Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author ED docs at high risk for suicide,2006,18,5,52-54, Prisoners guns can be deadly combination in the emergency room,2005,17,11,121-123,No Author(s) Listed Computers aid EDs in violence screening,2006,18,8,90-91, ED accreditation update. To comply with new patient safety goal here's how to assess patients for suicide risk,2006,18,11,suppl 1-3, Georgia hospital hit by F3 tornado--all patients evacuated through the ED,2007,19,4,37-39, Virginia Tech disaster response shows value of regular drills and planning,2007,19,6,61-63, Survey: Most ED staff victimized by violence never report incident,2007,19,10,109-111, 'ED of the future' girded for disasters,2008,20,3,33-35, Alcohol screening can reduce readmissions,2008,20,7,81-82, Crash injuries may be missed in the elderly--know the complexities,2010,22,4,37-39, Zero tolerance culture can prevent ED violence,2010,22,6,70-71, What are legal risks of videotaping trauma?,2007,19,12,138-139, White powder triggers lockdown of ED as fire and police respond,2007,19,12,133-135, Managing violence in the ED crucial to providing top-notch patient care,1996,8,2,13-18, ED managers: head off drug seekers and the multiple risks they can pose,1996,8,5,49-53, Safeguard the ED: act before violence strikes,1997,9,10,109-114, Sentinel Event Alert says access control holds the key to reducing ED violence,2010,22,8,suppl 1-2, Solid plan 'gut instinct' are disaster response keys,2007,19,9,99-101, Domestic violence: how EDs can address the legacy of pain,1995,7,10,109-112, ACEP's policy on blood alcohol reporting laws,1998,10,4,47-48,Nedza GMVEMS Council operating guidelines. I. Drug box exchange program. II. Standing orders. Revised: November 1999. Greater Miami Valley EMS Council,2000,12,9,suppl 1-12, Physicians disagree about mandatory blood-alcohol reporting measures,1997,9,9,105-107, ED physicians take action to promote firearm safety curtail gun violence,1998,10,5,57-60, Mandatory-reporting laws provoke controversy,1996,8,11,125-127, Report gives injury statistics from 9/11,2002,14,5,57-58, Bioterrorism watch. APIC: smallpox plan uses outdated infection control,2002,14,6,suppl 3-4,Evans Bioterrorism watch. They don't call it bioterror for nothing: fear is the foe when anthrax spores are found within hospital walls,2002,14,6,suppl 1-3,Evans ED handles 30 burn patients after plant fire and explosion in Georgia,2008,20,4,37-39, Disaster surge fails to fluster ED staff,2008,20,6,63-64, ED adds 'safety room' in wake of fatal shooting,2008,20,5,53-54, ED will be first to notice a biological attack,1999,11,11,127, You can transform your HazMat policy,1999,11,11,124-126, How would you handle a terrorist act involving weapons of mass destruction?,1999,11,11,121-124, Bioterrorism readiness plan--a template for healthcare facilities. Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Inc. and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,1999,11,11,suppl 1-16, Atlanta EDs rise to challenge of tragic bombing in Centennial Olympic Park,1996,8,9,97-101, Take steps to curb violence improve safety for ED personnel,2011,23,10,113-115, Expect 2 waves of patients after terrorist attack,2000,12,1,8-9, Patient transport codes give paramedics options,1999,11,5,58-60, Infectious agents as biological weapons,2002,14,1,suppl 1-6,Lovell Coroner calls ED death a homicide--some predict chilling effect,2006,18,11,121-123, Mass shooting in Colorado: practice drills disaster preparations key to successful emergency response,2012,24,10,109-112, Take advantage of opportunities to reduce ED violence recidivism among children and young adults,2013,25,5,49-54, Study: ED providers could be doing more to prevent injuries deaths related to improperly restrained child passengers,2013,25,7,80-81, Fertilizer plant explosion: pre-planning makes the difference in facilitating care for hundreds of injured victims,2013,25,7,78-80, The Boston Marathon bombings: a post-event review of the robust emergency response,2013,25,7,73-78, Experts: to crack down on violence in the ED establish a robust system of reporting educating staff,2013,25,9,97-100, ED-based interventions to break cycle among patients presenting with violence-related injuries,2015,27,6,61-65, Brief motivational interventions to reduce excessive drinking intimate partner violence fail to positively impact outcomes,2015,27,10,117-119, Recognize the signs of human trafficking and be prepared to act,2011,23,8,93-95, Recognize the signs of human trafficking and be prepared to act,2011,23,8,93-5,Anonymous Take a multidisciplinary team-based approach on elder abuse,2016,28,7,73-77, In search of effective solutions to curb workplace violence,2017,29,4,41-44,Lipscomb Assessing risk for future firearms violence in young people who present to ED,2017,29,6,65-66, ED patient's suicide is wake-up call: are you putting psychiatric patients at risk?,2002,14,10,109-111 suppl 1-2 suppl 1-2, Alert addresses patient suicides,2011,23,1,3-4,