Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Bipolar disorder after traumatic brain injury,2005,9,4,292-295,Brissos Driving ability in schizophrenic patients: effects of neuroleptics,2005,9,3,168-174,Kagerer Risk factors of attempted suicide in the elderly: The role of cognitive impairment: A case-control study of old psychiatric in-patients,2005,9,3,221-225,Osvath Suicide and undetermined death by drowning,2005,9,2,107-115,Salib Multiple psychiatric diagnoses and self-harm behavior,2005,9,1,41-44,Sansone History of childhood trauma and disruptive behaviors in the medical setting,2012,16,1,68-71,Sansone Aggressive behaviour in schizophrenic patients after abrupt treatment discontinuation,2011,15,4,296-302,Papadimitriou Sexual behaviour and borderline personality disorder among female psychiatric inpatients,2011,15,1,69-73,Sansone Socio-economic correlates of relapsed patients admitted in a Nigerian mental health institution,2011,15,1,19-26,Gbiri Childhood trauma and compulsive buying,2013,17,1,73-76,Sansone Suicide attempts and domestic violence among women psychiatric inpatients,2007,11,2,163-166,Sansone Are there associations between caregiver information and suicidal behavior in psychiatric inpatients?,2012,16,3,238-242,Spiessl Self-reported bullying in childhood: relationships with employment in adulthood,2013,17,1,64-68,Sansone Seasonality of self-destructive behaviour: Seasonal variations in demographic and suicidal characteristics in Van Turkey,2013,17,2,110-119,Gulec Victims of bullying in childhood criminal outcomes in adulthood,2013,17,1,69-72,Sansone Borderline personality symptomatology and legal charges related to drugs,2014,18,2,150-152,Sansone Psychiatric consultations and therapy recommendations following a suicide attempt in a general hospital and their associations with selected parameters in a one year period,2014,18,2,118-124,Tauch Characterizing impulsivity profile in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder,2013,18,3,156-160,Dell'osso Behavioral correlation with television viewing and videogame use among children in the United Arab Emirates,2014,18,3,203-207,Zoubeidi Clinical manifestations of mental disorders among Sesotho speakers,2008,12,3,171-179,Esterhuyse Is there a role for psychiatry in deepening our understanding of the "suicide bomber"?,2007,11,2,87-88,Marazziti Panic disorder due to ingestion of single dose ecstasy,2005,9,2,138-141,Ebrinc Does having offspring reduce the risk of suicide in women?,2004,8,1,25-29,Abed Characteristics of schizophrenic patients with a history of suicide attempt,2004,8,4,227-234,Evren Do we manage deliberate self-harm appropriately? Characteristics of general hospital patients who are offered psychiatric aftercare,2003,7,1,27-32,Milnes Contacts of suicide attempters with healthcare services in Pecs and Bern in the WHO/EURO Multicentre Study on Parasuicide,2003,7,1,3-8,Osvath Sexual assault on wards: Staff actions and reactions,2003,7,4,239-242,Thomas Month of birth and suicide: An exploratory study,2002,6,1,39-44,Salib Post-traumatic stress disorder: A review for the general psychiatrist,2001,5,1,11-18,O'Shea 'Alice in Wonderland' syndrome as a precursor of delusional misidentification syndromes,2001,5,2,149-151,Takaoka Norikatsu Ikawa Nobuya Niwa The Wessex Suicide Audit 1988-1993: A study of 1457 suicides with and without a recent psychiatric contact,2001,5,2,111-118,King Recognition of depression and prevention of suicide: the role of general practitioners and general physicians,1997,1,2,131-134,Rihmer Risk factors for the development of PTSD and depression among child and adolescent victims following a 7.4 magnitude earthquake,2007,11,3,190-199,Alyanak A naturalistic study of the relationship between self-harm behaviors and Axis I diagnostic groupings among inpatients,2007,11,1,73-75,Sansone Attitudes of clinicians in emergency room towards suicide,2006,10,3,182-185,Sethi Suicidal behaviour and intensity of psychiatric care in a region at high risk for suicide,2004,8,3,153-159,Balestrieri Aggressive behaviour in the elderly,1999,3,2,85-103,Shah A comparison between the OPCS and coroner's data on suicide and undetermined deaths in an English Health District,1998,2,3,209-214,Abed Psychiatric disorders and violent behavior,1997,1,3,179-188,Tiihonen The impact of migration and culture on suicide attempts of children and adolescents living in Istanbul,2014,19,1,32-39,Akkaya-Kalayci Post-traumatic stress disorder among Syrian refugees in Turkey: a cross sectional study,2014,19,1,45-50,Altindag The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in patients with burn injuries and their quality of life,2014,19,1,56-59,Cakir The relationship between lifetime suicide attempts serum lipid levels and metabolic syndrome in patients with bipolar disorders,2014,19,2,124-131,Brand Intimation of intent in elderly fatal self-harm: do the elderly who leave suicide notes differ from those who do not?,2002,6,3,155-161,Salib Report of the WPA section of pharmacopsychiatry on the relationship of antiepileptic drugs with suicidality in epilepsy,2014,19,3,158-167,Baldwin Neurological soft signs and prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex in psychosis: a pilot study,2015,19,4,276-284,Ruggeri No evidence for metabolic syndrome and lipid profile differences in patients suffering from bipolar I disorder with and without suicide attempts,2015,19,3,168-173,Brand Antidepressant drugs and teenage suicide in Hungary: time trend and seasonality analysis,2015,19,3,221-225,Rihmer Depressive symptoms and social-demographic stress and health risk behaviour among university students in 26 low middle and high income countries,2015,19,4,259-265,Peltzer The self-harm inventory: a meta-analysis of its relationship to the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4 as a measure of borderline personality disorder,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sansone The Self-Harm Inventory: a meta-analysis of its relationship to the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4 as a measure of borderline personality disorder,2015,19,4,290-293,Sansone Mobility behaviour and driving status of patients with mental disorders - an exploratory study,2015,20,1,40-46,Moller Factors predicting the presence of impaired clinical insight in liaison psychiatric patients assessed in the Emergency Room,2015,20,1,32-39,Agyapong Antidepressants and suicide and self-injury: causal or casual association?,2016,20,1,47-51,Pozzi Possible relationship between amino acids aggression and psychopathy,2016,20,2,91-100,Oznur Three-year mortality rate of suicide attempters in consultation-liaison service,2016,20,4,254-259,Hung Involuntary admissions in Italy: the impact of seasonality,2016,20,4,232-238,Maina Relationship between impulsivity and obsession types in obsessive-compulsive disorder,2016,20,4,218-223,Yıldırım Past suicidal ideation as an independent risk factor for suicide behaviours in patients with depression,2016,21,1,24-28,Jon History of lifetime suicide attempt in bipolar I disorder: its correlates and effect on illness course,2016,21,2,118-124,Sarkar Suicidal ideation and associated factors among students aged 13-15 years in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states 2007-2013,2017,21,3,201-208,Peltzer Psychiatric comorbidity and suicidal ideation in psoriasis melanoma and allergic disorders,2017,21,3,209-214,Pompili Elucidating the association between the self-harm inventory and several borderline personality measures in an inpatient psychiatric sample,2017,21,3,231-235,Sansone Trichotillomania and its clinical relationship to depression and anxiety,2017,21,4,302-306,Keuthen Alexithymia suicidal ideation and health-risk behaviours: a survey of Canadian men,2018,22,1,77-79,Ogrodniczuk Adaptation of the Beck Hopelessness Scale as a suicide risk screening tool among Nigerian patients with schizophrenia,2018,22,1,19-24,Aloba Triggers for attempted suicide in Istanbul youth with special reference to their socio-demographic background,2018,22,2,95-100,Kapusta D allele of insertion/deletion polymorphism at angiotensin-converting enzyme gene is associated with reduced prevalence and severity of depression among Chinese adolescents at early stage after Wenchuan earthquake,2018,22,2,136-142,Fan Mental health care providers talk about their experiences preventing suicide in people with substance use disorders in South Africa: implications for clinical practice,2019,23,1,40-48,Bantjes Prevalence and risk factors for depression in outpatient departments of three general hospitals in China: a cross-sectional study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Alexithymia suicide ideation affective temperaments and 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