Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Assessing Family Preservation Programs,1992,14,1-2,77-97,Rossi Training child protective services workers about domestic violence: Needs strategies and barriers,2009,31,3,364-369,Payne Voices of women: Perspectives on decision-making and the management of partner violence,2008,30,3,311-322,Grauwiler Violence in intimate relationships: A conceptual and empirical examination of sexual and physical aggression,2008,30,3,338-351,White Assessment of Intimate Partner Violence by Child Welfare Services,2007,29,4,490-500,McGeehan Collaboration between child welfare agencies and domestic violence service providers: Relationship with child welfare policies and practices for addressing domestic violence,2009,31,5,497-505,Coben Low School Engagement and Sexual Behaviors among African American Youth: Examining the Influences of Gender Peer Norms and Gang Involvement,2010,32,1,51-57,Voisin Are girls really becoming more delinquent? Testing the gender convergence hypothesis by race and ethnicity 1976-2005,2009,31,8,885-895,Bachman Alcohol Outlet Density Parental Monitoring and Adolescent Deviance: A Multilevel Analysis,2009,31,3,325-330,Gruenewald Prevalence and Timing of Diagnosable Mental Health Alcohol and Substance Use Problems among Older Adolescents in the Child Welfare System,2010,32,4,626-634,Courtney Income and Child Development,2009,31,9,978-989,Berger Pathways Triple P and the Child Welfare System: A Promising Fit,2010,32,4,611-618,Petra Multidisciplinary assessment of child maltreatment: A multi-site pilot descriptive analysis of the Florida Child Protection Team model,2009,31,8,896-902,Haney Differences in treatment trajectories between two profiles of adolescent systems involvement,2021,121,,e2020.105811,Dauber "They mess with me I mess with them": Understanding physical aggression in rural girls and boys from methamphetamine-involved families,2010,32,10,1223-1234,Marshall Will she be safe? A critical analysis of risk assessment in domestic violence cases,2008,30,3,323-337,Hoyle The legal consequences of intimate partner violence for men and women,2008,30,6,639-646,Felson Trends in teen sexual behavior,1997,19,5-6,341-367,Besharov The psychosocial functioning and family background of children experiencing significant placement instability in Australian out-of-home care,2008,30,8,847-860,Delfabbro Wife battering in South Korea: An ecological systems analysis,2010,32,12,1623-1630,Yoshihama Effects of domestic violence on behavior problems of preschool-aged children: Do maternal mental health and parenting mediate the effects?,2010,32,10,1317-1323,Huang "I'm wondering if I am completely missing that": Foster care case managers and supervisors report on their IPV training,2011,33,2,386-394,Renner Developmental effects of exposure to Intimate Partner Violence in early childhood: A review of the literature,2009,31,8,831-839,Stacks Child abuse as a complex and wicked problem: Reflecting on policy developments in the United Kingdom in working with children and families with multiple problems,2009,31,6,635-641,Devaney Domestic violence crimes and children: A population-based investigation of direct sensory exposure and the nature of involvement,2009,31,2,249-256,Fantuzzo Shame and intimate abuse: The critical missing link between cause and cure,2008,30,6,631-638,Mills Resistance to evaluation in batterers' programs in Israel,2008,30,6,647-653,Enosh Parenting services for mothers involved with child protective services: Do they change maternal parenting and spanking behaviors with young children?,2008,30,8,861-878,Runyan Motives and control in escalatory conflicts in intimate relationships,2008,30,3,287-296,Winstok Measuring children's exposure to domestic violence: The development and testing of the Child Exposure to Domestic Violence (CEDV) Scale,2008,30,5,502-521,Edleson Intimate partner violence: Persistence of myths and implications for intervention,2008,30,3,276-286,Ehrensaft From evolving discourses to new practice approaches in domestic violence and child protective services,2008,30,6,689-698,Shlonsky Exploring alternatives for improving child support application filing rates within the context of civil protection order cases,2008,30,7,821-833,Yearwood Dominance and symmetry in partner violence by male and female university students in 32 nations,2008,30,3,252-275,Straus Doing treatment: Batterers' experience of intervention,2008,30,6,616-630,Buchbinder Differences among battered mothers in their involvement with child protection services: Could the perpetrator's biological relationship to the child have an impact?,2008,30,10,1189-1197,Edleson Connecting father absence and mother blame in child welfare policies and practice,2008,30,7,705-716,Fleet Conflict escalation to violence and escalation of violent conflicts,2008,30,3,297-310,Winstok Child welfare practice and policy related to the impact of children experiencing physical victimization and domestic violence,2008,30,5,564-574,Chiodo Bridging the divide between child welfare and domestic violence services: Deconstructing the change process,2008,30,6,674-688,Moles Adolescent males' coping responses to domestic violence: A qualitative study,2008,30,6,654-664,Aymer Do good intentions beget good policy? A review of child protection policies to address intimate partner violence,2007,29,12,1469-1486,Tutty Dating violence among emancipating foster youth,2007,29,5,557-571,Jonson-Reid Assessing child exposure to adult domestic violence,2007,29,7,961-971,Edleson Intimate partner violence as a risk factor for children's use of the emergency room and injuries,2005,27,11,1223-1242,Foshee Domestic violence in one state's child protective caseload: A study of differential case dispositions and outcomes,2005,27,11,1183-1201,Edleson The changing lens of research on family violence and child welfare,2005,27,11,1163-1166,Kelleher Child welfare as a gateway to domestic violence services,2005,27,11,1203-1221,Landsverk Domestic violence and pathways into child welfare services: Findings from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being,2005,27,11,1167-1182,Edleson Overview of the children and domestic violence services study,2005,27,11,1243-1258,Coben Supporting battered women and their children: Perspectives of battered mothers and child welfare professionals,2006,28,6,620-637,Shim Severe domestic violence and child maltreatment: considering child physical abuse neglect and failure to protect,2004,26,4,373-392,Hartley Understanding fatal assault of children: a typology and explanatory theory,2004,26,9,837-852,Lawrence Child welfare professionals' responses to domestic violence exposure among children,2010,32,12,1640-1647,Edleson Mental health needs of children exposed to intimate partner violence seeking help from mental health services,2010,32,7,1004-1011,Ezpeleta Predicting dating violence victimization and perpetration among middle and high school students in a rural southern community,2010,32,10,1458-1463,McDonell Risk of intimate partner violence: Role of childhood sexual abuse and sexual initiation in women in Japan,2010,32,1,28-37,Yoshihama School-based humane education as a strategy to prevent violence: Review and recommendations,2010,32,3,365-370,Faver When child abuse overlaps with domestic violence: The factors that influence child protection workers' beliefs,2010,32,3,309-317,Merritt Low-income single mothers' community violence exposure and aggressive parenting practices,2010,32,6,889-895,Zhang The relationship between witnessing arrests and elevated symptoms of posttraumatic stress: Findings from a national study of children involved in the child welfare system,2010,32,10,1246-1254,Phillips The link between childhood and adult abuse among long-term welfare recipients,2004,26,2,173-184,Taylor Violence in the family: Policy and practice disparities in the treatment of children,2004,26,11,1067-1080,Cowan Adult recall of childhood psychological maltreatment: Definitional strategies and challenges,2009,31,7,703-714,Baker Training Children's Services Workers in Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention: Research Findings and Implications for Practice,2002,24,8,561-581,Yoshihama Cultural factors in child maltreatment and domestic violence in Korea,2000,22,3-4,231-236,Doe Domestic violence in child welfare preventative services: Results from an intake screening questionnaire,2000,22,3-4,251-274,Magen Reinterpreting strength and safety in a socio-cultural context: Dynamics of domestic violence and experiences of women of Japanese descent,2000,22,3-4,207-229,Yoshihama Domestic violence in the child protection system: Seeing double,2000,22,5,333-354,Fleck-Henderson Perceptions and practice with domestic violence among child protective service workers,2000,22,5,355-371,Jones Child protection and domestic violence: Training practice and policy issues,2000,22,5,315-332,Mills Evaluation of a domestic violence training for child protection workers and supervisors: Initial results,2000,22,5,373-395,Saunders Recent trends in intimate violence: Theory and intervention,2008,30,3,249-251,Winstok Awareness and detection of the co-occurrence of interparental violence and child abuse: Child welfare worker's perspective,2006,28,11,1312-1328,Lessard Conditions for resolving controversies between social actors in domestic violence and youth protection services: Toward innovative collaborative practices,2006,28,5,511-534,Chamberland Who Spanks Infants and Toddlers? Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Well-Being Study,2011,33,8,1364-1373,Brooks-Gunn Multidisciplinary Child Protection Decision Making About Physical Abuse: Determining Substantiation Thresholds and Biases,2011,33,9,1673-1682,Knickerbocker The role of grandparents in preventing aggressive and other externalizing behavior problems in children from rural methamphetamine-involved families,2011,33,9,1583-1591,Haight Girls in Foster Care: Risk and Promotive Factors for School Adjustment Across the Transition to Middle School,2012,34,1,234-243,Kim 'Working with vulnerable children': Listening to the views of the service providers working with street children in Istanbul,2012,34,4,725-734,Bademci Vulnerability to violence of girls of the street in Mauritania,2011,33,5,656-662,Ballet Maltreatment of children with developmental disabilities: An ecological systems analysis,2011,33,7,1142-1148,Hong Healthy relationship education for dating violence prevention among high-risk youth,2011,33,1,173-179,Barbee 'Like waking up in a Franz Kafka novel': Service users' experiences of the child protection system when domestic violence and acrimonious separations are involved,2011,33,1,126-133,Buckley Victimization psychological distress and subsequent offending among youth,2011,33,11,2375-2385,Welte The social ecology of the Columbine High School shootings,2011,33,6,861-868,Espelage Child maltreatment in South Korea: An ecological systems analysis,2011,33,7,1058-1066,Faller "They're not my favourite people": What mothers who have experienced intimate partner violence say about involvement in the child protection system,2011,33,7,1084-1089,Hughes Mothers' experiences resources and needs: The context for reunification,2011,33,3,431-438,Marcenko The impact of emotional and physical violence during pregnancy on maternal and child health at one year post-partum,2011,33,11,2103-2111,Boxer Cognitive behavioural therapy for violent behaviour in children and adolescents: A meta-analysis,2011,33,10,1989-1993,ÖzabacI The presence of IPV in foster care cases: Examining referrals for services reunification goals and system responsibility,2011,33,6,980-990,Renner Public attitudes toward child maltreatment in Israel: Implications for policy,2011,33,7,1181-1188,Benbenishty Experiences of children in armed conflict in Nepal,2011,33,4,557-563,Shakya Prevention of child maltreatment in high-risk rural families: A randomized clinical trial with child welfare outcomes,2011,33,8,1435-1444,Chaffin "I haven't done nothin' crazy lately:" Conflict resolution strategies in adolescent mothers' dating relationships,2011,33,1,180-186,Toews Social supports preferred by the teachers when facing school violence,2011,33,5,644-650,Türküm A multi-site evaluation of Parents Raising Safe Kids Violence Prevention Program,2011,33,10,1960-1967,Weymouth Determinants of maltreatment substantiation in a sample of infants involved with the child welfare system,2011,33,8,1345-1353,MacMillan Approaches to assessment and intervention across four types of child and family welfare services,2010,32,3,356-364,Darlington Factors associated with reunification: A longitudinal analysis of long-term foster care,2010,32,10,1311-1316,Cheng Pathways and predictors of antisocial behaviors in African American adolescents from poor neighborhoods,2010,32,3,409-415,Vazsonyi Risk chains over the life course among homeless urban adolescent mothers: Altering their trajectories through formal support,2010,32,12,1740-1749,Kennedy The impact of continued contact with biological parents upon the mental health of children in foster care,2010,32,10,1338-1345,Acock A study of depressive characteristics in behaviorally disordered children and adolescents,1991,13,4,271-286,Allen-Meares Function form and change of juvenile justice systems,1988,10,2,71-99,Alter Child deaths attributed to abuse and neglect: An empirical study,1983,5,1,75-89,Valentine From child rescue to family protection: The evolution of the child protective movement in the United States,1979,1,2,177-204,Antler Evaluation of a task-centered child abuse prevention program,1989,11,2,117-131,Barth Comprehensive sexual abuse treatment programs and reports of sexual abuse,1985,7,4,285-298,Barth A drug abuse prevention program aimed at teaching seventh grade students problem-solving strategies,1988,10,2,131-149,Jason Incarcerated mothers and their children in foster care: The dilemma of visitation,1989,11,2,175-183,Beckerman Economic considerations in supporting preventive services for troubled youth: The case of adolescents on the farm,1987,9,3,187-206,Eisikovits Sexual abuse prevention education: Is it appropriate for the preschool child?,1989,11,2,145-158,Berrick Sexual abuse prevention training for preschoolers: Implications for moral development,1991,13,1-2,61-75,Berrick The assessment of imminence of risk of placement: Lessons from a family preservation program,1991,13,4,239-256,Berry Behavior problems of children adopted when older,1989,11,3,221-238,Barth For better or worse?: Foster parents and foster children in an officially reported child maltreatment population,1981,3,1/2,37-53,Laner Perspectives on peer group treatment: The use and abuse of guided group interaction/positive peer culture,1982,4,4,307-324,Brendtro The city-wide peer counselling program,1988,10,3,217-232,Carr Status of mental health services for youth in school and community,1989,11,2,159-174,Howing The risk climate and the delivery of child welfare services,1982,4,4,325-350,Baker Psychological treatment of adolescent substance abusers:: A review,1988,10,1,43-55,Forman Critical aspects of institutional programs for youths,1980,2,3,271-290,Deschner Identification of mother-child interaction patterns:: A longitudinal evaluation of early age intervention effects on early adolescents,1984,6,1,19-35,Portes Child therapy outcome in a community mental health center,1979,1,2,215-224,Yarvis Training undergraduates to work with children from multiproblem families: A missing piece in calls for action,1990,12,4,341-350,Eheart The diversion of delinquent youth: family-focused intervention,1983,5,4,343-356,Blakely Childhood punishment experience and adult violence,1979,1,1,75-86,Erlanger What happens to sexually abused children identified by child protective services?,1991,13,1-2,101-111,Faller Can child fatalities end product of child abuse be prevented?,1979,1,1,31-53,Fein Hostility of adults to children and youth: Social and psychological sources and institutional forms,1984,6,4,263-265,Friedenberg What we know about child maltreatment,1983,5,1,3-6,Garbarino A protective service system,1983,5,1,49-63,Flood Inpatient psychiatric treatment of the difficult child: Common practices and their ethical implications,1984,6,4,353-365,Garrison Social distancing of the neglectful family: Sex Race and Social Class Influences,1986,8,1,1-12,Gaudin Social networks stress and child abuse,1983,5,1,91-102,Gaudin Governmental intrusiveness in the family: A continuing dilemma,1979,1,2,147-175,Gelman The ideological context of child welfare,1984,6,4,299-309,Gil Primary prevention services for children and youth,1979,1,4,379-391,Schinke Substantiated and unsubstantiated reports of child maltreatment,1989,11,4,299-318,Giovannoni Use of drawings in evaluating children who may be incest victims,1982,4,3,269-278,Goodwin The economic consequences of experiencing parental marital disruptions,1982,4,1-2,141-162,Greenberg Communicating science to the public through targeted messages,1981,3,4,277-289,Gregory An exploratory investigation into institutional mistreatment,1990,12,3,229-241,Groze Parent support and education programs,1990,12,4,285-308,Halpern A comparison of administrative citizen and judicial Review,1985,7,2-3,161-172,Hardin Federal dissemination of child abuse and neglect information,1983,5,1,65-74,Harrell Ireland's young homeless,1989,11,1,31-43,Harvey Dying in jail: The phenomenon of adolescent suicide in correctional facilities,1980,2,3,331-342,Haviland Toward a causal typology of child neglect,1989,11,3,203-220,Hegar Courts kin and children: Determinants of court-ordered kin involvement in child protection proceedings,1986,8,2,107-132,Kelly Ecologically defining the mistreatment of adolescents,1984,6,4,285-298,Hoekstra The behavior of the battered child: A behavioral deficiency syndrome resulting from developmental interferences and reactive learning,1979,1,3,315-325,Horenstein Youth service caseworkers: Social and legal factors affecting their recommendation to place youths in secure care facilities,1981,3,3,233-246,Isralowitz Social support in aftercare services for troubled youth,1986,8,4,323-347,Catalano Skills deficits skills training and delinquency,1990,12,3,213-228,Howard The concept of attachment: Applications to adoption,1991,13,5-6,397-412,Johnson The effect of unemployment on children and adolescents,1988,10,3,199-215,Jones Understanding the etiology of child abuse: A preliminary typology of cases,1983,5,1,7-29,Kent Modelling the initial placement decision for children received into care,1987,9,1,1-15,Knapp Educational upgrading for youthful offenders,1980,2,3,291-313,Knox Coping with stresses and strains in adolescence,1979,1,3,261-277,Konopka Raising children in ambivalent immigrant families: Israelis in New York,1985,7,4,353-362,Korazim Involving fathers in social services,1991,13,4,287-300,Fraser Preventive approaches to child welfare,1979,1,4,349-351,Lindsey Topic issue: Protective services and the rights of the family,1979,1,2,143-146,Lindsey Youth services and juvenile justice,1980,2,3,235-237,Lindsey Evaluation of a School--Juvenile Court team approach to delinquency prevention,1987,9,2,101-115,Kurtz Knowledge for what? An examination of the uses and users of social science research,1981,3,4,391-400,Garbarino An evaluation of a group intervention to increase the personal social networks of abusive mothers,1988,10,3,175-188,Hawkins Child sexual abuse: A follow-up study of reports to a protective service hotline,1988,10,2,151-165,Pierce Are services to prevent foster care effective?,1981,3,3,193-212,Magura Gifted delinquents: What do we know about them?,1980,2,3,315-329,Mahoney Disappointing and deviant youth and the rage of the elders,1984,6,4,367-373,Marohn Whose rights are they anyway?: The supreme court and the rights of Juveniles,1984,6,4,329-344,Nathan Large boys and little women: The Problem of Family Placement of Older Children in the Nineteenth Century,1986,8,1,53-70,Nelson Family-based services for juvenile offenders,1990,12,3,193-212,Nelson Youth at risk: Adolescents and Maltreatment,1986,8,1,13-35,Olsen Child Abuse: The smothering of an issue--A British perspective,1987,9,1,51-65,Page Selecting children for residential treatment,1985,7,4,299-308,Pierce Quality control in child abuse prevention programs,1991,13,1-2,29-39,Poertner Using an alternative evaluation measure for assessing juvenile diversion programs,1985,7,1,21-38,Pogrebin Interpersonal skill training to enhance social support among women at risk for child maltreatment,1991,13,1-2,41-59,Lovell The children of alcoholics: An exploratory study,1982,4,4,365-373,Rimmer The effect of demographic factors on perceptions of child neglect,1989,11,2,133-144,Ringwalt Confronting youth unemployment in the 1980s: sorting out the issues and trends,1980,2,1/2,1-16,Rist The economics of child care and public policy,1979,1,1,55-74,Robins An assessment of the quality of developmental day center playgrounds for exceptional children,1979,1,4,423-427,Robinson Impacts of alternatives to out-of-home placement: A quasi-experimental study,1986,8,4,305-321,Glass Relationship between attendance at a parents anonymous adult program and children's behavior at the parents anonymous child care program,1985,7,1,39-43,Roth School dropouts--They are not what they seem to be,1982,4,3,279-291,Ruby The role of the father in the family: Toward a gender-neutral family policy,1984,6,2,83-99,Sagi Adolescent misconduct and the juvenile justice system,1980,2,3,239-269,Sarri Definitions and methods for prevention research with youth and families,1986,8,3,257-266,Schinke Adoptive parents' hostility toward their adopted children,1984,6,4,345-352,Schneider Negligence in placement and supervision of children in foster care: Are social workers liable?,1986,8,3,219-226,Schroeder Institutional child abuse,1984,6,4,311-318,Shaughnessy Paternalism and the young,1984,6,4,267-283,Sheleff Youth employment and education: federal programs from the New Deal through the 1970s,1980,2,1/2,17-39,Sherraden Institutions and juvenile delinquency in historical perspective,1984,6,3,155-172,Sherraden Reflections on Katimavik an innovative Canadian youth program,1986,8,4,283-303,Sherraden Attitudes of mental health professionals about changing ages of legal majority,1980,2,4,425-432,Sowards The correlates of success/failure in brief and intensive family treatment: Implications for family preservation services,1991,13,1-2,77-99,Spaid The development of preventive methods in child welfare,1983,5,1,31-47,Staulcup Projects to prevent out-of-home placement,1985,7,2-3,109-121,Stein Critical reflections on child psychiatry,1979,1,1,7-29,Szasz The protection of children's rights as ceremony and myth:: A critique of the review of institutional placements in Quebec and Ontario,1988,10,1,1-17,Teram Aggression and depression among abused and non-abused children in foster care,1979,1,3,279-291,Timberlake The evidence base for social support interventions in child and family practice: Emerging issues for research and practice,1987,9,4,249-270,Whittaker Intervention strategies and conceptions of child abuse,1979,1,2,205-213,Turbett On measuring the cost of children,1982,4,1-2,77-109,van der Gaag Homelessness: A multidimensional problem,1989,11,1,45-56,van der Ploeg Parents' divorce and children's life chances,1986,8,2,145-159,Wadsworth Beyond parens patriae: Building policies and programs to care for our own and others' children,1990,12,4,269-284,Weiss Prior services used by youths referred to mental health facilities: A closer look,1990,12,3,243-256,Wells Factors associated with adaptation of youths discharged from residential treatment,1991,13,3,199-216,Wells Youth work and homelessness in England,1989,11,1,5-29,Wiggans Comment on: Homelessness: A multidimensional problem by J.D. van der Ploeg,1989,11,1,57-60,Wiggans Cost convenience and quality in child care demand,1979,1,3,293-313,Yaeger Hispanic adolescent fathers: At risk and underresearched,1987,9,4,235-248,Zayas Barriers to full employment of rural youth,1980,2,1/2,63-80,Ziegler Beat 'em up lock ' em up or throw 'em away,1990,12,1-2,7-9, Increased numbers of seriously troubled multi-problem and older children in need of help and the re-emergence of the very young,1990,12,1-2,12-14, Social trends and social problems,1990,12,1-2,14-15, Not general progress but categories child abuse as the major case,1990,12,1-2,27-30, The targeted child protective service -- Texas,1990,12,1-2,42-45, Neighborhood crime and perception of safety as predictors of victimization and offending among youth: a call for macro-level prevention and intervention models,2012,34,9,1966-1973,Nochajski Individual and social network sexual behavior norms of homeless youth at high risk for HIV infection,2012,34,12,2481-2486,Tyler Foster care re-entry: exploring the role of foster care characteristics in-home child welfare services and cross-sector services,2012,34,9,1825-1833,Jonson-Reid Estimating the effects of head start on parenting and child maltreatment,2013,35,7,1119-1129,Brooks-Gunn A Longitudinal Examination of Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Drug Use and Unsafe Sex among Young African American Females,2013,35,9,1440-1446,Voisin Parental spanking and subsequent risk for child aggression in father-involved families of young children,2013,35,9,1476-1485,Taylor Dissolving borders: Reframing risk delinquent peers and youth violence,2013,35,8,1197-1205,Lustig Children who witness women battering: Concerns and dilemmas in the construction of a social problem,1993,15,1,43-52,Peled The Case for Multisystemic Therapy: Evidence or Orthodoxy?,2006,28,4,458-472,Littell Methodological Critique and Meta-Analysis as Trojan Horse,2006,28,4,447-457,Schoenwald Lessons from a Systematic Review of Effects of Multisystemic Therapy,2005,27,4,445-463,Littell The moderating effect of substance abuse service accessibility on the relationship between child maltreatment and neighborhood alcohol availability,2013,35,12,1933-1940,Morton The impact of early mental health services on child behavioral outcomes: Comparisons between and within trajectory groups,2010,32,2,292-297,Wiley Recruiting fathers to parenting programs: advice from dads and fatherhood program providers,2013,35,10,1734-1741,Kohl Toward a cumulative ecological risk model for the etiology of child maltreatment,2011,33,9,1638-1647,Lee Student and school factors associated with school suspension: a multilevel analysis of students in Victoria Australia and Washington State United States,2014,36,,187-194,Herrenkohl Multi-agency risk assessment and management for children and families experiencing domestic violence,2014,47,,78-85,Stanley Inadequate child supervision: the role of alcohol outlet density parent drinking behaviors and social support,2014,43,,75-84,Freisthler Child protection fathers' experiences of childhood intimate partner violence and parenting,2014,46,,91-102,Bussey Doing the right thing? (Re) Considering risk assessment and safety planning in child protection work with domestic violence cases,2014,47,,92-101,Mishna Risky Sexual Behavior and Substance Use among Adolescents: A Meta-analysis,2015,52,,74-88,Lochman Housing and child development,2010,32,9,1165-1174,Leventhal Adapting an evidence based parenting program for child welfare involved teens and their caregivers,2014,41,,53-61,Haggerty Non-parental adults in the social and risk behavior networks of sexual minority male youth,2015,55,,62-70,Birkett A national study of intimate partner violence risk among female caregivers involved in the child welfare system: The role of nativity acculturation and legal status,2015,48,,60-69,Kohl CORRIGENDUM to 'Defining and strengthening child well-being in child protection' [The Children and Youth Services Review 54C (2015) 57-70],2015,56,,193,Laliberte Facts speak louder than words: science versus the pseudoscience of PAS,2015,56,,177-184,Clemente Yes children are susceptible to manipulation: commentary on article by Clemente and Padilla-Racero,2015,56,,135-138,Bernet A study of disabled children and child protection in Scotland -- a hidden group?,2015,56,,126-134,Taylor Targeting youth at risk for gang involvement: validation of a gang risk assessment to support individualized secondary prevention,2015,56,,86-96,Maxson Child abuse/neglect risk assessment under field practice conditions: tests of external and temporal validity and comparison with heart disease prediction,2015,56,,76-85,Johnson Treatment of the sexually abused child: review and synthesis of recent meta-analyses,2015,56,,52-60,O'Donohue Social and emotional learning services and child outcomes in third grade: evidence from a cohort of Head Start participants,2015,56,,42-51,Raver Ethnic disproportionality in the child welfare system: a Norwegian national cohort study,2015,56,,26-32,Staer The child protection clinic: a mixed method evaluation of parent legal representation,2015,56,,7-17,Haight Environmental risk factors and custody status in children of substance abusers,2014,36,,150-154,Conners-Burrow Cyberbullying perpetration and victimization among adolescents in Hong Kong,2014,36,,133-140,Cheng The impact of repeated maltreatment on behavioral trajectories from early childhood to early adolescence,2014,36,,22-29,Godinet Maternal criminal justice involvement and co-occurring mental health and substance abuse problems: examining moderation of sex and race on children's mental health,2014,37,,71-80,Miller Out of home placement to promote safety? The prevalence of physical abuse in residential and foster care,2014,37,,64-70,van Ijzendoorn Diffusing responsibility: a case study of child sexual abuse in popular discourse,2014,37,,55-63,Miller Perspectives on children's experiences in families with parental substance misuse and child protection interventions,2014,38,,66-74,Forrester Student perspectives on how trauma experiences manifest in the classroom: engaging court-involved youth in the development of a trauma-informed teaching curriculum,2014,38,,58-65,Somers Youth sport administrators' perceptions and knowledge of organizational policies on child maltreatment,2014,38,,52-57,Noble The effectiveness of EQUIP on sociomoral development and recidivism reduction: a meta-analytic study,2014,38,,44-51,Asscher Universal reporting laws and child maltreatment report rates in large U.S. counties,2014,38,,20-28,Palusci Parentification in military families: overlapping constructs and theoretical explorations in family clinical and military psychology,2014,39,,123-134,Hooper The impact of school connectedness and teacher support on depressive symptoms in adolescents: a multilevel analysis,2014,39,,101-107,Joyce The challenge and opportunity of parental involvement in juvenile justice services,2014,39,,39-47,Mulvey A multi-site study of the ACT Raising Safe Kids program: predictors of outcomes and attrition,2014,39,,20-24,Burkhart Living in non-parental care moderates effects of prekindergarten experiences on externalizing behavior problems in school,2014,40,,41-50,Pears Factors associated with treatment attrition for Medicaid-enrolled youth with serious emotional disturbances,2014,40,,20-28,Fontanella Neighborhood racial & ethnic diversity as a predictor of child welfare system involvement,2014,41,,95-105,Merritt Are all fathers in child protection families uncommitted uninvolved and unable to change?,2014,41,,83-94,Bussey A study of maltreated children and their families in juvenile court: I. Court performance measures,2014,41,,62-74,Karatekin Online communication social media and adolescent wellbeing: a systematic narrative review,2014,41,,27-36,Taylor The effect of Early Head Start on child welfare system involvement: a first look at longitudinal child maltreatment outcomes,2014,42,,127-135,Klevens The relationship between online activities netiquette and cyberbullying,2014,42,,74-81,Park Provider perceptions of safety planning with children impacted by intimate partner violence,2014,42,,67-73,Murray Foster children's behavior problems and impulsivity in the family and school context,2014,42,,43-49,Bernedo Extended foster care support during the transition to adulthood: effect on the risk of arrest,2014,42,,34-42,Courtney "Please believe me; I am the biggest liar that exists": characterising children's recantations during forensic investigations,2014,43,,160-166,Katz Treatment implications based on measures of child abuse potential and parent mental health: are we missing an intervention opportunity?,2014,43,,153-159,Solomon The role of prevention services in the county context of child maltreatment,2014,43,,85-95,Maguire-Jack Reliable and valid: a procedure for establishing item-level interrater reliability for child maltreatment risk and safety assessments,2014,43,,58-66,Orsi Predicting recurrent maltreatment among high-risk families: applying the Decision-Making Ecology Framework,2014,43,,29-39,Font "Love covereth all transgressions": children's experiences with physical abuse as portrayed in their narratives during forensic investigations,2014,43,,1-7,Katz Child maltreatment victims' attitudes about appearing in dependency and criminal courts,2014,44,,407-416,Quas Institutional social climate and adjustment difficulties of adolescents in residential care: the mediating role of victimization by peers,2014,44,,393-399,Attar-Schwartz Pathways to crime and risk factors among Arab female adolescents in Israel,2014,44,,363-369,Shechory-Bitton Students in distress: unanticipated findings in a cyber bullying study,2014,44,,341-348,Mishna A systematic review of associations between perpetration of physically violent behaviors and property offenses victimization and use of substances among homeless youth,2014,44,,265-277,Hemphill Cumulative bullying victimization: an investigation of the dose-response relationship between victimization and the associated mental health outcomes social supports and school experiences of rural adolescents,2014,44,,256-264,Smokowski If only I they we had done things differently: young people talk about school difficulties and crime,2014,44,,249-255,McArthur Improving youth mental health through family-based prevention in family homeless shelters,2014,44,,243-248,McKay Implementation of a workforce initiative to build trauma-informed child welfare practice and services: findings from the Massachusetts Child Trauma Project,2014,44,,233-242,Spinazzola Empowering children with safety-skills: an evaluation of the Kidpower Everyday Safety-Skills Program,2014,44,,152-162,Zurbriggen Correlates of gang involvement and health-related factors among African American females with a detention history,2014,44,,120-125,DiClemente Subjective well-being and perceptions of safety among Jewish and Arab children in Israel,2014,44,,100-107,Ben-Arieh Racial variations in the link between domestic violence and children's behavioral outcomes,2014,44,,90-99,Yoo Public attitudes toward government responsibility for child care: the impact of individual characteristics and welfare regimes,2014,44,,82-89,Guo The disparate impact of alcohol methamphetamine and other drugs on family reunification,2014,44,,72-81,Lloyd Correlates of academic performance among school-age African American males in public housing,2014,44,,65-71,Lombe Aggression in school and family contexts among youngsters with special needs: qualitative and quantitative evidence from the TranSpace project,2014,44,,46-55,Musil The location of placement and juvenile delinquency: do neighborhoods matter in child welfare?,2014,44,,33-45,Ryan Parental school involvement as a moderator of the association between peer victimization and academic performance,2014,44,,25-32,Fite Investigating the impact of teenage mentors on pre-school children's development: a comparison using control groups,2014,44,,20-24,Humphrey Risk of maltreatment recurrence after exiting substitute care: impact of placement characteristics,2014,46,,257-264,Turcotte Hierarchies of child maltreatment types at different perceived severity levels in European Americans Korean Americans and Koreans,2014,46,,220-229,Watson An ecological-systems inquiry into racial disproportionalities in out-of-school suspensions from youth caregiver and educator perspectives,2014,46,,128-138,Haight Juvenile offenders and experiences of neglect: the validity of the YLS/CMI with dual-status youth,2014,46,,112-119,Onifade Justice speed and thoroughness in child protection court proceedings: messages from England,2014,46,,103-111,Bailey Experiences of youth who transition to adulthood out of care: developing a theoretical framework,2014,46,,78-84,Berrick The social costs of child abuse in Japan,2014,46,,72-77,Wada Do childhood experiences of neglect affect delinquency among child welfare involved-youth?,2014,46,,64-71,Merritt Is participation in Head Start associated with less maternal spanking for boys and girls?,2014,46,,55-63,Brooks-Gunn Another Pandora's box? Some pros and cons of predictive risk modeling,2014,47,,86-91,Connolly Theorising the signs of safety approach to child protection social work: positioning codes and power,2014,47,,70-77,Keddell "You can run but you can't hide": how formerly incarcerated young men navigate neighborhood risks,2014,47,,61-69,Abrams Child welfare services and risk of child maltreatment rereports: do services ameliorate initial risk?,2014,47,,46-54,Fuller Family violence: fathers assessing and managing their risk to children and women,2014,47,,36-45,Pennell Neuroscience and the risks of maltreatment,2014,47,,18-26,Munro Infant risk and safety in the context of maternal substance use,2014,47,,10-17,Humphreys From risk assessment to risk management: Matching interventions to adolescent offenders' strengths and vulnerabilities,2014,47,,1-9,Van Dorn Can economic assets increase girls' risk of sexual harassment? Evaluation results from a social health and economic asset-building intervention for vulnerable adolescent girls in Uganda,2014,47,,168-175,Austrian Prevention of violence against children and psychosocial models of intervention: network analysis of an inter-institutional service,2014,47,,416-427,Como Child abuse and neglect re-reports: combining and comparing data from two national sources,2014,47,,323-333,Casanueva Lives at risk: uncovering factors associated with fatal child maltreatment,2014,47,,307-313,Sprang Disentangling over-representation of parents with disabilities in the child welfare system: exploring child maltreatment risk factors of parents with disabilities,2014,47,,283-290,Lightfoot The role of race in the out-of-school suspensions of Black students: the perspectives of students with suspensions their parents and educators,2014,47,,274-282,Haight Cumulative jeopardy: how professional responses to evidence of abuse and neglect further jeopardise children's life chances by being out of kilter with timeframes for early childhood development,2014,47,,260-267,Brown Seeing eye to eye or not? Young people's and child protection workers' perspectives on children's participation within the Dutch child protection and welfare services,2014,47,,253-259,van Bijleveld Lessons from introducing a livelihood project for unaccompanied children into an existing child protection programme in the Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya,2014,47,,239-245,Jones Bullying victimization and conduct problems among high school students in Taiwan: focus on fluid intelligence mood symptoms and associated psychosocial adjustment,2014,47,,231-238,Chen Association of caregiver social support with the safety permanency and well-being of children in child welfare,2015,48,,150-158,Rajendran 'Changing the way we do child protection': the implementation of Signs of Safety® within the Western Australia Department for Child Protection and Family Support,2015,48,,126-139,Salveron The justifications for terminating parental rights and adoption in the United States,2015,48,,87-97,Tefre The longitudinal effects of after-school program experiences quantity and regulatable features on children's social-emotional development,2015,48,,70-79,Wade Problem behavior among older youth in foster care: examining gender,2015,48,,20-30,Farruggia Criminal conduct subgroups of "aging out" foster youth,2015,48,,14-19,McMahon Examining predictors of re-reports and recurrence of child maltreatment using two national data sources,2015,48,,1-13,Casanueva Predictors of multiple arrests among homeless young adults: gender differences,2015,49,,32-38,Ferguson The characteristics of help seeking among Palestinian adolescents following exposure to community violence,2015,49,,1-10,Guterman Comparing reports of suspected child maltreatment in states with and without Universal Mandated Reporting,2015,50,,96-100,Krase Predictors of discipline severity among at-risk toddlers,2015,50,,88-95,Evans Quasi-experimental study of Functional Family Therapy effectiveness for juvenile justice aftercare in a racially and ethnically diverse community sample,2015,50,,75-82,Schuler The relationship among childhood risk and protective factors racial microaggression and ethnic identity and academic self-efficacy and antisocial behavior in young adulthood,2015,50,,64-74,Forrest-Bank Why should child welfare pay more attention to emotional maltreatment?,2015,50,,53-63,English Continuity of care for youth in foster care with serious emotional disturbances,2015,50,,38-43,Fontanella Exploratory analysis of child protection mediation permanency placement outcomes,2015,50,,20-27,Madden Improving child rights in the Gulf: expectations from the brand-new child law of Oman,2015,50,,12-19,Tekin Looked after children and offending: an exploration of risk resilience and the role of social cognition,2015,51,,125-133,Larsson Risk and protective factors for problem behaviors among youth in residential care,2015,51,,117-124,Melkman Are children susceptible to manipulation? The best interest of children and their testimony,2015,51,,101-107,Clemente Associations between discussions of racial and ethnic differences in internationally adoptive families and delinquent behavior among Korean adopted adolescents,2015,51,,66-73,Rueter Use of criminal justice language in personal narratives of out-of-school suspensions: Black students caregivers and educators,2015,51,,26-35,Haight A bit more understanding: young adults' views of mental health services in care in Ireland,2015,51,,1-9,McElvaney Wait until your father gets home? Mother's and fathers' spanking and development of child aggression,2015,52,,158-166,Lee How an intervention project contributes to social inclusion of adolescents and young people of foreign origin,2015,52,,144-149,Feu Gelis Cumulative jeopardy? A response to Brown and Ward,2015,52,,68-73,Bywaters An investigation of problematic internet use among adolescents in terms of self-injurious and risk-taking behavior,2015,52,,63-67,Oktan The development and validation of the Spanish adaptation of the Protective Factors Survey,2015,52,,45-53,Counts Gang involvement moderates the effectiveness of evidence-based intervention for justice-involved youth,2015,52,,26-33,Boxer Corrigendum to "Subjective well-being and perceptions of safety among Jewish and Arab children in Israel" [this journal 44c (2014) 100-107],2015,52,,8,Ben-Arieh Help-seeking and help-offering for teen dating violence among acculturating Mexican American adolescents,2015,53,,219-228,Williams Shifting sands that threaten policy advocacy for vulnerable children and youth: A case study,2015,53,,211-218,Danziger Preventing substance abuse and relationship violence: proof-of-concept evaluation of a social multi-user tablet-based game,2015,53,,201-210,Black Planned and unplanned terminations of foster care placements in the Netherlands: Relationships with characteristics of foster children and foster placements,2015,53,,130-136,Hermanns Fathers matter: involving and engaging fathers in the child welfare system process,2015,53,,84-91,Gordon The relationships between after-school programs academic outcomes and behavioral developmental outcomes of Latino children from immigrant families: Findings from the 2005 National Household Education Surveys Program,2015,53,,77-83,Tabb Interagency collaboration and identifying mental health needs in child welfare: findings from Los Angeles County,2015,53,,39-43,Traube Cross-informant agreement of the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale for youth in community mental health settings,2015,53,,34-38,Walrath Adolescents at risk and their willingness to seek help from youth care workers,2015,53,,17-23,Romi Development & maintenance of social support among aged out foster youth who received independent living services: results from the Multi-Site Evaluation of Foster Youth Programs,2015,53,,1-9,Courtney Defining and strengthening child well-being in child protection,2015,54,,57-70,Laliberte Are children safer with kin? A comparison of maltreatment risk in out-of-home care,2015,54,,20-29,Font The challenges of creating the treatment readiness scale for youths taking part in mandatory psychosocial counseling,2015,54,,8-19,Gašević Services to domestic minor victims of sex trafficking: Opportunities for engagement and support,2015,54,,1-7,Gibbs Do they get what they expect?: the connection between young adults' future expectations before leaving care and outcomes after leaving care,2015,55,,193-200,Sulimani-Aidan Child fatality in intercountry adoption: what media reports suggest about deaths of Russian children in the U.S.,2015,55,,182-192,Hegar Finding their Way: perceptions of risk resilience and positive youth development among adolescents and young adults from public housing neighborhoods,2015,55,,147-158,Jenson Correlates of traditional bullying and cyberbullying perpetration among Australian students,2015,55,,138-146,Campbell Testing a path model of relationships between gender age and bullying victimization and violent behavior substance abuse depression suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in adolescents,2015,55,,128-137,Nugent Compliance and internalization in preschool foster children,2015,55,,103-110,Harden Protective factors among Latino families involved with child welfare: a review of Spanish protective factor research on child maltreatment prevention in seven countries,2015,55,,93-102,Conrad-Hiebner Perceptual difference of child neglect among Korean parents and children: implications for child welfare policy,2015,55,,56-61,Choi The role of fathers in reducing dating violence victimization and sexual risk behaviors among a national sample of Black adolescents,2015,55,,48-55,Clark The effectiveness of creative bibliotherapy for internalizing externalizing and prosocial behaviors in children: a systematic review,2015,55,,37-47,Montgomery Psychosocial characteristics and service needs of Canadian suburban male youth at risk for homelessness,2015,55,,29-36,Ronis Child protection in Tanzania: a dream or nightmare,2015,55,,10-17,Ng'ondi Effects of parental monitoring on aggressive behavior among youth in the United States and South Korea: A cross-national study,2015,55,,1-9,Lee Corrigendum to "Development and validation of classification models to identify hidden child molesters applying to child service organizations" [CYSR (2012) start 1378-1389],2013,35,1,204,Abel Mental health and substance use disorders among foster youth transitioning to adulthood: past research and future directions,2013,35,1,194-203,Smith Risk-taking behavior and academic self-efficacy as variables accounting for problematic internet use in adolescent university students,2013,35,1,183-187,Odacı Healthcare professionals' priorities for child abuse educational programming: a Delphi study,2013,35,1,168-173,Feng Evaluation of a group-based social skills training for children with problem behavior,2013,35,1,162-167,Deković Actuarial risk assessment in child protective services: construction methodology and performance criteria,2013,35,1,151-161,Coohey Usual care for trauma-exposed youth: are clinician-reported therapy techniques evidence-based?,2013,35,1,133-141,Borntrager Cyberbullying and subjective health: a large-scale study of students in Stockholm Sweden,2013,35,1,112-119,Ostberg Predictors of aggression among Palestinians in Israel and Gaza: happiness need to belong and self-control,2013,35,1,47-55,Rosenbaum A statewide introduction of trauma-informed care in a child welfare system,2013,35,1,19-24,Kramer How different are their experiences and outcomes? Comparing aged out and other child welfare involved youth,2013,35,1,11-18,Goodkind Internalizing and externalizing symptoms among unaccompanied refugee and Italian adolescents,2013,35,1,7-10,Thommessen Improved decision making about suspected child maltreatment: results of structuring the decision process,2013,35,2,347-352,Witteman Public attitudes toward the identification and reporting of alleged maltreatment cases among social groups in Israel,2013,35,2,332-339,Benbenishty Reducing youth's drug abuse through training social workers for cognitive-behavioral integrated treatment,2013,35,2,302-311,Ngai Factors predicting student intervention when witnessing anti-LGBTQ harassment: the influence of peers teachers and climate,2013,35,2,296-301,Kulick Runaway behavior among adolescents in residential care: the role of personal characteristics victimization experiences while in care social climate and institutional factors,2013,35,2,258-267,Attar-Schwartz Suicidal behavior and associated factors in sexually abused adolescents,2013,35,2,253-257,Soylu Cost analysis of the strengthening families program in reducing time to family reunification among substance-affected families,2013,35,2,244-252,Brook Understanding the risk of offending for the children of imprisoned parents: a review of the evidence,2013,35,2,213-217,Flynn Predictors of out-of-home placement following residential treatment,2013,35,3,518-524,Stewart Moderating effects of race on internalizing and externalizing behaviors among children of criminal justice and child welfare involved mothers,2013,35,3,472-481,Miller Delinquent and aggressive behaviors in early-adopted adolescents: longitudinal predictions from child temperament and maternal sensitivity,2013,35,3,439-446,van Ijzendoorn The elementary-school functioning of children with maltreatment histories and mild cognitive or behavioral disabilities: a mixed methods inquiry,2013,35,3,420-428,Haight Propensity to perpetrate abusive behaviors: internet survey of the role of gender childhood maltreatment and perception of maltreatment in Nigeria,2013,35,4,725-733,Bammeke Externalizing problems in young foster children: prevalence rates predictors and service use,2013,35,4,716-724,Vanderfaeillie A qualitative study investigating adolescents' understanding of aggression bullying and violence,2013,35,4,685-693,Bowen When practice and policy collide: child welfare workers' perceptions of investigation processes,2013,35,4,634-641,Lee Describing the context and nature of emotional maltreatment reports in children,2013,35,4,626-633,Simmel Making complex decisions: child protection workers' practices and interventions with families experiencing intimate partner violence,2013,35,4,611-617,Hughes Psychopathology physical complaints and health risk behaviors among youths who were victims of childhood maltreatment: a comparison between home and institutional interventions,2013,35,4,603-610,Pinto Children placed in long-term family foster care: a longitudinal study into the development of problem behavior and associated factors,2013,35,4,587-593,Vanderfaeillie "Draw me everything that happened to you": exploring children's drawings of sexual abuse,2013,35,5,877-882,Hamama Is program structure related to stigma and community acceptance of justice-involved adolescents?,2013,35,5,871-876,Schwalbe Academic engagement and performance: estimating the impact of out-of-home care for maltreated children,2013,35,5,856-864,Font School as haven: transforming school environments into welcoming learning communities,2013,35,5,848-855,Cornelius Economic abuse physical violence and union formation,2013,35,5,780-786,Postmus Typologies of substance use and illegal behaviors: a comparison of emerging adults with histories of foster care and the general population,2013,35,5,753-761,Snyder Juvenile life without the possibility of parole: constitutional but complicated,2013,35,5,743-752,Mallett Recollections of harsh discipline in childhood and depressive feelings in adulthood: the roles of culture and gender,2013,35,6,1007-1014,Khoury-Kassabri Analyzing sub-population profiles and risk factors for school bullying,2013,35,6,973-983,Anderson Adult resilience among maltreated children: a prospective investigation of main effect and mediating models,2013,35,6,937-949,Mersky Causal effects of foster care: An instrumental-variables approach,2013,35,7,1143-1151,Doyle Child welfare and the challenge of causal inference,2013,35,7,1130-1142,Foster Friendship in children with internalizing and externalizing problems: a preliminary investigation with the Pictorial Assessment of Interpersonal Relationships,2013,35,7,1095-1100,Laghi Childhood maltreatment and motivation for treatment in girls in compulsory residential care,2013,35,7,1041-1047,Doreleijers "Well if you can't smile you should go home!" Experiences and reflective insights on providing outreach to young sex trade workers,2013,35,8,1276-1283,Saldanha Building a youth-led movement to keep young people out of the adult criminal justice system,2013,35,8,1268-1275,Watson Juvenile or adult? Negotiating and contesting childhood in the courtroom,2013,35,8,1236-1244,Shook Between badness and sickness: reconsidering medicalization for high risk children and youth,2013,35,8,1212-1218,Bosk Violent children and structural violence: re-signaling 'RAD Kids' to inform the social work professions,2013,35,8,1182-1188,Stryker Judging childhood,2013,35,8,1166-1173,Finn Corrigendum to "Childhood maltreatment and motivation for treatment in girls in compulsory residential care" [Child. Youth Serv. Rev. 35/7 (2013) 1041-1047],2013,35,9,1656,Doreleijers LGBTQQ youth creating change: developing allies against bullying through performance and dialogue,2013,35,9,1576-1586,Kulick The relationship between unemployment and child maltreatment: a county-level perspective in California,2013,35,9,1543-1555,Nguyen Internet-related child sexual abuse: what children tell us in their testimonies,2013,35,9,1536-1542,Katz Perception and determination of child maltreatment: Exploratory comparisons across three countries,2013,35,9,1418-1430,Wooten Case outcomes of child welfare-involved families affected by domestic violence: a review of the literature,2013,35,9,1400-1407,Ogbonnaya The longitudinal effects of parental monitoring and self-control on depression in Korean adolescents: a multivariate latent growth approach,2013,35,9,1327-1332,Jun Parental substance misuse and compliance as factors determining child removal: A sample from the Victorian Children's Court in Australia,2013,35,9,1319-1326,Coles Efficacy of a brief intervention on attitudes to reduce school violence: a randomized clinical trial,2013,35,9,1313-1318,Ruiz-Hernández Parenting stress and parenting behavior among foster mothers of foster children with externalizing problems,2013,35,10,1742-1750,Vanderfaeillie Looking beneath and in-between the hidden surfaces: a critical review of defining measuring and contextualizing mental health service disparities in the child welfare system,2013,35,10,1727-1733,Landsverk Children removed from home by court order: fathers' disenfranchised grief and reclamation of paternal functions,2013,35,10,1679-1686,Baum Systemic differences in views on risk: a comparative case vignette study of risk assessment in England Norway and the United States (California),2013,35,11,1862-1870,Skivenes Individual differences in referral for help for severe emotional difficulties in adolescence,2013,35,11,1854-1861,Slone Have child maltreatment and child placement rates declined?,2013,35,11,1816-1822,Pelton Inadequate housing and the child protection system response,2013,35,11,1809-1815,Font National certification for child and youth workers: does it make a difference?,2013,35,11,1795-1800,Stuart The use of sociograms to explore collaboration in child protection conferences,2013,35,12,2140-2146,Appleton Psychometric testing of the Chinese version of ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tools Children's Home Version (ICAST-CH-C),2013,35,12,2135-2139,Feng Representation of children's views in court hearings about custody and parental visitations -- A comparison between what children wanted and what the courts ruled,2013,35,12,2101-2109,Fossum Agreement among students' teachers' and parents' perceptions of victimization by bullying,2013,35,12,2091-2100,Demaray Substantiating neglect of first nations and non-aboriginal children,2013,35,12,2080-2090,Trocme Comparison of hope of maltreating parents whose children were removed from home with those whose children were kept at home,2013,35,12,2040-2048,Davidson-Arad Placement of children in out-of-home care in Québec Canada: when and for whom initial out-of-home placement is most likely to occur,2013,35,12,2031-2039,Trocme Factor analyzing the "ASK" cultural competency self-assessment scale for child protective services,2013,35,12,1993-2002,Cheung Randomized trial of Promoting First Relationships: effects on maltreated toddlers' separation distress and sleep regulation after reunification,2013,35,12,1988-1992,Fleming A learning collaborative approach to training school-based health providers in evidence-based mental health treatment,2013,35,12,1970-1978,Stephan Racial disparity in risk factors for substantiation of child maltreatment,2013,35,12,1962-1969,Lo Alcohol and drug abuse among young adults who grew up in substitute care -- Findings from a Swedish national cohort study,2013,35,12,1954-1961,von Borczyskowski "It's hard enough to deal with all the abuse issues": Child welfare workers' experiences with intimate partner violence on their caseloads,2013,35,12,1946-1953,Fusco 'Nothing works' in secure residential youth care?,2013,35,12,1941-1945,Stams Peer violence in adolescent residential care: a qualitative examination of contextual and peer factors,2013,35,12,1901-1912,Sekol Juvenile justice mental health and the transition to adulthood: a review of service system involvement and unmet needs in the US,2015,56,,139-148,Zajac Rethinking youth voice and institutional power: Reflections from inside a service learning partnership in a California juvenile hall,2013,35,8,1189-1196,Tilton Structured decision making in juvenile justice: Judges' and probation officers' perceptions and use,2007,29,10,1335-1351,Sarri Maltreatment and delinquency: Investigating child welfare bias in juvenile justice processing,2007,29,8,1035-1050,Marshall Exploring the implementation of justice-based alcohol and drug intervention strategies with juvenile offenders: Reclaiming Futures enhanced adolescent substance abuse treatment and juvenile drug courts,2011,33,,S60-S65,Nissen Reclaiming lost opportunities: Applying public health models in juvenile justice,2008,30,10,1159-1177,Myers Mapping the social service pathways of youth to and through the juvenile justice system: A comprehensive review,2008,30,12,1376-1385,Schwalbe Understanding racial disproportionality affecting African American Youth who cross over from the child welfare to the juvenile justice system: Communication power race and social class,2014,42,,82-90,Marshall Implementing the Crossover Youth Practice Model in diverse contexts: child welfare and juvenile justice professionals' experiences of multisystem collaborations,2014,39,,91-100,Marshall The role of inter-agency collaboration in facilitating receipt of behavioral health services for youth involved with child welfare and juvenile justice,2010,32,12,1814-1822,Chuang Review of research on victims' experiences in restorative justice: Implications for youth justice,2012,34,1,35-42,Bazemore A comparison of service use among youth involved with juvenile justice and mental health,2014,39,,117-122,Ungar The Baby Elmo Program: Improving teen father-child interactions within juvenile justice facilities,2011,33,9,1555-1562,Barr "What! What kind of apology is this?": The nature of apology in victim offender mediation,2009,31,7,813-820,Severson Risk factors for mental health diagnoses among children adopted from the public child welfare system,2012,34,10,2072-2080,Hussey Risk factors for involvement in delinquency among immigrants and native-born Israeli girls,2012,34,10,2052-2060,Khoury-Kassabri Youth care workers' views on the challenges of working with girls: an analysis of the mediating influence of practitioner gender and prior experience with girls,2012,34,11,2240-2246,Lanctôt Family level predictors of victimization and offending among young men: rethinking the role of parents in prevention and interventions models,2012,34,12,2423-2432,Nochajski A longitudinal examination of predictors of delinquency: an analysis of data from the mobile youth survey,2012,34,12,2400-2408,Bolland Conceptualizing the step-down for foster youth approaching adulthood: perceptions of service providers caseworkers and foster parents,2012,34,12,2327-2336,Fedoravicius Outreach social workers for at-risk youth: a test of their attitudes towards crime and young offenders in Hong Kong,2012,34,12,2273-2279,Chui Children in care: a long-term follow up of criminality and mortality,2012,34,9,1947-1955,Bullock Effects of multidimensional treatment foster care (MTFC): results from a RCT study in Sweden,2012,34,9,1929-1936,Hansson The effectiveness of institutional youth care over the past three decades: A meta-analysis,2012,34,9,1818-1824,van der Laan Cognitive training for delinquents within a residential service in Japan,2012,34,9,1762-1768,Matsuura A meta-analysis of the effect of juvenile delinquency interventions on academic outcomes,2012,34,9,1695-1708,Funk Preventing domestic abuse for children and young people: A review of school-based interventions,2015,59,,120-131,Stanley It's not as simple as it sounds: Problems and solutions in accessing and using administrative child welfare data for evaluating the impact of early childhood interventions,2015,57,,40-49,Klevens Predicting relapse of problematic child-rearing situations,2016,61,,288-295,van der Put Who is advocating for children under six? Uncovering unmet needs in child advocacy centers,2016,61,,303-310,Pemberton Parental nativity and the decision to substantiate: findings from a study of Latino children in the second National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being (NSCAW II),2012,34,11,2229-2239,Dettlaff Attachment theory and change processes in foster care,2012,34,11,2208-2219,Mackenzie Dynamics that contribute to racial disproportionality and disparity: perspectives from child welfare professionals community partners and families,2012,34,11,2201-2207,Miller Examining racial disproportionality in child protective services case decisions,2012,34,11,2188-2200,Berger Links between physical abuse in childhood and child neglect among adolescent mothers,2012,34,11,2164-2169,Easterbrooks Direct and mediating effects of accessing sexually explicit online materials on Hong Kong adolescents' attitude knowledge and behavior relating to sex,2012,34,11,2156-2163,Ngai Influence of form and timing of social support on parental outcomes of a child-maltreatment prevention program,2012,34,12,2495-2503,Rodrigo The effects of domestic violence on children's behavior problems: assessing the moderating roles of poverty and marital status,2012,34,12,2464-2473,Yoo Preventing the sexual exploitation of minors in youth-serving organizations,2012,34,12,2442-2453,Wurtele Child training for physical aggression? Lessons from foster care,2012,34,12,2416-2422,Linares Characteristics of incarcerated fathers and mothers: implications for preventive interventions targeting children and families,2012,34,12,2409-2415,Kjellstrand Substance use and victimization: street-involved youths' perspectives and service implications,2012,34,12,2392-2399,Ferguson Knowledge translation in the field of violence against women and children: an assessment of the state of knowledge,2012,34,12,2381-2391,Larrivee Effects of a school readiness intervention for children in foster care on oppositional and aggressive behaviors in kindergarten,2012,34,12,2361-2366,Kim Substance use among current and former foster youth: a systematic review,2012,34,12,2337-2344,Stout Effectiveness of child protective services interventions as indicated by rates of recidivism,2012,34,12,2311-2318,Solomon Taxonomic systems in the field of health care family care and child and youth care: a systematic overview of the literature,2012,34,12,2304-2310,Reijneveld Resilience in children and youth: a review,2012,34,12,2295-2303,Bullock The perceived impact and acceptability of Group Triple P Positive Parenting Program for Aboriginal parents in Canada,2012,34,12,2287-2294,Jamieson Maltreatment of children in out-of-home care: a review of associated factors and outcomes,2012,34,12,2280-2286,Mellor Youth self-report of emotional maltreatment: concordance with official reports and relation to outcomes,2016,62,,111-121,English Fathers' alcohol use and spousal abuse and mothers' child abuse in multicultural families in South Korea: the mediating role of acculturation and parenting stress,2016,63,,28-35,Lee The role of child care in supporting the emotion regulatory needs of maltreated infants and toddlers,2016,64,,73-81,Barnett Maltreatment history as persistent risk: an extension of Li and Godinet (2014),2016,64,,117-121,English Decreasing risk factors for later alcohol use and antisocial behaviors in children in foster care by increasing early promotive factors,2016,65,,156-165,Kim The link between male employment and child maltreatment in the U.S. 2000-2012,2016,66,,117-122,Wang Does changing mandated reporting laws improve child maltreatment reporting in large U.S. counties?,2016,66,,170-179,Palusci Context matters: the state of racial disparities in mental health services among youth reported to child welfare in 1999 and 2009,2016,66,,101-108,Garcia Parent gender and child removal in physical abuse and neglect cases,2016,65,,224-230,Bradley National profile of Latino/Latina children reported to the child welfare system for sexual abuse,2016,66,,18-27,Lanier What's so different about differential response? A multilevel and longitudinal analysis of child neglect investigations,2016,67,,123-132,Mersky Characteristics of cases submitted to a statewide system of child abuse experts,2016,67,,198-202,Kellogg The landscape of UK child protection research between 2010 and 2014: disciplines topics and types of maltreatment,2016,65,,51-61,Jones Maternal victimization and child trauma: the mediating role of mothers' affect,2016,67,,247-253,Newhill The impact of para-professional social workers and community health care workers in Côte d'Ivoire: contributions to the protection and social support of vulnerable children in a resource poor country,2016,67,,230-237,Muriuki Interpersonal trauma and associated psychopathology in girls and boys living in residential care,2016,67,,203-211,Schmeck Running away from child welfare placements: justice system entry risk,2016,67,,191-197,Sarri From foster care to juvenile justice: exploring characteristics of youth in three cities,2016,67,,84-94,Crampton School enrolment following multisystemic treatment: a register-based examination among youth with severe behavioural problems,2016,67,,76-83,Dæhlen Forensic evaluations of drug endangered children: "My house caught on fire; my cat jumped out the window",2016,67,,67-75,Shukla Family formation: a positive outcome for vulnerable young women?,2016,67,,57-66,Jonson-Reid A study of performance indicators and Ofsted ratings in English child protection services,2016,67,,50-56,Jones Serious juvenile offenders who have experienced emerging adulthood: substance use and recidivism,2016,67,,11-19,Connor "It's really overwhelming": parent and service provider perspectives of parents aging out of foster care,2016,67,,1-10,Holtrop Case file coding of child maltreatment: methods challenges and innovations in a longitudinal project of youth in foster care,2016,67,,254-262,Jackson Suicide risk among urban children,2016,68,,73-79,Joe Human trafficking of children in Illinois: prevalence and characteristics,2016,69,,127-135,Zhang Parent-provider relationship in home visiting interventions,2016,69,,106-115,Greacen Self-reported and case file maltreatment: relations to psychosocial outcomes for youth in foster care,2016,69,,241-247,Jackson Single mothers in their communities: the mediating role of parenting stress and depression between social cohesion social control and child maltreatment,2016,70,,37-45,Maguire-Jack Mental health interventions for children in foster care: a systematic review,2016,70,,65-77,Taussig Can community-based interventions prevent child maltreatment?,2016,61,,149-158,Stams Community-based organisations for vulnerable children in South Africa: reach psychosocial correlates and potential mechanisms,2016,62,,58-64,Sherr Maltreatment prevention through early childhood intervention: a confirmatory evaluation of the Chicago Child-Parent Center preschool program,2011,33,8,1454-1463,Mersky Participatory discourse: Engagement in the context of child protection assessment practices from the perspectives of child protection workers parents and children,2017,74,,17-27,Arbeiter The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: meta-analysis of exposure and outcome relations for children of the region,2017,74,,50-61,Ozer Longitudinal trends in substance use and mental health service needs in child welfare,2017,73,,1-8,Perron Differences between risk factors for truancy and delinquency in Dutch adolescents,2017,73,,9-14,Stams Sex violence and drugs among Latin American and Caribbean adolescents: do engaged parents make a difference?,2017,73,,47-56,Ruprah Child maltreatment and criminal convictions in youth: the role of gender ethnicity and placement experiences in an Australian population,2017,73,,57-65,Delfabbro Reducing hostile parenting through computer-mediated parenting education,2017,73,,66-73,Russell Youth psychiatrically hospitalized for suicidality: changes in familial structure exposure to familial trauma family conflict and parental instability as precipitating factors,2017,73,,79-87,Rice Association between social support and child abuse potential among Japanese mothers,2017,73,,88-92,Honda Effectiveness of Multisystemic Therapy for gang-involved youth offenders: one year follow-up analysis of recidivism outcomes,2017,73,,107-112,Boxer Making better sense of children's trajectories in child protection in France,2017,73,,145-148,Séraphin Psychotherapeutic care for sexually-victimized children - do service providers meet the need? Multilevel analysis,2017,73,,165-172,Landolt Feasibility acceptability and effects of a peer support group to prevent child maltreatment among parents experiencing homelessness,2017,73,,187-196,Haskett Preschoolers' perceptions of neighborhood environment safety and help-seeking,2017,73,,197-204,Katz Adolescent delinquency in child welfare system: a multiple disadvantage model,2017,73,,205-212,Cheng Persistent nature of child marriage among women even when it is illegal: the case of Nepal,2017,73,,242-247,Pandey Student attitudes and behaviors as explanations for the Black-White suspension gap,2017,73,,298-308,Cornell Do bullied children have poor relationships with their parents and teachers? A cross-sectional study of Swedish children,2017,73,,347-351,Petzold Developmental changes in the bidirectional relationships between parental monitoring and child delinquency,2017,73,,360-367,Yoo Educators' perceptions of youth mental health: implications for training and the promotion of mental health services in schools,2017,73,,384-391,Williford Child welfare involvement and contexts of poverty: the role of parental adversities social networks and social services,2017,72,,5-13,Fong Economic predictors of child maltreatment in an Australian population-based birth cohort,2017,72,,14-25,Toumbourou Intersections of individual and neighborhood disadvantage: Implications for child maltreatment,2017,72,,44-51,Font Pathways of risk and resilience between neighborhood socioeconomic conditions and parenting,2017,72,,52-59,Leventhal Money matters: does the minimum wage affect child maltreatment rates?,2017,72,,60-70,Raissian The Great Recession and risk for child abuse and neglect,2017,72,,71-81,Brooks-Gunn The effect of lowering welfare payment ceilings on children's risk of out-of-home placement,2017,72,,82-90,Wildeman The potential educational benefits of extending foster care to young adults: findings from a natural experiment,2017,72,,124-132,Courtney Adverse childhood experiences and life opportunities: shifting the narrative,2017,72,,141-149,Klevens Bullying among urban Mexican-heritage youth: exploring risk for substance use by status as a bully victim and bully-victim,2016,61,,216-221,Tran Neglected voices: lessons from forensic investigation following neglect,2016,70,,171-176,Lavi Racial inequality and the implementation of emergency management laws in economically distressed urban areas,2016,70,,1-7,Lee Chaotic experiences and low-income children's social-emotional development,2016,70,,19-29,Gershoff A mixed method study on educational well-being and resilience among youth in foster care,2016,70,,30-36,Strolin-Goltzman Social gradients and participant characteristics in child behavior problem interventions,2016,70,,57-64,Tømmeraas Parent training in foster families with children with behavior problems: follow-up results from a randomized controlled trial,2016,70,,84-94,Hermanns Creating neighborhood recreational space for youth and children in the urban environment: Play(ing in the) Streets in San Francisco,2016,70,,95-101,Zieff To educate or to incarcerate: factors in disproportionality in school discipline,2016,70,,102-111,D'Amico Constructing pride shame and humiliation as a mechanism of control: a case study of an English local authority child protection service,2016,70,,120-128,Gibson A scoping study of moral injury: identifying directions for social work research,2016,70,,190-200,Haight Factors predicting prosecution of child maltreatment cases,2016,70,,201-205,Sloan Neighborhood and parenting both matter: the role of neighborhood collective efficacy and maternal spanking in early behavior problems,2016,70,,250-260,Ma "Parents need a village": caseworkers' perceptions of the challenges faced by single parents of system-involved youth,2016,70,,293-301,Thomas Parent-adolescent relationship quality as a link in adolescent and maternal depression,2016,70,,309-314,McWey Effectiveness of ACT Raising Safe Kids Parenting Program in a developing country,2016,70,,315-323,Altafim Future orientation climate in the school class: relations to adolescent delinquency heavy alcohol use and internalizing problems,2016,70,,324-331,Alm Validation of the Chinese version of the 12-Item Child and Youth Resilience Measure,2016,70,,332-339,Hu Maternal incarceration and children's delinquent involvement: the role of sibling relationships,2016,70,,340-348,Copp Recovery coaches and the stability of reunification for substance abusing families in child welfare,2016,70,,357-363,Perron Use of evidence-based interventions in child welfare: do attitudes matter?,2016,70,,375-382,Leathers Violence exposure and bullying among African American adolescents: examining the protective role of academic engagement,2016,70,,394-402,Voisin "Hello! I know you help people here right?": a qualitative study of young people's acted motivations in text-based counseling,2016,71,,27-35,Gatti Physical abuse after child protective services investigation and adolescent substance use,2016,71,,36-44,Holmes Preventing physical child abuse by legal punishment and neighbor help,2016,71,,45-51,Cheung Loneliness the search for meaning and the psychological well-being of economically disadvantaged Chinese adolescents living in Hong Kong: implications for life skills development programs,2016,71,,52-60,To A national probability study of problematic substance use and treatment receipt among Latino caregivers involved with child welfare: the influence of nativity and legal status,2016,71,,61-67,Seay Outcomes of family centered meetings for families referred to Child Protective Services,2016,71,,93-102,Fong Mobile crisis services for children and families: advancing a community-based model in Connecticut,2016,71,,103-109,Vanderploeg The link between juvenile offending and victimization: sources of change over time in bullying victimization risk among South Korean adolescents,2016,71,,119-129,Wooldredge Familism and depressive symptoms among Italian adolescents: the mediating effect of parental attachment,2016,71,,130-136,Lis Understanding types locations & perpetrators of peer-to-peer sexual harassment in U.S. middle schools: a focus on sex racial and grade differences,2016,71,,174-183,Espelage Children's executive function in a CPS-involved sample: effects of cumulative adversity and specific types of adversity,2016,71,,184-190,Kim The impact of parenting education on parent and child behaviors: moderators by income and ethnicity,2016,71,,199-209,Sektnan The lifetime economic and social costs of child maltreatment in Australia,2016,71,,217-226,Pezzullo Using structural equation modeling to assess the impact of factors on sexual risk and delinquent behavior in Dutch female offenders,2016,71,,233-240,van Horn Reducing child aggression through sports intervention: the role of self-control skills and emotions,2016,71,,241-249,Rosenbaum Building a landscape of resilience after workplace violence in public child welfare,2016,71,,250-256,Ward How parents suspected of child maltreatment change their cognition and behavior: a process model of outreach and child protection generated via grounded theory,2016,71,,257-265,Iyo The assessment of early trauma exposure on social-emotional health of young children,2016,71,,308-314,Crusto Violence against children who have left home lived on the street and been domestic workers -- a study of reintegrated children in Kagera Region Tanzania,2016,69,,233-240,Olsson Behavioral health correlates of exposure to community violence among African-American adolescents in Chicago,2016,69,,97-105,Voisin A review of school-based suicide prevention interventions in South Korea 1995-2015,2016,69,,193-200,Kong Race and child maltreatment reporting: are Blacks overrepresented?,2009,31,3,309-316,Jonson-Reid Developing "whole school" bystander interventions: the role of school-settings in influencing adolescents responses to dating violence and bullying,2017,74,,87-95,Herrenkohl Reunification of foster children: factors associated with reunification outcomes in Flanders and the Netherlands,2016,70,,284-292,Goemans Introduction to the special issue on the economic causes and consequences of child maltreatment,2017,72,,1-4,Berger The moderating role of resiliency on the negative effects of childhood abuse for adolescent girls involved in child welfare,2017,73,,437-444,Edmond Social outrage and organizational behavior: a national study of child protective service decisions,2017,77,,153-163,Camasso Risk assessment in a multicultural context: risk and protective factors in the decision to place children in foster care,2017,77,,69-75,Di Blasio Resilience among adult survivors of childhood neglect: a missing piece in the resilience literature,2017,78,,93-103,Jonson-Reid Advancing the measurement of collective community capacity to address adverse childhood experiences and resilience,2017,76,,142-153,Adams The within poverty differences in the occurrence of physical neglect,2017,75,,1-6,Martin Child maltreatment re-notifications in Germany: analysis of local case files,2017,75,,42-49,Kindler Adverse childhood experiences among youth aging out of foster care: a latent class analysis,2017,74,,108-116,Nurius Listening to the voices of children in decision-making: a challenge for the child protection system in Spain,2017,79,,418-425,Pastor The construction of child neglect in English-speaking countries: children risk and poor families,2019,97,,112-119,Mason Mapping the inter-organizational landscape of child maltreatment prevention and service delivery: a network analysis,2017,73,,352-359,Colvin Exploration of factors predictive of at-risk fathers' participation in a pilot study of an augmented evidence-based parent training program: a mixed methods approach,2017,79,,485-494,Self-Brown Testing three pathways to substance use and delinquency among low-income African American adolescents,2017,75,,7-14,Voisin Factors associated with service utilization in child welfare: a structural equation model,2017,79,,506-516,Fluke Development and implementation of a screen-and-refer approach to addressing maternal depression substance use and intimate partner violence in home visiting clients,2017,81,,157-167,Dauber Developmental pathways from child maltreatment to adolescent substance use: the roles of posttraumatic stress symptoms and mother-child relationships,2017,82,,271-279,Yoon Concurrent child history and contextual predictors of children's internalizing and externalizing behavior problems in foster care,2018,84,,125-136,Price Youth firearm suicide: precipitating/risk factors and gun access,2017,83,,9-16,Dinitto Educational risk recidivism and service access among youth involved in both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems,2018,85,,72-80,Herz The voices of survivors: an exploration of the contributing factors that assisted with exiting from commercial sexual exploitation in childhood,2018,85,,91-98,Corbett Are there population biases against migrant children? An experimental analysis of attitudes towards corporal punishment in Austria Norway and Spain,2018,85,,151-157,Skivenes An examination of class-based visibility bias in national child maltreatment reporting,2018,85,,165-173,Jonson-Reid Preventing child sexual abuse (CSA) in ethnic minority communities: a literature review and suggestions for practice in Australia,2018,85,,174-186,Katz SafeCare in Israel: the challenges of implementing an evidence-based program,2018,85,,187-193,Zeira Foster parents exposed to political violence: the role of social support in addressing emotional and functional difficulties,2018,85,,211-218,Benbenishty Barriers and facilitators for access to mental health services by traumatized youth,2018,85,,273-278,Gallo Teens' and parents' perceived levels of helpfulness: an examination of suggested "things to say" to youth experiencing teen dating violence,2018,85,,326-332,Weisz "Arguments online but in school we always act normal": the embeddedness of early adolescent negative peer interactions within the whole of their offline and online peer interactions,2018,86,,1-13,Cross Racial disparities in child maltreatment: the role of social service availability,2018,86,,49-55,Maguire-Jack Assessment of the complex effects of trauma across child serving settings: measurement properties of the CANS-Trauma Comprehensive,2018,86,,64-75,Kisiel Association of childhood abuse and neglect with prescription opioid misuse: examination of mediation by adolescent depressive symptoms and pain,2018,86,,84-93,Shanahan Change in delinquency over time between adolescents with and without maltreatment experiences: attachment and the school's role,2018,86,,110-119,Rhee Charting the attitudes of county child protection staff in a post-crisis environment,2018,86,,166-175,Rochelle Cyberbullying perpetration among Chinese adolescents: the role of interparental conflict moral disengagement and moral identity,2018,86,,256-263,Wang Social family and trauma risk factors for common disorders in Israeli youth,2018,86,,264-270,Bifulco Experiences of child protection workers in collaborating with adult mental health providers: an exploratory study from Ontario Canada,2018,86,,271-276,Du Mont Children's emotional and behavioral problems in the shadow of terrorism: the case of Israel,2018,86,,302-307,Laufer Training youth services staff to identify assess and intervene when working with youth at high risk for suicide,2018,86,,308-315,Osteen Feasibility of internet-based parent training for low-income parents of young children,2018,84,,198-205,Ondersma Public housing agency preferences for the homeless as a policy lever: examining county-level housing subsidy receipt and maltreatment rates,2017,78,,81-88,Curtis Connectedness to family school peers and community in socially vulnerable adolescents,2017,81,,321-331,King Examining the wider context of formal youth mentoring programme development delivery and maintenance: a qualitative study with mentoring managers and experts in the United Kingdom,2018,95,,95-108,Kipping Relationship between child maltreatment and adolescent body mass index trajectories,2018,93,,196-202,Halpern Mental health symptoms and delinquency among court-involved youth referred for treatment,2019,98,,312-318,Esposito-Smythers Community-based learning collaboratives and participant reports of interprofessional collaboration barriers to and utilization of child trauma services,2018,94,,306-314,Hanson A short-term evaluation of a hospital no hit zone policy to increase bystander intervention in cases of parent-to-child violence,2018,94,,155-162,Taylor Child abuse mental health and sleeping arrangements among homeless youth: links to physical and sexual street victimization,2018,95,,327-333,Tyler Risk and protective factors for alcohol marijuana and cocaine use among child welfare-involved youth,2018,95,,88-94,Crusto The effect of direct and vicarious police contact on the educational achievement of urban teens,2019,103,,190-199,Wilson Why does child maltreatment occur? Caregiver perspectives and analyses of neighborhood structural factors across twenty years,2019,99,,138-145,Spilsbury The moderating role of attachment on the association between childhood maltreatment and adolescent dating violence,2018,94,,679-688,Stover Harsh physical punishment as a mediator between income re-reports and out-of-home placement in a child protective services-involved population,2019,103,,70-78,Seay Risk and protective factors for substance use among youth experiencing homelessness,2019,107,,e104548,Tyler Child maltreatment and body mass index over time: the roles of social support and stress responses,2019,100,,214-220,Ennett Prevalence of homelessness and co-occurring problems: a comparison of young adults in Victoria Australia and Washington State United States,2020,109,,e104692,Toumbourou Brief stress reduction strategies associated with better behavioral climate in a crisis nursery: a pilot study,2020,110,,e104813,Gunnar Underexamined points of vulnerability for Black mothers in the child welfare system: the role of number of births age of first use of substances and criminal justice involvement,2020,108,,e104557,Morgenstern Impact of the United States federal child tax credit on childhood injuries and behavior problems,2019,107,,e104718,Klevens An evaluation of welfare and child welfare system integration on rates of child maltreatment in Colorado,2019,96,,e12.009,Klevens Exploring the association between parenting stress and a child's exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs),2019,102,,186-192,Crouch A longitudinal examination of African American adolescent females detained for status offense,2020,108,,e104648,DiClemente Intimate partner violence victimization among college students with disabilities: prevalence help-seeking and the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and intimate partner violence victimization,2020,110,,e104741,Hong #WhyIDidntReport: Reasons why young Israelis do not submit complaints regarding sexual abuse,2020,115,,e105044,Dolev-Cohen Mothers abused by intimate partners: comparisons of those with children placed by child protective services and those without,2020,115,,e105090,Tutty The role of parental incarceration in predicting trajectories of child internalizing problems,2020,115,,e105055,Eddy Cybervictimization and loneliness among Chinese college students: a moderated mediation model of rumination and online social support,2020,115,,e105085,Fang Exploring college student identity among young people with foster care histories and mental health challenges,2020,114,,e104992,Miller Posttraumatic stress disorder and aggressive behavior in adolescents: a longitudinal and interpersonal functional approach,2020,114,,e105027,Zhou The costs of implementing and sustaining a trauma and mental health screening tool in a state child welfare system,2020,114,,e105011,Jankowski The sins of the child: public opinion about parental responsibility for juvenile crime,2020,114,,e105023,Applegate Violent disciplinary behaviors towards left-behind children in 20 counties of rural China,2020,114,,e105016,Zhou Cyber victimization and tobacco and alcohol use among adolescents: a moderated mediation model,2020,114,,e105041,Li Impact of perception of safety on outcomes in the context of trauma,2020,114,,e105060,Ringle Protective factors of suicide: religiosity and parental monitoring,2020,114,,e105073,Moon School safety agents' identification of adolescent bullying,2020,113,,e104942,Paez Follow or be followed: exploring the links between Instagram popularity social media addiction cyber victimization and subjective happiness in Italian adolescents,2020,113,,e104955,Longobardi The relationship between child sexual abuse self-concept and psychopathology: the moderating role of social support and perceived parental quality,2020,113,,e104938,Gewirtz-Meydan Identifying children suspected for maltreatment: the assessment process taken by healthcare professionals working in community healthcare services,2020,113,,e104964,Alfandari Women and men sexually violated by closely related perpetrators over a lifespan. Prevalence revictimization and association to adverse childhood conditions and experiences,2020,113,,e104897,Andersson Parental engagement in child protection assessment practice: voices from parents,2020,113,,e104968,Toros Resilience following exposure to intimate partner violence and other violence: a comparison of Latino and non-Latino youth,2020,113,,e104975,Mariscal Bullying victimization school belonging academic engagement and achievement in adolescents in rural China: a serial mediation model,2020,113,,e104946,Li The juvenile victimization questionnaire: psychometric properties and poly-victimization among Portuguese youth,2020,113,,e105001,Cardoso "To say it out loud is to kill your own childhood." - An exploration of the first person perspective of barriers to disclosing child sexual abuse,2020,113,,e104999,Halvorsen Violence exposure among Chinese middle school students: characteristics and influencing factors,2020,113,,e105000,Wang Exploring the association between a parent's exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and outcomes of depression and anxiety among their children,2020,113,,e105013,Glover Disrupting the disruption cycle - a longitudinal analysis of aggression trajectories quality of life psychopathology and self-efficacy in closed youth residential care,2020,113,,e105015,Schmid Teacher education and child protection: complying with requirements or putting children first?,2020,113,,e105009,Treacy Multilevel factors associated with the intergenerational continuity of child sexual abuse,2020,113,,e105007,Hébert School engagement self-esteem and depression of adolescents: the role of sport participation and volunteering activity and gender differences,2020,113,,e105012,Park The role of decision making in the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the Australian child protection system,2020,113,,e105019,Harnett Peer victimization and adolescents' suicidal ideation and suicide attempts: a moderated mediation model,2020,112,,e104888,Li Child protection in Mexico: a review of policy system structure and current challenges,2020,112,,e104878,Grietens School personnel and child abuse and neglect reporting behavior: an integrative review,2020,112,,e104892,Alazri Are bully-victims homogeneous? Latent class analysis on school bullying,2020,112,,e104922,Chung Child victimization in China: prevalence and links to family contextual characteristics using a representative sample,2020,112,,e104919,Li A Bayesian analysis of associations between neighborhoods spanking and child externalizing behavior,2020,112,,e104930,Lee The roles of neighborhood social cohesion peer substance use and adolescent depression in adolescent substance use,2020,112,,e104931,Wu Relationship between overeating and child abuse by family members among Chinese adolescents,2020,112,,e104944,Zhang Predictors of parental disciplinary practices and associations with child outcomes among Ghanaian preschoolers,2020,112,,e104518,Wolf The effect of supervisory neglect on adolescent peer victimization: mediating role of self-esteem and internalizing problems,2020,111,,e104839,Lee Suicidality mental disorder and the utilization of mental health services among Australian adolescents,2020,111,,e104821,Kabir Predicting adolescent aggressive behavior from community violence exposure deviant peer affiliation and school engagement: a one-year longitudinal study,2020,111,,e104840,Chen Adverse childhood experiences and the associations with depression and anxiety in adolescents,2020,111,,e104850,Nam How long bullying last? A comparison between a self-reported general bullying-victimization question and specific bullying-victimization questions,2020,111,,e104844,Beltrán-Catalán Risk factors for externalizing behavior among adolescents: does level of risk matter?,2020,111,,e104829,Stalker Bullying victimization and suicidal ideation among Chinese left-behind children: mediating effect of loneliness and moderating effect of gender,2020,111,,e104848,Xu The psychosocial impacts of cybervictimisation and barriers to seeking social support: young people's perspectives,2020,111,,e104872,Arensman Adverse childhood experiences among early care and education teachers: prevalence and associations with observed quality of classroom social and emotional climate,2020,111,,e104877,Davies The collaboration between early childhood intervention and child protection systems: the perspectives of professionals,2020,111,,e104873,MagalhÃes "Maybe if they let us tell the story I wouldn't have gotten suspended": understanding Black students' and parents' perceptions of school discipline,2020,110,,e104757,Bell The developmental status of abused and neglected children in the Philippines,2020,110,,e104756,Bengwasan Participant roles of peer bystanders in school bullying situations: evidence from Wuhan China,2020,110,,e104762,Ngai Cyberbullying and ICT use by immigrant youths: a serial multiple-mediator SEM analysis,2020,110,,e104621,Kim Submissiveness assertiveness and aggressiveness in school-age children: the role of self-efficacy and the Big Five,2020,110,,e104746,Nikel Cyberbullying experiences in classmates' WhatsApp discourse across public and private contexts,2020,110,,e104814,Aizenkot Managing stressors online and offline: LGBTQ+ Youth in the Southern United States,2020,110,,e104799,Wagaman Relationships between adverse childhood experiences and protective factors among parents at-risk for child maltreatment,2020,110,,e104816,Faulkner Critical components of interventions to promote resilience among children with maltreatment experiences: a qualitative study of practitioners' perspectives,2020,110,,e104810,Yoon The relationship between parent-child triangulation and early adolescent depression in Hong Kong: the mediating roles of self-acceptance positive relations and personal growth,2020,109,,e104676,Kwok Perceived school climate and adolescents' bullying perpetration: a moderated mediation model of moral disengagement and peers' defending,2020,109,,e104716,Wang Provision of specialized services for children exposed to domestic violence: barriers encountered in Violence Against Women (VAW) services,2020,109,,e104684,Dawson Bullying victimization at school and subjective well-being in early and late peruvian adolescents in residential care: the contribution of satisfaction with microsystem domains,2020,109,,e104685,Oriol Academic performance and delinquent and aggressive behaviors among children with substance using mothers,2020,109,,e104683,Slesnick Buffering the effects of childhood trauma within the school setting: a systematic review of trauma-informed and trauma-responsive interventions among trauma-affected youth,2020,109,,e104691,Valentino Cyberbullying: roles of school psychologists and school counselors in addressing a pervasive social justice issue,2020,109,,e104720,Elbedour Being bullied psychological pain and suicidal ideation among Chinese adolescents: a moderated mediation model,2020,109,,e104744,Li Safety assessment in child welfare: a comparison of instruments,2020,108,,e104555,Stams Pathways into college and away from crime: perspectives of Black and Latino/a youth growing up in single-mother households in one of America's most dangerous cities,2020,108,,e104561,Napolitano Previous reports of child maltreatment from the Canadian Incidence Study (CIS) 2008 of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect: an examination of recurrent substantiation and functional impairment,2020,108,,e104507,Sareen Patterns of incarceration among youth after detention: a 16-year longitudinal study,2020,108,,e104516,Teplin Income instability and child maltreatment: exploring associations and mechanisms,2020,108,,e104596,Monahan Case file analyses in child protection research: review of methodological challenges and development of a framework,2020,108,,e104551,Witte Impulsiveness or self-protection? Exploring individual perceptions family and school strains related to why adolescents run away from home in China,2020,108,,e104615,Gao Structural equation modeling and the effect of perceived academic inferiority socially prescribed perfectionism and parents' forced social comparison on adolescents' depression and aggression,2020,108,,e104649,Ha Relations among online emotional content use social and emotional competencies and cyberbullying,2020,108,,e104647,Hunter Exposure to cyberbullying in WhatsApp classmates' groups and classroom climate as predictors of students' sense of belonging: a multi-level analysis of elementary middle and high schools,2020,108,,e104614,Aizenkot Caregiver physical health and child maltreatment reports and rereports,2020,108,,e104671,Jonson-Reid "Which home are we going back to?" Children's lived experiences after leaving shelters for battered women,2020,108,,e104670,Haj-Yahia The association of a paraprofessional home visiting intervention with lower child maltreatment rates in First Nation families in Canada: a population-based retrospective cohort study,2020,108,,e104675,Brownell "I missed open arms": the need for connectedness among Black youth affected by parental drug use,2020,114,,e105072,Powell Unpacking the dynamics involved in the impact of bullying victimization on adolescent suicidal ideation: testing general strain theory in the Korean context,2020,110,,e104781,Hay Helping the noncompliant child: an updated assessment of program costs and cost-effectiveness,2020,114,,e105050,Forehand Improving child welfare's use of data for service planning: practitioner perspectives on a training curriculum,2020,110,,e104783,Romano Decision making at substantiation in cases involving racialized families: child protection workers' perceptions of influential factors,2020,110,,e104794,Poirier Parental perceptions linked to opioid misuse among justice-involved children,2020,116,,e105203,Johnson Calling child protectives services is a form of community policing that should be used appropriately: time to engage mandatory reporters as to the harmful effects of unnecessary reports,2020,110,,e104817,Raz Is housing hardship associated with increased adolescent delinquent behaviors?,2020,116,,e105116,Gold Social media use and deliberate self-harm among youth: a systematized narrative review,2020,116,,e5054,Brent Accessibility affordability accountability sustainability and social justice of early childhood education in China: a case study of Shenzhen,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Service needs of young people affected by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): a systematic review of UK qualitative evidence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sutcliffe Homelessness among Indigenous peoples in Canada: the impacts of child welfare involvement and educational achievement,2020,111,,e104846,Gorey High cost child welfare cases: child characteristics and child welfare services,2020,111,,e104853,Yampolskaya The effect of child mental health service use on child safety and permanency in substance misusing families,2020,111,,e104887,Yampolskaya Detection and reporting potential child and youth victimization cases from school: the role of knowledge,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guilera Communication and language in abused and institutionalized minors. A scoping review,2020,112,,e104904,Sala-Roca Income inequality and child maltreatment risk during economic recession,2020,112,,e104926,Gassman-Pines Addressing the most damaged adolescents in the child protection system: an analysis of the profiles of young people in therapeutic residential care,2020,112,,e104923,Santos Changes in Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) scores over time: a systematic review,2020,112,,e104917,Miller Dark personality traits and cyber aggression in adolescents: a moderated mediation analysis of belief in virtuous humanity and self-control,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhao Health needs of youth in detention with limited justice involvement,2020,118,,e5412,Abrams How the structure of egocentric Facebook networks is associated with exposure to risky content for maltreated versus comparison youth,2020,109,,e4700,Negriff Expanding our understanding of intergenerational exposure to adversity,2020,118,,e105369,Negriff Substance use profiles among gang-involved youth: social ecology implications for service approaches,2020,119,,e105600,Nurius Suicidal ideation among Bangladeshi university students early during the COVID-19 pandemic: prevalence estimates and correlates,2020,119,,e105703,Potenza Opioid overdose events and child maltreatment indicators: differential county-level associations,2020,119,,e105671,Bishop "Can we talk?": A longitudinal analysis of Latino & non-Hispanic parent-child connectedness & adolescent ideation,2020,110,,e104775,De Luca Knowledge attitudes and mental health of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in China,2020,119,,e105494,Jiang Reproductive coercion intimate partner violence and pregnancy risk among adolescent women with a history of foster care involvement,2021,120,,e105731,Miller Prevalence age of initiation and patterns of co-occurrence of digital dating abuse behaviors nationwide,2021,122,,e105921,Rivara Small becomes big fast: adolescent perceptions of how social media features escalate online conflict to offline violence,2021,122,,e105898,Elsaesser Prevalence and predictors of post-traumatic stress symptoms and depressive symptoms among Bangladeshi students during COVID-19 mandatory home confinement: a nationwide cross-sectional survey,2021,122,,e105880,Ansar Factors that inhibit and promote resilience following childhood maltreatment: a qualitative exploration of practitioner perspectives,2021,122,,e105895,Yoon The moderating role of parental support in the relationship between latent profiles of bullying victimization and sense of school belonging: a cross-national comparison,2021,122,,e105827,Han When doing the right thing feels wrong: moral distress among child welfare caseworkers,2021,122,,e105914,Stahlschmidt Independent and cumulative impacts of adverse childhood experiences on adolescent subgroups of anxiety and depression,2021,122,,e105885,Kim Stakeholder perspectives on the implementation of shared decision making to empower youth who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation,2021,122,,e105894,Knoepke The additive and interactive effects of parental harsh discipline and boys' gender-related traits on boys' externalizing problem behaviors,2021,122,,e105908,Wang Testing for seasonality in Canadian child welfare investigations,2021,122,,e105878,Trocme "It was a joke:" patterns in girls' and boys' self-reported motivations for digital dating abuse behaviors,2021,122,,e105883,Tolman Adolescent parental attachment and intimate relationship in adulthood: an investigation of contextual factors and long-term outcomes of child sexual abuse,2021,122,,e105869,Liu The evolution and development of the value orientation of juvenile delinquency correction in China,2021,122,,e105475,Yang Family sustainability and child protection in Vietnam,2021,122,,e105884,Spence Longitudinal impact of the Second Step Child Protection Unit on teacher knowledge attitude and climate,2021,123,,e105892,Livingston The association between adverse childhood experiences and young adult outcomes: a scoping study,2021,123,,e105916,Park Occupational risk factors in child protection social work: a scoping review,2021,123,,e105888,Fouche The relationship between exposure to risky online content cyber victimization perception of cyberbullying and cyberbullying offending in Korean adolescents,2021,123,,e105946,Bae Botswana child sexual abuse legal framework: an analysis of the implementation of Children's Act 2009,2021,121,,e105887,Ramabu Risk factors identified in prenatal child protection reports,2021,122,,e105905,Arney A national study of child maltreatment reporting at the county level: Interactions among race/ethnicity rurality and poverty,2021,122,,e105925,Smith Mental health need and psychiatric service utilization patterns of refugee children in Turkey: a comparative study,2021,124,,e105970,Anagnostopoulos Body weight perception and depressive symptoms in Chinese college students,2021,124,,105969,Zhang The impact of Parents Anonymous on child safety and permanency,2021,124,,105973,Harris The role of risk in child welfare decision-making: a prospective cohort examination of families transferred to ongoing child protection services after an investigation,2021,125,,105983,Fallon The latent profile analysis of Chinese adolescents' depression: examination and validation,2021,125,,106006,Yu Putting risk into perspective: lessons for children and youth services from a participatory advocacy project with survivors of sexual violence in Albania Moldova and Serbia,2021,126,,e106003,Bovarnick Types of child maltreatment and child welfare involvement among opioid-using mothers involved in substance use treatment,2021,126,,106021,Moreland Early trauma and psychosocial outcomes among college students,2021,126,,106052,Jackson Intergenerational transmission of childhood maltreatment and eating disorder behaviors: shedding light on the mother-daughter dyad and grandmother-mother-daughter triad,2021,129,,e106209,Talmon Stressful events and adolescents' suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 epidemic: a moderated mediation model of depression and parental educational involvement,2021,127,,e106047,Cheng In what kinds of communities do people on the sex offender registry live? An analysis of ten states,2021,127,,e106061,Jonson-Reid Associations between psychosocial functioning and physical health in youth with maltreatment experiences,2021,127,,e106080,Schneiderman Bullying victimization self-efficacy fear of failure and adolescents' subjective well-being in China,2021,127,,e106084,Huang Breaking the cycle of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): economic position moderates the relationship between mother and child ACE scores among Black and Hispanic families,2021,127,,e106067,Treves-Kagan Contextual correlates of loneliness in adolescents,2021,127,,e106083,Ruiter Deviant peer affiliation and adolescents' cyberbullying perpetration: online disinhibition and perceived social support as moderators,2021,127,,e106066,Wang Adolescent firearm suicide risk patterns: a latent class analysis using U.S. National Violent Death Reporting System surveillance data 2007-2017,2021,127,,e106101,Self-Brown Opportunities to improve sleep of children exposed to interpersonal violence: a social-ecological perspective,2021,127,,e106082,Spilsbury Supervisor support and emotional labor in the context of client aggression,2021,127,,e106105,Guay Awareness and knowledge of pediatric abusive head trauma among healthcare professionals in Taiwan,2021,127,,e106125,Feng Family members' perspectives of child protection services a metasynthesis of the literature,2021,128,,e106094,Bekaert Cyber victimization in adolescence: a qualitative study,2021,128,,e106139,Ayhan Treating attention problems in children exposed to intimate partner violence: evaluating the Preschool Kids' Club,2021,128,,e106138,Graham-Bermann The mediating role of willingness to seek help on the relationship between peer victimization and mental health outcomes,2021,128,,e106161,Williford Responding to intimate partner violence (IPV) in Ontario Canada: a closer look at police involvement,2021,128,,e106168,Fallon Mentoring as a protective factor: exploring its impact on childhood sexual abuse survivors,2021,128,,e106169,Williams Bullying patterns and their associations with child maltreatment and adolescent psychosocial problems,2021,129,,e106178,Yoon Parents' and adolescents' perceptions of parental involvement and their relationships with depression among Chinese middle school students during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,129,,e106190,Yang Household member arrest and adolescent externalizing behaviors: the roles of family and peer climates,2021,129,,e106207,Bolland "We took turns": How do child victims of intrafamilial child sexual abuse perceive and experience their siblings?,2021,130,,e106227,Tener How peer influence mediates the effects of video games playing on adolescents' aggressive behavior,2021,130,,e106225,Sun Reintegration with family and intimate partner violence (IPV) against women among the returnee migrant worker's family during COVID-19 induced lockdown: a block-level analysis using multinomial logistic regression model,2021,130,,e106226,Das Changing the classroom climate to lower the threshold for child abuse and neglect self-disclosure: a non-randomized cluster controlled trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hoefnagels Gender differences in pathways from physical and sexual abuse to early substance use,2017,83,,25-32,Kobulsky Collaborative fidelity assessment planning for the evaluation of a community-based maltreatment prevention model: the Family Success Network (FSN),2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rolock The association between family physical environment and child maltreatment,2022,139,,e106551,Topitzes School climate and bullying victimization among adolescents: a moderated mediation model,2021,131,,e106218,Cheng Sobriety treatment and recovery teams for families with co-occurring substance use and child maltreatment: a propensity score-matched evaluation,2021,131,,e106256,Hall Measurement of traumatic experiences of children within survey and intervention research: a systematic review of the Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen,2021,131,,e106259,Killian The effect of child neglect and abuse information studies on parents' awareness levels during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,131,,e106271,Şenol ACT Raising Safe Kids Program improves parenting practices beliefs about physical punishment management of anger and mental health: initial evidence from a study in Brazil,2021,131,,e106299,Habigzang The neglected ones: time at home during COVID-19 and child maltreatment,2021,131,,e106287,Raissian Knowledge and attitudes of adolescents to marijuana: an international prospective study,2021,131,,e106306,Morgan Evaluation of a simulation training program for new child protection investigators: a survey of investigators in the field,2021,131,,e106295,Cross Psychological strains and suicidality - a path model with insomnia and stress as mediators among Chinese college graduating students,2022,132,,e106304,Zhang Identifying revictimization trajectories among adolescent girls using latent class growth analysis: an examination of state dependence and population heterogeneity,2022,132,,e106269,Cho Differences in trauma exposure PTSD and child well-being as a function of parental substance misuse in a child welfare sample,2022,132,,e106326,Jankowski Effects of childhood maltreatment on prosocial behaviors among Chinese emerging adults: a mediated moderation model of psychological suzhi and gratitude,2022,132,,e106334,Liu The impact of school's security and restorative justice measures on school violence,2022,132,,e106305,Kruis Mental health services use among adolescent bullying victims in Australia: results from a nationwide survey,2022,132,,e106312,Salam Improving services for youth survivors of commercial sexual exploitation: insights from interventions with other high-risk youth,2022,132,,e106313,Jones Parental awareness and supervision to prevent cyberbullying: scale adaptation and a review in terms of demographic variables,2022,133,,e106329,Atman Uslu Child maltreatment and nonsuicidal self-injury among Chinese adolescents: the mediating effect of psychological resilience and loneliness,2022,133,,e106335,Xiang Text mining and the examination of language used to report child maltreatment: how language impacts child welfare intake reports,2022,133,,e106344,Miller Analysis of the relationship between school bullying cyberbullying and substance use,2022,134,,e106369,Rial Psychological maltreatment and college student mental wellbeing: a uni and multi-dimensional effect of positive perception,2022,134,,e106371,Arslan Mindfulness and posttraumatic response patterns among adolescents following the tornado,2022,134,,e106375,Chen Caregiver and family-focused interventions for early adolescents affected by armed conflict: a narrative review,2022,134,,e106361,Corley The role of age-specific trauma history and depression of caregivers in the intergenerational transmission of child abuse victimization: linear and quadratic latent growth curve models,2022,135,,e106390,Cho Parents' anticipated responses to children's cyberbullying experiences; action education and emotion,2022,136,,e106398,Stuart In vivo social regulation of high-risk parenting: a conceptual model of parent-child interaction therapy for child maltreatment prevention,2022,136,,e106391,Funderburk Exploring the association between social support and patterns of bullying victimization among school-aged adolescents,2022,136,,e106418,Lee "Growing out of depression and neuroticism": keep children away from maltreatment,2022,136,,e106422,Jiang Adverse childhood experiences: a scoping review of measures and methods,2022,136,,e106425,Mason Children's understandings of gender-based violence at home: the role school can play in child disclosure,2022,136,,e106431,Montserrat Prevalence and correlates of mental health disorders among children & adolescents in U.S,2022,136,,e106441,Okwori Mental health targets in child maltreatment prevention programs: a systematic review of randomized trials,2022,136,,e106423,Cho Repeat missing child reports: prevalence timing and risk factors,2022,136,,e106454,Bezeczky Understanding extremist ideas: the mediating role of psychological well-being in the relationship between family functioning and extremism,2022,136,,e106420,ObaidAllah Sarour Longitudinal pathways between marital relationships and children's CU traits: parenting style mediation and gender moderation,2022,137,,e106456,Wang Armed conflicts and girl child marriages: a global evidence,2022,137,,e106458,Goli Childhood adversity subtypes and young adulthood mental health problems: unpacking effects of maltreatment family dysfunction and peer victimization,2022,137,,e106455,Narayan Parent-adolescent bonding on interpersonal violence in Bangladeshi adolescents: evidence from the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS) 2014,2022,137,,e106473,Saif-Ur-Rahman The children of the Argentinean desaparecidos: traumatic attachment-related experiences,2022,137,,e106478,Pallini Investigation of suicide probability in sexually abused adolescents and the associated factors,2022,137,,e106435,Soylu Men survivors' perspectives on impact of child sexual abuse,2022,137,,e106485,Sharma How does religiosity affect the richness of child forensic testimonies? Comparing the narratives of sexual abuse victims from three Jewish groups in Israel,2022,137,,e106488,Tener Pregnancy and miscarriage predict suicide attempts but not substance use among dual-systems involved female adolescents,2022,137,,e106494,Leve Detecting the risk of suicidal-related behaviours in teenagers by means of combined personality dimensions,2022,138,,e106500,Planellas Mother-Daughter sexual abuse: an exploratory study of the experiences of survivors of MDSA using Reddit,2022,138,,e106497,Lin The impact of COVID-19 on Canadian child maltreatment workers,2022,138,,e106492,Evans Which coping strategies moderate the depression-suicide ideation link in Black college students? A psychometric investigation,2022,138,,e106448,Goodwill Differences in suicidality and psychological symptoms between sexual and gender minority youth compared to heterosexual and cisgender youth in a psychiatric hospital,2022,138,,e106504,Lucassen Internalizing symptoms and use of mental health services among domestic adoptees,2022,138,,e106499,Grotevant A structural equatin model of the relationships between social-emotional competence social support depression and aggression in early adolescents in South Korea,2022,138,,e106498,Kang Reducing teachers' use of violence toward students: a cluster-randomized controlled trial in secondary schools in Southwestern Uganda,2022,138,,e106521,Hecker Child labour and its determinants in India,2022,138,,e106523,Das Effect of parental competences on anxious-depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in adolescents: exploring the mediating role of mindfulness,2022,138,,e106526,Oliva "Sometimes it's harder to see than to experience": the sibling subsystem in the context of parental abuse as conveyed by adult survivors,2022,138,,e106532,Tener Cumulative victimization and number of sexual partners among youth involved with child welfare: externalizing and internalizing problems as mediators,2022,138,,e106511,Villodas Childhood sexual abuse teenager pregnancy and the mediating role of psychiatric comorbidity,2022,138,,e106509,Daigneault Predictors of bullying depression and suicide attempts among youth: the intersection of race/ethnicity by gender identity,2022,139,,e106536,Whitfield Revisiting general strain theory: studying the predictors of adolescents' antisocial behavior in Vestland county Norway,2022,139,,e106556,Celik Do connectedness and self-esteem play a role in the transition to future suicide attempts among Latina and Latino youth with suicide ideation?,2022,139,,e106553,Lindsey Predictors of runaway behavior in adolescent Saudi girls,2022,139,,e106547,El Sayed El Keshky Dialogic reconstruction of memories of violent sexual-affective relationships via dialogic gatherings of "Radical Love",2022,139,,e106548,Munte Perception of sex in the attitude-behavior relationship in school violence. a qualitative study,2022,139,,e106559,Ruiz-Hernández Children and adolescents' understanding of traditional and cyberbullying,2022,139,,e106528,Campbell Community responses to volatile substance misuse by children: a scoping review,2022,139,,e106567,Harris The relationship between human rights negative affect bullying victimization and life satisfaction among Korean adolescents: a national sample study,2022,139,,e106568,Bae Can we measure risk in home visitation? An examination of the predictive validity of the Healthy Families Parenting Inventory (HFPI),2022,139,,e106571,Kelly Technology "Feels Less Threatening": the processes by which digital technologies facilitate youths' access to services at intimate partner violence organizations,2022,139,,e106573,Storer The impact of cessation or continuation of family violence on children,2022,140,,e106565,Steketee Practice approaches to combat child trafficking in trafficking-sensitive areas in Ghana: experiences of practitioners involved in child trafficking interventions,2022,140,,e106582,Arthur Mental health and behavioral outcomes among Jamaican women: the role of childhood abuse & witnessing parental violence,2022,140,,e106588,Lee "You can really be hurt by someone just like you": practitioners' perceptions of preadolescent peer sexual abuse,2022,141,,e106597,Tener Preventing child protective services system involvement by asking families what they need: findings from a multi-site RCT of the community response program (CRP),2022,141,,e106569,Berger The effectiveness of trauma treatment approaches in refugee children and adolescents: a systematic review,2022,141,,e106602,Genç Feasibility and acceptability study of the online ACT-Raising Safe Kids program,2022,141,,e106591,Altafim The relationship between shyness and cyberbullying victimization: a moderated mediation model,2022,141,,e106603,Zhao Trajectories and predictors of child abuse in Chinese children aged 4-7 years: a growth mixture model analysis,2022,141,,e106628,Chen How school staff hesitate to report child maltreatment in Japan: a process model of child protection generated via grounded theory,2022,141,,e106617,Takaoka How child abuse by kindergarten teachers (CAKT) happens in a Chinese context: findings based on 35 cases of CAKT,2022,141,,e106616,Lu Child protection and safeguarding in initial teacher education: a systematic scoping review,2023,150,,e106951,Walsh Youth Dually-Involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems: varying definitions and their associations with trauma exposure posttraumatic stress & offending,2023,150,,e106998,Kerig Juvenile justice and child welfare dual system involvement among females with and without histories of commercial sexual exploitation,2023,150,,e106989,Dierkhising Perspectives of children and young people from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on their role in challenging perceived social and gender norms impacting school related gender-based violence,2023,150,,e107000,Trbus Child maltreatment social relationships and psychological distress: a multiple mediational analysis,2023,145,,e106802,Chen Insecure housing substance abuse and incarceration among emerging adults aging out of foster care: examining associations with legal orphan status,2023,145,,e106805,Kainz Comparison of suicidal ideation suicide attempt and suicide in children and young people in care and non-care populations: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence,2017,82,,122-129,Evans The Assessment Checklist for Children - 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