Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Assessing Macro-Level Predictors and Theories of Crime: A Meta-Analysis,2005,32,,373 -450,Pratt Gun self-defense and deterrence,2000,27,,363-417,Ludwig American Youth Violence: Issues and Trends,1979,1,,67-107,Zimring Longitudinal Research on Crime and Delinquency,1979,1,,289-348,Farrington A Review of Crime-Causation Theory and Its Application,1979,1,,203-237,Glaser Biology and Crime,1980,2,,85-158,Volavka Incapacitation As a Strategy for Crime Control: Possibilities and Pitfalls,1983,5,,1-84,Cohen Crime and Mental Disorder: An Epidemiological Approach,1983,4,,145-189,Monahan The Influence of Gun Availability on Violent Crime Patterns,1983,4,,49-89,Cook Violence in School,1983,4,,1-47,Toby Delinquency Careers: Innocents Desisters and Persisters,1985,6,,187-219,Blumstein Age and Crime,1986,7,,189-250,Farrington Economic Conditions Neighborhood Organization and Urban Crime,1986,8,,231-270,McGahey Differences in Criminal Behavior and Court Responses Among Juvenile and Young Adult Defendants,1986,7,,151-187,Greenwood Predicting Individual Crime Rates,1987,9,,53-101,Farrington Co-Offending and Criminal Careers,1988,10,,117-170,Reiss Prison Populations: A System Out of Control?,1988,10,,231-266,Blumstein The British Gas Suicide Story and Its Criminological Implications,1988,10,,79-116,Clarke Drugs and Predatory Crime,1990,13,,203-239,Chaiken The Neuropsychology of Juvenile Delinquency: A Critical Review,1990,12,,99-169,Moffitt Burglary,1991,14,,73-113,Shover The Technology of Personal Violence,1991,14,,1-71,Cook Attacking Crime: Police and Crime Control,1992,15,,159-230,Sherman Preventing City-Center Street Crimes,1995,19,,429-468,Wikström Evaluating Crime Prevention,1995,19,,585-662,Pease The Unprecedented Epidemic in Youth Violence,1998,24,,27-64,Cook Predictors Causes and Correlates of Male Youth Violence,1998,24,,421-475,Farrington Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems' Responses to Youth Violence,1998,24,,189-261,Feld Prevention of Youth Violence,1998,24,,263-315,Hawkins Guns Youth Violence and Social Identity in Inner Cities,1998,24,,105-188,Wilkinson Crime and Work,1999,25,,225-290,Fagan Population growth in U.S. prisons 1980-1996,1999,26,,17-61,Blumstein The Self-Report Methodology in Crime Research,1999,25,,291-367,Marshall Measuring the Economic Benefits of Developmental Prevention Programs,2001,28,,347-384,Nagin Firearms Regulation: A Historical Overview,2001,28,,137-195,Bellesiles The Mostly Unintended Effects of Mandatory Penalties: Two Centuries of Consistent Findings,2009,38,,65-114,Tonry Multiple Homicide: Patterns of Serial and Mass Murder,1998,23,,407-455,Fox Prison Suicide and Prisoner Coping,1999,26,,283-359,Alison Liebling Public Health and Criminal Justice Approaches to Prevention,1995,19,,237-262,Moore Violence in Marriage,1989,11,,163-218,Irene Hanson Frieze A Half Century of Randomized Experiments on Crime and Justice,2006,34,,55-132,Farrington Crime and Justice in England and Wales 1981-1999,2005,33,,41-81,Farrington After the Epidemic: Recent Trends in Youth Violence in the United States,2002,29,,1-37,Cook Sex Offenders and Sex Offending,2007,35,1,319-387,Bijleveld Comparing Penal Cultures: Child‐on‐Child Homicide in England and Norway,2007,36,1,591-643,Green “Tough on Crime”: Penal Policy in England and Wales,2007,36,1,425-470,Newburn Listening to the Crime Victim: Evaluating Victim Input at Sentencing and Parole,2009,38,1,347-412,Roberts Learning from the Limitations of Deterrence Research,2008,37,1,279-311,Tonry The Mostly Unintended Effects of Mandatory Penalties: Two Centuries of Consistent Findings,2009,38,1,65-114,Tonry Stalking,2002,29,,273-318,Pathé The Illegal Supply of Firearms,2002,29,,319-352,Cook Crime and Punishment in Canada 1981-1999,2005,33,,247-294,Welsh Crime Placement Displacement and Deflection,1990,12,,277-318,Pease The great american gun war: notes from four decades in the trenches,2013,42,,19-73,Cook Criminal deterrence research at the outset of the twenty-first century,1998,23,,1-42,Nagin Public opinion and youth justice,2004,31,,495-542,Roberts Restoration in youth justice,2004,31,,543-597,Walgrave Restorative and community justice in the United States,2000,27,,235-303,Kurki Organized crime transit crime and racketeering,2007,35,,163-215,Kleemans Trafficking for sexual exploitation,2006,34,,133-227,Lehti Reducing firearm violence,2017,46,1,201-230,Hemenway Dealing more effectively and humanely with illegal drugs,2017,46,1,95-158,Reuter Dealing more effectively with problematic substance use and crime,2017,46,1,159-200,Pollack Reinventing American policing,2017,46,1,339-393,Nagin Mentally ill individuals in jails and prisons,2016,46,1,231-277,Mulvey Risk factors for antisocial behavior in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of longitudinal studies,2018,47,1,255-364,Liu Racial attitudes and criminal justice policy,2021,50,1,163-245,Cullen Scaling up crime prevention and justice,2021,50,1,247-299,Braithwaite California's correctional paradox of excess and deprivation,2008,37,,207-278,Petersilia