Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Violence against nurses--looking forward to a safer future,2006,13,9,17, Reducing falls in the elderly,2006,14,3,31,Bellew Youth suicide,1997,4,7,20-24,Mann Pressure rising against violence,2006,14,5,21-24,Dragon Testing nurses burn injury knowledge,2007,14,8,30-31,Fowler Managing self-inflicted burn injuries,2007,14,8,28-30,Wood Managing aggression in general hospitals,1995,3,1,20-22,Wrigley Support on violence,2003,10,11,3,Chipman What is the message on violence?,2003,10,10,3, Guarded sympathy on violence,2003,10,11,3,Higginbottom Ethics evil and child abuse,2008,16,2,25,Johnstone Ethics debate on child abuse,2008,16,3,3,Jones Family breakdown link to suicide and mental illness,2008,16,3,37, Increased fire death risk for the elderly,2009,16,7,35,Thomas Bushfire disaster: a rural nurse's perception,2009,16,9,17,Williams The abuse of older people and compulsory reporting,2008,16,1,18,Saunders Nursing and the law. Witness to battery?,1993,1,2,35-37,Langslow Critical incident stress: a normal response to an abnormal situation,1995,2,7,32-34,Hawkins Violence in aged care--rights and responsibilities,1995,2,7,30-31,Hudson No excuse for abusing children,2008,16,4,4, Need for stronger laws to protect older Australians,2009,16,7,27,Starr Police must act,2004,11,10,3, National action on violence,2004,11,9,3,Jackson Alert but not alarmed: Australia's health system prepares,2003,10,8,22-24,Armstrong Time to change the culture of occupational violence,2002,9,11,6, Violence: it's not part of the job,2002,9,9,24-26,Armstrong Silence on violence no longer,2000,7,11,3,Jones Creating a culture of zero tolerance,2000,7,11,3,Jongen Ending the silence on violence,2000,7,10,26-29,Harulow Dangerous driving,2004,11,7,3,Rowell Nurses respond to inquiry into workplace bullying,2012,20,2,18,McCarthy Surviving the stress of a critical incident,1996,4,3,36-38,Coutts Desert disaster,1995,3,3,30-32,MacDonald Beating bullying,2005,12,9,16-19,Sweet Bullying exodus,2005,12,11,3, Bullying or performance management?,2005,12,11,3,Albrecht Bullying hard to beat,2005,13,1,3, Walk the talk on bullying,2005,13,1,3,Milich Bullying and workplace abuse,1998,5,8,4-5,Giles Beyond the call,1998,5,8,1,Haynes Refugees and torture,1997,4,6,18-19,Sharpe Romantic love and domestic violence,2004,11,8,36,Power An overview of occupational violence,2002,9,7,34-35,Mayhew Aged care violence ignored and trivialized,2002,9,11,3,Thornby New responses to stress and trauma. Interview by Susan Hudson,1995,2,10,13,Dunning The common law obligation of an employer to establish maintain and enforce a safe system of work,1999,6,7,32-33,Langslow Workplace aggression and violence: nurses and midwives say NO,2011,19,1,26-29,Anderson Of mad dogs and instant soup,1998,5,9,19,Serghis Nursing near a war zone,2000,7,7,19,Cunningham Nursing in the aftermath of disaster,2003,10,6,20-21, Support and services for people with alcohol-related brain injury,2012,20,3,36,Moxham Suicidal masculinities: understanding the gendered nature of male suicide,2012,20,5,49,River How safe are our hospitals?,2004,11,9,18-21,Armstrong Workplace bullying,2013,20,7,21,McCarthy Workplace bullying: are you part of the solution?,2013,20,9,31,Taylor Suspend accused bullies on full pay?,2013,20,9,4, Intimate partner violence: are Australian nurses and midwives trained to provide care?,2013,20,10,37,Nagle The impact of workplace bullying in nursing,2013,21,1,31,Franklin Safety and physical restraint,1999,7,2,34-35,Langslow Nursing and the law. Documentation and 'usual practice',1994,2,3,38-39,Langslow Observing at close quarters,1997,5,4,32-33,Langslow Community case management for mental illness,1999,6,10,24-26,Kelly Nurses public policy and the euthanasia debate,2008,16,4,e30,Johnstone