Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A Review of Serotonin Toxicity Data: Implications for the Mechanisms of Antidepressant Drug Action,2006,59,11,1046-1051,Gillman MAOA and the "Cycle of Violence:" Childhood Abuse and Neglect MAOA Genotype and Risk for Violent and Antisocial Behavior,2006,60,7,684-689,Widom Aggressive Behavior Linked to Corticotropin-Reactive Autoantibodies,2006,60,8,799-802,Oreland Interactive Effects of the Serotonin Transporter 5-HTTLPR Polymorphism and Stressful Life Events on College Student Drinking and Drug Use,2006,61,5,609-616,Tennen Diagnosis of childhood and adolescent suicidal behavior: unmet needs for suicide prevention,2001,49,12,1055-1061,Pfeffer Lifetime rates of suicide attempts among subjects with bipolar and unipolar disorders relative to subjects with other Axis I disorders,1996,39,10,896-899,Dilsaver Adverse symptomatology and suicide associated with the use of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; "Ecstasy"),1996,39,9,819-820,Cohen Progesterone and adolescent suicidality,1997,42,10,956-958,Martin Serum cholesterol suicidal tendencies impulsivity aggression and depression in adolescent psychiatric inpatients,1999,46,4,532-541,Apter Violence and episodic behavioral dyscontrol,1983,18,5,604-607,Askenasy Initial posttraumatic urinary cortisol levels predict subsequent PTSD symptoms in motor vehicle accident victims,2000,48,9,940-947,Delahanty The dexamethasone suppression test in violent suicide attempters with major depression,1995,37,4,273-274,Pitchot Is impulsive aggression a disorder of the individual or a social ill? A matter of metaphor,1994,36,6,353-355,Stein Selective reductions in prefrontal glucose metabolism in murderers,1994,36,6,365-373,Raine Benzodiazepine binding sites and their modulators in hippocampus of violent suicide victims,1992,32,10,922-931,Rochet Serotonergic measures in suicide brain: the concentration of 5-HIAA HVA and tryptophan in frontal cortex of suicide victims,1992,32,1,57-71,Meltzer Serotonin receptor sensitivity and suicide,1992,32,2,209-210,Brown Suicidal behavior and growth hormone response to apomorphine test,1992,31,12,1213-1219,Pitchot Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function and suicidal behavior in depression,1992,32,9,812-816,Roy The use of carbamazepine for episodic violence in multiple personality disorder and dissociative disorder not otherwise specified: two additional cases,1992,32,8,717-720,Coons Alpha 2-adrenoceptors in the brain of suicide victims: increased receptor density associated with major depression,1992,31,5,471-490,García-Sevilla Suicide and violence associated with panic attacks,1992,31,6,607-612,Brown Functional Activation and Neural Networks in Women with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Related to Intimate Partner Violence,2008,64,8,681-690,Stein Preliminary Evidence for White Matter Tract Abnormalities in Young Adults Exposed to Parental Verbal Abuse,2009,65,3,227-234,Teicher The circadian covariation of fatigue and urinary melatonin,1982,17,5,547-554,Akerstedt Time-of-day variations of indicators of attention: performance physiologic parameters and self-assessment of sleepiness,2000,48,11,1069-1080,Schmidt Approaching the molecular pathology of suicide,2008,64,8,643-644,Akbarian The Impact of Alcoholism on Sleep Evoked Delta Frequency Responses,2009,66,2,177-184,Colrain Candidate Endophenotypes for Genetic Studies of Suicidal Behavior,2009,65,7,556-563,Mann Sensation seeking and auditory evoked potentials,1989,25,2,179-190,Muller-Oerlinghausen Blood type and suicide,1993,33,11-12,850-851,Lester Serotonin Modulation 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scientists,2008,63,8,725-727,Weissman Genotype and childhood sexual trauma moderate neurocognitive performance: a possible role for brain-derived neurotrophic factor and apolipoprotein E variants,2007,62,5,391-399,Stein Effect of tryptophan hydroxylase-2 gene variants on suicide risk in major depression,2007,62,1,72-80,Alda Genetic and environmental predictors of early alcohol use,2007,61,11,1228-1234,Kaufman Attempted suicide in bipolar disorder pedigrees: evidence for linkage to 2p12,2007,61,5,725-727,Lopez Alteration in kinase activity but not in protein levels of protein kinase B and glycogen synthase kinase-3beta in ventral prefrontal cortex of depressed suicide victims,2007,61,2,240-245,Malafosse Nested association between genetic variation in tryptophan hydroxylase II bipolar affective disorder and suicide attempts,2007,61,2,181-186,Kassem Decreased adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol responses to stress in healthy adults reporting significant childhood 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