Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Genetics of suicide,2006,11,4,336–351,Bondy Expression of corticotropin releasing hormone receptors type I and type II mRNA in suicide victims and controls,2001,6,5,540-546,Park Fronto-limbic brain structures in suicidal and non-suicidal female patients with major depressive disorder,2007,12,4,360-366,Monkul Trends in mental illness and suicidality after Hurricane Katrina,2008,13,4,374–384,Kessler The association between smoking and subsequent suicide-related outcomes in the National Comorbidity Survey panel sample,2009,14,12,1132-1142,Nock Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in the United States: 1991-1992 and 2001-2002,2010,15,3,250-259,Oquendo Mental disorders comorbidity and suicidal behavior: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication,2010,15,8,868-876,Nock Differences and similarities in the serotonergic diathesis for suicide attempts and mood disorders: a 22-year longitudinal gene-environment study,2010,15,8,831-843,Tremblay Elevated expression of tryptophan hydroxylase-2 mRNA at the neuronal level in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei of depressed suicides,2008,13,5,507-13 465,Mann Association of childhood trauma exposure and GABRA2 polymorphisms with risk of posttraumatic stress disorder in adults,2009,14,3,234-235,Madden Increased serotonin 2C receptor mRNA editing: a possible risk factor for suicide,2008,13,11,1001-1010,Siever Proclivity to self-injurious behavior in MRL-lpr mice: implications for autoimmunity-induced damage in the dopaminergic system,2008,13,11,1043-1053,Chun Altered connections on the road to psychopathy,2009,14,10,946-53 907,Murphy Meta-analysis supports association between serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and suicidal behavior,2007,12,1,47-54,li Reduced overflow of BDNF from the brain is linked with suicide risk in depressive illness,2007,12,11,981-983,Anderson Altered expression of genes involved in ATP biosynthesis and GABAergic neurotransmission in the ventral prefrontal cortex of suicides with and without major depression,2009,14,2,175-189,Lalovic Interaction between a functional MAOA locus and childhood sexual abuse predicts alcoholism and antisocial personality disorder in adult women,2008,13,3,334-347,Goldman Patterns of gene expression in the limbic system of suicides with and without major depression,2007,12,7,640-655,Klempan A possible impact of the neuroD2 transcription factor on the development of drug abusing behavior,2006,11,6,525-527,Eisenmenger ERK MAP kinase signaling in post-mortem brain of suicide subjects: differential regulation of upstream Raf kinases Raf-1 and B-Raf,2006,11,1,86-98,Conley MAOA maltreatment and gene-environment interaction predicting children's mental health: new evidence and a meta-analysis,2006,11,10,903-913,Williams X chromosome and suicide,2011,16,2,216-226,Zouk The 2009 Nobel conference on the role of genetics in promoting suicide prevention and the mental health of the population,2010,15,1,12-17,Wasserman Association of polymorphisms in the SLIT2 axonal guidance gene with anger in suicide attempters,2010,15,1,10-11,Wasserman Sex differences in orbitofrontal gray as a partial explanation for sex differences in antisocial personality,2011,16,2,227-236,Toga A neuropeptide S receptor variant associated with overinterpretation of fear reactions: a potential neurogenetic basis for catastrophizing,2010,15,11,1045 1067-74,Reif Parental psychopathology and the risk of suicidal behavior in their offspring: results from the World Mental Health surveys,2011,16,12,1221-1233,Beautrais Perceived threat predicts the neural sequelae of combat stress,2011,16,6,664-671,Geuze Analysis of the novel TPH2 gene in bipolar disorder and suicidality,2004,9,10,896-897,Kennedy Upregulation of CB1 receptors and agonist-stimulated [35S]GTPgammaS binding in the prefrontal cortex of depressed suicide victims,2004,9,2,184-190,Cooper 5-HT1D and 5-HT1E/1F binding sites in depressed 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associates with aggressive human behaviors,2009,14,4,381-389,Kranzler Anger is a wind that blows out the light of the mind (old proverb),2003,8,2,131-132,Grafman Possible association of the short allele of the serotonin transporter promoter gene polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) with violent suicide,2000,5,2,193-195,Meyer Strong limbic and weak frontal activation to aggressive stimuli in spouse abusers,2008,13,7,655-656,Raine The preeminent role of early untoward experience on vulnerability to major psychiatric disorders: the nature-nurture controversy revisited and soon to be resolved,1999,4,2,106-108,Nemeroff Association between low activity serotonin transporter promoter genotype and early onset alcoholism with habitual impulsive violent behavior,1999,4,4,385-388,Tiihonen Identification of four variants in the tryptophan hydroxylase promoter and association to behavior,1999,4,4,360-368,Goldman Predisposition of Wolfram syndrome heterozygotes to psychiatric illness,1998,3,1,86-91,Swift Psychiatric genetics and prejudice: can the science be separated from the scientist?,1998,3,2,96-100,Baron Efficacy and safety of antidepressant drug treatment in children and adolescents,2012,17,12,1186-1193,Henry DNA methylation signatures of aggression and closely related constructs: a meta-analysis of epigenome-wide studies across the lifespan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vermeiren Adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is associated with alterations in circadian rhythms at the behavioural endocrine and molecular levels,2012,17,10,988-995,Thome TPH and suicidal behavior: a study in suicide completers,2001,6,1,98-102,Vanier DRD4 and DAT1 as modifying genes in alcoholism: interaction with novelty seeking on level of alcohol consumption,2001,6,1,7-9,Bau Exposure to violence during childhood is associated with telomere erosion from 5 to 10 years of age: a longitudinal study,2013,18,5,576-581,Moffitt The road not taken: life experiences in monozygotic twin pairs discordant for major depression,2013,18,9,975-984,Kendler Family-based study of HTR2A in suicide attempts: observed gene gene × environment and parent-of-origin associations,2013,18,7,758-766,Wasserman Peritraumatic distress after an earthquake: a bridge between neuroimaging and epidemiology,2013,18,7,743-744,Nishi Glutamatergic GRIN2B and polyaminergic ODC1 genes in suicide attempts: associations and gene-environment interactions with childhood/adolescent physical assault,2013,18,9,985-992,Wasserman Age-dependent effect of the MAOA gene on childhood physical aggression,2013,18,11,1151-1152,Booij A mu-opioid receptor single nucleotide polymorphism in rhesus monkey: association with stress response and aggression,2004,9,1,99-108,Miller Systematic meta-analyses and field synopsis of genetic association studies of violence and aggression,2014,19,4,471-477,Fazel Childhood maltreatment and obesity: systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,19,5,544-554,Danese Discovery and validation of blood biomarkers for suicidality,2013,18,12,1249-1264,Schweitzer Sleep to forget: interference of fear memories during sleep,2013,18,11,1166-1170,Rolls Polyamines and suicide risk,2013,18,12,1242-1243,Turecki Playing Super Mario induces structural brain plasticity: Gray matter changes resulting from training with a commercial video game,2014,19,2,265-271,Kuhn Life events: a complex role in the timing of suicidal behavior among depressed patients,2013,19,8,902-909,Pérez-Rodríguez Dopamine and serotonin signaling during two sensitive developmental periods differentially impact adult aggressive and affective behaviors in mice,2014,19,6,688-698,Mann Astrocytic abnormalities and global DNA methylation patterns in depression and suicide,2014,20,3,320-328,Ernst Increased expression of MARCKS in post-mortem brain of violent suicide completers is related to transcription of a long noncoding antisense RNA,2014,19,10,1057-1059,Weinberger Mental disorders and risk of suicide attempt: a national prospective study,2015,20,6,718-726,Franco Glial fibrillary acidic protein is differentially expressed across cortical and subcortical regions in healthy brains and downregulated in the thalamus and caudate nucleus of depressed suicides,2015,21,4,509-515,Turecki Sex differences in glutamate receptor gene expression in major depression and suicide,2015,20,9,1057-1068,Kleinman Sex differences in glutamate receptor gene expression in major depression and suicide,2015,20,9,1139,Kleinman Understanding and predicting suicidality using a combined genomic and clinical risk assessment approach,2015,20,11,1266-1285,Mullen Antisocial behavior and polymorphisms in the oxytocin receptor gene: findings in two independent samples,2015,21,7,983-988,Johansson Psychiatric blood biomarkers: avoiding jumping to premature negative or positive conclusions,2015,20,3,286-288,Le-Niculescu Erasure of fear memories is prevented by Nogo Receptor 1 in adulthood,2015,21,9,1281-1289,Taylor Genetic and environmental determinants of violence risk in psychotic disorders: a multivariate quantitative genetic study of 1.8 million Swedish twins and siblings,2015,21,9,1251-1256,Larsson Polygenic associations of neurodevelopmental genes in suicide attempt,2015,21,10,1381-1390,Wasserman Deficits in striatal dopamine release in cannabis dependence,2016,22,1,68-75,Xu Transgenerational transmission and modification of pathological traits induced by prenatal immune activation,2016,22,1,102-112,Meyer Alcohol affects brain functional connectivity and its coupling with behavior: greater effects in male heavy drinkers,2016,22,8,1185-1195,Volkow Predicting suicides after outpatient mental health visits in the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS),2016,22,4,544-551,Stein Suicide in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a population-based study of 36 788 Swedish patients,2017,22,11,1626-1632,Runeson The birth death and resurrection of avoidance: a reconceptualization of a troubled paradigm,2016,22,1,24-36,LeDoux Activation of a ventral hippocampus-medial prefrontal cortex pathway is both necessary and sufficient for an antidepressant response to ketamine,2016,21,9,1298-1308,Shah Altered brain processing of decision-making in healthy first-degree biological relatives of suicide completers,2016,22,8,1149-1154,Jollant Preventing intrusive memories after trauma via a brief intervention involving Tetris computer game play in the emergency department: a proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial,2018,23,3,674-682,Watson Blocking human fear memory with the matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor doxycycline,2018,23,7,1584-1589,Bach When should governments increase the supply of psychiatric beds?,2018,23,4,796-800,Allison Neuropathology of suicide: recent findings and future directions,2017,22,10,1395-1412,Turecki Precision medicine for suicidality: from universality to subtypes and personalization,2017,22,9,1250-1273,Jones The associations of earlier trauma exposures and 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