Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Familial and sociopsychopathological risk factors for suicide attempt in bulimic and in depressed women: Prospective study,2006,39,5,410 - 417,Nickel Suicide in anorexia nervosa: a meta-analysis,2004,36,1,99-103,Mancinelli Purging behaviors suicide attempts and psychiatric symptoms in 398 eating disordered subjects,1996,20,1,99-103,Favaro Factors associated with suicidal behaviors in a large French sample of inpatients with eating disorders,2007,40,7,589 - 595,Rouillon Suicidal behavior in adolescents: Relationship to weight status weight control behaviors and body dissatisfaction,2007,41,1,82 - 87,Eisenberg Disordered eating and substance use in high-school students: Results from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System,2008,41,5,464 - 470,Striegel-Moore Association between broadly defined bulimia nervosa and drug use disorders: common genetic and environmental influences,2007,40,8,673-678,Kendler Comorbidity and high-risk behaviors 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