Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The influence of parental attitudes on the social adjustment of the individual,1937,2,5,756-763,Witmer Nationality and crime,1936,1,5,724-736,Taft Social stratification in the urban community,1936,1,2,193-202,Speier Mate selection,1937,2,5,735-743,Popenoe The effect of a social crisis on the curve of diffusion,1937,2,1,55-61,Pemberton Clinical treatment of marital conflicts,1937,2,5,771-778,Mowrer Sex as a factor in domestic discord,1936,1,2,252-263,Mowrer Trends in criminological research in Italy,1936,1,3,396-406,Monachesi Crime and Poverty - Some Experimental-Evidence from Ex-Offenders,1980,45,5,766-786,Berk Keeping Up the Neighborhood - Estimating Net Effects of Zoning,1981,46,6,703-719,Rossi Durkheim suicide and religion: toward a network theory of suicide,1989,54,1,33-48,Pescosolido Celebrities and suicide: a taxonomy and analysis 1948-1983,1987,52,3,401-412,Stack Unemployment and criminal involvement: an investigation of reciprocal causal structures,1984,49,3,398-411,Thornberry Economic sources of homicide: reestimating the effects of poverty and inequality,1984,49,2,283-289,Williams The specific deterrent effects of arrest for domestic assault,1984,49,2,261-272,Sherman Imitative suicides: a national study of the effects of television news stories,1982,47,6,802-809,Phillips Testing the theory of status integration and suicide rates,1982,47,2,227-237,Gibbs Mortality rates in a two-sample study. (reply to gortmaker),1981,46,6,944-946,Swafford Effects of United States presidential elections on suicide and other causes of death,1981,46,5,616-618,Boor Beliefs vs. data: more on the illness behavior of men and women,1981,46,1,123-128,Hughes The diffusion of collective violence,1978,43,1,23-35,Pitcher Ambivalence as a sociological explanation: the case of cultural explanations of alcohol problems,1976,41,6,1047-1065,Room Some empirical patterns in a riot process,1974,39,6,865-876,Stark Bringing beasts back in: toward a biosocial theory of aggression,1974,39,6,777-788,van den Berghe Regional subculture and homicide: an examination of the Gastil-Hackney thesis,1974,39,5,714-724,Loftin The influence of suggestion on suicide: substantive and theroretical implications of the Werther effect,1974,39,3,340-354,Phillips Social class and corporal punishment in childrearing: a reassessment,1974,39,1,68-85,Erlanger The influence of suggestion on suicide: substantive and theoretical implications of the Werther effect,1974,39,3,340-354,Phillips Values and violence: a test of the subculture of violence thesis,1973,38,6,736-749,Ball-Rokeach A dip in deaths before ceremonial occasions: some new relationships between social integration and mortality,1973,38,6,678-696,Phillips Patterns of vandalism during civil disorders as an indicator of selection of targets,1972,37,5,523-547,Berk Hardship and collective violence in France 1830 to 1960,1972,37,5,520-532,Tilly Blue collar anger: reactions to student and black protest,1972,37,3,333-346,Ransford Religion economic development and lethal aggression,1972,37,2,193-201,Gordon Political orientation and riot participation,1971,36,5,810-820,Paige A research note on the mass support for "tough" military initiatives,1968,33,3,439-445,Hamilton The conditions underlying race riots as portrayed by multidimensional scalogram analysis: a reanalysis of Leiberson and Silverman's data,1968,33,1,76-91,Bloombaum Issues in the ecological study of delinquency,1967,32,6,927-944,Gordon Suicidal behavior,1967,32,2,286-298,Wilkins Solidarity and delinquency in a street corner group,1966,31,5,600-614,Jansyn On assessing the theory of status integration and suicide,1966,31,4,533-541,Gibbs Status integration and suicide: an assessment,1966,31,4,524-532,Chambliss Conflict and criminality,1966,31,3,338-352,Turk Urban crime patterns,1965,30,6,899-908,Boggs The precipitants and underlying conditions of race riots,1965,30,6,887-898,Lieberson Durkheim's one cause of suicide,1965,30,6,875-886,Johnson Celebrities and Suicide - A Taxonomy and Analysis 1948-1983,1987,52,3,401-412,Stack Firearms ownership for sport and protection: two divergent models,1980,45,2,229-244,Lizotte Murder and Capital Punishment: A Monthly Time Series Analysis of Execution Publicity,1989,54,5,722-743,Bailey Publicized Executions and Homicide 1950-1980,1987,52,4,532-540,Stack Seriousness of Crimes - Normative Structure and Individual Differences,1974,39,2,224-237,Rossi The Social-Organization of Self-Help - A Study of Defensive Weapon Ownership,1988,53,1,94-102,Smith Literary Rhetoric of Science - Comedy and Pathos in Drinking Driver Research,1976,41,1,16-34,Gusfield Resource mobilization by local social movement organizations: Agency strategy and organization in the movement against drinking and driving,1996,61,6,1070-1088,Wolfson Incidence and Estimated Prevalence of Recorded Delinquency in a Metropolitan Area,1964,29,1,90-93,Simpson Age structure and crime: symmetry versus asymmetry and the projection of crime rates through the 1990s,1987,52,2,170-183,Cohen Lifecourse Migration of Metropolitan Whites and Blacks and the Structure of Demographic Change in Large Central Cities,1984,49,6,803-827,Frey Relative Cohort Size and Youth Crime in the United States 1953-1984,1987,52,5,702-710,Steffensmeier Political Alienation Cohort Size and the Easterlin Hypothesis,1987,52,2,155-169,Kahn Murder and Capital Punishment: A Monthly Time-Series Analysis of Execution Publicity,1989,54,5,722-743,Bailey Crime and Deviance Over the Life Course: The Salience of Adult Social Bonds,1990,55,5,609-627,Sampson Mass imprisonment and the life course: Race and class inequality in U.S. incarceration,2004,69,2,151-169,Pettit Dimensions of Social Capital and Rates of Criminal Homicide,2004,69,6,882-903,Messner A Socio-Structural Analysis of Murder Suicide and Economic Crime in Ceylon,1961,26,5,744-753,Wood A Theory of Status Integration and Its Relationship to Suicide,1958,23,2,140-147,Gibbs Occupation Status and Suicide - Toward A Redefinition of Anomie,1958,23,2,131-139,Powell Occupational Mobility and Suicide Among White Males,1963,28,2,179-188,Breed On Durkheim Suicide and Anomie,1959,24,2,250-252,Cary Lundberg On Durkheim Suicide and Anomie - Rejoinder,1959,24,2,252-253,Powell Suicide and Occupation,1958,23,5,579-579,Brenner Suicide and Occupation - A Correction,1959,24,1,86,No Author(s) Listed Tulsa Suicides: A Further Exchange,1960,25,5,733-734,Gibbs Traffic Fatalities Suicide and Homicide,1960,25,6,897-901,Porterfield The economic cycle and the social suicide rate,1967,32,3,457-462,Pierce The influence of kinship upon perception of an ambiguous stimulus,1966,31,2,227-236,Lucas Political business cycles presidential elections and suicide and mortality patterns,1983,48,5,711-720,Wasserman A note on self-concept as an insulator against delinquency,1965,30,6,922-926,Schwartz Two measures of reported delinquent behavior,1965,30,4,573-576,Cartwright The "prevalence" of recorded delinquency and recidivism in England and Wales,1965,30,2,260-263,Little Perceived opportunities gang membership and delinquency,1965,30,1,56-67,Short Violence Older Peers and the Socialization of Adolescent Boys in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods,2009,74,3,445-464,Harding Argot symbolic deviance and subcultural delinquency,1967,32,2,209-224,Lerman Polygraph and interview validation of self-reported deviant behavior,1966,31,4,516-523,Clark Stratification and risk-taking: a theory tested on agricultural innovation,1967,32,6,912-927,Cancian Individual values peer values and subcultural delinquency,1968,33,2,219-235,Lerman Ecological analysis of delinquency: aggregation effects,1969,34,6,894-907,Slatin The public perception of protest,1969,34,6,815-831,Turner Cross-National Determinants of Child Homicide,1988,53,3,432-445,Fiala Social Integration Imitation and the Geographic Patterning of Suicide,2002,67,6,873-888,Baller Suicide determination and the professional authority of medical examiners,2005,70,2,311-333,Timmermans The Legacy of Lynching and Southern Homicide,2005,70,4,633-655,Messner Youth Violence and the End of Adolescence,2001,66,6,874-899,Hagan Homicide and a Regional Culture of Violence,1971,36,3,412-427,Gastil The Victims of Homicide: A Temporal and Cross-National Comparison,1990,55,1,92-106,Gartner Cohort Effects on Suicide Rates: International Variations,2002,67,6,854-872,O'Brien The Influence of Physical and Sexual Abuse on Marriage and Cohabitation,2004,69,6,768-789,Purvin From Credit to Collective Action: The Role of Microfinance in Promoting Women's Social Capital and Normative Influence,2009,74,4,529-550,Sanyal Neighborhood Context and the Gender Gap in Adolescent Violent Crime,2010,75,6,958-980,Messner Model Uncertainty in Sociological Research: An Application to Religion and Economic Growth,2009,74,3,380-397,Young Worldwide Trends in the Criminal Regulation of Sex 1945 to 2005,2010,75,6,867-893,Frank Sexual Harassment as a Gendered Expression of Power,2004,69,1,64-92,Blackstone The Global Dimensions of Rape-Law Reform: A Cross-National Study of Policy Outcomes,2009,74,2,272-290,Frank Unnecessary roughness? School sports peer networks and male adolescent violence,2007,72,5,705-724,Kreager When Do National Movements Adopt or Reject International Agendas? A Comparative Analysis of the Chinese and Indian Women's Movements,2006,71,6,921-942,Liu The New Politics of Community,2010,75,1,7-30,Collins Comparative Perspectives and Competing Explanations: Taking on the Newly Configured Reductionist Challenge to Sociology,2006,71,1,1-15,Duster Deciding to Discipline: Race Choice and Punishment at the Frontlines of Welfare Reform,2009,74,3,398-422,Soss Love Sex and Crime: Adolescent Romantic Relationships and Offending,2008,73,6,944-969,McCarthy Gender Stratification and Paradigm Change,2000,65,3,475-481,Ferree On the use of self-report data to determine the class distribution of criminal and delinquent behavior,1982,47,3,427-433,Kleck Racial discrimination in criminal sentencing: a critical evaluation of the evidence with additional evidence on the death penalty,1981,46,6,783-805,Kleck The Things They Carry: Combat Disability and Unemployment among US Men,2010,75,4,563-585,Maclean Social Environmental Variation Plasticity Genes and Aggression: Evidence for the Differential Susceptibility Hypothesis,2011,76,6,833-912,Beach Violent acts and violent times: a comparative approach to postwar homicide rates,1976,41,6,937-963,Archer Social Causation or Social Construction of Suicide? An Investigation into the Social Organization of Official Rates,1986,51,1,80-100,Pescosolido Sexual harassment workplace authority and the paradox of power,2012,77,4,625-647,Blackstone Unpolicing the urban poor consequences of third-party policing for inner-city women,2012,78,1,117-141,Desmond Gender and time for sleep among U.S. adults,2013,78,1,51-69,Ailshire Racial variation in the effect of incarceration on neighborhood attainment,2013,78,1,142-165,Massoglia Firearms ownership for sport and protection: two not so divergent models (correction),1981,46,4,499-503,Lizotte The unanticipated consequences of purposive social action,1936,1,6,894-904,Merton Emergency and permanent legislation with special reference to the history of subsistence homesteads,1936,1,4,622-631,Melvin Legislative trends in family law,1937,2,5,696-704,May The application of science to personal relations: a critique of the family clinic idea: discussion,1936,1,2,247-251,Loomis The participant observer in community studies,1937,2,6,890-897,Lohman The application of attitude tests in the field of parole prediction,1936,1,5,781-796,Laune Assumptions and methods in attitude measurements,1936,1,1,75-88,Kirkpatrick Backgrounds of prisoners in the Wisconsin State Prison and of their brothers,1937,2,2,204-212,Gillin An examination of criteria for the determination of normal society,1937,2,4,501-507,Gillette The sociology of prostitution,1937,2,5,744-755,Davis The application of science to personal relations: a critique of the family clinic idea,1936,1,2,236-247,Davis The social action pattern of the Protestant religious leader,1936,1,1,105-114,Davis Social theory and social action,1936,1,1,1-11,Chapin Methods of estimating proportional frequencies of divorce,1937,2,3,398-405,Chaddock Recent tendencies in criminological research in Germany,1936,1,3,407-418,Cantor The prediction of adjustment in marriage,1936,1,5,737-751,Burgess Lenin's application of Marx's theory of revolutionary tactics,1937,2,3,353-364,Becker Increasing rejection of intimate partner violence: Evidence of global cultural diffusion,2013,78,2,240-265,Pierotti The corner and the crew: the influence of geography and social networks on gang violence,2013,78,3,417-447,Braga Same time next year: Aggregate analyses of the mass media and violent behavior,1985,50,3,347-363,Baron Clinical Treatment of Male Delinquents: A Case Study in Effort and Result,1956,21,3,312-320,Dunham Social Learning and Deviant Behavior: A Specific Test of a General Theory,1979,44,4,635-655,Krohn Youth Underemployment and Property Crime: Differential Effects of Job Availability and Job Quality on Juvenile and Young Adult Arrest Rates,1989,54,1,107-123,Steffensmeier Violent Acts and Violent Times: A Comparative Approach to Post War Homicide Rates,1976,41,6,937-963,Gartner Murder Capital Punishment and Television: Execution Publicity and Homicide Rates,1990,55,5,628-633,Bailey Murder and Capital Punishment: A Monthly Time Series of Execution Publicity,1989,54,5,722-743,Peterson The Deterrent Effect of Arrest in Incidents of Domestic Violence: A Bayesian Analysis of Four Field Experiments,1992,57,5,698-708,Berk Crime and Poverty: Some Experimental Evidence from Ex-Offenders,1980,45,5,766-786,Berk Does Arrest Really Deter Wife Battery? An Effort to Replicate the Findings of the Minneapolis Spouse Abuse Experiment,1985,50,2,253-262,Berk Constructing Racial Rhetoric: Media Depictions of Harm in Heavy Metal and Rap Music,1993,58,6,753-767,Binder The Myth of Social Class and Criminality Reconsidered,1981,46,1,36-57,Braithwaite Continuity in Delinquency Area Research: A Comparison of Studies of Baltimore Detroit and Indianapolis,1964,29,1,71-83,Chilton Family Disruption Delinquent Conduct and the Effect of Subclassification,1972,37,1,93-99,Chilton Socio-Economic Class and Area as Correlates of Illegal Behavior Among Juveniles,1962,27,6,826-834,Clark A Cross-Cultural Replication of the Relation of Urbanism to Criminal Behavior,1960,25,2,253-257,Clinard Social Change and Crime Rate Trends: A Routine Activity Approach,1979,44,4,588-608,Felson Social Inequality and Predatory Criminal Victimization: An Exposition and Test of a Formal Theory,1981,46,5,505-524,Cohen Macroeconomic and Social-Control Policy Influences on Crime Rate Changes 1948-1985,1988,53,3,407-420,Sheley Delinquency Vulnerability: A Cross Group and Longitudinal Analysis,1962,27,4,515-517,Reckless The Deterrence Doctrine and the Perceived Certainty of Legal Punishment,1977,42,2,305-317,Gibbs Strain Theory Revisited: Economic Goals Educational Means and Delinquency,1989,54,2,263-274,Leiber Crime Age and Unemployment,1959,24,5,679-686,Glaser Race Social Status and Criminal Arrest,1970,35,3,476-490,Green Sex and Theories of Deviance: Toward a Functional Theory of Deviant Type-Scripts,1977,42,1,3-16,Harris Race and Involvement in Common Law Personal Crimes,1978,43,1,93-109,Hindelang Variations in Sex-Race-Age-Specific Incidence Rates of Offending,1981,46,4,461-474,Hindelang Correlates of Delinquency: The Illusion of Discrepancy Between Self-Report and Official Measures,1979,44,6,995-1014,Hirschi Intelligence and Delinquency: A Revisionist View,1977,42,4,571-587,Hirschi Criminal Careers in the Short-Term: Intra-Individual Variability in Crime and Its Relation to Local Life Circumstances,1995,60,5,655-673,Marshall Race and the War on Crime: The Sociopolitical Determinants of Municipal Police Expenditures in 90 Non-Southern U.S. Cities,1981,46,3,290-305,Jackson Male Sex Aggression on a University Campus,1957,22,1,52-58,Kilpatrick Delinquent Boys: A Critique,1959,24,2,208-215,Kitsuse The Structural Context of Homicide: Accounting for Racial Differences in Process,2000,65,4,547-559,Krivo The Effect of Changes in Interracial Income Inequality and Educational Attainment on Changes in Arrest Rates for African-Americans and Whites 1957 to 1990,1996,61,4,614-634,LaFree Ties to Conventional Institutions and Delinquency: Estimating Reciprocal Effects,1985,50,4,547-560,Reed Juvenile Delinquency and Subterranean Values,1961,26,5,712-719,Matza Deterrence as Social Control: The Legal and Extralegal Production of Conformity,1977,42,2,292-304,Meier Social Differentiation in Criminal Victimization: A Test of Routine Activities/Lifestyle Theories,1987,52,2,184-194,Stafford Interacting Factors in Juvenile Delinquency,1964,29,6,848-854,Hammond Formal and Informal Deterrents to Domestic Violence: The Dade County Spouse Assault Experiment,1992,57,5,691-697,Hamilton The Impact of Mass Media Violence on US Homicides,1983,48,4,560-568,Phillips Crime deterrence and rational choice,1986,51,1,101-119,Piliavin Racial Characteristics and the Imposition of the Death Penalty,1981,46,6,918-927,Radelet The Self Component in Potential Delinquency and Potential Non-Delinquency,1957,22,5,566-570,Reckless Self-Concept as an Insulator Against Delinquency,1956,21,6,744-746,Reckless The Distribution of Juvenile Delinquency in the Social Class Structure,1961,26,5,720-732,Reiss The Interaction of Social Class and Deviant Behavior,1962,27,4,480-492,Robins Mortality Mobility and Crime: Problem Children Thirty Years Later,1958,23,2,162-171,Robins Heredity and Sociological Theories of Delinquency: A Reconsideration,1984,49,4,526-540,Osgood The "Good" Boy in a High Delinquency Area: Four Years Later,1960,25,4,555-558,Reckless Urban Crime Areas: Part I,1960,25,4,527-542,Schmid Urban Crime Areas: Part II,1960,25,5,655-678,Schmid Two Dimensions of Delinquent Behavior,1959,24,2,240-243,Scott Collaring the Crime Not the Criminal: Reconsidering the Concept of White-Collar Crime,1990,55,3,346-365,Shapiro Crime Punishment and Stake in Conformity: Legal and Informal Control of Domestic Violence,1992,57,5,680-690,Sherman Toward a Theory of Criminal Deterrence,1976,41,3,442-461,Silberman Sex and Involvement in Deviance/Crime: A Quantitative Review of the Empirical Literature,1980,45,4,691-701,Visher Cohort Size and Arrest Rates Over the Life Course: The Easterlin Hypothesis Reconsidered,1992,57,3,306-314,Steffensmeier Techniques of Neutralization: A Theory of Delinquency,1957,22,6,664-670,Matza Social Correlates of Criminal Involvement: Further Evidence on the Relationship Between Social Status and Criminal Behavior,1982,47,4,505-518,Farnworth The Myth of Social Class and Criminality: An Empirical Assessment of the Empirical Evidence,1978,43,5,643-353,Smith Social Control Theory and Delinquency,1981,46,5,525-541,Griswold Curriculum Tracking and Delinquency,1982,47,1,151-160,Massey The genomic revolution and beliefs about essential racial differences: a backdoor to eugenics?,2013,78,2,167-191,Link How Jews avoid alcohol problems,1980,46,4,647-664,Berg Targeting lynch victims: social marginality or status transgressions?,2011,76,3,412-436,Tolnay The effect of sexual stratification by race on official reactions to rape,1980,45,5,842-854,LaFree Dangerous liaisons? Dating and drinking diffusion in adolescent peer networks,2011,76,5,737-763,Kreager Remembering May 4 1970: integrating the commemorative field at Kent State,2013,78,5,749-772,Steidl Network ecology and adolescent social structure,2014,79,6,1088-1121,Moody Prenatal exposure to violence and birth weight in Mexico: selectivity exposure and behavioral responses,2014,79,5,966-992,Torche Race ethnicity and youth perceptions of criminal injustice,2005,70,3,381-407,Hagan The price of protection: a trajectory analysis of civil remedies for abuse and women's earnings,2015,80,1,140-165,Brush Family structure transitions and child development: instability selection and population heterogeneity,2015,80,4,738-763,McLanahan The role of gender class and religion in biracial Americans' racial labeling decisions,2016,81,1,57-84,Davenport Prayers protest and police: how religion influences police presence at collective action events in the United States 1960 to 1995,2015,80,6,1250-1271,Martin Brokers and the earnings of female sex workers in India,2015,80,6,1123-1149,Blankenship A paper ceiling: explaining the persistent underrepresentation of women in printed news,2015,80,5,960-984,Shor The historical demography of racial segregation,2015,80,4,814-842,Grigoryeva Us and them: Black-White relations in the wake of Hispanic population growth,2015,80,4,789-813,Abascal Positioning multiraciality in cyberspace treatment of multiracial daters in an online dating website,2015,80,4,764-788,Curington Her support his support: money masculinity and marital infidelity,2015,80,3,469-495,Munsch Protest campaigns and movement success desegregating the U.S. South in the early 1960s,2015,80,2,416-443,Biggs The dynamics of opportunity and insurgent practice: how black anti-colonialists compelled Truman to advocate civil rights,2015,80,2,391-415,Bloom Do women suffer from network closure? The moderating effect of social capital on gender inequality in a project-based labor market 1929 to 2010,2015,80,2,329-358,Lutter Adolescents under pressure: a new Durkheimian framework for understanding adolescent suicide in a cohesive community,2016,81,5,877-899,Abrutyn Sharing the burden of the transition to adulthood: African American young adults' transition challenges and their mothers' health risk,2018,83,1,143-172,Beach Addicted to hate: identity residual among former white supremacists,2017,82,6,1167-1187,Simi Community and the crime decline: the causal effect of local nonprofits on violent crime,2017,82,6,1214-1240,Sharkey Cut to the quick: the consequences of youth violent victimization for the timing of dating debut and first union formation,2017,82,6,1241-1271,Warner What makes popular culture popular? Product features and optimal differentiation in music,2017,82,5,910-944,Askin Big data surveillance: the case of policing,2017,82,5,977-1008,Brayne Schools as surveilling institutions? Paternal incarceration system avoidance and parental involvement in schooling,2017,82,4,657-684,Haskins The hazards of expert control: chief risk officers and risky derivatives,2017,82,3,511-541,Pernell Horizontal immobility: how narratives of neighborhood violence shape housing decisions,2017,82,2,270-296,Rosen An immigrant paradox? Contextual attainment and intergenerational educational mobility,2017,82,1,211-241,Feliciano The dynamics of intimate partner violence and the risk of pregnancy during the transition to adulthood,2018,83,5,1020-1047,Kusunoki Low-income black mothers parenting adolescents in the mass incarceration era: the long reach of criminalization,2019,84,2,197-219,Elliott Aggressive policing and the educational performance of minority youth,2019,84,2,220-247,Legewie Segregation and violence reconsidered: do Whites benefit from residential segregation?,2019,84,4,690-725,Light Do police brutality stories reduce 911 calls? Reassessing an important criminological finding,2020,85,1,176-183,Zoorob Evidence of the effect of police violence on citizen crime reporting [Reply to Zoorob],2020,85,1,184-190,Papachristos Contraction as a response to group threat: demographic decline and Whites' classification of people who are ambiguously White,2020,85,2,298-322,Abascal Getting eyes in the home: child protective services investigations and state surveillance of family life,2020,85,4,610-638,Fong Measuring racial status beliefs with implicit associations,2020,85,6,1123-1131,Melamed Immigrant sanctuary policies and crime-reporting behavior: a multilevel analysis of reports of crime victimization to law enforcement 1980 to 2004,2021,86,1,154-185,Martínez Neighborhoods activity spaces and the span of adolescent exposures,2021,86,2,201-233,Soller How legacies of geopolitical trauma shape popular nationalism today,2021,86,3,406-429,Soehl A test of Durkheim's theory of suicide--without committing the "ecological fallacy",1996,61,3,500,Van Poppel Clarity from violence? Intragroup aggression and the structure of status hierarchies,2023,88,3,454-492,Chu Modeling Durkheim on the micro level: A study of youth suicidality,1998,63,1,94-110,Thorlindsson National context social change and sex differences in suicide rates,1998,63,5,744-758,Pampel The implications of racial misclassification by observers,2007,72,5,750-765,Campbell Social control and youth suicidality: Situating Durkheims's ideas in a multilevel framework,2008,73,6,921-943,Maimon Are Suicidal Behaviors Contagious in Adolescence? Using Longitudinal Data to Examine Suicide Suggestion,2014,79,2,211-227,Abrutyn The "dark side" of community ties: collective action and lynching in Mexico,2024,89,4,708-734,Nussio Indices of suicide and homicide by states and cities: some Southern-non-Southern contrasts with implications for research,1949,14,4,e481,Porterfield Methodological problems in determining the aetiology of suicide,1950,15,5,658-663,Simpson Suicides and homicides,1950,15,5,e673,Alpert Review of suicide: a study in sociology.; the rules of sociological method Emile Durkheim,1951,16,4,565-567,Alpert Social crises and social disorganization,1950,15,1,60-66,Mowrer Suicide and crime in the social structure of an urban setting: Fort Worth 1930-1950,1952,17,3,341-349,Porterfield Economic class consciousness in american Protestantism: II,1952,17,3,e349,Hoult Completed and attempted suicides: a comparative analysis,1955,20,3,273-283,Schmid The efficacy of alternative approaches to parole prediction,1955,20,3,283-287,Glaser Social isolation and schizophrenia,1955,20,3,265-273,Kohn