemingway's Aesthetic,2015,52,1,80-85,Cain "How Did this Man Get Elected?" Perspectives on American Politics Populism and Donald Trump,2019,56,3,290-294,Lynch Assisted suicide and professional responsibilities,1992,29,5,16-19,Winslade The suicide machine,1992,29,5,7-10,Denzin A Black social theorist? Reading The Right to Be Lazy by Paul Lafargue,2023,60,5,750-760,Adler