Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Abuses of the girl child in some African societies: implications for nurse practitioners,2006,41,1,13-24,Khalil Mother Nature's Disasters and Their Health Effects: A Literature Review,2006,41,2,78-87,Jones Duty in a time of disaster: a concept analysis,2007,42,2,56-64,Kane-Urrabazo Violence against female student nurses in the workplace,2009,44,1,37-46,Hinchberger Levels of violence among nurses in Cape Town public hospitals,2009,44,3,207-217,Khalil Action and reaction in suicidal crisis,1969,8,1,28-41,McLean Nursing home abuse: the tragedy continues,1984,21,3,102-108,Harrington The hospitalized skid road alcoholic,1963,2,,88-109,Sorensen Child abuse,1964,16,,7-9,Tryon The battered child,1964,16,,10-26,Fulk The nurse's role in the prevention of suicide,1964,63,,93-103,Farberow Nursing and juvenile delinquency,1968,7,2,161-172,Godbout Risk: a concept worthy of attention,1993,28,1,12-16,Joseph Concept Analysis: Nurse-to-Nurse Lateral Violence,2010,45,3,166-173,White Speaking up: a moral obligation,1996,31,2,31-34,Kelly Domestic violence: why do they stay,1996,31,2,3-4,Carpenito Nurse on nurse,2007,42,3,123-131,Woelfle Threat: a concept analysis for a new era,2004,39,3,13-22,Ritchie A community partnership to prepare nursing students to respond to domestic violence,2003,38,3,5-10,Hayward Workplace violence in healthcare environments,1999,34,3,5-13,Smith-Pittman Promoting domestic violence education for nurses,1998,33,4,13-21,Schroeder Confronting the monster of family violence,1995,30,3,12-19,Denham Combat-related blast-induced neurotrauma: a public health problem?,2010,45,4,237-245,Jett Legal Considerations of Workplace Violence in Healthcare Environments,2001,36,1,5-14,Smith Domestic Violence: None of Your Business?,2001,36,1,3-4, Begin at the Beginning: Violence Prevention at the Elementary School Level,2001,36,1,25-30,Vitale The New Hampshire Health Initiative on Domestic Violence,2001,36,1,31-35,Hastings Complexity Compression: Nurses Under Fire,2007,42,2,86-94,Krichbaum Leading a Study‐abroad Group of Nursing Students in Nicaragua: A First‐timer's Account,2008,43,4,238-246,Christoffersen Loneliness: A Concept Analysis,2008,43,4,207-213,Zauszniewski Said Another Way
Subject Matter Experts: Facts or Fiction?,2007,42,4,189-195,Lavin The Prevailing Winds of Oppression: Understanding the New Graduate Experience in Acute Care,2008,43,4,191-206,Duchscher Rape: a plea for help in the hospital emergency room,1973,12,4,388-401,Williams Nursing actions in behalf of the battered child,1973,12,4,365-377,Kalisch Nursing responsibility in child abuse,1976,15,1,95-112,Friedman The "Angel of Death": the anatomy of 1980's major news story about nursing,1980,19,3,212-241,Kalisch The myths of acquaintance rape,1999,34,4,3,Carpenito Domestic Violence: Why Do They Stay?,1996,31,2,3-4,Carpenito Promoting domestic violence education for nurses,1998,33,4,13-22,Schroeder Sex work in trucking milieux: "lot lizards" truckers and risk,2012,47,3,140-152,Shattell When nurses become the "second" victim,2012,47,4,286-291,Jones Creating a safe haven for employees who are victims of domestic violence,2012,47,4,217-225,Katula Cultural diversity: are we really that different?,2005,40,2,44,Gilliland Antibullying workshops: Shaping minority nursing leaders through curriculum innovation,2014,49,4,240-246,Egues Civility and workplace bullying: resonance of Nightingale's persona and current best practices,2014,49,2,124-129,Lim The bully within and without: strategies to address horizontal violence in nursing,2014,49,3,151,Melanio An exploration of managers' discourses of workplace bullying,2015,50,4,265-273,Beaton Deployed women veterans: important culturally sensitive care,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Armstrong Advocating for deployed women veterans' health differences difficulties and disparities,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Armstrong Incivility in the online classroom: a guide for policy development,2017,52,4,306-312,Hopkins A literature review: qualitative studies of women parenting during abuse,2018,53,2,137-141,McFarlane Assessing the impact of workplace bullying on nursing competences among registered nurses in Jordanian public hospitals,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Al-Azzam Reframing and addressing horizontal violence as a workplace quality improvement concern,2018,53,4,459-465,Taylor Horizontal violence among nurses: experiences responses and job performance,2019,54,1,77-83,Bloom Safeguarding older adults with dementia depression and delirium in a temporary disaster shelter,2019,54,2,157-164,Rudolph Violence exposure conflict and health outcomes in inner-city African American adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Delaney-Black A hybrid concept analysis of fall risk appraisal: integration of older adults' perspectives with an integrative literature review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thiamwong Incivility through the continuum of nursing: a concept analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chrisman Workplace cyberbullying exposed: a concept analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Symons A concept analysis of obstetric violence in the United States of America,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garcia Life is a highway: driver's license acquisition and social determinants for youth in foster care and their non-foster care peers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collins STARS interventions for violence reduction: safety technology activity relief and surroundings,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Case Exploring nurse suicide by firearms: a mixed-method longitudinal (2003-2017) analysis of death investigations,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zisook The hollow: a theory on workplace bullying in nursing practice,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Green Structural violence: a concept analysis to inform nursing science and practice,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burton Nursing student's attitudes toward teams in an undergraduate interprofessional mass casualty simulation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams Emergency department nurses experiences of female domestic violence presentations: a review of the qualitative literature,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Reilly Determinants of husbands' violence against women in Jordan,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Masa'Deh Clinical indicators related to the nursing diagnosis "post-trauma syndrome" in women victims of violence: a systematic review with meta-analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cavalcante Human trafficking policies of professional nursing organizations: opportunity for innovative and influential policy voice,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peck Associations among the nursing work environment nurse-reported workplace bullying and patient outcomes,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ivankova The moderating role of social support on workplace violence and stress among psychiatric nurses,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shahrour Self-esteem in the context of intimate partner violence: a concept analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Systems of communication in school-nurse led care coordination: a concept analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ziniel Gaslighting in nursing academia: A new or established covert form of bullying?,2021,56,3,640-647,Christensen