Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The relationship between parental locus of control and children's perceptions of control,1997,158,2,216-225,Morton Children's emotional associations with colors,1994,155,1,77-85,Boyatzis Pre-adolescent gangs: a socio-psychological interpretation,1955,86,2,275-279,Crane Pre-adolescent gangs: a topological interpretation,1952,81,1,113-123,Crane Correlates of suicide ideation in high school students: the importance of depression,1999,160,1,105-114,de Man Attempted Suicide and Family Disorganization,1964,105,2,187,Tuckman Childhood aggression adolescent delinquency and drug use: a longitudinal study,1992,153,4,369-383,Brook Reducing earthquake-related fears in victim and nonvictim children,2008,169,2,177-185,Aydin Bullying and victimization in adolescence: concurrent and stable roles and psychological health symptoms,2009,170,2,115-133,Menesini Punishment experiences and suicidal preoccupation,1968,113,1st Half,89-94,Lester Chromosomal abnormalities and antisocial behavior,1971,118,2,281-292,Ferdon Phenomal environmental oppressiveness in suicidal adolescents,1972,120,2d Half,253-256,Neuringer Familial variables related to the expression of violent aggression in preschool-age children,1973,122,2d Half,345-346,Abramson A fractorial study of a multidimensional approach to aggressive behavior in black preschool age children,1974,125,1st Half,31-36,Abramson The relationship between the performance greater than verbal (P greater than V) sign and violent behavior in a sample of mentally retarded subjects,1983,143,2d Half,279-280,Roszkowski Mock trial jury decisions as a function of adolescent juror guilt and hostility,1984,144,2d Half,195-201,McMahon Affective behavior of abused and control children: comparisons of parent-child interactions and the influence of home environment variables,1984,144,1st Half,69-82,Starr Violent delinquency: an examination of psychopathic typologies,1987,148,3,385-392,Walsh Illegitimacy child abuse and neglect and cognitive development,1990,151,3,279-285,Walsh A study of fear and anger in college students through the controlled diary method,1948,73,,243-249,Spatz The reliability of personality traits differentiating delinquent and non-delinquent girls,1948,72,Second Half,307-311,Durea Studies in delinquency; prediction of delinquency in boys,1949,74,,119-123,Zokolski An experiment in pursuit of color-blindness,1949,74,,125-142,Pronko Studies in deliquency; personality structure of delinquent boys,1949,74,,109-117,Zakolski Children's coping styles and report of depressive symptoms following a natural disaster,1993,154,2,259-267,Finch Parent-child relationships and suicidal ideation in French-Canadian adolescents,1993,154,1,17-23,de Man Motor performance of children as a function of inverting their reported scores,1951,78,1,97-103,Stone Occupational aptitudes of delinquents,1951,78,1,47-54,Holmes A comparison of the test performances of delinquent and non-delinquent girls,1952,81,2,167-183,Diller Authority figure perspective and aggression in delinquents,1952,80,2,193-210,Kates Group therapy with institutionalized juvenile delinquents,1952,80,1,35-64,Gersten Studies in delinquency. III. An individual test,1953,83,2,279-292,Zakolski The assumption of motor primacy and its significance for behavioral development,1953,83,1,79-88,Bousfield Factors associated with repeating among preadolescent delinquents,1954,84,2,189-195,Wattenberg Attention spans of children for experimentally designed toys,1955,87,2,187-201,Moyer Methods of evaluating the group psychotherapy of unstable defective delinquents,1955,87,1,89-101,O'connor The role of the acquired distinctiveness of cues in the acquisition of a motor skill in children,1955,87,1,11-24,Smith A comparison of the test performances of male and female juvenile delinquents,1955,86,2,217-236,Diller Relationships between some background factors and children's interpersonal attitude,1957,91,1,119-129,Koppitz Sociempathic ability in a group of institutionalized deliquent boys,1957,91,1,99-108,Trent Academic achievement in a group of mentally disturbed adolescents in a residential treatment setting,1957,90,2,239-253,Salzinger The relationship between children's play interests and their mental ability,1958,93,1,119-131,Wang The expressed values of institutionalized delinquent boys,1958,92,2,133-148,Trent Rosenzweig picture-frustration study results with minority group juvenile delinquents,1958,92,1,61-67,Norman A revised conception of masculine-feminine differences in play activities,1960,96,,165-170,Rosenberg Personality characteristics of the mothers of aggressive and unaggressive children,1961,99,,159-164,Lynn Differential study of recidivism among Negro and white boys,1961,98,,247-253,Washington Monkeys' fear of snakes: a study of its basis and generality,1963,103,,207-226,Wolin The concept of reach-grasp-release as a visual auditory and tactual process,1965,106,,237-243,Barsch Attempted suicide and family disorganization,1964,105,,187-193,Tuckman A study comparing visual and visual-motor perceptions of unimpaired defective and spastic cerebral palsied children,1962,101,,299-332,Nelson The effect of age on speed of simple manual skill,1962,100,,69-76,Talland Do alcohol expectancy outcomes and valuations mediate peer influences and lifetime alcohol use among early adolescents?,2009,170,4,359-376,Zamboanga Possible insomnia predicts some risky behaviors among adolescents when controlling for depressive symptoms,2009,170,4,287-309,Catrett Evaluation of conditional and biconditional hypotheses in information-use tasks during adolescence,1993,154,1,111-126,Langford A developmental approach examining social and personal correlates in relation to alcohol use over time,1988,149,1,93-110,Brook The relationship between developments in self-and peer perception during adolescence,1983,142,1st Half,75-83,Bernstein The personality and character structure of the delinquent: some social psychological implications,1967,110,1st Half,139-147,Moseley Perceptual and motor discrimination in psychotic and normal children,1967,110,1st Half,117-125,O'connor Gender differences in risk and promotive classifications associated with adolescent delinquency,2010,171,2,116-138,Herrenkohl The audio-visual viewing habits of selected subgroups of delinquents,1968,112,1st Half,37-41,Cowden A brief semicentennial survey of child guidance practices (1909-1959),1968,112,1st Half,109-116,Rosenzweig Anxiety as a factor in the child's responsiveness to social reinforcement,1968,112,2d Half,165-174,Grossman Sex differences in reaction times decision times and movement times in British and Korean children,1993,154,2,209-213,Lynn The fears of youth in the 1990s: contemporary normative data,1993,154,2,137-153,Gullone Adolescent running away behavior: active or passive avoidance?,1994,155,1,59-64,Pelletier Laterality effects in Cherokee and Anglo children,1994,155,1,123-124,White Sequence of sexual behavior and its relationship to other problem behaviors in African American and Puerto Rican adolescents,1994,155,1,107-114,Brook The impact of delayed fatherhood on the father-child relationship,1994,155,4,511-530,Heath A comparison of children's performance on different linear-ordering tasks,1994,155,4,493-502,Blades Structure of leadership among preschool children,1994,155,4,389-395,Hicks Verbal conflict resolution in families of serious juvenile offenders,1997,158,4,498-501,Williams An analysis of some relationships between fantasy-aggressive and aggressive behavior among institutionalized delinquents,1969,114,2d Half,179-183,Cowden Adolescents' perceptions of happy-successful living,1969,115,1st Half,107-120,Thompson Quarrel involvement of school-aged children: gender differences age trends and school adjustment correlates,1995,156,1,87-96,Last Childhood aggression and unconventionality: impact on later academic achievement drug use and workforce involvement,1995,156,4,393-410,Newcomb Remembering details in stories about childhood sexual abuse,1997,158,3,377-379,Lewis Disinclination to venture response versus cautiousness in responding: age differences,1969,115,1st Half,55-62,Botwinick Relationship of socioeconomic status sex and age to aggression of emotionally disturbed children in mothers' presence,1970,116,1st Half,95-100,Rau Adolescent sex differences in reactions to frustration as explored by the Rosenzweig P-F Study,1970,116,1st Half,53-61,Rosenzweig Reactive and proactive aggression: stability of constructs and relations to correlates,2006,167,4,365-382,Hubbard Gender differences in the relationship between young children's peer-related social competence and individual differences in theory of mind,2005,166,3,297-312,Walker The relation of gender-role classifications to the prosocial and antisocial behavior of Chinese adolescents,2005,166,2,189-201,Keung Character disposition and behavior type: influences of valence on preschool children's social judgments,2009,170,4,310-325,Jones Aggression in toddlers: associations with parenting and marital relations,2001,162,2,228-241,Brook Reactive and proactive aggression: attachment and social competence predictors,2001,162,3,260-275,Marcus Correlates of aggression in African American and Puerto Rican children,2004,165,2,185-202,Brook Behavior problems and peer rejection in preschool boys and girls,2002,163,1,72-88,Wood Gender influences on preschool children's social problem-solving strategies,2002,163,2,197-209,Walker Development of social problem solving in early childhood: stability change and associations with social competence,2003,164,2,153-173,Cillessen Social knowledge and social competence: number and quality of strategies as predictors of peer behavior,1990,151,1,117-127,Mize Disturbed children's and adolescents' comprehension of psychological mechanisms of defense,1990,151,4,419-428,Kinney Adolescents' aggressive and prosocial behavior: associations with jealousy and social anxiety,2008,169,1,21-33,Goldstein Conflict resolution between friends during middle childhood,2008,169,2,133-148,Joshi The relationship between aggression in children and locus of control beliefs,1999,160,1,5-21,John Positive and negative peer interaction in 3- and 4-year-olds in relation to regulation and dysregulation,2010,171,3,218-250,Campbell Gender Differences in Risk and Promotive Classifications Associated With Adolescent Delinquency,2010,171,2,116,Herrenkohl The development of metacognitive knowledge of basic motor skill: walking,1996,157,3,361-375,Chen Absolute and relational responding on an intermediate size transposition task with first-grade children,1972,121,1st Half,41-47,Weinstock Personality correlates of parental teaching behavior,1972,121,1st Half,3-10,Osofsky Parameters of the spiral after-effect in organics schizophrenics and normals,1972,120,2d Half,177-187,Hersen Children's ability to order facial and nonfacial continua as a function of MA CA and IQ,1972,120,2d Half,241-251,Harter Errors in identifying and expressing emotion in facial expressions voices and postures unique to social anxiety,2011,172,3,293-301,Walker Imitative aggression with adult male and female models in father absent and father present Negro boys,1973,122,2d Half,217-221,Keller Comparison of time-sampling and continuous-recording techniques for observing developmental changes in caretaker and infant behaviors,1973,123,1st Half,99-105,McDowell Infant reaction to parental separations when left with familiar and unfamiliar adults,1975,126,2d Half,255-262,Kotelchuck Effects of a structured camp experience on locus of control orientation,1973,122,2d Half,247-252,Barnes Twins: within-pair similarity on Bayley's Infant Behavior Record,1976,128,2d Half,263-270,Wilson Reflection-impulsivity and behavioral problems in emotionally disturbed boys,1976,128,2d Half,271-274,Finch Children's responses to entry failure: attention deployment patterns and self-regulation skills,2011,172,4,376-400,Wilson Children's understanding of inferential knowledge,1999,160,4,419-428,Pillow Functions targets and outcomes of specific forms of social aggression: a daily diary study,2012,173,1,63-89,Mayeux Attachment parenting and separation--individuation in adolescence: a comparison of hospitalized adolescents institutionalized delinquents and controls,2012,173,2,119-141,Goossens The infant's concept of agency: the distinction between social and nonsocial objects,1990,151,1,77-90,Poulin-Dubois The role of older brothers in younger brothers' drug use viewed in the context of parent and peer influences,1990,151,1,59-75,Brook Interactions of preschool and kindergarten friends and acquaintances,1990,151,1,45-58,Brachfeld-Child Negative affectivity predicts individual differences in decision making for preschoolers,2006,167,4,443-462,Moore "It's a hurricane! it's a hurricane!": can music facilitate social constructive and sociodramatic play in a preschool classroom?,2006,167,4,383-391,Love Role of fault attributions and desire effort and outcome expectations in children's anticipated responses to hypothetical peers with various undesirable characteristics,2012,173,3,317-329,Barnett Effect of visual field presentation on action planning (estimating reach) in children,2012,173,3,302-316,Gabbard Aggressive and nonaggressive children's moral judgments and moral emotion attributions in situations involving retaliation and unprovoked aggression,2012,173,4,417-439,Malti I am really good at puzzles but I don't get asked to play with others: age gender and ethnic differences in Head Start children's self-perceptions of competence,2004,165,1,51-65,Mantzicopoulos The relation between early adolescents' trust beliefs in peers and reactions to peer provocation: attributions of intention and retaliation,2013,174,4,450-456,Rotenberg Effects of alcohol on moral functioning in male social drinkers,1979,134,1st Half,79-88,Barling The relationship of preschool children's habitual use of space to prosocial antisocial and social behaviors,1981,138,1st Half,111-121,Eisenberg-Berg Bullying behaviors and victimization experiences among adolescent students: the role of resilience,2014,175,1-2,134-146,Betts Mixed-grade rejection and its association with overt aggression relational aggression anxious-withdrawal and psychological maladjustment,2014,175,1-2,35-50,Bowker Relations between aggressive and prosocial behaviors in children,1979,134,2d Half,317-318,Barrett Effects of fantasy behavior level of fantasy predisposition age and sex on direction of aggression in young children,1980,136,2d Half,255-264,Roll Child-rearing factors authoritarianism drug use attitudes and adolescent drug use: a model,1980,136,2d Half,159-171,Mercer Responses of boys and girls to aggressive assertive and passive behaviors of male and female characters,1978,133,1st Half,59-69,Serbin Social class and race differences in family interaction: pathological normative or confounding methodological factors?,1980,137,2d Half,211-222,Henggeler Some characteristics of infants preferred toys,1982,140,2d Half,207-210,Furby The effects of TV action and violence on children's social behavior,1981,138,2,183-191,Huston-Stein Adolescents' aggressive and prosocial behaviors: links with social information processing negative emotionality moral affect and moral cognition,2014,175,3-4,270-286,Augustine Trust development: testing a new model in undergraduate roommate relationships,2014,175,3-4,233-251,Dunsmore Exposure to interpersonal violence and socioemotional adjustment in economically disadvantaged preschoolers,2014,175,3-4,214-232,Bush Preschoolers' motor and verbal self-control strategies during a resistance-to-temptation task,2014,175,3-4,332-345,Winsler Children's ability to recognize emotions from partial and complete facial expressions,2014,175,5-6,416-430,Gosselin Emotion perception accuracy and bias in face-to-face versus cyberbullying,2014,175,5-6,382-400,Ciucci Moral growth among athletes and nonathletes: a comparative analysis,1986,147,1,7-18,Bredemeier The type A behavior pattern in children: relationships with performance on speed oriented tasks,1988,149,1,53-60,Stamps The immediate impact of aggressive cartoons on emotionally disturbed and learning disabled children,1988,149,1,35-44,Gadow The effects of prosocial and aggressive videogames on children's donating and helping,1987,148,4,499-505,Chambers Predictors of externalizing behavior problems in early elementary-aged children: the role of family and home environments,2013,174,4,464-471,Price Children's moral emotions narratives and aggression: relations with maternal discipline and support,2014,175,5-6,528-546,Arsenio Popularity and resource control goals as predictors of adolescent indirect aggression,2015,176,4,253-259,Mayeux Mothers' management of adolescent peer relationships: associations with aggressive prosocial and playful behavior,2015,176,5,299-314,Valentiner Balancing social responsibility and personal autonomy: adolescents' reasoning about community service programs,2015,176,6,349-368,McNeil Cyberbullying victimization in adolescents as related to body esteem social support and social self-efficacy,2016,178,1,28-43,Olenik-Shemesh Differences in attributions for public and private face-to-face and cyber victimization among adolescents in China Cyprus the Czech Republic India Japan and the United States,2016,178,1,1-14,Bayraktar The role of parental mediation and peer norms on the likelihood of cyberbullying,2016,178,1,15-27,Mesch "That really hurt Charlie!" investigating the role of sympathy and moral respect in children's aggressive behavior,2016,178,2,89-101,Malti Empathic skills and cyberbullying: relationship of different measures of empathy to cyberbullying in comparison to offline bullying among young adults,2017,178,1,58-72,Pfetsch Family and school influences on youths' behavioral and academic outcomes: cross-level interactions between parental monitoring and character development curriculum,2017,178,2,108-118,Top Developing the cyber victimization experiences and cyberbullying behaviors scales,2017,178,3,147-164,Betts Facial expressions and the ability to recognize emotions from the eyes or mouth: a comparison between children and adults,2017,178,6,309-318,Guarnera Impaired visuospatial short-term memory in children with ADHD,2018,179,1,19-29,Matsuura Forgiveness depression and suicidal behavior in adolescents: gender differences in this relationship,2018,179,2,85-89,Rey How different guilt feelings can affect social competence development in childhood,2018,179,3,132-142,Tani A multimethodological study of preschoolers' preferences for aggressive television and video games,2018,179,3,156-169,Jamnik Associations among life events empathic concern and adolescents' prosocial and aggressive behaviors toward specific targets,2018,179,4,183-197,Davis Preschoolers' anticipation of sadness for excluded peers sympathy and prosocial behavior,2018,179,5,286-296,Malti Facial expressions and the ability to recognize emotions from the eyes or mouth: a comparison among old adults young adults and children,2018,179,5,297-310,Guarnera Frequency and intensity of emotional expressiveness and preschool children's peer competence,2019,180,1,45-61,Lindsey Modeling female social aggression: predictors from multiple developmental contexts,2019,ePub,ePub,1-20,Cleveland Peer influence in elementary school: the importance of assessing the likeability of popular children,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lease Suicidal ideation among French adolescents: separation anxiety and attachment according to sex,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Potard Gender differences in moral influences on adolescents' eyewitness identification,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Siegel Bullying victimization and friendship as influences on sleep difficulty among Brazilian adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Santo What is adulthood? A comparison of the adulthood criteria of Greek emerging adults and their parents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vleioras Testing a moderated mediation model of social withdrawal and intimacy: the roles of interpersonal distrust and retrospective bullying victimization,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ng Describing disclosure of cybervictimization in adolescents from the United Kingdom: the role of age gender involvement in cyberbullying and time spent online,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Betts Black-White Racial context and U.S. American youths' moral judgments of and responses to social exclusion bullying,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brenick Factors influencing aggressive adolescent behavior: an analysis using the decision tree method,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang The role of participant immigrant background and gender in middle school youth's responses to actual and hypothetical experiences of bias-based bullying,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Mental health problems and bullying victimization among sexual minority adolescents in Greek secondary schools,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Andreou The role of teacher and peer support against bullying among secondary school students in Vietnam,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nguyen The relationship between parental monitoring peer pressure and motivations for responsible drinking among Italian adolescents: the mediating role of positive alcohol expectancies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Costabile Dimensions of parenting and children's bullying victimization: a look at the racial/ethnic and grade level differences,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Espelage Peer reputation configurations and associations with friendship adjustment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bowker Moderating effects of mindfulness in the relation between bullying victimization and sleep disturbance in Chinese children: sex differences,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lian Community violence exposure and bullying in Mexican adolescents: the mediating role of moral emotions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,García-Vázquez Is the effect of parenting on substance use among adolescents and young adults context dependent? Evidence from ten countries of southeastern Europe,2023,184,5,303-321,Vazsonyi Bullying victimization and internalizing problems among adolescents: a moderated mediation model of peer autonomy support and self-esteem,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ma Is bullying always about status? Status goals forms of bullying popularity and peer rejection during adolescence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ojanen Associations between maternal negative affectivity and young children's disruptive behavior problems: the mediating effect of callous-unemotional traits,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gagne How dangerous? Substance use risk perceptions in Chilean preadolescents,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sable