Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Adding insult to injury: workplace injury in English professional football,2006,28,1,76-97,Roderick 'It puts things out of your control': fear of consequences as a barrier to patient disclosure of mental health issues to general practitioners,2007,29,7,1059-1074,Collings Jumping off and being careful: children's strategies of risk management in everyday life,2008,30,1,112-130,Christensen Doing being 'on the edge': managing the dilemma of being authentically suicidal in an online forum,2008,31,2,170 - 184,Wiggins Violence dignity and HIV vulnerability: street sex work in Serbia,2008,31,1,1 - 16,Simic Tales of biographical disintegration: how parents make sense of their sons' suicides,2008,30,2,237-254,Owens An essay on 'health capital' and the Faustian bargains struck by workers in the globalised shipping industry,2011,33,7,973-986,Bloor Perceived discrimination psychological distress and health,2010,32,6,843-861,Lincoln The lived political economy of occupational overuse syndrome among New Zealand workers,2010,32,7,1010-1025,Jaye Violence against doctors: a medical(ised) problem? The case of National Health Service general practitioners,2002,24,5,575-598,O'Beirne A continuum of risk? The management of health physical and emotional risks by female sex workers,2004,26,5,557-574,Sanders Walking and motoring: fitness and the social organisation of movement,2004,26,3,273-286,Freund 'You can't ask for a Dubonnet and lemonade!': Working class masculinity and men's health practices,2011,33,4,586-601,Dolan The violence of disablism,2011,33,4,602-617,Goodley Entangled evidence: knowledge making in systematic reviews in healthcare,2007,29,2,180-197,Moreira Waking up to sleepiness: Modafinil the media and the pharmaceuticalisation of everyday/night life,2008,30,6,839-855,Williams Understanding adversity and resilience at older ages,2008,30,5,726-740,Blane Engaging with sleep: male definitions understandings and attitudes,2008,30,5,696-710,Meadows Mapping the field of medical sociology: a comparative analysis of journals,2008,30,5,677-695,Seale Approaches to methadone treatment: harm reduction in theory and practice,2008,30,7,975-991,Järvinen ‘I've never ever let anyone hold the kids while they've got ciggies’: moral tales of maternal smoking practices,2008,30,7,1086-1100,Holdsworth Factors associated with violence by a current partner in a nationally representative sample of German women,2011,33,5,694-709,Watts Bridging gaps in risk discourse: home care case management and client choices,2009,31,2,201-214,Ceci Suicide. The hidden side of modernity,2009,31,5,784-785,Platt Violence and Sex Work in Britain,2009,31,7,1113-1114,Barnard The Empire of Trauma: An Inquiry into the Condition of Victimhood,2010,32,4,670-672,Snyder Black Dogs and Blue Words: Depression and Gender in the Age of Self‐Care,2011,33,1,164-165,Busfield Subjective social status and health in young people,2011,33,3,372-383,Rahkonen ‘Promising’ therapies: neuroscience clinical practice and the treatment of psychopathy,2011,33,3,448-464,Pickersgill Can We Live Forever? A Sociological and Moral Inquiry,2011,33,3,499-500,Jones Review article: gender violence and health care: implications for research policy and practice,2003,25,1,120-131,McKie ‘Futureless persons’: shifting life expectancies and the vicissitudes of progressive illness,2009,31,4,554-568,Gibson Understanding adolescent mental health: the influence of social processes doing gender and gendered power relations,2009,31,7,962-978,Gillander Gådin Women drug users in North Cumbria: what influences initiation into heroin in this non‐urban setting?,2007,29,5,633-655,Payne Temporarily insane: pathologising cultural difference in American criminal courts,2002,24,5,667-687,Reddy Sexual satisfaction quality of life and the transaction of intimacy in hospital patients’ accounts of their (hetero)sexual relationships,2002,24,1,89-113,Daker‐White Self-directed and interpersonal male violence in adolescence and young adulthood: a 30-year follow up of a Stockholm cohort,2012,34,1,16-30,Rojas Civil commitment due to mental illness and dangerousness: the union of law and psychiatry within a treatment‐control system,2000,22,5,679-699,Cohen ‘Ordinary people only’: knowledge representativeness and the publics of public participation in healthcare,2008,30,1,35-54,Martin ‘Taking charge of your health’: Discourses of responsibility in English‐Canadian women's magazines,2008,30,3,463-477,Roy ‘When you have children you’re obliged to live’1: motherhood chronic illness and biographical disruption,2007,29,4,610-626,Wilson A birth centre's encounters with discourses of childbirth: how resistance led to innovation,2007,29,2,216-232,Walsh Autism and social movements: French parents’ associations and international autistic individuals’ organisations,2008,30,1,76-96,Chamak Bodies mothers and identities: rethinking obesity and the BMI,2008,30,1,97-111,Warin Body Mass Index masculinities and moral worth: men's critical understandings of ‘appropriate’ weight‐for‐height,2007,29,4,584-609,Monaghan Changing bodies changing narratives and the consequences of tellability: a case study of becoming disabled through sport,2008,30,2,217-236,Smith Circulating beliefs resilient metaphors and faith in biomedicine: hepatitis C patients and interferon combination therapy,2008,30,2,197-216,Jenner Conceiving Time? Women who do or do not conceive,2007,29,2,233-250,Letherby Hospice or home? Expectations of end‐of‐life care among white and Chinese older people in the UK,2007,29,6,872-890,Seymour Internet social support groups as moral agents: the ethical dynamics of HIV+ status disclosure,2007,29,7,1043-1058,Rier Locating ethnicity and health: exploring concepts and contexts,2007,29,6,795-810,Bradby Migrating identities: the relational constitution of drug use and addiction,2007,29,5,673-691,Hughes New forms of citizenship and socio‐political inclusion: accessing antiretroviral therapy in a Rio de Janeiro favela,2008,30,6,900-912,Cataldo Pain experience and the imagined researcher,2008,30,7,992-1006,Smith Pharma in the bedroom . . . and the kitchen. . . . The pharmaceuticalisation of daily life,2008,30,6,856-868,Fox Producing genetic knowledge and citizenship through the Internet: mothers pediatric genetics and cybermedicine,2008,30,1,145-159,Schaffer Redefining a technology: public and private genetic testing in Aotearoa New Zealand,2008,30,3,364-379,Scott Sex drugs and politics: the HPV vaccine for cervical cancer,2008,30,6,886-899,Carpenter The ‘loss of community’ and other problems for sexual citizenship in recent HIV prevention,2008,30,2,182-196,Davis The dilemma for staff in ‘playing a game’ with a person with profound intellectual disabilities: empowerment inclusion and competence in interactional practice,2008,30,4,531-549,Finlay The micropolitics of responsibility vis‐à‐vis autonomy: parental accounts of childhood genetic testing and (non)disclosure,2008,30,2,255-271,Arribas‐Ayllon Unhealthy prisons: exploring structural determinants of prison health,2007,29,1,115-135,De Viggiani Watch out for the Aunties! Young British Asians’ accounts of identity and substance use,2007,29,5,656-672,Bradby Wellbeing and empowerment: the importance of recognition,2008,30,4,583-598,Fisher The non‐display of authentic distress: public‐private dualism in young people's discursive construction of self‐harm,2011,33,5,777-791,Roen The injured and diseased farmer: Occupational health embodiment and technologies of harm and care,2011,34,4,576-590,Lovelock Governing through time: preparing for future threats to health and security,2011,33,6,930-945,Samimian‐Darash Making sense of drinking: the role of techniques of neutralisation and counter-neutralisation in negotiating alcohol consumption,2012,34,6,841-857,Piacentini The effects of a psychosocial dimension of socioeconomic position on survival: occupational prestige and mortality among US working adults,2012,34,7,1103-1117,Muntaner Belief knowledge and expertise: the emergence of the lay expert in medical sociology,2003,25,,41-57,Prior Young smokers' narratives: public health disadvantage and structural violence,2013,35,5,746-760,Lewis The 'window of opportunity' for death after severe brain injury: family experiences,2013,35,7,1095-1112,Kitzinger Suicide rates and socioeconomic factors in Eastern European countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union: trends between 1990 and 2008,2013,35,6,956-970,Kolves Staying 'in the zone' but not passing the 'point of no return': Embodiment gender and drinking in mid-life,2014,36,2,264-277,Hunt Presuming the influence of the media: Teenagers' constructions of gender identity through sexual/romantic relationships and alcohol consumption,2014,36,5,772-786,Hunt Gay men and intimate partner violence: a gender analysis,2014,36,4,564-579,MacMillan The ambulance journey as an information generating process,1980,2,2,115-132,Hughes Health journalism in the service of power: 'moral complacency' and the Hebrew media in the Gaza-Israel conflict,2014,36,4,613-628,Birenbaum-Carmeli Habitus of home and traditional drinking: a qualitative analysis of reported middle-class alcohol use,2014,36,7,1054-1076,Ling The social ecology of girls' bullying practices: exploratory research in two London schools,2015,37,5,731-744,Harden Taboo and the different death? Perceptions of those bereaved by suicide or other traumatic death,2015,37,4,610-625,Chapple Living for the moment: men situating risk-taking after the death of a friend,2015,37,3,355-369,Saewyc The social construction of help among Danish children - the intentional act and the actual content,1993,15,4,488-502,Christensen Risk and the construction of social identity: children's talk about accidents,1997,19,4,457-479,Green Medical constructions of long-term exhaustion past and present,2015,37,6,920-935,Lian Pathways to suicide attempts among male offenders: the role of agency,2015,37,6,936-951,Byng The emergence and implications of a mental health ethos in juvenile justice,2002,24,5,599-620,Armstrong Reducing symbolic-violence in the research encounter: collaborating with a survivor of domestic abuse in a qualitative study in UK primary care,2015,38,3,442-458,Feder Violence in general practice: a gendered risk?,2015,38,3,426-441,Elston An exploration of integrated data on the social dynamics of suicide among women,2016,38,4,662-675,Leavey 'They won't change it back in their heads that we're trash': the intersection of sex work-related stigma and evolving policing strategies,2016,38,7,1137-1150,Kerr When walking becomes wandering: representing the fear of the fourth age,2017,39,2,270-284,Brittain A licence to drive? Neurological illness loss and disruption,2018,40,7,1186-1199,Ryan Why do farm accidents persist? Normalising danger on the farm within the farm family,2019,41,3,470-483,Shortall Cross-country evidence on the social determinants of the post-socialist mortality crisis in Europe: a review and performance-based hierarchy of variables,2019,41,4,673-691,King Boundary-making in the medico-legal context: examining doctor-nurse dynamics in post-sexual assault forensic medical intervention,2019,41,1,36-51,White Home level bureaucracy: moving beyond the 'street' to uncover the ways that place shapes the ways that community public health nurses implement domestic abuse policy,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cuthill Female family carers' experiences of violent abusive or harmful behaviour by the older person for whom they care: a case of epistemic injustice?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bradbury-Jones Enacting alcohol realities: gendering practices in Australian studies on 'alcohol-related presentations' to emergency departments,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keane The social life of self-injury: exploring the communicative dimension of a very personal practice,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lawler Temporalities of mental distress: digital immediacy and the meaning of 'crisis' in online support,2019,41,Suppl 1,132-146,Lavis The violence of narrative: embodying responsibility for poverty-related stress,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thomas Inter-professional practice in the prevention and management of child and adolescent self-harm: foster carers' and residential carers' negotiation of expertise and professional identity,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Evans Theorising health professionals' prevention and management practices with children and young people experiencing self-harm: a qualitative hospital-based case study,2020,,,,Scourfield How men step back - and recover - from suicide attempts: a relational and gendered account,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oliffe From community of practice to epistemic community - law discipline and security in the battle for the legalisation of medical cannabis in Poland,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wagner Troubling content: guiding discussion of death by suicide on social media,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brownlie Masculinities emotions and men's suicide,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Flood Negotiating identities of 'responsible drinking': exploring accounts of alcohol consumption of working mothers in their early parenting period,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meier Health consequences of child removal among indigenous and non-indigenous sex workers: examining trajectories mechanisms and resiliencies,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shannon Infrastructures of racial violence health and debility [Editorial],2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gunaratnam Making sense of experiences in suicide helpline calls: offering empathy without endorsing suicidal ideation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Iversen Compulsory separation of women prisoners from their babies following childbirth: uncertainty loss and disenfranchised grief,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scott Parents' management of alcohol in the context of discourses of 'competent' parenting: a qualitative analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,MacLean Men suicide and family and interpersonal violence: a mixed methods exploratory study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perkins Fight or flight? 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