Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Male Rape and the Careful Construction of the Male Victim,2006,15,2,187-208,Graham Being Hated: Stranger or Familiar?,2005,14,4,585-605,Mason Criminalizing War: Criminology as Ceasefire,2005,14,2,239-257,Ruggiero 'I do not Attach Great Significance to it': Taking Note of 'The Holocaust' in English Case Law,2008,17,4,427-452,Herman Children and Domestic Violence: Constructing a Policy Problem in Australia and New Zealand,2008,17,4,453-473,Powell Feeling Good: the Ethopolitics of Pleasure; Psychoactive Substance Use and Public Health and Criminal Justice Governance: Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Drug Courts in the USA,2008,17,4,513-533,Mackenzie The Screen of the Crime: Judging the Affect of Cinematic Violence,2009,18,1,5-22,Young Of ‘Normal Sex’ and ‘Real Rape’: Exploring The Use of Socio-Sexual Scripts in (Mock) Jury Deliberation,2009,18,3,291-312,Ellison Critical Legal Studies and the Politics of Space,2009,18,3,313-332,Butler Racial Ideas and Gendered Intimacies: the Regulation of Interracial Relationships in North America,2009,18,3,353-371,Thompson Signs of the Surveillant Assemblage: Privacy Regulation Urban CCTV and Governmentality,2009,18,4,505-522,Lippert Vetting Sexual Offenders: State Over-Extension the Punishment Deficit and the Failure to Manage Risk,2010,19,1,25-48,McAlinden Regret Remorse and the Work of Remembrance: Official Responses to the Rwandan Genocide,2010,19,1,85-105,McMillan Law Morality and Disgust: The Regulation of "Extreme Pornography" in England and Wales,2010,19,2,147-163,Johnson ‘A Tragedy of Monumental Proportions’: Indigenous Australians and the Sentencing Process,2010,19,2,197-215,Douglas ‘It is Not for Me to Say Whether Consent Was Given or Not’: Forensic Medical Examiners’ Construction of ‘Neutral Reports’ in Rape Cases,2010,19,3,371-386,Rees Multi-Disciplinary Definitions and Understandings of 'Paedophilia',2010,19,4,481-496,Manning The Laws of Foreign Buildings: Flat Roofs and Minarets,2010,19,4,441-460,Guggenheim Between a Hunch and a Hard Place: Making Suspicion Reasonable at the Canadian Border,2010,19,4,461-480,Pratt Justice Dignity Torture Headscarves: Can Durkheim’s Sociology Clarify Legal Values?,2011,20,1,3-20,Cotterrell The Commodification of Compensation? Personal Injuries Claims In an Age of Consumption,2011,20,1,39-55,Ilan Interpreting Multi-Agency Partnerships: Ideology Discourse and Domestic Violence,2011,20,1,79-95,Harvie Judges and Their Work,2011,20,1,97-115,Fielding On Silence Sexuality and Skeletons: Reconceptualizing Narrative in Asylum Hearings,2011,20,1,57-78,Johnson Masculinity in the dock: Legal responses to male violence and female retaliation in England and Wales 1900-1965,2007,16,4,459-481,Ballinger Postcard from the Edge (of Empire),2008,17,1,5-38,Adjin-Tettey Men Behaving Badly: An Analysis of English Undue Influence Cases,2002,11,2,257-282,Auchmuty Introduction to 'Sexual Movements and Gendered Boundaries: Legal Negotiations of the Global and the Local',2005,14,1,5-15,Buss The Trauma of Justice: Sexual Violence Crimes Against Humanity and The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia,2004,13,3,329-350,Campbell Zoora Shah: 'An Unusual Woman',2005,14,2,215-238,Carline Sexual Ethics and Violence Prevention,2003,12,2,199-216,Carmody Saints Sluts and Sexual Assault: Rethinking the Relationship between Sex Race and Gender,2003,12,1,77-103,Cossins Now You See Her Now You Don't: Sex Workers at the UN Trafficking Protocol Negotiation,2005,14,1,61-89,Doezema The Demon Drink and the Demonized Woman: Socio-Sexual Stereotypes and Responsibility Attribution in Rape Trials Involving Intoxicants,2007,16,4,591-614,Finch Colonization through Disclosure: Confidential Records Sexual Assault Complainants and Canadian Law,2001,10,3,315-346,Gotell Deconstructing Reform: Exploring Oppositional Approaches to Research in Sexual Assault,2001,10,2,257-271,Graham Criminal Justice Approaches to Paedophilic Sex Offenders,2002,11,2,233-255,Kleinhans Relocating the Master's Domain: Social and Legal Locations of Gender from Post-Disaster to Everyday Life,2007,16,1,131-147,Krishnadas Unknowable Bodies Unthinkable Sexualities: Lesbian and Transgender Legal Invisibility in the Toronto Women's Bathhouse Raid,2009,18,1,111-130,Lamble Law's Progressive Potential: The Value of Engagement with the Law for Domestic Violence,2001,10,1,105-130,Dobash Provocation and 'Homosexual' Advance: Masculinized Subjects as Threat Masculinized Subjects Under Threat,2003,12,3,311-333,Lunny 'Getting Through the List': Judgecraft and Legitimacy in the Lower Courts,2007,16,3,341-361,Mack Intersectional Race and Gender Analyses: Why Legal Processes Just Don't Get It,2008,17,2,155-174,Marchetti Body Maps: Envisaging Homophobia Violence and Safety,2001,10,1,23-44,Mason Governmentality and Gender Violence in Hawai‘i in Historical Perspective,2002,11,1,81-111,Merry From Incarceration to Restoration: National Responsibility Gender and the Production of Cultural Difference,2009,18,1,23-45,Murdocca Sexual Exploitation of Cult Women: The Challenges of Problematizing Harmful Traditional Practices in Africa from a Doctrinalist Approach,2001,10,1,45-60,Omeje 'Other Inhumane Acts': Forced Marriage Girl Soldiers and the Special Court for Sierra Leone,2006,15,3,315-337,Park Homophobic Violence Cultural Essentialism and Shifting Sexual Identities,2006,15,3,389-407,Tomsen Beauty and the Beast: Gendered and Raced Discourse in the News,2005,14,4,515-532,Wilcox Promoting Equality? Gendered Messages in State Materials for New Immigrants,2009,18,4,437-454,Wilton The Truth Will Out? The Role of Judicial Advocacy and Gender in Verdict Construction,2002,11,3,343-367,Winter Disability Discrimination by Association: A Case of the Double Yes?,2011,20,2,173-190,Stewart Spatio-Therapeutics: Drug Treatment Courts and Urban Space,2011,20,2,157-172,Moore 'A Brighter and Nicer New Life': Security as Pacification,2011,20,2,191-208,Neocleous Labelling the Victims of Sex Trafficking: Exploring the Borderland between Rhetoric and Reality,2011,20,3,313-329,Dempsey A muted voice from the past: the 'silent silencing' of Ruth Ellis,2012,21,4,445-467,Ballinger Interracial violence western racialized masculinities and the geopolitics of violence against women,2012,21,4,491-509,Park Sex crime and the city: Municipal law and the regulation of sexual entertainment,2013,22,1,67-86,Hubbard Stop in the name of who's law? Driving and the regulation of contested space in central Australia,2013,22,1,43-66,Anthony 'White slaves' in a colonial nation: the Dutch campaign against the traffic in women in the early twentieth century,2005,14,1,39-60,Vries 'Look a faggot!' The scopic economies of cruising queer bashing and law,2013,22,2,231-245,Lunny Room for manoeuvre? Regulatory compliance in the global shipping industry,2013,22,2,171-189,Baker Sexual violence in the digital age: the scope and limits of criminal law,2016,25,4,397-418,Powell Anti-trafficking (ILL-)efforts: the legal regulation of women's bodies and relationships in Cambodia,2016,25,4,461-488,Bradley Problematizing prostitution in law and policy in the Republic of Ireland a case for reframing,2016,25,3,289-309,McGarry The implementation of feminist law reforms: the case of post-provocation sentencing,2017,26,2,129-165,Hunter Shifting sands? Consent context and vulnerability in contemporary sexual offences policy in England and Wales,2017,26,4,417-440,Munro How rape myths are used and challenged in rape and sexual assault trials,2017,26,4,441-466,Smith Criminalizing vulnerability: protecting 'vulnerable' children and punishing 'wicked' mothers,2017,26,4,511-533,Singh The victim of historical child sexual abuse in the Irish courts 1999-2006,2017,26,5,562-580,Ring The social organization of access to justice for youth in 'unsafe' urban neighbourhoods,2018,27,1,79-96,Nichols From offender rehabilitation to the aesthetic of the victim,2018,27,1,97-113,Mehozay Too drunk to consent? Exploring the contestations and disruptions in male-focused sexual violence prevention interventions,2018,27,3,299-322,Carline Gender-aware and place-based transitional justice in Guatemala: altering the opportunity structures for post-conflict women's mobilization,2018,27,3,323-344,Parmentier Modern slavery unfree labour and the labour market: the social dynamics of legal characterization,2018,27,4,414-434,Fudge Normative distortions in labour law: exploring the field of parental rights in working life,2018,27,4,493-511,Julén Votinius Online sexual violence child pornography or something else entirely? Police responses to non-consensual intimate image sharing among youth,2018,27,5,636-657,Spencer Exceptional sexual harms: the Catholic church and child sexual abuse claims in Australia,2018,27,6,734-754,Gleeson What punishment expresses,2019,28,1,31-57,Reeves The thrill of the chase: punishment hostility and the prison crisis,2019,28,1,100-117,Carvalho Kaleidoscopic justice: sexual violence and victim-survivors' perceptions of justice,2019,28,2,179-201,McGlynn Witchcraft accusations as gendered persecution in refugee law,2019,28,2,202-226,Millbank 'A crime of almost unspeakable cruelty and wickedness': gender agency and murder in Scotland - the case of Jeannie Donald,2019,28,4,429-449,Ballinger Prosecuting domestic abuse in England and Wales: Crown Prosecution Service 'working practice' and new public managerialism,2019,28,4,493-516,Porter Political violence as a time that is past? Engaging with non-participation in transitional justice in Cambodia,2019,28,5,600-624,Bernath Consent conjugality and crime: hegemonic constructions of rape laws in India,2019,28,6,737-754,Garg Examining male wartime rape survivors' perspectives on justice in northern Uganda,2020,29,1,19-40,Schulz Precarious workers and probationary wives: how immigration law discriminates against women,2020,29,2,201-224,Briddick Visions of public safety justice and healing: the making of the rape kit backlog in the United States,2020,29,2,225-245,Quinlan Perversion and perpetration in female genital mutilation law: the unmaking of women as bearers of law,2020,29,2,273-293,Pardy Yelling 'fire' in a crowded occupation: cynical fire hazard claims and the technocratic containment of dissent,2020,29,4,549-573,Brabazon 'They just let us rot to death:' anti-colonialism contestation and resistance to reparations for Indian residential school abuse,2023,32,5,737-755,Petoukhov Registering cosmetics? The constitution of legal form and injurious substance in Canada (1945-1946),2023,32,5,666-689,Tessaro Violence misrecognition and place: legal envelopment and colonial governmentality in the Upper Skeena River British Columbia 1888,2024,33,3,375-391,Unger The Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013: Suicide Dignity and the Irish Discourse on Abortion,2016,25,6,667-698,Murray Bereaved Family 'Involvement' in (Prisoner) Death Investigations: Whose 'Satisfaction'?,2023,32,2,294-317,Tomczak