Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Possibilities of preventing traumatic dental injuries--a prospective study,2005,58,11-12,567-571,Blagojevic Analysis of causes and sequelae of highway accidents in the region of Nis,1994,47,7-8,276-280,Jovanović Family dysfunction in adolescents with suicidal behavior and in adolescents with conduct disorders,2005,58,5-6,240-244,Ivanović-Kovacević Violence and injuries among school children in the Republic of Srpska,2006,59,7-8,305-308,Jankovic Hot water burns of the upper aerodigestive tract,1991,44,5-6,233-235,Sente Adolescent mortality in Vojvodina,1993,46,3-4,137-140,Roncević Knowledge attitude and practice in school children regarding traffic accident injuries,1993,46,9-10,349-352,Martinov-Cvejin Level of neurotic disorders among drivers causing traffic accidents,2007,60,7-8,365-371,Filipović Types of rape victimization,2007,60,5-6,277-281,Novakovic Classification and qualification of nose injuries--clinical and forensic aspects,2005,58,1-2,33-36,Stojiljkovic Traumatic brain injuries--forensic and expertise aspects,2008,61,9-10,471-477,Simic Some characteristics of drivers having caused traffic accidents,2008,61,9-10,464-469,Durić Epidemiological characteristics of road traffic injuries in AP Vojvodina,2009,62,1-2,17-22,Durić Reaction time of drivers who caused road traffic accidents,2009,62,3-4,114-119,Filipović Autocastration of paranoid patient,1968,21,3,149-152,Nikolić Medico-legal questions of suicide,1967,20,3,139-142,Kapamadzija Suicidal poisoning with oral antidiabetical drugs,1966,19,7,419-420,Svraka 180 cases of attempted suicide treated at our clinic during 1952-1966,1966,19,5,261-264,Kapamadzija Suicide of children and young persons,1966,19,1,35-39,Kapamadzija Butane gas poisoning--current problems in emergency internal medicine,1973,26,5,173-179,Vrcević Catamnestic study of attempted suicide in adolescents,1974,27,5-6,241-244,Zamurović Socio-medical characteristics of adolescent drug addiction in Novi Sad,1976,29,7-8,347-351,Savić Attempted suicides with corrosive substances hospitalized at the otorhinolaryngology clinic with complications from 1968 to 1978,1980,33,1-2,31-34,Berta Suicides in Vrsac,1981,34,5-6,231-233,Beslin Rare case of attempted suicide with lead arsenate,1982,35,3-4,139-141,Curcić Psychological reaction of the population during the acute phase of psychological stress during the earthquake on the Montenegro coast 15 April 1979,1983,36,1-2,5-9,Jovićević Child abuse--analysis of a case,1986,39,1-2,61-64,Peter Various aspects of suicide committed by mental patients in a psychiatric hospital,1986,39,11-12,565-568,Beslin Benzodiazepine poisoning,1986,39,9-10,465-467,Joksović Attempted suicide during the age of development,1988,41,9-10,417-419,Popov Alcohol and suicide,1988,41,1-2,9-11,Biro Evaluation of the level of suicidal tendencies in women with unwanted pregnancies,1990,43,5-6,257-259,Misić-Pavkov Analysis of the causes of suicide attempts in women,1990,43,3-4,159-160,Misić-Pavkov Epidemiology of suicide in Yugoslavia--methodological questions,1990,43,11-12,453-456,Milcinski Evacuation of the Subotica General Hospital during peace conditions,1991,44,3-4,193-194,Kis A case of attempted suicide with an enormous quantity of food,1991,44,7-8,303-305,Curcić Accident or homicide,1970,23,5,235-237,Popović Traffic accidents in the territory covered by the surgical service of the medical center at Sremska Mitrovica in the course of the past 5 years,1969,22,11,569-572,Panisić Action of alcohol on work injury,1966,19,2,99-104,Radovanović Three cases of injury on a combine used for harvesting Indian corn,1966,19,3,161-164,Mikić Injuries due to burns treated at our department,1975,28,1-2,51-53,Stojsic Spinal injuries due to traffic accidents in the region of Sremska Mitrovica,1975,28,1-2,13-20,Marinković Analysis of the relation between socioeconomic factors and suicidal behavior,1993,46,9-10,368-370,Selakovic-Bursic Attempted suicide as a reflection of adolescent crisis,1993,46,11-12,425-428,Selakovic-Bursic Emergency conditions in psychiatry,1993,46,7-8,269-271,Knezević Occupational damage and risk of occupational damage in personnel working with "Amerika" and IGK "Polet" drying kilns in Novi Becej,1990,43,1-2,73-76,Mikov Prevention of injuries in children with a review of the approach used in Subotica,1985,38,1-2,87-89,Pusin Nonpenetrating deceleration injuries of the thoracic aorta--3 case reports,1985,38,11-12,547-550,Petrović Forensic importance of homicide,2009,62,7-8,358-362,Novakovic Child trauma in Vojvodina,1992,45,3-4,124-127,Mitrović Accidental poisoning with ortodibrom,1967,20,3,177-178,Svraka The effect of fear on the morphodynamics of the testes,1966,19,9,453-457,Milin Etiopathogenesis and clinical aspects of injuries due to methane gas explosion,1966,19,9,485-489,Kamcevski Neuropsychiatric aspect of educational negligence,1966,19,4,235-239,Nikolić Accidental poisoning with lindane,1966,19,6,349-351,Sovljanski Mobbing--special reference to the nursing profession,2009,62,11-12,529-533,Filipović Accidental mushroom poisoning,1968,21,3,141-143,Dośen Eye damage from insect toxins,1969,22,11,593-594,Trajer Very rare case of asphyxia,1969,22,11,565-566,Popović Evaluation of long-term prognosis in patients with whiplash syndrome,1994,47,9-10,341-343,Jovanović The effect of hallucinogenic drugs on the development of psychoses,1994,47,11-12,421-423,Selakovic-Bursic Homicide and sexual psychopathology,1994,47,11-12,407-408,Kapamadzija Suicidal knife injuries of the neck,1996,49,7-8,308-312,Jović Characteristics of persons killed by firearms and examined at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Novi Sad 1989-1993,1996,49,5-6,211-215,Stojiljkovic Importance of early rehabilitation of a child with severe multiple injuries: case report,2002,55,9-10,427-430,Kovac The clinical picture of benzodiazepine and alcohol poisoning,1987,40,3-4,115-117,Joksović A manic syndrome after cerebral trauma: case report,1997,50,9-10,391-393,Misić-Pavkov A suicide by hanging suspected to be a homicide,1997,50,7-8,315-318,Budakov Evaluation of cognitive deficits after craniocerebral injury,1997,50,7-8,265-268,Misić-Pavkov More frequent accidental injuries of the genitalia in village women,1976,29,1-2,65-69,Mosković Chemical injuries of the eye,1970,23,3,145-148,Zrillić Treatment of neglected and abused children and their families in the context of complicated divorce,2005,58,11-12,563-566,Pilija General characteristics of psychoactive substances consumption and abuse among high school population,2010,63,9-10,616-619,Radovanović Seasonal variations--risk factor of committing suicide,2010,63,7-8,531-534,Milić Causes of anterior cruciate ligament injuries,2010,63,7-8,541-545,Ristić Diseases caused by viruses and toxins in biological warfare and bioterrorism,2007,60,5-6,295-298,Bojić Whiplash injury,2011,64,1-2,5-9,Stanković Foreign bodies in the esophagus in children,1992,45,5-6,201-203,Udovicki Injuries in Vojvodina 1989,1991,44,11-12,508-511,Mitrović Acute poisoning in children in the region of Vojvodina,1991,44,5-6,214-216,Roncević Gunshot injuries of the genitalia,1974,27,9-10,399-400,Berić Electric injuries,1975,28,11-12,483-485,Bogdanov Perforative eye injuries treated at the Ophthalmic Department of the Hospital in Srem. Mitrovica (1965-1974),1975,28,9-10,429-431,Kojić Analysis of cases of acute poisoning treated at the pediatric department in the period of 1965-1974,1975,28,1-2,31-32,Orlovic Perforative eye injuries treated at the ophthalmological department of the Sombon hospital during the past 15 years (1960-1974),1976,29,11-12,547-554,Kupusarević Etiological relation of brain tumor and past craniocerebral trauma,1976,29,5-6,253-255,Tasic Climate variations--risk factor of committing suicide,2011,64,3-4,202-205,Radovanović Predictors of self-rated health of citizens on the territory of endangered political security,2011,64,3-4,168-172,Simic The most frequent injury with mechanical corn picker during harvest--possibility of prevention,2011,64,3-4,148-151,Prokes Toxic shock after a viper bite,1980,33,9-10,407-410,Cvitanović Korsakoff's syndrome in carbon monoxide poisoning,1980,33,9-10,399-401,Seratlić Characteristics of sexual offenders in our data,1990,43,9-10,383-386,Misić-Pavkov Forensic problems in the early diagnosis of craniocerebral injuries and consciousness disorders,1982,35,3-4,93-95,Kapamadzija A case of mental confusion syndrome caused by Akineton,1983,36,9-10,447-448,Stojanović Brain concussion in children,1984,37,1-2,59-62,Nikolić Brain concussion--a minor craniocerebral injury,1998,51,3-4,165-168,Momcilovic Suicide risk in patients with depression,2003,56,1-2,76-79,Cvjetković-Bosnjak Acute phenol poisoning,2003,56,Suppl 1,37-41,Todorović Child abuse in panic disorder,2008,61,3-4,169-172,Novotni Forensic implications of rape,2006,59,11-12,567-571,Novakovic Sexual behaviour of adolescents,2004,57,3-4,116-119,Mijatović-Jovanović Attitude of the physician in facing acute poisoning by drugs or chemical poisons,1966,19,11,563-565,Spevak-Marinković Burns treatment in ancient times,2013,66,5-6,263-267,Pećanac Attitudes towards suicide among adolescents,2013,66,5-6,240-244,Ukropina Epidemiology of lower jaw fracture in patients treated at the Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery of the Clinical Centre of Vojvodina,2013,66,7-8,322-325,Nalić Homicide or suicide by strangulation--case report,2013,66,9-10,392-395,Pilija Injuries in elite athletes in the olympic period from 2008 to 2012,2013,66,11-12,483-490,Milankov Destructiveness of the perpetrators who have committed crimes and misdemeanors,2013,66,11-12,464-469,Novakovic Cardiac-glycoside poisoning. Degrees of poisoning,1978,31,1-2,29-32,Surbat Eye injuries in ambulatory practice,1985,38,5-6,269-271,Dimoski Case report of epileptic psychosis caused by drugs,1985,38,1-2,57-60,Beslin Incest between a father and his under-age daughter,1987,40,7-8,301-302,Norbert Unusual foreign bodies in the esophagus,1988,41,7-8,297-299,Udovicki Sexual behavior of street children,2015,68,7-8,245-250,Roncević Contemporary principles of suicide prevention,2016,69,11-12,367-371,Soldatović Sociodemographic and psychiatric characteristics among homicide offenders in Serbia - the province of Vojvodina (1996-2005),2016,69,7-8,224-229,Golubović Depression in older persons ;; Depresije u osoba starije zivotne dobi,2000,53,3-4,184-186,Knezević [Suicide by starvation],1995,48,7-8,273-275,Tijanić Suicide prevention: myth or reality?,2003,56,11-12,499-502,Selaković-Bursić [About suicide],2009,62,1-2,5-6,Knezević [Consultative psychiatry examinations of patients--review of twelve months retrospective follow up],2009,62,11-12,569-572,Skakić