Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Handedness homicide and negative frequency-dependent selection,2005,272,1558,25-28,Faurie Developmental stability and human violence,1998,265,1390,1-6,Furlow Overconfidence in wargames: experimental evidence on expectations aggression gender and testosterone,2006,273,1600,2513-2520,McDermott Individual differences in distance perception,2009,276,1662,1665-1669,Jackson Experimental study of the behavioural mechanisms underlying self-organization in human crowds,2009,276,1668,2755-2762,Helbing The quick and the dead: when reaction beats intention,2010,277,1688,1667-1674,Stanley The evolution of cultural adaptations: Fijian food taboos protect against dangerous marine toxins,2010,277,1701,3715-3724,Henrich Orientation discrimination is impaired in the absence of the striate cortical contribution to human vision,1996,263,1370,633-640,Wright Female lions can identify potentially infanticidal males from their roars,1993,252,1333,59-64,McComb Infanticide risk and the evolution of male-female association in primates,1997,264,1388,1687-1694,van Schaik Do pretty women inspire men to discount the future?,2004,271,Suppl 4,S177-9,Wilson Attention without awareness in blindsight,1999,266,1430,1805-1811,Kentridge Residual colour vision in a human hemianope: spectral responses and colour discrimination,1994,256,1347,219-225,Ruddock Risk-sensitivity and the mean-variance trade-off: decision making in sensorimotor control,2011,278,1716,2325-2332,Wolpert Are Stepchildren Over-Represented as Victims of Lethal Parental Violence in Sweden?,2004,271,Suppl 3,S124-S126,Temrin War as a moral imperative (not just practical politics by other means),2011,278,1720,2930-2938,Atran Frequency-dependent maintenance of left handedness in humans,1996,263,1377,1627-1633,Dufour Arms races and the evolution of big fierce societies,2001,268,1477,1723-1730,Boswell A latent variable model of developmental instability in relation to men's sexual behaviour,2001,268,1477,1677-1684,Gangestad The mathematics of motion camouflage,2004,271,1538,477-481,Glendinning Are stepchildren over-represented as victims of lethal parental violence in Sweden?,2004,271,Suppl 3,S124-6,Temrin The social implications of winner and loser effects,2004,271,Suppl 6,S488-9,Dugatkin Stress hormones and sociality: integrating social and environmental stressors,2007,274,1612,967-975,Rubenstein Specialization in policing behaviour among workers in the ant Pachycondyla inversa,2007,274,1616,1421-1428,van Zweden A protective function for aggressive mimicry?,2007,274,1624,2445-2448,Côté Functional significance of an unusual chela dimorphism in a marine decapod: specialization as a weapon?,2007,274,1628,3033-3038,Claverie War and the evolution of belligerence and bravery,2008,275,1653,2877-2885,Lehmann In your face: facial metrics predict aggressive behaviour in the laboratory and in varsity and professional hockey players,2008,275,1651,2651-2656,Carré Birth order and fluctuating asymmetry: a first look,1999,266,1436,2351-2354,Rice Female choice for male motor skills,2011,278,1724,3523-3528,Fusani Conflict sticks and carrots: War increases prosocial punishments and rewards,2012,279,1727,219-223,Gneezy Impairment of the perception of second order motion but not first order motion in a patient with unilateral focal brain damage,1996,263,1374,1225-1232,Cowey Injury-induced expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by glial and microglial cells in the leech central nervous system within minutes after injury,1998,265,1411,2171-2175,Chen Periodic climate cooling enhanced natural disasters and wars in China during AD 10-1900,2010,277,1701,3745-3753,Stenseth Duration channels mediate human time perception,2012,279,1729,690-698,Whitaker Neurotoxin localization to ectodermal gland cells uncovers an alternative mechanism of venom delivery in sea anemones,2012,279,1732,1351-1358,Moran The relationship between serial monogamy and rape in the United States (1960-1995),2000,267,1449,1259-1263,Starks Step-parents and infanticide: new data contradict evolutionary predictions,2000,267,1446,943-945,Temrin Sinister strategies succeed at the cricket World Cup,2004,271,Suppl 3,S64-6,Brooks Deadly diving? Physiological and behavioural management of decompression stress in diving mammals,2012,279,1731,1041-1050,Moore A bioeconomic analysis of bushmeat hunting,2005,272,1560,259-266,Milner-Gulland Ascent exhalations of Antarctic fur seals: a behavioural adaptation for breath-hold diving?,2005,272,1561,355-363,Hooker Visual extrapolation under risk: human observers estimate and compensate for exogenous uncertainty,2012,279,1736,2171-2179,Champion Neural sensitivity to sex steroids predicts individual differences in aggression: implications for behavioural evolution,2012,279,1742,3547-3555,Schlinger Human selection of elk behavioural traits in a landscape of fear,2012,279,1746,4407-4416,Ciuti Inferring subjective states through the observation of actions,2012,279,1748,4853-4860,Patel The life-history trade-off between fertility and child survival,2012,279,1748,4755-4764,Lawson Harsh childhood environmental characteristics predict exploitation and retaliation in humans,2013,280,1750,20122104,McCullough Oxytocin-like receptors mediate pair bonding in a socially monogamous songbird,2013,280,1750,20122396,Goodson Avoidance of obstacles in the absence of visual awareness,2004,271,1534,15-20,McIntosh The effects of task and saliency on latencies for colour and motion processing,2004,271,1535,139-146,Mamassian Escalation of aggressive vocal signals: a sequential playback study,2013,280,1768,20131553,Hof Frustrative reward omission increases aggressive behaviour of inferior fighters,2014,281,1784,20140300,Höglund Moving in time: Bayesian causal inference explains movement coordination to auditory beats,2014,281,1786,e2014-0751,Welchman Effects of deception in social networks,2014,281,1790,,Iñiguez Fighting experience alters brain androgen receptor expression dependent on testosterone status,2014,281,1796,ePub,Hsu Parental risk management in relation to offspring defence: bad news for kids,2017,282,1798,20141670,Mahr Post-determined emotion: motor action retrospectively modulates emotional valence of visual images,2015,282,1805,ePub,Yamada Testing the myth: tolerant dogs and aggressive wolves,2015,282,1807,e220,Virányi Social evolution in the shadow of asymmetrical relatedness,2015,282,1807,e20150142,Taylor Is diversification in male reproductive traits driven by evolutionary trade-offs between weapons and nuptial gifts?,2015,282,1807,ePub,Liu Perspective-taking abilities in the balance between autism tendencies and psychosis proneness,2015,282,1808,e0563,Abu-Akel Cognitive capacities for cooking in chimpanzees,2015,282,1809,ePub,Rosati Modelling verbal aggression physical aggression and inappropriate sexual behaviour after acquired brain injury,2015,282,1811,e0711,James Heterospecific aggression bias towards a rarer colour morph,2015,282,1815,ePub,Lehtonen The agonistic adrenal: melatonin elicits female aggression via regulation of adrenal androgens,2015,282,1819,e2080,Demas Adaptive shaping of the behavioural and neuroendocrine phenotype during adolescence,2017,284,1849,e2784,Kaiser Fear creates an Allee effect: experimental evidence from seasonal populations,2017,284,1857,e878,Elliott Local interactions underlying collective motion in human crowds,2018,285,1878,e0611,Warren Male monkeys use punishment and coercion to de-escalate costly intergroup fights,2018,285,1880,ePub,van Schaik State-dependent risk-taking,2018,285,1881,e180,Mishra Risky business: linking Toxoplasma gondii infection and entrepreneurship behaviours across individuals and countries,2018,285,1883,e20180822,Johnson Sustained effects of prior red light on pupil diameter and vigilance during subsequent darkness,2018,285,1883,e0989,Coppens Why war is a man's game,2018,285,1884,e975,Ruxton Bands of brothers and in-laws: Waorani warfare marriage and alliance formation,2018,285,1890,e1859,Beckerman Elevated aggression is associated with uncertainty in a network of dog dominance interactions,2019,286,1906,e20190536,Cant In the corner of the eye: camouflaging motion in the peripheral visual field,2020,287,1918,e20192537,Scott-Samuel Accelerated landing in a stingless bee and its unexpected benefits for traffic congestion,2020,287,1921,e20192720,Tichit Preparation and execution of voluntary action both contribute to awareness of intention,2020,287,1923,e20192928,Haggard Physiological synchrony predicts observational threat learning in humans,2020,287,1927,e20192779,Espinosa Cybernetic combatants support the importance of duels in the evolution of extreme weapons,2020,287,1928,e20200254,Emlen Help or flight? 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