Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Cognitive disorders and falls: experience of the Lille multidisciplinary falls service,2005,161,4,419-426,Thevenon Vigilance disorders and driving,2000,156,11,955-957,Léger On Some Problems Set by War: Neuro-Psychiatry at the Level of the Discharged Soldiers; General Paralysis; Apparition or Worsening of Epileptic Seizures; Fit of Somnulambulism; and Accidents After Antityphoid Vaccination,1917,31,,89-98,Mairet Hypersomnolence and automobile driving,1970,122,6,388-391,Schwartz Sleep disorders: sociodemographics and psychiatric comorbidities in a sample of 14734 adults in France,2009,165,11,933-942,Beck Fractionated sleep. 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