Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Personal system in the evaluation of injuries in children,1956,23,3,153-156,Frinta Bilateral hand injury on the artificial skiing slope (author's transl),1978,45,1,75-78,Müller Causes of fatal childhood accidents,1978,45,6,502-505,Bauer A brain injury caused by a fragment from a soda water carbon dioxide cartridge,1993,60,4,247-249,Gajdos Multiple injuries due to the collapse of a prefabricated concrete building,1975,42,4,393-397,Kozina Preventive measures against sports accidents based on personal clinical experience,1978,45,2,172-176,Endt Intestinal tract injuries in persons using motorcar saftey belts,1978,45,2,169-171,Bobek An unusual case of injury of the large intestine by compressed air,1978,45,1,86-88,Krikava Attitude of orthopedic surgeons to car accidents,1973,40,6,550-555,Pavlansky Traffic facial injuries,1968,35,6,531-539,Kipikasa On the problems of accident frequency in old people,1968,35,1,57-60,Pribyl Accident prevention in agriculture,1964,31,,431-434,Kubin Motorcycle accidents from the viewpoint of neurosurgery,1963,30,,346-348,Ledinsky Fatal abdominal injuries following traffic accidents,1963,30,,203-208,Pech Thoracic injuries in fatal traffic accidents,1963,30,,197-202,Greifova Traffic accidents from the neurological viewpoint,1961,28,,80-84,Tichy Injuries of motorcyclists,1960,27,,450-458,Landrgot Traffic accidents,1959,26,2,97-102,Vohnout Childhood accidents and acute abdomens from 1952 to 1954,1957,24,3,253-258,Pelikan Analysis of mining accidents in West Bohemian mines,1957,24,2,155-161,Landrgot Present state of accident prevention first aid and transportation to hospitals in chemical industry,1956,23,5,227-232,Honsa Accident prevention in agriculture,1955,22,3,74-77,Novak Prevention of accidents in children,1952,19,2-3,85-90,Pribyl Spinal injuries in children and adolescents,2006,73,5,313-320,Stulík Multiple stress fractures in a young female runner,2004,71,5,308-310,Pecina Cervical spine injuries in patients over 65 years old,2007,74,3,189-194,Stulík Injuries of the cervical spine,1964,31,,457-464,Suchan Immediate and late sequelae of agricultural accidents,1964,31,,427-430,Polivka Fractures of the acetabulum during performance of the split in gymnastics,1964,31,,243-250,Vostal Fractures and pseudarthrosis of the femoral neck as a cause of invalidism and their evaluation,1964,31,,233-238,Prochazka An unusual fatal injury in a mountain climber in the high tatra mountains,1964,31,,72-74,Janovsky Some unusual injuries and their treatment in tropical conditions,1964,31,,160-162,Laufer Hand injuries in childhood,1963,30,,507-510,Rosev Facial injuries in childhood,1963,30,,502-506,Trosev Motorcycle accidents in the light of remote sequelae,1963,30,,209-217,Polivka Incidence of fat embolism in 400 cases of fatal trauma,1963,30,,190-196,Vorel Posttraumatic fatal lung inflammations,1963,30,,184-189,Tesar Clinico-forensic medical review of fatal traffic accidents during 1945-1961 treated at the 2d surgical clinic of the prague public health department and autopsied at the institute of forensic medicine of charles university medical school in prague,1963,30,,178-183,Sobotka An unusual sports injury of the knee joint,1961,28,,380-382,Lomicek A contribution to the kinesiology of walking and swimming; space orientation in conditions of increasing difficulty,1961,28,,261-267,Mayer Traumatic asphyxia,1958,25,3,223-225,Macik Pathological dislocation of the hip in infants,1956,23,4,171-179,Zahradnicek Hand injuries caused by electric current,1956,23,2,65-67,Benes Evaluation of sequelae of occupational hand injuries for workmen's compensation,1956,23,1,34-41,Ucik Late results of gunshot wounds of the hand in children,1956,23,1,26-33,Pribyl Frequency of fractures in children,1953,20,8,171-175,Eis Socker player joint,1953,20,2,46-48,Knapek Mechanism and incidence of dislocations of the leg associated with fractures,1953,20,1,12-14,Novak Associated injury of the soft tissues of the knee in fractures of the lower extremities,1964,31,,352-357,Rehak Some data on the clinical picture of fat embolism,1964,31,,258-263,Dvorak Effect of fractures on the metabolism of bone minerals,1964,31,,92-103,Kolar Neurology of the cervical spine,1964,31,,172-184,Chrast Indirect fractures of the pelvis in athletes,1963,30,,253-258,Landrgot Craniocerebral injuries,1963,30,,169-177,Nádvorník Growth disorders as a result of thermal injuries,1962,29,,559-565,Vrabec Painful shoulder in volley-ball players,1961,28,,29-33,Kouba Usual injuries of the lower extremities,1958,25,4,326-327,Kren Unusual fracture of ulna,1958,25,3,255-256,Kolar Skull and brain injuries in children; causes clinical aspects therapy and late sequels,1957,24,5,370-378,Mayer Accident rate in the Kladno miner and its analysis,1957,24,2,146-154,Seidl Research Institute of Traumatology in Brno,1956,23,5,233-235,Kroupa Fracture of the femoral neck in march,1952,19,9,325-326,Toman Certain considerations on minor injuries; wounds sprains and dislocations,1952,19,4-8,189-204,Kroupa Social significance of sport activity and accident frequency,1968,35,1,61-71,Friedberger Acetabular injuries in childhood,1967,34,5,393-400,Lujubosic Injuries of the extensors of the hand and fingers (analysis of 1000 cases),1971,38,5,298-303,Simun Some topical problems in traumatology,1977,44,1,36-39,Poljakov Rupture of the vascular bundle of the thigh due to injury by a skate,1952,19,4-8,152-156, Traumatic dislocation of the hip in children,1956,23,3,124-128,Vyborny Prevention of the diseases of the motor system,1956,23,2,95-98,Aros Role of injuries on development growth and spread of malignant tumors; with special reference to primary malignant tumors of bone,1957,24,1,17-20,Kabela Massive fat embolism of the brain in a minor injury,1959,26,2,149-153,Novotny On some less frequent fractures in childhood,1967,34,1,56-59,Branzovský Seat-belt syndrome in a pre-school child,2010,77,1,61-64,Matějka Spinal injury caused by a nail fired from a stud gun,2006,73,5,353-355,Kryl [Associated limb injuries.],1971,38,2,94-99,Matĕjka The influence of injury on the origin and course of bone tumors,1966,33,3,244-245,KNOBLOCH An unusual case of electric injury,1966,33,6,559-561,Navratil Damage to the locomotor system in championship volleyball,1968,35,1,76-85,Chrástek Injuries of the ligaments of the knee joint--their incidence diagnosis and therapy,1968,35,3,187-195,Cech Injury Patterns in Polytraumatized Children and Consequences for the Emergency Room Management,2010,77,5,365-370,Sudkamp Fractures of the 1st rib,1971,38,6,368-376,Hajek Dislocation fractures of the hip joint (author's transl),1974,41,6,548-556,Trýb Contribution to injury of retroperitoneal organs,1969,36,4,242-251,Greifova Suicidal jumper's fracture,2010,77,6,501-506,Matějka Injuries of the lower cervical vertebrae--the monocortical stabilization technique,2003,70,4,226-232,Stulík Principles in sequelae of spinal injuries,1997,64,4,232-236,Vlach Sequelae of injuries of the thoracolumbar spine and indications for surgery,1991,58,3,174-177,Bayer Leg fracture in patients from a mining area,1969,36,4,221-228,Stafiniak Healing of fractures in diabetics,1970,37,6,340-342,Kubín Comparison of hospital preparedness to deal with crisis situations in mass casualty incidents according to the UN Human Development Index,2020,87,6,438-446,Burget Childhood fractures of the scaphoid bone,1971,38,2,91-93,Geryk Multiple injuries of the limbs(based on personal records),1971,38,3,187-192,Endt Injuries of the distal tibio-fibular syndesmosis by abruption of the fibula portion of the distal tibial epiphysis (so-called tuberculum tibiae),1972,39,5,303-310,Pribyl Contusion injuries of the cervical spinal cord--contusio cervicalis posterior,1972,39,5,290-294,Steidl Injury of patellar ligament in athletes,1972,39,3,171-174,Benes Hand burns caused by a laundry press,1972,39,1,49-54,Jakubík Testing the vitality of the head of the femur by means of the femur head puncture (author's transl),1981,48,6,510-513,Kovác Femoral neck fractures due to overload,1973,40,2,169-175,Pribyl Present state of the traumatological service in Great Britain (author's transl),1973,40,5,472-474,Pavlansky Hand injuries caused by bland cartridges (author's transl),1973,40,6,556-561,Emr New aspects of carpal injuries. Anatomic and biomechanical observations. I,1984,51,1,69-75,Laník Associated shooting injury of the liver and a double shot perforation of the back wall of duodenum (author's transl),1974,41,4,377-380,Stuller Healing problems of proximal part of femur fractures at the people of high age (author's transl),1974,41,4,367-372,Dýsek Causes of death in polytrauma (author's transl),1975,42,3,277-281,Cársky Analysis of mortality after injuries in senile age (author's transl),1975,42,3,272-276,Bauer Injury and tuberculosis of locomotor apparatus (a case history) (author's transl),1975,42,3,253-255,Polivka Organization of the treatment of polytraumatism in France (author's transl),1973,40,4,371-379,Pavlansky Traumatic intracranial haemorrhage (author's transl),1976,43,1,89-93,KNOBLOCH Fractures of the proximal femoral end in childhood (author's transl),1976,43,1,82-88,Mrzena Personal experience with injuries of the flexor tendons of the hand,2001,68,4,244-248,Cervenková The influence of patient age and mechanism of injury on the type of pelvic fracture: epidemiological study,2012,79,1,65-68,Dzupa Approach to the therapy of pathological fractures of the proximal part of the femur,1973,40,1,66-68,Bauer Fatigue fracture of bone (author's transl),1976,43,4,364-366,Kubín Incidence of fat embolism following injuries in relation to the severity of post-traumatic sequelae,1976,43,4,273-298,Kroupa Injuries of the atlas,2003,70,5,274-278,Stulík Fractures of the femoral head,2002,69,4,219-228,Matějka Diagnosis of heart contusions,2002,69,2,95-98,Pokorny Mortality in patients with proximal femoral fractures during the first year after the injury,2002,69,1,39-44,Dzupa Spinal cord concussion: a retrospective study of twenty-four patients,2012,79,2,150-155,Stulík Incidence of proximal femur fractures in relation to seasons of the year and weather,2012,79,2,140-143,Burget Epidemiology of critical burns in southern Moravia,2012,79,4,370-375,Lipový Injuries to the lower cervical spine,2004,71,6,366-372,Kocis Gun-shot injuries to the abdomen involving the pancreas,2012,79,5,455-458,Cečka Intercondylar eminence fracture in children. results of long-term follow-up,2012,79,5,442-446,Jochymek Comparison of the RTS and ISS scores on prediction of survival chances in multiple trauma patients,2012,79,6,535-539,Akhavan Akbari Pelvic ring injuries in children. part i: epidemiology and primary evaluation. a review of the literature,2012,79,6,493-498,Hildebrand Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in children and adolescents in our patient group,2013,80,2,155-158,Straka Unstable injuries to the upper cervical spine in children and adolescents,2013,80,2,106-113,Kryl Management of war orthopaedic injuries in recent armed conflicts,2013,80,3,197-202,Frank Results and complications of therapy for femoral fractures (author's transl),1976,43,6,539-546,Wondrák Injuries of major arteries in athletes (author's transl),1977,44,1,83-86,Krivosudský Rock climbing injuries sustained at the training centre in Ceský Ráj (author's transl),1977,44,1,77-82,Hubicka Hand and wrist trauma in handball players (author's transl),1977,44,1,50-52,Hromec Major injuries during sport and physical training (author's transl),1977,44,1,46-49,Wondrák Scapular fracture related to polytrauma severity in patients with serious brachial plexus palsy,2013,80,4,284-286,Kaiser Pelvic ring injuries in children. Part ii: Treatment and results. A review of the literature,2013,80,4,241-249,Hildebrand Achilles tendon injuries in athletes (author's transl),1977,44,4,367-371,Müller Various types of polytrauma (author's transl),1978,45,3,243-254,Kroupa New aspects regarding prophylaxis and treatment of post-traumatic fat embolism. Part 2: Outline of guiding principles for the complex prophylaxis and treatment of fat embolism based on the literature and personal empirical and experimental facts (author's transl),1978,45,2,122-138,Kroupa New aspects regarding prophylaxis and therapy of post-traumatic fat embolism. Part One: introduction into prophylaxis of fat embolism based on a review of the pathogenesis and symptoms of fat embolism (author's transl),1978,45,2,103-121,Kroupa Experience on the plasty of injuries of Achilles' tendon (author's transl),1974,41,1,25-29,Stranák Femur neck fractures in childhood (author's transl),1979,46,1,29-33,Spissák Prevention of locomotor apparatus damage through intensive sports (author's transl),1979,46,2,176-178,Müller Pathological fractures of proximal end of femur (author's transl),1979,46,2,167-170,Bauer Experience with treatment of patients after mass accidents (author's transl),1980,47,3,271-273,Károlyi Injuries contracted during sports and physical training (author's transl),1980,47,3,266-270,Klima Successes of Soviet traumatology and orthopedics,1978,45,4,335,Pavlansky Football injury of popliteal artery (author's transl),1978,45,4,329-331,Mayzlík The possible origin of malignancy following trauma (author's transl),1978,45,5,414-419,Bobek The contribution of the Traumatology Research Institute to accident surgery research in Czechoslovakia,1979,46,5,353-363,Kroupa Hand injuries by water pistols,1982,49,3,247-252,Scharizer Loss injuries of the femoral neck and head. Case report,1987,54,1,81-87,Petrović Determining the risk of falling in elderly patients undergoing hip fracture surgery,2014,81,4,272-275,Seyhan Basic requirements of care in polytrauma,1989,56,1,39-44,Hájek Pediatric injuries in the lower extremities caused by insertion of the foot into the spokes of a bicycle,1989,56,4,338-342,Kitka Ice skater's fracture,1991,58,1-2,77-81,Klíma Is whole-body computed tomography the standard work-up for severely-injured children? Results of a survey among german trauma centers,2015,82,5,332-336,Sudkamp Eastbourne Miami-J protocol: a pilot study for the care of cervical injuries in the community,2016,83,3,186-188,Lidder Traumatic thrombosis of the renal artery following seat-belt injury,2016,83,4,274-278,Matějka Influence of the weather on the incidence of fractures in the elderly,2016,83,4,269-273,Kraus Gait analysis in patients with hip disorders,2016,83,4,238-246,Urbášek Concussion in sports - what trauma/orthopedic surgeons need to know!,2017,84,4,247-253,Gansslen Epidemiological study of the effects of gender age mobility and time of injury on proximal femoral fractures,2018,85,1,40-45,Zelenka Penetrating injuries of the heart and great vessels - fifteen years of experience of the cardiac surgery service as a part of the major trauma centre,2018,85,2,144-148,Lonský Electrical burn with an extensive deep defect of the fronto-orbital region,2019,86,3,220-222,Lengyel Injury of medial structures in ankle fractures - epidemiological aspects and outcomes of treatment,2019,86,3,199-204,Cech Bilateral dislocation of the hip joints after a car accident?,2019,86,5,368-371,Kokavec Study on the effects of sex and age on proximal femoral fractures in two culturally diverse countries,2019,86,5,330-333,Zelenka Recommendations for crisis management in mass casualty incidents with a focus on a terrorist attack,2020,87,1,62-67,Burget Patient triage in disasters and mass casualty incidents,2020,87,4,237-242,Burget Causes of changes in the spectrum of acetabular fractures in the last 20 years,2020,87,5,329-332,Dzupa Causes for delay to surgery in hip fractures and how it impacts on mortality: a single level 1 trauma center experience,2021,88,1,28-34,Kristan Toddler's fractures: definition differences between the diagnostic and therapeutic approach,2021,88,1,45-49,Pesl Urogenital injury in polytrauma patients: a five-year epidemiological study,2021,88,4,307-312,Fric Pelvic injuries and acetabular fractures: differences in their severity,2013,80,1,60-63,Báĉa Early outcomes of pelvic trauma patients - complications ICU stay and treatment concepts in two ATLS compliant trauma centers: Germany and Qatar,2021,88,6,418-422,Weil Unexpected finding of a foreign body in the knee joint area of a 10-year-old boy,2021,88,6,461-463,Hanus Severe head injury in childhood: the importance of early offensive therapy,2022,89,4,309-311,Knor Femoral fractures in children younger than two years. Are we considering abusive etiology?,2023,90,6,375-382,Havlas [Trauma Analysis in Patients Examined by Whole-Body CT],2021,88,6,450-455,Sedlackova [Successful urgent thoracotomy in a patient with penetrating heart injury--case report],2010,77,3,247-249,Lochman Comparison of radiographic measurement parameters of the wrist in patients with and without scaphoid fracture after fall on an outstretched hand,2024,91,3,156-163,Bulut