Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Risks of children's toys. children play safely,2002,21,3,120, "Childhood accidents are not accidental": Germany has the highest mortality rate in Europe,2002,21,3,117-119,König Aggressive behavior as an illness?,2005,24,6,251-253,Resch Childhood accidents and age-specific awareness of danger,2004,23,2,69-72,Schriever Suicide in children and adolescents,1997,16,5,195-197,Stümpfig Violence in family and school,1995,14,4,176-178,Klosinski Neglect of infants and children as a form of child abuse,2009,28,4,140-144,Bajanowski Handicapped children are frequently victims of violence,2008,27,2,59-60,Matysiak From parental authoritarian rights to priority of child welfare. The history of child rights,2008,27,4,157-162,Peschel-Gutzeit German Institute of Youth Welfare and Family Rights e.V. Child welfare: improving access to help--preventive examinations are not a cure-all,2007,26,1,20,Schmidt Visible sequelae of violence against children. 2,1990,9,6,174-176,Menzel Visible sequelae of violence against children. 1,1990,9,4,102-104,Menzel Child abuse--first contact with the child and its parents in the pediatric hospital,1991,10,9,349-350,Langeheine Sexual abuse in children and adolescents--a noteworthy important problem also for the nursing staff,1991,10,2,83-88,Fegert Violence against children (child abuse). The physician's protective activity as an aid in the hospital against abuse and sexual abuse in the family,1991,10,2,80-82,Jungjohann Thou shalt not feel--thoughts on the psychodynamic action of child abuse,1993,12,12,417-418,Landsberg Children live dangerously--accident prevention a responsibility of the pediatric nurse?,1992,11,10,384-388,Schriever Cerebral complications in drowning accidents. Aspects of nursing care,1992,11,4,148-150,Kloos Experiences of 2 siblings. Report on the consequences of an air disaster in Ramstein (1988),1992,11,4,146-147,Krähling Accidental trauma of a child. Effects on the family,2001,20,6,246-250,Kahlert Child abuse and neglect. Prevention and therapeutic intervention,1997,16,4,136-140,Thyen Poisonous and less poisonous plants. 10,1993,12,10,345-346,Haupt Poisonous and less poisonous plants. 8. Golden Rain (Laburnum anagyroides),1993,12,7,258,Haupt The abused and neglected child--concept of a medical consulting center,1994,13,12,428-431,Semmerling Thermal accidents in children--the situation within the family during hospitalization and rehabilitation,1997,16,12,496-500,Scheler Child abuse in the routine professional practice of nurses. Measures at discharge and prevention by nurses (3),2009,28,10,422-425,Fahr Child abuse in the occupational routine of nurses. Measures for child protection during inpatient nursing (2),2009,28,8,332-336,Fahr Violence and power(lessness) in pediatric and adolescent nursing: report on the 11th Annual Meeting of Pediatric Nurses and Aides in Graz October 2009,2008,27,11,471,Schlögl Child personality development: basic needs and requirements from the social environment,2008,27,11,465-468,Resch The nanny state,2008,27,11,446,Schulte-Wissermann Early intervention by pediatric nurses,2008,27,3,108-109,Hoehl Violence in pediatric nursing,2005,24,10,415-419,Wagner The role of the nurse in managing abused children,2004,23,6,249-251,Wrase Sexual abuse of children and adolescents. Pedophilia--does it still exist?,1999,18,7,278-281,Scheer Sexual abuse of children--a thematic review for pediatric nursing,1997,16,5,189-194,Klopfer Child abuse in the daily routine of nurses,2009,28,7,288-292,Fahr Aspects of safety in children's anesthesia,1994,13,9,290-295,Kretz "The future begins yesterday". Suicide prevention in children and adolescents,2010,29,6,244-248,Haemmerle Handling drugs so as to prevent suicides in psychiatry,1999,18,4,159-160,Stümpfig What to do at the suspicion of sexual child abuse?,1995,14,10,405-407,Iskenius Strategies in dealing with aggressive children,1995,14,5,208-210,Lehmkuhl Accidents in children--developmental-physiological and psychological aspects,1997,16,7,270-274,Schriever Child abuse and neglect. Epidemiology and diagnosis,1997,16,5,185-188,Frank Body scanning at the airport. Whole body and nude scanner,2010,29,2,47-50,Vogel Anthrax. Basic principles and preventive measures,2001,20,12,511-514,Maiwald-Schirra Bite marks in fatal child abuse: a case report,2004,23,2,75-77,Andrée Possibilities and limitations of children's physicians in exposing of child abuse,2002,21,8,345-348,Oberle Primary prevention in the area of mental health,2002,21,8,319-324,Parens Classy youth--with big problems. Podium discussion on increasing youth criminality in Germany,2007,26,6,242-243,Staub Treatment and nursing of the child with burn injuries,2007,26,9,366-371,Sinnig Job and family: men are more susceptible to the double load than women. Mediaedge:cia analyzes management of stress-induced disorders,2007,26,12,511,Hansen The status of nursing hides a potential for latent violence,2007,26,11,473,Rothfuss Child kinesics,2003,22,4,148-151,Siegesmund Why did everybody look away?,2008,27,10,415-419,Siegesmund Youth violence has many roots,2008,27,9,387, "Welcome Augsburg children": home visits for young families by pediatric nurses,2008,27,11,452-454,Malcher Is there a depository for the nurse's empathy outside the nursery room?,1999,18,12,510-511,Heyde Münchhausen by proxy syndrome,1999,18,12,491-496,Keller Entertaining violence prevention,2010,29,11,462-463,Staub Hear the children cry. Emotional abuse of children,1998,17,2,75-79,Landsberg Crises and mistakes of adolescence,2001,20,2,54-56,Scheer The role of play for self development of the child,2003,22,2,72-76,Papousek Poisonous and less poisonous plants. Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis),2004,23,2,80-81,Haupt Every 2 minutes a child is injured in Germany,2004,23,2,73-74,Henter Care of children with poisonings,1999,18,4,155-158,Wagner Self-induced illnesses: the Münchhausen syndrome,1999,18,11,467-471,Schulte-Wissermann Poisonous and less poisonous plants,2000,19,2,51-52,Haupt Play--a pedagogic necessity for children,1990,9,4,112-113,Heuss Reader's letter concerning the article: Pediatric emergencies from the viewpoint of first aid: kks 9/06 pp. 360-369,2006,25,12,533,Graaf Poisonous and less poisonous plants,2004,23,1,23-24,Haupt The only dependable factor is the unreliability.-- children in alcoholic families,2005,24,4,143-146,Arenz-Greiving Impaired health caused by child labor. 85 million children toil under dangerous conditions,2014,33,4,141-142,Matysiak Innocent participation in a suicide is impossible when the perpetrator performs measures on the victim which lead to death,2003,22,11,e498,Schell Supervision duty violations in the light of legal terminology,2005,24,8,345-348, Who owns a human life?,2006,25,8,311-314,Baltzer [Supervision duty violations in the light of legal terminology],2005,24,8,345-348, [How can the unthinkable be understood?],2008,27,6,256-257,