Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Public hospitals in China: privatisation the demise of universal health care and the rise of patient-doctor violence,2006,13,4,465-470,Johnston Law pregnancy and sport: what are the repercussions when a pregnant lady plays?,2006,14,1,45-63,Werren Munchausen Syndrome bx proxy and criminal prosecutions for child abuse,2005,12,3,261-266,Freckelton Motor accidents and blood samples in New South Wales,2008,15,4,644-653,Murphy Employers' liabilities for bullying-induced psychiatric injuries,2008,16,1,9-16,Freckelton Nursing in the aged care sector: resident abuse and the reporting obligations,2008,16,2,216-219,Forrester The law(s) of the rings: Boxing and the law,2009,16,4,684-695,Beran Queensland nurses' attitudes towards and knowledge of the legislative duty to report child abuse and neglect: results of a state-wide survey,2008,16,2,288-304,Dunne Medico-legal issues and driver licensing,2007,15,2,198-200,Ranson Prevention of suicide: police powers parliamentary intent and judicial interpretation,2009,16,5,728-744,Mendelson Mandatory reporting by nurses of child abuse and neglect,2006,13,4,505-517,Walsh Forensic experts and miscarriages of justice: the inquiry into pediatric forensic pathology in Ontario,2009,17,1,22-28,Ranson Determining manner of death: statistical modelling of coronial decisions,2009,17,2,224-234,Crawley Science and judicial proceedings--seventy-six years on,2009,17,2,206-215,French Public policy on alcohol in the United Kingdom: towards a safety net for the alcohol-dependent,2009,17,3,386-399,Williamson Doctor-patient privilege,2009,17,3,309-313,Freckelton Workplace violence in health care,2004,12,1,14-16,Ranson Aggression and assault against nurses in the workplace: practice and legal issues,2002,9,4,386-391,Forrester The "born alive" rule,2006,13,3,285-288,Ranson Compensation for "pure psychiatric injury": resolution from the Australian High Court?,2002,10,2,133-144,Freckelton Compensation for workplace injury leading to suicide in Australia,2010,18,2,333-343,Guthrie DNA evidence in jury trials: the "CSI effect",2010,18,2,239-262,Skellern Economic impact of Wicks v State Rail Authority (NSW) (2010) 84 ALJR 497,2010,18,2,221-238,Mendelson Insightlessness and an unscientific forensic expert,2006,14,2,176-181,Freckelton Will the law come running? The potential role of "brain fingerprinting" in crime investigation and adjudication in Australia,2005,13,2,204-222,Dickson Can we prevent doctors being complicit in torture? Breaking the serpent's egg,2009,17,3,426-438,O'Connor Law in the time of anthrax: biosecurity lessons from the United States,2010,17,5,748-760,Enemark Elder abuse and neglect: challenges and directions for legal reform,2010,18,1,19-24,Breedon Police use of TASERs in the restraint and transport of persons with a mental illness,2011,18,3,589-593,Edinger Psychotherapy suicide and foreseeable risks of decompensation by the vulnerable,2011,18,3,467-477,Freckelton Death from minor head trauma and alcohol,2011,18,3,453-455,Ranson Refusing medical treatment after attempted suicide: Rethinking capacity and coercive treatment in light of the Kerrie Wooltorton case,2011,18,4,811-819,Callaghan Fifty years on: Against the stigmatising myths taboos and traditions embedded within the Suicide Act 1961 (UK),2011,18,4,798-810,Shaw Barriers to the operation of mental health legislation in Australian emergency departments: A qualitative analysis,2011,18,4,716-723,Jelinek Asperger's disorder and the criminal law,2011,18,4,677-694,Freckelton "Permanent discharge": Deaths of people under 50 years of age in residential aged care in Victoria,2011,19,1,53-68,Dearn Sexual assault examinations and forensic medical samples,2011,19,1,32-35,Ranson Cluster munitions: public health and international humanitarian law perspectives,2008,15,4,481-488,Freckelton Death--Suicide--Euthanasia--Aiding and abetting--Human rights--Suicide Act 1961 (UK)--European Convention on Human Rights. Pretty v Director of Public Prosecutions [2001] UKHL61,2002,9,3,275-278,Devereux Anthrax,2002,9,3,273-274,Robertson Bioterrorism and biological warfare,2002,9,3,271-273,Ranson Epilepsy and trauma,2003,10,3,265-266,Ranson Trafficking in persons and victim health in Australia,2011,19,2,397-414,Schloenhardt Reinforcing historic distinctions between mental and physical injury: the impact of the civil liability reforms,2012,19,3,593-609,Forster The many cases of XFJ: suitable to drive a taxi or "killer cabbie"?,2012,20,1,204-215,Taylor Are people who claim compensation "cured by a verdict"? A longitudinal study of health outcomes after whiplash,2012,20,1,82-92,Connelly A right to refuse: legal aspects of dealing with intoxicated patients who refuse treatment,2013,20,3,542-559,Butson Work-related musculoskeletal injury and suicide: Opportunities for intervention and therapeutic jurisprudence,2013,21,1,110-121,Routley Destination death: a review of Australian legal regulation around international travel to end life,2013,21,2,415-428,Steele An absurd inconsistency in law: Nicklinson's case and deciding to die,2014,21,3,627-640,Douglas Sexual violence in armed conflict: the least condemned of war crimes,2014,21,3,528-542,O'Connor Transparency in mental health: why mental health tribunals should be required to publish reasons,2014,21,4,942-956,Smith Compensating for the harms of family violence: statutory barriers in Australian victims of crime compensation schemes,2014,22,1,188-208,Forster Confusing criminal and civil law: when may a hospital refuse to release a dead body?,2014,22,2,387-397,Gallagher Legal liability for psychiatrists' decisions about involuntary inpatient status for mental health patients,2014,22,2,280-289,Freckelton Unfair employment discrimination of previously depressed individuals,2015,22,3,660-666,Wei Cruise control: prevention and management of sexual violence at sea,2015,22,3,512-525,O'Connor The loss of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17: a forensic and humanitarian task,2015,22,4,745-750,Ranson A way through the dark and thorny thickets? The adjudication of "serious injury" under the narrative tests in the Transport Accident Act 1986 (Vic) and the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (Vic),2015,23,1,243-264,Taliadoros Criminal injuries compensation: protecting vulnerable applicants,2015,23,1,189-203,Guthrie Our Father who art in prison: conviction and rehabilitation for Australian Catholic clergy who are child sexual offenders,2015,23,2,471-487,O'Connor Adolescent drivers - are we doing enough?,2020,28,1,282-288,Beran The murder trial of Gerard Baden-Clay: admissibility of expert opinion evidence of injuries and cause of death,2017,25,1,166-204,Scott Sexual assault examination of the unconscious patient: a legal ethical and professional grey-area for the forensic physician,2018,26,1,265-273,Odell The coroner's role in the prevention of elder abuse: a study of Australian Coroner's Court cases involving pressure ulcers in elders,2018,26,2,494-509,Anne Sharp The "ice" storm: problems with expert evidence on the effects of methamphetamine,2018,26,2,464-479,Horan Misconduct self-inflicted injury and suicide in workers compensation: a review of the Australian legal framework,2018,26,2,389-406,Guthrie Domestic and family violence reproductive coercion and the role for law,2018,26,2,341-355,Douglas To mandate or not to mandate: a review of mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect,2018,26,2,334-340,MacCormick Citizens' juries liquid democracy and legislative reform of Australian compulsory insurance schemes for injury compensation after motor vehicle accidents,2019,26,3,571-582,Blumer Should an advance care directive refusing life-sustaining treatment be respected after an attempted suicide? Development of an algorithm to aid health care workers,2019,26,3,557-570,Philpot Concussion defamation and the ringside doctor,2019,27,1,55-65,Freckelton Electroconvulsive therapy without consent: the influence of human rights law,2019,26,4,732-736,McSherry Preventing harm to others as a criterion for compulsory treatment: an overview of criticisms and current research,2020,27,3,570-573,McSherry Suicide-related materials and voluntary assisted dying,2020,27,4,839-845,Stewart Corrective justice and the law relating to damages for negligently inflicted psychiatric injury: a principled explanation for the "close and loving relationship" consideration,2020,27,4,985-1007,Allcock Infanticide and infanticide statutes in Australia and New Zealand,2020,27,4,1014-1046,Scott Public health versus alcohol industry compliance laws: a case of industry capture?,2020,27,4,1047-1073,Brown The National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse - the Western Australian response,2019,27,2,472-494,Guthrie Concussion chronic traumatic encephalopathy and sport in a legal setting,2019,27,2,294-315,Thorpe Concussion chronic traumatic encephalopathy and the legal obligation of sporting organisations to be informed of the scientific knowledge of the day and to warn of material risks,2021,28,3,760-779,Thorpe Co-opting laws to influence prevailing medical and legal thinking: "off-label" conceptual use of one-punch laws and boxing,2021,28,4,1066-1081,Lee "Loss of dignity" in claims for damages for "humiliation loss of dignity and injury to feelings" in the Human Rights Review Tribunal of New Zealand,2021,28,4,1114-1126,Reuvecamp Exploring injured persons' experiences of engaging and using lawyers in road traffic injury compensation claims,2022,29,1,156-172,Batagol Fitness to drive: a smartphone application for doctors patients and the driver licensing authority,2022,29,1,191-202,Went Challenging the myth that the sexually abused female child must have genital injuries,2022,29,1,270-278,Lobo Death by choking or dysphagia: a review of coronial findings (Australia and Canada): a picture of preventable death non-adherence to written recommendations and lack of appropriate supervision,2022,29,2,400-405,Hemsley The new serious incident response scheme and the responsive regulation of abuse in aged care,2022,29,2,465-480,Hughes Trends and characteristics in health care-related deaths investigated through medico-legal autopsies after system changes in Japan,2022,29,2,509-521,Oya Genocide and the oppression of indigenous peoples: the extermination of the 19th century Aboriginal Tasmanians,2022,29,2,610-621,Short Is PTSD a bodily injury?,2022,29,3,888-894,Galletly Knowledge of chronic traumatic encephalopathy and concussion cannot support a negligence suit against major sporting organisations by athletes. or can it?,2022,29,4,1052-1078,Thorpe Stanley v Finnegan: child abuse and bad medicine,2022,29,4,1288-1297,Jardine Concussion and chronic traumatic encephalopathy deaths: coroners' inquests as a catalyst for public health reforms,2023,30,1,7-22,Freckelton Monstrous mothering: understanding the causes of and responses to infanticide,2023,30,1,48-57,O'Connor Forensic assessments of alcohol cannabis and methamphetamine intoxication in cases of violent offending,2023,30,1,99-130,Scott "Pediatric" drug studies might be the largest abuse in medical research in history. it is time for lawyers to step in,2023,30,1,131-154,Striano Coroners' inquests and criminal and disciplinary law,2023,30,2,259-277,Freckelton Welcome to television: regulating alcohol marketing on television in australia to protect the health of young people,2023,30,2,310-325,O'Brien The duty of care to protect employees against the risk of psychiatric harm from vicarious trauma: Kozarov v Victoria,2023,30,2,358-389,Freckelton Spit hoods: reforms to law and practice,2023,30,3,507-519,Freckelton Work stress vicarious trauma and the public mental health framework: Kozarov v Victoria [2022] HCA 12 and its aftermath,2023,30,3,641-672,Freckelton Suicide and the media,2001,9,1,18-19,Ranson Implications of legalising euthanasia in The Netherlands: greater regulatory control?,2002,10,2,232-238,Thynne How does narcotic control impact upon human individual rights: an Islamic and international human rights perspectives,2024,31,1,201-209,Balto Medical and legal uncertainties and controversies in "shaken baby syndrome" or infant "abusive head trauma",2024,31,1,151-184,Tibballs Oregon: does physician-assisted suicide work?,2004,12,2,217-225,Rothschild The Dutch Euthanasia Act and related issues,2004,11,3,312-323,Legemaate Euthanasia and assisted suicide: a liberal approach versus the traditional moral view,2005,12,4,494-510,Patterson A right to choose how to live: the Australian common law position on refusals of care,2014,22,2,398-414,Curnow Voluntary palliated starvation: a lawful and ethical way to die?,2014,22,2,376-386,Savulescu Murder (Infanticide) in Post-partum Depression: The Case of Akon Guode,2021,28,3,855-882,Scott Drake v Pontefract Health Authority [1998] Lloyd's Rep Med 425,2001,9,1,26-27,