Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Intimate partner violence screening practices of certified nurse-midwives,2006,51,3,216-221,Hindin Abuse disclosure in privately and medicaid-funded pregnant women,2006,51,5,361-369,Davis The national strategy for suicide prevention,2001,46,5,304,Krulewitch Influence of intimate partner violence during pregnancy and early postpartum depressive symptoms on breastfeeding among Chinese women in Hong Kong,2007,52,2,e15-20,Chan Coerced sexual intercourse within marriage: A clinic-based study of pregnant Palestinian refugees in Lebanon,2008,53,2,150-154,Hammoury Injury: a major cause of pregnancy-associated morbidity in Massachusetts,2008,53,1,3-10,Barfield Prevalence of dating partner violence and suicidal ideation among male and female university students worldwide,2008,53,6,529-537,Straus Physical health and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in women experiencing intimate partner violence,2008,53,6,538-546,Campbell Rural mothers experiencing the stress of intimate partner violence or not: their newborn health concerns,2008,53,6,556-562,Ball Perceived changes in health and safety following participation in a health care-based domestic violence program,2008,53,6,547-555,Hathaway Lifetime and during pregnancy experience of violence and the risk of low birth weight and preterm birth,2008,53,6,522-528,Amaro Intimate partner violence screening and brief intervention: experiences of women in two New Zealand Health Care Settings,2008,53,6,504-510,Koziol-McLain Breaking the barriers: the promise of computer-assisted screening for intimate partner violence,2008,53,6,496-503,Renker Gynecologic care of the female-to-male transgender man,2008,53,4,331-337,Dutton Language as violence or peace?,2008,53,6,493-495,Reedy The first step begins within each of us,2008,53,6,491-492,Humphreys Social and clinical risk assessment among pregnant Haitian women in South Florida,2009,54,6,477-482,Fordyce Risks and protective factors associated with symptoms of depression in low-income African American and Caucasian women during pregnancy,2005,50,5,405-410,Walcott-McQuigg The Role of Midwives in Facilitating Recovery in Postpartum Psychosis,2010,55,5,430-437,Posmontier Sexually compulsive/addictive behaviors in women: a women's healthcare issue,2007,52,5,486-491,Roller Living the reality of forced sex work: perspectives from young migrant women sex workers in northern Vietnam,2005,50,4,e41-4,Watts Adolescents' experiences of dating and intimate partner violence: "once is not enough",2003,48,3,226-228,Zeoli Identifying intimate partner violence at entry to prenatal care: clustering routine clinical information,2002,47,5,353-359,Anderson Domestic violence during pregnancy: implications for practice,2002,47,5,305-317,Espinosa Violencia de pareja (intimate partner violence),2010,55,5,e75-6, Depression screening during pregnancy,2011,56,1,18-25,Breedlove Childbearing experiences of abused Hispanic women,2002,47,2,97-103,Records Power control and the "difficult" patient: hidden dimensions to caring for survivors of sexual abuse,2010,55,2,181-182,Skinner Hidden from view: violent deaths among pregnant women in the District of Columbia 1988-1996,2001,46,1,4-10,Guy Have we overlooked the most common cause of maternal mortality in the United States?,2001,46,1,3,Alpert Publication of science terror and the first amendment,2004,49,4,281-282,McCool Childbearing experiences of abused Hispanic women,2002,47,5,401-402,Parker Assessment for intimate partner violence in clinical practice,2002,47,5,386-390, Abuse-related posttraumatic stress and desired maternity care practices: women's perspectives,2002,47,5,360-370,Seng A conceptual framework for research on lifetime violence posttraumatic stress and childbearing,2002,47,5,337-346,Seng Violence against women: are we doing enough?,2002,47,5,303-304,Paluzzi Childbearing experiences of abused Hispanic women,2002,47,4,300; author reply 300,Smith The American College of Nurse-Midwives' Domestic Violence Education Project: evaluation and results,2000,45,5,384-391,Gaffikin Does Spontaneous Genital Tract Trauma Impact Postpartum Sexual Function?,2009,54,2,98-103,Rogers Symptoms of Distress and Pain Associated With Pelvic Examinations Are Higher Among Victims of Sexual Violence and Those With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,2009,54,3,256-257,Bond The Interaction Between Chronic Stress and Pregnancy: Preterm Birth from A Biobehavioral Perspective,2009,54,1,8-17,Latendresse Postpartum Depression and Help‐Seeking Behavior,2009,54,1,50-56,McGarry Hidden from view: violent deaths among pregnant women in the district of columbia 1988–1996,2001,46,1,4-10,Krulewitch Mental Health Demographic and Risk Behavior Profiles of Pregnant Survivors of Childhood and Adult Abuse,2008,53,6,511-521,Seng Abuse‐related posttraumatic stress and desired maternity care practices: women's perspectives,2002,47,5,360-370,Seng Screening for domestic violence,2003,48,4,297-298,Harris Changes in HIV Testing Policies and the Implications for Women,2008,53,3,195-201,Maman Essentials of Prehospital Maternity Care,2007,52,3,e27-e27, Global Perspectives on Women's Health: Policy and Practice,2007,52,4,321-322,Kennedy HIV Counseling and Testing in Pregnancy,2008,53,3,265-267,Kriebs Index of American College of Nurse‐Midwives Documents and Publications,2008,53,6,e53-e54, Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health,2008,53,6,a3-a3, Meeting Health Care Needs of Women Experiencing Complications of Miscarriage and Unsafe Abortion: USAID's Postabortion Care Program,2007,52,4,368-375,Curtis Midwifery and the Development of Nursing Capacity in the Dominican Republic: Caring Clinical Competence and Case Management,2007,52,5,499-504,Foster Midwifery Education and Maternal and Neonatal Health Issues: Challenges in Pakistan,2007,52,4,398-405,Rukanuddin Monique and the Mango Rains: Two Years With a Midwife in Mali,2008,53,3,e25-e25, Reclaiming Birth Health and Community: Midwifery in the Inuit Villages of Nunavik Canada,2007,52,4,384-391,Wagner Share With Women,2008,53,6,571-572, The effects of violence and trauma on women's health (#2008/093),2008,53,6,573-574, The Lived Experience of Widowhood During Pregnancy,2008,53,2,103-109,Doherty Who's Who Among the ACNM Fellows Inducted in 2008,2008,53,5,483-485, Women's Descriptions of Postpartum Health Problems: Preliminary Findings from Matlab Bangladesh,2007,52,4,351-360,Blum Australian midwives' knowledge of antenatal and postpartum depression: A national survey,2011,56,4,353-361,Creedy Removing service barriers for women with physical disabilities: promoting accessibility in the gynecologic care setting,2002,47,2,74-79,Schopp Successful research recruitment strategies in a study focused on abused rural women at risk for sexually transmitted infections,2012,57,4,381-385,Sutherland Providing quality care to the sexual assault survivor: education and training for medical professionals,2006,51,6,486-492,Ferguson Fatherhood and the meaning of children: an ethnographic study among Puerto Rican partners of adolescent mothers,2004,49,2,118-125,Foster The effects of intimate partner violence duration on individual and partner-related sexual risk factors among women,2014,59,1,67-73,Fantasia A socioecological predication model of posttraumatic stress disorder in low-income high-risk prenatal Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander women,2014,59,5,494-502,Choi The role of exercise in treating postpartum depression: a review of the literature,2007,52,1,56-62,Daley Human trafficking: the role of the health care provider,2010,55,5,462-467,Dovydaitis Caring for women experiencing reproductive coercion,2016,61,1,112-115,Grace The lived experience of childbearing from survivors of sexual abuse: "It was the best of times it was the worst of times",2016,61,4,474-481,LoGiudice Screening for intimate partner violence,2016,61,3,370-375,Draughon Dyspareunia in a survivor of childhood sexual abuse,2017,62,2,215-219,LoGiudice Consensus bundle on maternal mental health: perinatal depression and anxiety,2017,62,2,232-239,Wisner Body piercing: motivations and implications for health,2017,62,5,521-530,Van Hoover Screening women for at-risk alcohol use: an introduction to Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in women's health,2017,62,6,746-754,Shogren Integrating trauma-informed care into maternity care practice: conceptual and practical issues,2017,62,6,661-672,Taylor Survivors of child maltreatment and postpartum depression: an integrative review,2017,62,6,706-722,Kennedy Violencia De Pareja (Intimate Partner Violence),2018,63,1,147-148, Women who bedshare more frequently at 14 weeks postpartum subsequently report longer durations of breastfeeding,2018,63,4,418-424,Rosenberg Traumatic experiences and the midwifery profession: a cross-sectional study among Dutch midwives,2019,64,4,435-442,Evers Prenatal attachment parental confidence and mental health in expecting parents: the role of childhood trauma,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Muzik The second victim phenomenon: how are midwives affected?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morris Home birth in rural Zambia: the role of intimate partner violence and autonomous decision-making,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veliz Coerced choice: resigned contraceptive usership among individuals affected by reproductive coercion,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fay Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) or pediatric abusive head trauma from shaking: guidelines for interventions during the perinatal period from the French National College Of Midwives,2022,67 Suppl 1,,S93-S98,Laurent-Vannier Global health care experiences of female survivors who experienced trafficking: a meta-ethnography,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Purkayastha Responding to humanitarian crises: midwifery care in Bangladesh,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Biswas Experiences of dyspareunia in Dominican women with a history of sexual abuse: a phenomenological study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alarcón-Rodríguez Closer but not there yet: Racial/ethnic health disparities still a problem,2002,47,3,205-206,Krulewitch Role of obstetric violence and patient choice: factors associated with episiotomy,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Singh A Mindfulness Application for Reducing Prenatal Stress,2022,67,4,442-447,Hoffman Collaborative management of women with bipolar disorder during pregnancy and postpartum: pharmacologic considerations,2007,52,1,3-13,Wisner An integrative review exploring womens' experiences of retraumatization within perinatal services,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hunter