Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Aggressive responses to betrayal: Type of relationship victim's sex and nature of aggression,2006,23,1,101-116,Haden Testosterone and conflict tactics within late-adolescent couples: A dyadic predictive model,2006,23,2,231-248,Kaiser Anger regulation among friends: Assessment and development from childhood to adolescence,2005,22,6,837-855,von Salisch You can degrade but you can't hit: Differences in perceptions of psychological versus physical aggression,2008,25,2,225-245,Arriaga Gendered Conflict Identity Disruption and Marital Instability: Expanding Gottman's Model,2001,18,1,5-27,Pasley Challenges in conceptualizing social support,2009,26,1,39-51,Vangelisti Social support: Mapping the construct,2009,26,1,113-120,Sarason Connections between parents' friendships and children's peer relationships,2009,26,2-3,315-325,Romano Deciphering spousal intentions: An fMRI study of couple communication,2009,26,4,388-410,Beach Divorce following the September 11 terrorist attacks,2009,26,4,512-530,Cohan Payback: The parameters of revenge in romantic relationships,2009,26,6-7,747-768,Boon A longitudinal study of childhood social behaviour: Inter-informant agreement inter-context agreement and social preference linkages,2009,26,6-7,769-792,Kuppens The romantic partner conflict scale: A new scale to measure relationship conflict,2009,26,8,1073-1096,Zacchilli Attachment correlates of resource-control strategies: Possible origins of social dominance and interpersonal power differentials,2009,26,8,1097-1118,Hawley Attachment in adolescence: A move to the level of emotion regulation,2010,27,2,181-190,Allen New directions in attachment theory and research,2010,27,2,163-172,Shaver Adult attachment and the brain,2010,27,2,210-217,Coan Priming a sense of security: What goes through people’s minds?,2010,27,2,253-261,Carnelley Growing through attachment: The interplay of attachment and exploration in adulthood,2010,27,2,226-234,Feeney Attachment and the leader—follower relationship,2010,27,2,271-280,Mayseless Psychobiological research on attachment,2010,27,2,218-225,Diamond Invariance of adult attachment across gender age culture and socioeconomic status?,2010,27,2,200-208,Bakermans-Kranenburg Attachment and relationships: Milestones and future directions,2010,27,2,173-180,Simpson Attachment relationships in old age,2010,27,2,191-199,Cicirelli Responding to the needs of others: The caregiving behavioral system in intimate relationships,2010,27,2,235-244,Collins Perceived empathy accurate empathy and relationship satisfaction in heterosexual couples,2010,27,3,327-349,Cramer Emotions in marital conflict interactions: Empathic accuracy assumed similarity and the moderating context of depressive symptoms,2010,27,3,367-387,Cummings Extending the four-category model of adult attachment: An interpersonal model of friendship attachment,2010,27,3,351-366,Welch Stress anger and verbal aggression in intimate relationships: Moderating effects of individual and dyadic coping,2010,27,3,408-424,Bradbury After a terror attack: Israeli — Arab professionals’ feelings and experiences,2010,27,5,685-704,Baum Contributions of maternal adult attachment to socialization of coping,2010,27,5,637-657,Rudolph Misattributions contributing to empathic (in)accuracy during parent-adolescent conflict discussions,2010,27,6,727-747,Sillars "At least with cheating there is an attempt at monogamy": Cheating and monogamism among undergraduate heterosexual men,2010,27,7,851-872,Anderson Couple forgiveness self-differentiation and secondary traumatization among wives of former POWs,2010,27,7,924-937,Dekel Hanging out: Features of urban children’s peer social networks,2010,27,7,982-1000,Neal Individual dispositions and interpersonal concerns underlying bullied victims’ self-disclosure in Japan and the US,2010,27,8,1124-1148,Matsunaga Student–teacher relationships and students’ willingness to seek help for school violence,2010,27,8,1110-1123,Yablon Beyond violence: Threat reappraisal in women recently separated from intimate-partner violent relationships,2007,24,5,693-706,Herting Physical Aggression and Depressive Symptoms: Gender Asymmetry in Effects?,2004,21,3,341-360,Arias Against their will: Young women's nonagentic sexual experiences,2007,24,3,385-405,Crown The 20-year trajectory of marital quality in enduring marriages: Does equity matter?,2010,27,4,449-471,Demaris Predicting unwanted pursuit: Attachment relationship satisfaction relationship alternatives and break-up distress,2006,23,4,565-586,Dutton Relationship satisfaction in Argentinean couples under economic strain: Gender differences in a dyadic stress model,2010,27,6,781-799,Falconier The Role of Conflict-Based Communication Responses and Outcomes in Male Domestic Violence toward Female Partners,2000,17,4-5,552-573,Ridley How women make custody decisions and manage co-parenting with abusive former husbands,2006,23,4,543-563,Hardesty Predicting the use of aggressive conflict tactics in a sample of women arrested for domestic violence,2007,24,2,155-176,Stuart Alcohol-related problems anger and marital satisfaction in monoethnic Latino biethnic Latino and European American newlywed couples,2007,24,2,255-275,Newcomb Sickening Relationships: Gender-Based Violence Women’s Health and the Role of Informal Third Parties,2004,21,1,149-165,Klein Intrusiveness in romantic relationships: A cross-cultural perspective on imbalances between proximity and autonomy,2011,26,6-7,989-1008,Mikulincer Qualitative Analysis of Women's Perceived Vulnerability to Sexual Aggression in a Hypothetical Dating Context,2000,17,6,729-741,Livingston The Context and Dynamics of Intimate Aggression Against Women,2000,17,4-5,503-521,Lloyd Does Men's Positivity Moderate or Mediate the Effects of their Abuse on Women's Relationship Quality?,2000,17,4-5,660-675,Weston Family and Friends as Healthcare Advocates: Dilemmas of Confidentiality and Privacy,2004,21,1,33-52,Petronio Reasons for Remaining in a Relationship and Responses to Relational Transgressions,2001,18,3,362-385,Roloff Married Individuals Cohabiters and Cohabiters Who Marry: A Longitudinal Study of Relational and Individual Well-Being,2004,21,2,231-248,Stafford Social and personality correlates of gambling attitudes and behavior among Chinese residents of Macau,2009,26,8,1047-1071,Taormina Likelihood of Acquaintance Rape as a Function of Males’ Sexual Expectations Disappointment and Adherence to Rape-Conducive Attitudes,2003,20,5,637-661,Willan Violence Against Female Partners: Direct and Interactive Effects of Family History Communal Orientation and Peer-Related Variables,2001,18,4,535-549,Silverman The Normalization of Violence in Heterosexual Romantic Relationships: Women's Narratives of Love and Violence,2001,18,2,239-261,Wood Monsters and victims: Male felons' accounts of intimate partner violence,2004,21,5,555-576,Wood Measuring love in romantic relationships: A meta-analysis,2011,28,6,748-771,Graham Attitudes toward dating violence among Israeli and Thai youth,2011,28,6,809-828,Sherer Exploratory analysis of verbal aggression in romantic relationships among unmarried men and women: Predictive patterns by gender and race,2011,28,7,1005-1023,Chung Interpersonal control and courtship aggression,1990,7,3,371-394,Stets Relationship theories and relationship violence: Is it beneficial to believe in soulmates?,2012,29,6,820-838,Franiuk Nudging you behind your back: The influence of implicit friendship concepts on risk taking,2012,29,7,930-947,Tong Does love mean never having to say you're sorry? Associations between relationship satisfaction perceived apology sincerity and forgiveness,2012,29,7,997-1010,Schumann Voodoo versus me-you correlations in relationship neuroscience,2013,30,2,189-197,Coan "Because I'm still the parent that's why!" Parental legitimate authority during emerging adulthood,2013,31,3,293-313,Padilla-Walker An Examination of Single Men's and Women's Sexual Aggressiveness in Dating Relationships,1993,10,4,511-528,Christopher Bisexuals and the sex differences in jealousy hypothesis,2013,30,8,1064-1071,Scherer Expectations regarding partner fidelity in dating relationships,2015,33,2,237-256,Boon Influences of acute alcohol consumption sexual precedence and relationship motivation on women's relationship and sex appraisals and unprotected sex intentions,2015,32,2,197-221,Norris Trajectories of Perceived Social Support Among Low-Income Female Survivors of Hurricane Katrina,2015,32,8,1034-1055,Lowe Further understanding sexual communication: honesty deception safety and risk,2016,33,4,449-468,Horan Theoretical and methodological issues in relationship research: considering the common fate model,2017,34,1,44-68,Proulx Emotion expression avoidance and psychological health during reintegration: a dyadic analysis of actor and partner associations within a sample of military couples,2017,34,1,69-90,Christ Depressive symptoms excessive reassurance seeking and relationship maintenance,2017,34,1,91-113,Fowler The role of culture in explaining college students' selection into hookups dates and long-term romantic relationships,2016,33,8,1070-1096,Kuperberg Attachment and depressive symptoms in middle childhood: the moderating role of skin conductance level variability,2016,33,8,1135-1148,Van Leeuwen Marital adjustment and psychological distress in Japan,2016,33,7,855-866,Whisman Dyadic accuracy and bias in preadolescents' perceived peer relations: associations with aggression depression and peer victimization,2016,33,7,892-916,Hubbard Making meaning of significant events in past relationships: implications for depression among newly single individuals,2016,33,7,938-960,Frost Immigration stress exposure to traumatic life experiences and problem drinking among first-generation immigrant Latino couples,2016,33,4,469-492,Falconier Skin conductance level reactivity as a moderator of the link between parent depressive symptoms and psychosocial adjustment in emerging adults,2016,33,4,534-556,Abaied Linking partner emotional support partner negative interaction and trauma with psychological distress: direct and moderating effects,2016,33,3,303-319,Cox Adolescent loneliness and social anxiety: the role of multiple sources of support,2016,33,2,149-170,Buehler Self-perceived popularity in early adolescence: accuracy associations with loneliness and gender differences,2016,33,2,257-274,Kerestes Parent emotion coaching buffers the psychological effects of poor peer relations in the classroom,2016,33,1,23-41,Buckholdt Parents and partners: moderating and mediating influences on intimate partner violence across adolescence and young adulthood,2017,34,8,1295-1323,Giordano Emotional maltreatment in family of origin and young adult romantic relationship satisfaction: a dyadic data analysis,2017,35,6,872-888,Shaffer Relationship status and drinking-related outcomes in a community sample of lesbian and bisexual women,2019,36,1,244-268,Wilsnack A dehumanization perspective on dependence in low-satisfaction (abusive) relationships,2019,36,5,1421-1440,Bastian Anger regulation in interpersonal contexts: anger experience aggressive behavior and cardiovascular reactivity,2019,36,5,1441-1458,Denson Alcohol conflict and aggression in intimate relationships: a dyadic approach,2019,36,5,1459-1475,Eckhardt The role of attachment avoidance and defensive fight in aggression,2019,36,5,1476-1490,Kambouropoulos Partner predictors of marital aggression across the transition to parenthood: an I3 approach,2019,36,5,1491-1508,Marshall The association between abuse and the perpetration of subtle sexual coercion: the role of approach and avoidance motivations,2019,36,5,1509-1526,Karantzas The association between dehumanization and intimate partner abuse,2019,36,5,1527-1541,Karantzas The effect of early-life harshness and unpredictability on intimate partner violence in adulthood: a life history perspective,2019,36,5,1542-1556,Zamir Relational and physical victimization friendship and social and school adjustment in Taiwan,2019,36,6,1559-1578,Kawabata Attachment insecurity and dispositional aggression: the mediating role of maladaptive anger regulation,2019,36,6,1831-1852,McVittie The associations between bullying victimization and internalizing distress suicidality and substance use in Jamaican adolescents: the moderating role of parental involvement,2019,36,7,2202-2220,Moore Parental intervention style and adult sibling conflicts: the mediating role of involvement in sibling bullying,2019,36,8,2585-2602,Bouchard Effects of punishment social norms and peer pressure on delinquency: spare the rod and spoil the child?,2019,36,9,2714-2737,Chadee Inducing jealousy and intimate partner violence among young adults,2019,36,9,2802-2823,Giordano Perceived parental psychological control has indirect effects on aggression via need satisfaction and motivation for revenge,2019,36,9,2857-2879,Read Examining adults' participant roles in cyberbullying,2019,36,11-12,3362-3370,Betts Relationship dynamics and divorcing mothers' adjustment: moderating role of marital violence negative life events and social support,2019,36,11-12,3651-3672,Raffaelli Associations between parental media monitoring style information management and prosocial and aggressive behaviors,2020,37,1,180-200,Coyne Firefighters' job stress and the (un)intended consequences of relational quality with spouses and firefighter friends,2020,37,4,1092-1113,Schrodt Older adults' perceptions of their own and their romantic partners' age-related communication and their associations with aging well depressive symptoms and alcohol use disorder symptoms,2020,37,4,1172-1192,Gasiorek Mean uncommitted and aggressive: divergent associations between triarchic psychopathy elements of love and caustic relationship behaviors,2020,37,4,1193-1215,Mejia The influence of romantic partners on male risk-taking,2020,37,5,1405-1415,Steinberg Cyber dating abuse: assessment prevalence and relationship with offline violence in young Chileans,2020,37,5,1681-1699,Lara Exploring the association between anticipated and actual responses to disclosures of intimate partner violence and sexual assault,2021,38,4,1131-1151,Ullman Walking hand in hand: the role of affection-sharing in understanding the social network effect in same-sex mixed-sex and gender-diverse relationships,2023,40,10,3171-3194,Holmberg Children's friendship quality trajectories from middle childhood to early adolescence and prediction from sex,2020,37,6,1843-1851,Bradley